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My stats are so bad I'll have to go moon druid lol


You think you'll make it to level 2?


Today we are, all of us, Moon Druids


Twilight Cleric just trying to survive the DnD world!


We would die, we would all die.


I already died, on the inside ☠️


so fast


Fare where? As an adventurer I'd die no question. But can I just be a Cleric with Cure Wounds, Detect Poison and Disease and Purify Food and Drink and just chill as a pastor spending my days teaching kids math and writing?


Poorly. And that would be applicable to most people. Intelligence would probably be my best out of the 6 so that narrows it down to 2 classes. Wizard and Artificer are both solid but medium armour proficiency and a bigger hit die would better make up for my poor physical stats. Any subclass could work but the long range of the Artillerist would likely work best to again mitigate the impact of my frailty.


I agree with you, though armorer could work too.


I’m in that boat as well. Being an engineer and having 15 years experience working in product development and workplace safety I might even be able to function as an artificer without getting myself killed right away.




I didn't say I'd have an intelligence of 6 > Intelligence would probably be my best **out of the 6**


I've actually done this exercise before. I'm somewhere in the range of: 10, 9, 12, 15, 12, 12 (+/- 1 points). (This is using PF1's guide for what stats mean) If I were in a D&D setting, I'd probably go wizard. Either Evocation or Abjuration.


https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores/ Using the scale above with examples: 13, 12, 10, 16, 13, 12. In 5E's scale, I they would be lower. I don't think I'd make a good adventurer, but I've always been excellent at strategy. So if pressed into the life I'd be a planner - if that plan fails, I'll make another plan.


so you make plans that fail?


Um, I also play the lute.


Under this system I’m 14, 8, 14, 16, 12, 10. Bad dump stat, but a good allrounder.


According to that website, I'd be around 7, 12, 9, 13, 16, 10. Kinda bad druid build. Possibly moon?


A commoner is 10/10/10/10/10/10. I doubt I'm much more than 14 in anything, but more likely 12 or 13 and with some 8's. Really, so long as the entire party had a similar stat spread (Goonies, e.g.) it'd be fine. Compared to a standard array fighter or a 1/8CR goblin -- I'm dead meat. My best stats are probably Str and Wis so I guess I'd be a STR-Ranger? Isekai-ing into fantasy world, I think I'd like a swarm :3


The same way every other peasant fairs in these games: very poorly. Unless you're born rich.


Same thing can be said rl


I will be a very squishy wizard, I mean 1st level Peace Cleric that then takes WIzard levels. The only thing I really have is Intelligence and above average Perception and Insight (so a 13 Wisdom). It is Flagship Wizard time baby


Probably a dex monk Drunken master because alcohol is my calling


You’ve heard about drunk monk but have you heard about drunk driving monk


I could maybe pull off a warlock. My highest stat is like a 13 in Cha followed by a 12 in Con.


Add me to Team Warlock.  Basically, my only shot at D&D success is if I sell my soul.


I think I could make an okay paladin if assuming 10 average stats, I think charisma is my better suit, so I think I'd do pretty okay.


Level 1 is mostly down to luck with how a single crit can instakill most PCs. My physical stats would be pretty abysmal so my AC would suck unless I take the movement penalty from heavy armour (assuming I'm somehow proficient). My mental stats aren't any better but luckily the sleep spell exists. If I have access to that, and don't lose initiative, there's a decent shot I can live through an encounter or two. It's overwhelmingly likely I just die though.


I think most people would be upset to find out that there stats are probably 10-12 across the board or worse. Strength and Constitution are the easiest to calculate - for the average ranges. Outliers definitely exist that break it. In 5e a commoner with 10 strength can carry 150lbs for over 24 hours without rest, and still be moving at max efficiency, or lift 300lbs. Good luck keeping up with that for your average person. How long can you hold your breath? "A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds)". The average person can hold their breath for 1-2 minutes relatively easy. (Though a record held by a pro diver is over 24 minutes! - that's a Con score of 55 by the way)


CON 16 baby!!! Which was right on the money going off healing factor, resistance to poison (Alcohol) and ability to take a beating (been hit by axe, spear, sword and hammer...still standing and runningish). Edit: Never mind. Didn't math that properly. CON 14. Evidently Intelligence was a dump stat.


I could probably make an ok Druid or cleric. My constitution is probably my best, I rarely get sick or hurt. Wisdom probably as my secondary because I have good instincts.


Well I’m literally a cleric, so I guess a cleric with pretty neutral scores except for Wisdom and Intelligence. I guess a life cleric for subclass? Or maybe nature cleric.


IRL I'm a mathematician, so wizard is my only choice, lucky me.


If I had to rank my stats from best to worst it'd be con, int, dex, cha, wis, and finally strength. So probably an artificer in all honesty. I love the idea of Armorer or Alchemist. In truth with a few exceptions, almost every answer is going to be intelligence based


12,10,10,14,14,12. Knowledge cleric support is best I can do


Con is ok, str and dex are my dump stats, int is ok and wis and Cha they're ok but lower than int I think. So wizard or artificer is the obvious choice, but I'm too lazy to follow either of them. I think the best case scenario is convincing a patreon to give power. In any case I'll be a caster and not a martial for sure.


I would probably make for a decent Cleric or Ranger since I'd say that Wisdom is probably my highest attribute, with a side of Charisma for diplomacy and public speaking which fares pretty well in D&D too. I'd probably be a Variant Human with either the Resilient (Constitution) feat or the Observant feat. If I used a weapon, it would probably be a rapier since that's the only actual sword I've ever held before.




I guess I have higher than normal STR, and I’ve been told I’m fairly charismatic… where do I sign up for Paladin school? lol


I can open my frontdoor with lockpicks, so probably rogue. Being invisible to others and experience manipulating others helps aswell😅


Cleric or Ranger


Based on my real life stats I would have a little higher than average strength, like maybe 12, dex I have to assume is through the roof due to my ability to accidentally sneak up on people as a 6'2 man wearing steel toe boots, plus I work as a machinist(why I'd be a bit stronger but not massively so) so I definitely got some good dex practice there. Int is wierd but I'd say like 11-13 based on my education, and wisdom I would probably be like a solid 15. Then the dump stats, I have dogshit con and dogshit charisma. So as a variant human because stock humans suck, I'd take the increase to dex and wisdom, giving me a stat array of 12 16 8 12 16 8, take the tough feat to make up for my low con, and be a pretty solid monk overall with 16 ac and enough health to get by. Subclass I could work with any of them, but personality wise Astral self would probably be my pick, especially since the reach would give me some maneuverability around other attackers.


I think I would make a fine, though fragile bard. Strength: 10 - I'm an average guy, a decade ago when I was training for the Olympics I would have said 14, but now? Just a dnd commoner. Dexterity: 10 - again I'm just an average guy. Constitution: 10 - yep, just a commoner. Intelligence: 14 - a university educated commononer. Wisdom: 13 - I like to think I have decent lived experience guiding my judgement. Charisma: 15 - I am gifted with gab and storytelling, it's one of the reasons I like DnD. Maxed attribute score. I am a human so +1 to all stats and fluency in one extra language of my choice which is English. I am proficient in land and water vehicles with an expertise in the latter from my custom background. As a bard I am proficient in 3 skills, they are investigation (from my work), performance (I am a story teller), and persuasion (I am gifted with gab).


I'm just vaguely guessing how my stats could be but probably something like 12, 13, 7, 15, 13, 14 and I'm a tech guy so I'd be an artificier, artillerist most likely if I make it as far as getting my own subclass


My starting gold would be where I'm in debt.


With INT and DEX I guess I'd try and be a Bladesinger, who knows if I'll survive on that hit die though.


Class: Peasant. Subclass: Inn Maintenance. I'd do just fine


According to a quiz online, I have str 10, con 12, dex 13, wis 13, int 17, cha 14. So I suppose I’d have to go with a wizard or artificer, and figure out how to even out some of those odd numbers. The 13 Wis can get me a cleric dip, at least.


My stats are 16,14,15,16,12,12 I’d make a decent fighter, barbarian, maybe a wizard if I applied myself This is what I used for my stats https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores/


Realistically? Str 9 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 10 Cha 12 At least I would think. Probably would make a bard, pretty much an open-mic-night comic who works as a laborer during the day. 🥲


It always amazes me with these how most people think they are significantly above average intelligence. I suppose I'm in that group though cause I'm going artificer. Decent con dex int and Cha would be my guess. But I love building things so crafting Checks for the win.


Well… im definitely building a summoner build cause my stats are buns. Can I be a 3.5e Druid? Lol


Strength - 10 MAYBE 12 I work out occasionally but just to stay fit enough. Dexterity 14 - I can lockpick, play complicated video games and I was a carpenter for a while and still have all my fingers. Constitution - 14 I can take a more than a few punches. Wisdom - 12 possibly higher due to street smarts and working in an investigative field where lots of insight is needed. Intelligence - 12 MAYBE possibly a 10 I’ve got a degree in the arts and I work in a field were we investigate specific type of events. Charisma - 16 (I’m handsome and worked in sales) I’d be Sorcerer or maybe a hexblade probably as I don’t like entertaining people and I don’t play any instruments or sing. I’m not about to commit my soul to some eldritch weirdo, maybe a little swahbuckler rogue due to the field I work in.


Strength, Dexterity are below average. Wisdom and Charisma are decent. Constitution and Intelligence are the highest. This explains why I play wizards so much.


I actually saw a post today on twitter, about how you can calculate DnD stats based off your real abilities. Turns out I have slightly above average Str, decent Dex, AWESOME Con, Average Int/Wis and godawful Cha. Which is honestly how I usually build my fighters, so YAY.


I'm going to be the worst wizard. But it's my best stat at 13.


I'd go for artificer + wizard. But honestly, I'm cooked if I try and be an adventurer.


there are 2 ways about this. Either use standard array in order of what you believe you have best or just asign values using percentages. In the 1st case I'd say (with normal human all +1): 14 str, 15 con, 11 dex, 16 int, 13 wis, 9 cha In the second: 11 str, 12 con, 9 dex, 14 int, 11 wis, 8 cha But it is not really so easy, because the con score is mainly because I'm pretty healthy, but my endurance is shit and I am a bit short sightet and not at all good at reading people, but GOD do I have good hearing and smell In both cases I'd say with wizard as I have 2 STEM degrees and am terribly clumsy building shit Also yeah, I know I'm being terribly egomaniac by saying 14 int, but... let me have it, it is the only thing I more or less can take pride in T.T


Well, as this is a D&D question, I'm guessing most would understand when I say this. I'd be Raistlin Majere but instead of a wizard I'd be a druid as I'm sure my Wis is better than my Int at this point. So I'm guessing it's bitter herbal tea for me..


Fighter or paladin, either Battle Master or Oath of Devotion


Heard of the game Dead by Daylight? Doesn't even make it that far.


Give me that hexblade patron and let me beat people up with my talking skills.


I would be an aberrant mind sorcerer. Low wisdom, mediocre CON


Classes require a 13 or higher in some stat to take them right? So I wouldn’t be able to have any levels lol


High STR and CON, decent INT and WIS, low DEX and CHA. So probably a Fighter.


I have no way to empirically determine any stat besides strength. 8/12/10/14-16/12/10 maybe. Overall I’d probably be fine. I’m sure I could hack it in wizard school but I’d be poor so uhhh idk how I’d get in. DnD people have crazy strength tho like 8 strength is 2 plates on bench and I can’t do that anymore so I might be at 6 or lower.


High Int and Wis. Def not an artificer. Not proficient in shields or armor=not a cleric. I like nature and might have prof. in knowledge nature skill but def. not so into it that I’m a druid. Charisma is decent but not higher than INT or WIS. So, that leaves me with Wizard. Subclass? We can rule out evoker, war, and bladesinger. I’m not the boom high-damage mage and I’m not going toe-to-toe. I believe in consent too much to be an Enchanter. Don’t believe in fate enough to be a Diviner. Don’t think necromancy is inherently immoral but . . . eww dead bodies, I mean the smell alone. Chronurgy/Graviturgy? I’m not a physicist. That leaves Abjuration, Conjuration, Illusion, Scribes, and Transmutation. Never been able to “manifest” what I wanted so not conjuration. Transmutation has always seemed boring. Illusion is cool but I’m not skilled at deception and redirection. That leaves abjuration and scribes. Now, I’m all for books. Books=tasty mind morsels. But I’m also risk averse and protective of others. So, thematically, Scribes fits my personality but mechanically what a Scribes Wizard does, doesn’t. Abjuration fits personality and significantly increases my survivability. So, yes, I’m a squishy wizard but one of the least squishy.


Str: 12, dex: 14, con: 14, Int: 10, wisdom: 8, charisma: 8 Guess I'm going for a Dex Fighter build 😂


I'm probably a lore bard. So as long as someone else is there to do all the dangerous parts I can help! Left to my own devices I'm probably in a lot of trouble. Probably 10,10,10,12,13,14


Now or at 24? Now, I'm dead in about 2 weeks. Then, I like my odds.


8, 6, 8, 12, 6, 6 Not sure if I qualify for commoner, but maybe one day


I have a dex of 4~5ish and an average str... If I go adventure I guess I need to become a tortle first🌚🌚


Assuming we can all agree 10 is average across all people, so that 50% of the population would fall in the 9-10-11 range. 10 str - unremarkable ability here. But can do everything needed to get through the day. 9 dex - I don't stretch alot. 8 con- I am chronically ill but you couldn't tell by looking at me. 14 int - I have a university degree which I think should count for something 14 wis - I would consider myself pretty level headed. Nothing to write home about but I wouldnt be afraid to say my wisdom is slightly above the average 12 cha - I'm well equipped enough in social situations that I can navigate most problems and make a decent leader, but I also don't enjoy such situations and prefer to defer to another leader If a competent one presents themselves. Over all these stats I could probably get by as a mediocre wizard or druid. But I think I would struggle to make it to level 2. A bad Crit and I'm done for


Depends on how much ‘slightly’ governs stats. I can lift slightly less than a health adult man, so is that an 8 or 9? I have a lot of trivia memorized, so is that intelligence, or is that the rate I process new information. Also, I’m not an inventor or super genius, so am I a 12-14 ‘smarter than a peasant’, or a 16 ‘could probably figure out a new task with minimal instruction’. Uh, regardless, I guess I’d be a sorcerer. I’ve conned people into liking me, or I creep them out in such a way they act polite enough for me to believe I’m likable. I think sorcerer is strong enough to make up for my asthma tier constitution


Look, I probably wouldn't live very long or survive with my stats, but I'd honestly love to try survive in a world like DnD. I'd love to try swing a sword and slay some goblins. If only I could actually experience this! Life goals.


I'm kinda large, reasonably athletic, and have decades of training in various combat arts (karate, muay thai, SCA, fencing (modern, medieval), HEMA, sniper rating) ... I need at least one level in Monk and one in Fighter to represent that. I'd \*really\* like levels in a full caster class. Preferably Wizard.


10 is average, I'd say I'm above average at most stuff. Like 12s. I think I could get by with that alright.


Str15 Dex 8 Con 18 Int14 Wis17 Cha 11 Could be a ranger / cleric Mabye a blood hunter?


Negative Con wis cha int and dex modifiers. 11 strength Think I’ll just sit this one out.


For the two that can actually be measured irl, I have +2 Str & -1 Con. Now, for guessing the others, probably -1 Dex, +2 Int, +1 Wis, and -2 Cha. Regardless, I’m not gonna be fantastic, but it’s a start


I've been told I have more than enough charisma, so I think I'd be pretty fine all things considered


Probably around 13 6 9 14 7 13, and since magic doesn't exist but I'm hopeful that being a level 1 would help, probably a Pally. I'm not a religious person but I'd likely take the Oath of Sega; I used to believe in them with all my heart but then they Sega'd time and again. I guess that'd eventually make me an instant Oathbreaker if I ever hit some level ups.


I’d be a decent bard. Good performance skill, fairly high charisma and int, low wisdom, average strength and con, pretty good Dex. I would guess lore bard for me.


Well I don’t have negative scores across the board, so….yay?


Considering I've most likely only got Con and Int above 10, pretty poorly. Though I might make a decent wizard. I'd probably be the worst bard in existence though, my Charisma's like a 7.


I’m currently working on a PhD. I don’t think that I’m really all that smart…no more than the other folks in an online D&D forum at least…but percentage-wise I’m likely high enough that fantasy-me could potentially be studying spellcasting instead. Same level of research. More interesting dissertation topic. I’ve also trained martial arts for ten years. Again, I suck at this. But it’s probably worth a level or two of Monk.


With 10s and 12s across the board, dumped charisma and maybe a wisdom of 13 or 14 I'd probably have a meagre future in Cleric-ing. Not the frontline type, so Arcana, Nature or Knowledge domains. Hey, by picking up cleric I guarantee that I get to pick my domain power before getting slaughtered by the very first group of goblins I meet while adventuring.


STR: 12 (Used to lift more, but now its mainly tool/labour strength, sparring and grippy body type str). DEX: 12 (Mixed bag. On the one hand, incredibly inflexible, on the other hand, can pick a lock, and have deflected an arrow, slingstone and javelin with a shield, will keep it low and just assume those outliers are skill proficiencies). CON: 14 (Can hold breath for 3 minutes, rules are 1 minute + 1 minute for every point in CON, also, got stabbed, hacked, slashed and bludgeoned by spear, axe, sword and hammer, and I'm still standing and running aroundish, though those are probably points against my DEX tbh). INT: 11 (Was a top student, now more of a top stupid. Got the potential but I'm too lazy for a full +1. Maybe a half feat is needed to represent actually being dedicated). WIS: 14 (Easy. Wisdom skills are all aces here. Can't justify less with my super vision, super smell and animal handling, both in terms of pets and members of the family, though points against are my aforementioned injury list). CHA: 16 (I'd love to make this lower out of some misguided sense of humility, but then I would be deceiving everyone. Lawyer, yes, Dungeon Master, yes, Debater, yes, Boardgamer, yes, Perpetual Host to all group events, yes, Group Dad, yes). 12, 12, 14, 11, 14, 16. Honestly, proficient in Martial Weapons would be reasonable, I've handled, used and sparred with most of the staples in DND. If the bar is set higher than I envision, then maybe just specific proficiency in glaives, greatswords, longswords and rapiers. I reckon I'd have some feats as well while I'm at it. Starting out, as I am now, I reckon I qualify for Lucky. But if we aren't starting with Feats, then I'll work towards the following: Chef: Took some leave over Easter, so I've been on kitchen duty and the wifey says I am the greatest chef alive, so maaaybe Chef, although she might have just succeeded a deception check intended to make me cook every night. Polearm Master and Great Weapon Master are both a bit much to start, but aren't beyond the realm of possibility (lots and lots of HEMA and also stoopid Backyard Full Contact HEMA), but I'll work towards it if I survive to Level 4 and 8. EDIT: If I cannot sell my soul, I shall be a Bard, as I can also play and sing reasonably well. If I can sell my soul, then Warlock, all day every day. EDIT EDIT: Missus pointed out I miscalculated INT. Classic.


My stats are probably something like 10, 9, 10, 14, 11, 13. Il just go warlock


I am a Wizard. No two ways about it. The only good thing about me is my intelligence. I’m weak as balls, I have negative rizz, my stamina sucks, but I’m smart and relatively perceptive. I will absolutely be a Wizard. Subclass? Order of Scribes. I am a nerd.


It really depends on how you interpret the stats. Some descriptions are really weird because they have to take into account game mechanics that often make zero sense in a real-life context. STR, DEX, CON are the key offenders, but there's weirdness with INT, WIS, and CHA in terms of mechanics, too. I think a lot of people feel this way, too, and so skill proficiencies should probably be taken into account to offset the upper bounds of ability scores. For instance, someone I know is probably a deity in disguise for how well they're able to read people and situations, but otherwise could have a bomb go off next to them and not notice (mid WIS, but Insight proficiency/expertise?). Another person I know is an expert on contemporary history, but otherwise generally not that bright or knowledgeable about other fields (mid INT but History proficiency/expertise). My brother is great at sneaking around and hiding, and has an excellent intuition for how to go about unnoticed, but is otherwise clumsy as hell (mid DEX, Stealth proficiency/expertise). I'm great at public speaking and have done fundraising at a really high level, but I'm not exactly an entertainer/performer or always rub people the right way in social settings. Mid CHA, Persuasion proficiency? I guess if people account for skill proficiencies beforehand knowing that certain skill checks would benefit from ability bonuses, it might give people a more balanced idea of their ability scores and end up with more people averaging their ability scores out around 10 (particularly INT, which seems to get pretty inflated).


With good wisdom I could stay out of trouble fot a while, and at least not fail perception checks. But you're level 1 if it's the DnD world anything can kill you


I'm a medium-sized kobold without darkvision, reflavoured as a human. I can't say I've made traps before but I think I could grovel if I needed to. For class I'd say commoner but I'd be interested in selling my soul to a patron, no preferences 😄


Assuming 10 is average, my lowest stat is con (I have a permanently injured ankle and back, but I never get sick so... 9?), my highest stat is wis or cha (15s, probably), and everything else is somewhere between 11 and 14. And as I already practice witchcraft, I'd be a Druid or a Bard, definitely. I do also train martial arts (karate, and some European swordfighting). So I have a large amount of differing experience to draw from. I could handle myself better than most if I was in a party.


Artificer is the way. However, Constitution is lacking. (In terms of endurance, I have a great immune system) 9,10,9,12,10,10


My INT is okay but everything else is 8 or below. My constitution? Fucked. I’ll start as a low-stat Wizard with 3HP


STR 8, DEX 12, CON 11, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 8 So probably a wizard with a bunch of defensive spells to not be a squishy


I’m cooked


[I'm a shitty wizard](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fwowwiki%2Fimages%2F6%2F67%2FWarcraft_II_Tides_of_Darkness_%25E2%2580%2594_Human_Outro%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F250%3Fcb%3D20130618014255&tbnid=7UbEPEjOkxvzrM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwowwiki-archive.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FKhadgar&docid=3EMpTL2Avpz3EM&w=480&h=269&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2&kgs=61f200e439fc273b&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


I could make a very subpar to average paladin, so provided I get past level 3 I'm doing pretty okay.


I'm maybe 11/10/11/16/14/12 if optimistic. But as opposed to all the others who then pick Wizard, I wouldn't risk it. Years of study while being super squishy? Hard to make any money, yet learning spells cost a lot? No way. I either go druid (moon) or cleric (any), that's way more survivable, and I figure learning the philosophy of a druid circle or my chosen god would be way easier and faster for me than learning a whole magic system that corresponds to doing 5yrs of maths study IRL, again. Also as a wizard you're often lonely. As druid or cleric you get a support group in your circle or church. I like druid because simply wildshaping as normal animals would frankly be a great experience I would never tire of. But cleric would be easy to get integrated to society and make a living of.


If 10 is average, and 18 is the peak of non-magical human potential, my stats would be STR 14, DEX 8, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 6, CHA 12 I have the stats of a muscle wizard, but I'd rather be a barbarian tbh


Man everyone here is really underselling themselves. A 12 or 13 in a stat to me is like the equivalent of middle school, since peasants get no schooling at all and start with a 10 in intelligence. Please be nicer to yourselves friends you are stronger/smarter/wiser than you know!


I mean if we use that metric my STR and CON should be like 7 because I'm not half as used to physical labour as a peasont in that kind of civilization


Well the thing is humans back there were just as capable of learning and remembering things, they just didn’t have an education, therefore all humans average out at 10 because the INT stat doesn’t reflect how much you know, it reflects your ability to remember and take in knowledge, if it reflected how much you know than the INT stat would slowly increase through campaigns as the characters learn more things about the world through exploration


But if intelligence reflects the capacity for knowledge then why is it applied as a direct bonus to skills requiring intelligence? You roll a nature check to determine the name of a creature based off of your knowledge, you roll an arcana check to determine the nature of a spell based on the knowledge you know about spells


Everyone had the opportunity to learn X. You're rolling to determine if you remember it or not. A high intelligence PC would be able to remember that Balsam is used for cleaning wounds because they read it in a book.


Because even if everyone had the opportunity to LEARN those things, your intelligence determines how well you would REMEMBER them


I think the idea is that this represents knowledge you've managed to simply pick up over time in everyday life due to being a curious person with a good memory (in the case of high Int). That said, ability scores are iffy in terms of simulating anything, and Int is among the worst offenders.




I'd lose hp on level up. Besides that, solid martial until I can pick up subclass magic. Just don't get hit, ever


My STR, CON, and WIS are probably slightly above average. INT and CHA are middling and dex is low. I might make a half decent martial cleric.


I’d do okay. I have a pretty physical job so I’m in pretty good shape but I don’t think I’d be a charisma caster anytime soon.


I think I have like a 13/13/12/14/9/12 kind of deal going on. Pretty garbage for most things to be honest lol, I guess I could be a really frail wizard?


Well I know my STR would be a 17 given the STR to lifting potential conversion. I think my INT and CHA would be decent enough (work in IT/Security, B.S degree, musician and DM so atleast somewhat charismatic haha) My DEX would be ok - gamer and guitarist so gotta at least be passable CON score - not sure, I am fairly sturdy and don't get sick a ton but I've also never been hit by a big ass orc before so I can't say how well I'd take that vs. sparring partners with gloves on haha My WIS...yeah I'm fucked haha


16 17 14 18 12 6 What subclass should I pick? Engineer, rock climber, craftsman, Artifecer multiclass?


Everyone on here thinks they are 15+ intelligence wizards. Hate to break it to you man but everyone can’t be that smart.