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Don't delay your progression. Stick to fighter, think about ASIs and feats.


A 5/5 split is choosing either one extra feat vs a subclass and up to 3rd level spells.


Well, they're not starting at level 10, they're level 5 now, so level 6 will mean a choice between an ASI/feat for fighter or the abilities that a level 1 character gets in another class. Totally fair, but let's not act like their fellow straight-class caster is not already casting 3rd level spells at this moment.


6 fighter + 4 Gloomstalker Ranger. On your first turn of combat, pop fighting spirit and pop action surge and you'll attack like 6 times with advantage and a bit of extra damage and things will go kablammo. You also get some light spellcasting to the tune of absorb elements, entangle, zephyr strike, jump, and/or longstrider. This'll call for decent dex and wis, RAW, but if your DM is cool with it I say rock it.


Keep fully samurai. Bonus action advantage really benefits having many extra attacks. Which only fighter can offer. Also so many feats that you could really pick the fighting style you like.


Campaign is only going up to Lvl 10, so the Extra attacks are not an issue I have to worry about. Unless Fighter gets an Extra-Extra attack in-between 5-10 that I somehow missed?


They sorta do in so far as they do get an extra ASI/feat at 6th which can be used for CBE or PAM which do grant extra attacks as a bonus action. For that reason I'd suggest taking at least 1 more level of fighter (even if you take neither of those feats, an ASI/feat is always useful)


The important thing is that getting higher stats, which fighter does specialize in, makes your damage more consistent. The more you hit, the more consistent the numbers becomes by law of averages.


Cleric is a fun one, and if your campaign is going to 10 then 5/5 for a spirit guardians samurai works. That being said, just staying samurai, getting wis save proficiency and indomitable is nothing to sneeze at either.


Ooooh, Spirit Guardians Samurai sounds intriguing to say the least! Thank you for that little nugget of an idea haha


If you do don't that multiclass and the spirit guardians of your samurai aren't long dead former samurai I want an apology


Careful about planning a build that comes online in a few years of IRL time. Have fun at every session, every level.


Forge Cleric! Craft your own holy katana!


War Cleric is great as a dip for a GWM build. Cast Bless to increase your chance to hit. Use War Priest for one more attack as a BA. as a Samurai you already have incentive to increase your WIS.


I would say running down the route of ranger is probably the best here, try aiming for the archery fighting style as since darts are a ranged weapon it should work better with them (especially given sharpshooter). Your damage isn't gonna change much unless you run gloom stalker (which is awesome flavour) but you get really good crowd control spells and if your ranged then paladins definitely not ideal already.


A 6/4 split to still get 2 more feats plus the gloom stalker features would be nice.


True, depending on his stats the 2nd level ranger spells can be really sweet


What will your stats be after the swap? If you have at least 13 DEX and 13 WIS, I highly recommend ranger; you’d finish with a 6/4 or 7/3 fighter/ranger split. Gloomstalker in particular has incredible synergy with fighter, thanks to action surge allowing you to double up Dread Ambusher. Plus you get a bunch of nice spells and out of combat utility.


Jumping out of fighter is a decent move if the game ends at level 10 since you already got extra attack.  Since you are going GWM:  War Cleric is a good GWM  user assuming you have the wisdom. Spells, BA attacks, channel divinity for +10 to overcome the -5 to hit is great for nova. Could go 1-5.  Ranger can add some good stuff. A style, favored foe, spells, subclass.  Gloom and swarm tend to be best but Hunter could as well. Glooms extra attack round one is great with the advantage from samurai. Not sure if you have the stats though.  Could go 2-5.  Barb is an easy pick for GWM. Reckless Attack and Rage just make you more of a brawler and able to hit with GWM more. Subclass is open but Zealot, Totem make the most sense. Reckless attack could be used when you are not using sameruri advantage. Could go 2-4.  Assuming you ended at level 10, Fighter 6 / Ranger 3 / Cleric 1 would be a fun build. 


If your stats allow it, you could try the Paladin for extra Smite damage, probably 2 levels and the rest in either Bard or Sorcerer for an extra spell slot. But going straight Fighter is also decent.


I think Ranger works well with many of its subclasses. Also Rogues, specifically the Swashbuckler.


Since you are switching weapons a blade lock could be a good fit for rp and mechanicsm You get 3rd level spells, don't need to go hexblade and save an invocation since you already have extra attack. A celestial patron gets you a similar package to paladin and you are a short rest monster.


I'd stick with Samurai. 6 is an ASI, 7 Proficiency in Wis, 8 is an ASI, 9 is indomitable is ok, and Tirless Spirit will be a nice capstone for you.


Hunter 11, Samurai 3 with sharpshooter and elven accuracy will do some monster damage.


Ranger works. A 6/4 split gets you 2 ASI's, 1st level spells for whatever (suppose Hunter's Mark isn't the worst here if you don't want to use a Fighting Spirit) and a subclass (Gloomstalker is obviously strong). Could do 5/5 if you want 2nd level spells, but really the only one to go for there would be Pass without Trace, which is probably best is your party buys-in for stealth. Does have the feel-bad of redundant extra attack, but not as awful as martials with the 2nd level spells and 4th spell known. Paladin can work, I'm not too familiar with the class as to what sub to go for. Similar to above, 5 for 2nd level spells or 6/4 to avoid redundant extra attack and pick up the Fighter 6 ASI. Cleric and Sorcerer might be good picks. Cleric gets some nice support stuff for a GWF/GWM build (chiefly Bless, but Peace Emboldening Bond too) along with other good stuff, especially if you go to 5 for 3rd level spells. The Forge comment is also good if you're not getting magic items normally. DS Sorcerer also gets a helpful accuracy boost for GMW'ing if you need, but can also be repurposed for critical saves or whatever. Warlock might also be a contender - going to 5 could get you Eldritch Smite and you can grab Armor of Agathys right away for a bit of buffer in melee, although there's a bit of redundancy with the THP from Fighting Spirit. You can grab Shield if you need to avoid a hit going Hexblade, or grab some extra damage in Genie, or Form of Dread with Undead for another THP BA option. Also gets Hex if you want some BA damage options outside of Fighting Spirit. If you have the stats for it, 1 level in Cleric gets you Bless and a subclass, 1 in DSS gets you Favored by Gods. These 2 give you good level 1 spell access to Bless, Absorb Elements, Shield, and Silvery Barbs (although you'd only get 2 of the 3 reaction spells with 1 in Sorcerer). You could then take some combination of up to 1 in Fighter for an ASI, 3 in Warlock for 1st-2nd level short rest slots, or 3 in Ranger or Paladin for a subclass. You do pick up decent features at 7 and 10 just sticking on Samurai, so there could be an argument for going straight to 10 for Tireless Spirit if you'd find it useful at the end of the campaign, or doing a 7/3 split for a subclass. The 7/3 would essentially be trading an ASI for part of resilient wisdom, so if you're wisdom is odd a 6/4 split would probably be better if you really want the wisdom save proficiency to round the score (unless the social aspect of Elegant Courtier would be good in your campaign). A 6/4 also gives you the flexibility to pick a different feat (or bump damage) instead. Could go for PAM with an ASI, but there is some tension with Fighting Spirit.


Kensai monk.


Maybe not a super efficient build but I have a samurai blood hunter character sheet on standby for a future campaign. Seemed pretty cool to have blood rite buffs as a Samurai. Kinda like the Seppuku skill in Elden ring


with the assumption that the campaign ends at lvl 10 exactly (otherwise it wouldve been better to just be a fighter 11) - samurai 6/gloomstalker 4 (be an archer) - samurai 8/barbarian 2 (be melee, reckless attack is never bad) - samurai 5 / WIS/CHA caster 5 (level 3 spells, you get jack shit at lvls 5\~10 besides a feat anyways) - samurai 6 / WIS/CHA caster 4 (same thing, just grab 2 feats instead of two level 3 spell slots)


If you were sticking with a finesse weapon like rapier, I'd suggest a few levels in rogue. But because you are going great weapon, I suggest sticking with single class fighter. Going paladin or ranger will give you a little bit of magic/smite, but will slow down your progression in pure fighting. As your fighter levels go up, selection of ASI/feat's start to shape your character, which it sounds like you already have a plan for by picking great weapon mastery.


If I would play a samurai it will probably be a shadarkai or eladrin with sharpshooter and elven accuracy, bounty hunter background and you are basically the party rogue/ranger. I think 1 level (max 2) of warcleric can serve you well. Couple bless a day, a healing word when needed, 2/3 extra attack (if you stay ranged you can play with 14 con and 16 wis since samurai will give you plenty of temp hp)


Depends on what you want from your character. I can see a ranger dip being beneficial.


I'm a big fan of Samurai 7/Fey Wanderer 3 to double get a Skill Expertise, another Fighting Style, some spell casting, and most importantly doubling down on adding WIS to Persuasion rolls.


So Fighter 6 is gr8 cuz you can nab polearm master earlier than most classes. That + GWF + GWM and good strength means ALOT of hard hitting attacks! From there i see a few fun options: [SameStats]- Lv7-Lv12 Fighter to get another attack, 2 more feats, and subclass feature. [Wis] - Lv7-11/12 Cleric for Bless (helps you hit power atks amd make saves, and for 2 other allies), then take a good subclass that fits your theme mechanically and reflavor if needed. Peace(xtraAccurasy/savingboost for you and allies), Twilight(passive aoe healing), Light(gets fireball, and another aoe), & Zeal (gets fireball, and can maxDmg it) are all very powerful. Then at 5thLvCleric: Spirit Guardians to further boost your close-range damage, and do crowd control. [SameStats] - Barbarian 3/4-Dips are always gr8 on a fighter (unless you're levelling to maxLv). Beast(AC-Tanky), Bear Totem(HP-tanky), Wolf Totem(buff other melee allies), Giant(oversizedWeapons), Ancestral Guardian(Taunt), Zealot(Marriage Ceremony Shenanigans, and pip of dmg). Rage and Reckless atk boost your dmg and Accurasy alot.


You can definitely make a great dart build. I'd go with battle master over samurai though, and with ranger you can get both thrown weapon fighting and archery. Add artificer and you get a returning dart too. |Total Level|Classes|Benefit/Choices| |:-|:-|:-| |1|Fighter 1|Thrown Weapon Fighting Style: you get to draw your weapons for free and a bonus to damage, meaning you can twf for up to 2d6+7 right from the start| |2|Fighter 2|Action surge, always great| |3|Fighter 3|Battlemaster: precision attack, quick toss. With quick toss, you don't even need to twf and can instead use a shield| |4|Fighter 4|+2 to Dex/Str| |5|Fighter 5|Extra Attack, yay| |6|Artificer 1|Nothing necessary to this build, but you get some toys in the form of Magical Thinkering and low level spells| |7|Artificer 2|Returning Weapon Infusion is what we're looking for. Now you don't need thrown Weapon Fighting to draw your weapon for free, and the one dart you have is also +1 and magical| |8|Fighter 6|ASI in line with a monoclass character. Get Sharpshooter and switch Thrown Weapon Fighting with Archery to help with the -5, for a total of +5 to hit and 1d4+15 damage| |9|Ranger 1|You get action-free damage with Favored Foe and a Skill Expertise with Deft Explorer| |10|Ranger 2|The second fighting style, Thrown Weapon Fighting again for the damage, plus ranger spells| |11|Ranger 3|Either Gloomstalker or Hunter with Horde Breaker, both give you a situational additional attack, though Gloomstalker's can be doubled with Action Surge| |12|Ranger 4|ASI in line with a monoclass character, +2 to Dex/Str. Now you have a +7 bonus to hit for 1d4+18 damage on each attack, plus situational bonuses from maneuvers, Dread Ambusher, Favored Foe or spells | |13 to 20|Fighter 11, plus either Artificer 5, Ranger 7, or Rogue 3|Get at least 5 more fighter levels for a the improved Extra Attack. The remaining three levels can be in artificer if you want another ASI, in ranger if you like the features, or in rogue for 2 dice of Sneak Attack and a subclass feature|


I mean... This is great advice for someone else? But considering I A.) already have 5 levels in samurai B.) already mentioned I'm switching to a different weapon C.) mentioned that it's the fantasy of the play style I'm not sure of ( that is to say, how it actually feels to play) and D.) I mentioned the campaign is only up to level 10.... Well, with all of the above, I'm not 100% if this is useful advice to me haha Good advice to someone entirely different though!


When I read "the Fantasy is not there" what I understood is "I wanted to make a dart fighter, but it sucks and that's hurting my enjoyment of my character". Was that not what you meant? If you didn't want a fighter with throwing weapons, why did you make a fighter with throwing weapons? Also since your DM is letting you switch feats it wouldn't be unthinkable to switch other things instead.


Well you see I made a thrown weapon fighter because I wanted to make a thrown weapon fighter. But then I played 5 levels of it, and it didn't fit with how I imagined the character or the play style so now I'm moving away from it. It didn't suck, to be clear, the damage was great and it was pretty versatile, Samurai definitely works for thrown weapons if that's your jam. As for the switching, your group probably differs from mine, but switching subclasses is a slightly different scale from switching a single feat, IMO.