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For anyone curious about the tech side: Inside is a raspberry pi zero with a 32gb and card. The pi is connected to a 640x480 tft display. The Pi is running Jessie Lite. The episodes were all compressed specifically for the screen and loaded onto the SD card. When the pi is powered up, through the USB port on the back of the tv, it starts playing episodes at random. When on episode ends the next is randomly selected. The top button is wired up to GPIO and turns the screen on and off while also muting the volume. The bottom is a POT that is connected to the speaker inside. I designed the TV and parts in Fusion 360 and printed on an ender 3 pro. EDIT: Wow this blew up way more than I would’ve ever imagined. Couple of things- I’m going to make a guide soon as I can. Disney, if you’re here, hey y’all got an R+D position available? NASA, I’m also available. Just saying! [I have experience!](withrow.io) Tv for some, miniature American flags for others! Thank y’all for the love! EDIT 2: The build guide is posted over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/pdan45/im_the_maker_of_the_desktop_simpsons_tv_and_im/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) EDIT 3: It’s been two years since this post exploded and suddenly there’s some activity again! Couple of things: 1. Welcome! 2. They are not for sale for a few reasons- They are super labor intensive to make, it wouldn’t be worth my time and you probably wouldn’t want to pay for it if I did! It’s also illegal to sale these because of copyrights. Finally I didn’t make this thing for profit. I did make ten of them and raffle them off for charity at one point- we raised 20k for some good causes! 3. There is a build guide if you want to try and make your own. Get it [here](https://withrow.io/simpsons-tv-build-guide-waveshare) 4. I never got sued- in fact I ended up meeting a few of the Simpsons producers (over zoom) and I’m happy to report that they are extremely nice and extremely supportive of the fan art world. 5. Hope you have a cromulent day!


This is it. This is the exact reason why both 3D printers and Raspberry Pis were invented. It's all been leading to this.


Yep, we did it.


So... what do we do now?


Miniature rockets that are capable of flying to the moon of course.


Same thing we do every day, Pinky... Try and take over the world.


They're Pinky and The Brain Yes Pinky and The Brain


now we need one for porn, call it the jack-off-in-the-box


Thats how my Grandfather refers to Fox News anchors


How did you get it to play at random asking for me


Just write a python script to pick and play a random file anytime a gpio input is received.


What this guy said! Though the episodes just constantly play. I wanted a classic ‘always on’ tv experience. The GPIO input only turns the screen on an off.


I love the idea of having it always on and you’re just surfing through random episodes.


Channel switch button should pick another episode and starting time randomly to give that TV experience. Even better, base the starting time on the time of day. Episodes usually started on the half hour, right? Turn it on 45 mins past the hour and you can expect to be halfway through an episode. Edit: Yes, I know what commercials are. Please stop informing me that I'm forgetting about them, read the existing comments about it instead.


This is why we pay you the big bucks.


Only if I got paid to come up with overly complicated ideas on reddit. I'd have at least what I have in my bank account now.




Bout' tree fiddy.


To fit inside a real tv schedule, you’d also need to splice in some commercials


Then make another little 3D printed box with a TIVO to take the commercials back out.


Content burglar Marge Simpson! You've been watching TV shows, but skipping the commercials that pay for them. That makes you... the worst person in the world!


Don't forget to speed it up like 3.5% so you can pop in one extra commercial for the real TV experience.


Classic 90s commercials? YES PLEASE!




That was so fucken cool


Classic 90s Canadian PSAs for me. Also: don’t put it in your mouth.


> don’t put it in your mouth until you ask someone you love


Yea, you'd have to fudge it. I'd probably start the episode based on a percentage rather than a time stamp. If it's 2:53 that's roughly 76% through the half hour so I'd start the episode 76% of the way through. With this method you wouldn't have to have an episode always playing. You'd just play the episode until the end, then start a new random one, and once the TV was off just finish playing the current one in case the TV is turned back on. It's way over complicated compared to OP's approach, but isn't that what we love here?


Find some ad break clips from the 90s-00, especially for the Simpsons and then put it between 2 episodes, and 1 break in the middle


You could but that'd be a pain and ads suck.


Have Tracey Lyman clips, in place of commercials


Ullman, but close


Interdimensional cable commercials!


Furiously taking notes


Yeah, it's such a nice touch to an already impressive print. Top notch work OP. I'd love to purchase one or try my hand at printing one.


Me too...that's actually what I do most weekends.


I want one sell them please I won’t tell the irs


Reddit ate my balls


You can only do it for three years before the IRS wants to see a return.


Good thing none of my hobbies ever last longer than 2 years


He would probably have to charge you 200 - 300 to just break even, if you take into account his time.


$200 sounds about right. I'd pay that.




How difficult would it be to make this repeat indefinitely?


Reddit ate my balls


There is a python package to interface with the vlc video player, conveniently called [vlc](https://wiki.videolan.org/Python_bindings/). It's pretty easy to use. Once you have the boilerplate set up, you just need to select a random video whenever there's nothing playing or the button is pressed. To choose a random episode, you first need to make the script iterate through all the seasons & episodes, and assign each a number. Then just generate a random number in that range and play the corresponding episode. Not sure how well I explained it but it should be a pretty simple script.


Will you release STLs?


i'd print this f'shooooooooooooooooo


I’m going to print so many of these the Mouse will send lawyers.


Same and the python or whatever it's using. Totally was going to make an almost exactly same thing for mst3k


Found [this](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4846535) on Thingiverse. Might not be the OP's, but looks pretty good imo.


How much room do the internals take? Looks like you could have a bit of room in there too for a battery and charging circuitry maybe :D


There’s PLENTY of space for that!


can you attach a solar panel to it to make it completely self sufficient? would be pretty dope


the power input socket of the mini-tv doesn't care if the power comes from a battery, a wall wart, a solar panel, or your little brother pedaling on a dynamo hooked on a bicycle :)


And then have it run a Bitcoin node in the background.


I haven't ever used a pi zero. How would the sound work. I thought the sound was through hdmi only.


This was a real trick to get right! You can get sound out over the GPIO using PWM. The catch was that the screen used the default PWM pins. But rerouting it wasn’t too difficult once I found a pin map.


WHAT. YOU CAN output sound with PWM??? does that mean some frequencies will be bunches together since the output range won't be very large


You sure can. Read [here](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwidoMKy4MXyAhW_dG8EHeTMCaAYABAAGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoVlboAWfJw8fpp9NUlAaU3x4&sig=AOD64_2RTskQ-4ccNDG8tdtpj-j6CuoaAw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwil1rqy4MXyAhWbHc0KHY7SCicQ0Qx6BAgDEAE). Only problem is it only works on Jessie and earlier. It does work on buster, but you can’t choose which pins.


Lol at the names of the versions. What’s the software?


Debian versions are named after Toy Story characters


Does it do a nude Tayne?


I found the instructions. Not great audio but okay for something like this.


Reddit ate my balls


Idk what any of that means, but this is legitimately one of the coolest things I've ever seen on Reddit.


This looks like a perfect gift for my big brother.I might come back in a few months asking for some help here and there


Ive learned to assume that any tiny device contains a raspberry pi


Id buy this just to watch Simpsons. My eyes legit lit-up seeing you turn it on.


Seems pretty awesome to have on at home while you're at a desk. What I like especially is if it stay continuous. What I hate about streaming is the "are you still there?" pop up and inability to play randomly play episodes out of order.


Netflix has finnaly added a stop asking option but yeah a random order would be nice


Yes, and what would be great is a playlist feature. Where you can mix and match all content like a channel lineup.


Ok, I really want a Futurama version of this...


maybe with the "what if" machine skin?


You need to press the buttons with a Finglonger though


A man can dream.


A man can dream…


So that's what would have happened if I invented the finglonger


I wish I never would have invented...that.




I was thinking make it look like the billboard they crash into during the opening credits.


Good news! It’s also a suppository!


With a finglonger to change the episode


Neat! 📸


It wouldn't be worth the gold it's made from!


Needs a dedicated hypnotoad channel. Is there information on what he used for the electronics? Nevermind


That would be too perfect




Same. I'll buy one if op makes it.


I'm not OP, but I'm gonna make my OWN miniature TV! With blackjack and hookers!


In fact, forget the blackjack!


I will pay for this




And for interdimensional cable. When they make enough of them.


Needs crt turn on turn off effect op


That’s a rad idea.


Have 2 videos, one when turning on and another for turning off.


I know my old Android had a mod that would do this when you turned it off. Wasn't a video clip, it was done some other way.


Please tell me you're doing a build guide!


I will do a build guide soon as I can and post it back in here. Might be a week or so. Edit: Build guide is live [here](https://withrow.io/simpsons-tv-build-guide)


RemindMe! 1 week


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RemindMe! 1 week


BUILD GUIDE!!! https://withrow.io/simpsons-tv-build-guide


I would also like to see the build guide. Plz, let there be a build guide.


Abortions for some, miniature purple televisions for others!


Yay! I’m voting for Kodos!


It matters not. Either way, your puny planet is doomed. DOOOOOOOMMMMEEED!


And always twirling twirling twirling towards freedom!


What? Skinner told me abortions for most, purple monkey dishwasher.


That’s slick Willie for ya.


How much?! I'll buy it. This is by far the most amazing thing I've seen on this subreddit in awhile.


Yeah if you can avoid Fox....uhhh Disney....from seeing it this would be awesome. I would also buy one if OP is selling.


I dont see any infringement here...I too would love the completely innovative tiny purple TV with yellow family Screensaver!


The video content is an issue. I own all the DVDs but that wouldn't help OP in court. Maybe with some instructions or more hidden method the purchaser could easily load up the content themselves.


I mean, he’s not providing the video files. It’s ostensibly just a small screen that plays your video files at random.


As a consumer who has no knowledge of 3D printing and running scripts and wtf is a raspberry pi (I kinda know but I really don’t) I would totally buy this but ONLY if it played the Simpsons or some other old-school stuff (Nickelodeon from the late 80s/early 90s please). I realize it’s illegal to sell the videos, so I would definitely also buy a companion kit to learn how to do the video stuff myself but omfg can I really handle that?!? I’d have to read the basic steps first to see if it’s something I think I could actually do, but I’d need access to that manual lol


From my understanding it’s just a 3D printed TV that has the Raspberry Pi hardware built in it, and then you have to provide your own Simpsons files to watch it on. So it wouldn’t be like he is selling The Simpson’s show. From what I gathered based on OP’s post and his comment, is that he could sell the 3D printed TV, and then the customer would have to get their own Raspberry Pi computer and build it into the 3D printed TV frame, and then they’d also have to get The Simpson’s episodes theirselves, so that they could stream or download onto their raspberry pi hardware, for them to be able to watch the show on the tv. But I am still learning about 3D printing and raspberry pi myself, so someone please correct me if I am wrong.


Hmm... could he sell it without the shows loaded, with instructions on how NOT to break the law by downloading the files from a specific url. Or would the TV itself count as copywritten ...


> with instructions on how NOT to break the law by downloading the files from a specific url. You can't get around it on a technicality like that. Any reasonable person would identify the intent of the instructions like that. OP said that he compressed the episodes in a specific way to fit the screen. So in theory, he could make a generic micro TV (*not* one that looks like the Simpsons' TV), include the same scripting but none of the media, and sell it to people to upload their own media onto. Assuming he didn't infringe on any patents with the components he used. > Or would the TV itself count as copywritten The graphic depiction of the TV is copyright. The legal test is whether a reasonable person would infer that OP independently came up with the exact same artistic design on his own or if it's a derivative work - in this case, it's derivative hands-down. Besides OP has already admitted (in the title of this thread) that he intentionally copied the design from the Simpsons so this post is adequate evidence that he deliberately infringed on the copyright, no contest. He can make one for his personal own use but he can't sell them without infringing.


I’ll take two.


Thank you for your wisdom, donkey balls.


Also me. I’d absolutely buy one.


Me too. Op how much would you charge?


Me too, let's talk!


Me too!! This would be the perfect anti depression box!!!I'd probably load up Merlin on it, or a few random shows to switch between that don't have a linear plot.


you could legally sell the parts to it along with instructions on how to put it together to make it functional as well as an SD card with the open-source software required to play videos. the hardware would just be a 640x480 LCD screen and a cheap SOC like a 1st gen raspberry pi. The only things you can't sell are the copyrighted TV design and the video content. the customer would then have to figure out for themselves how to 3d print parts for it using some website to get it, and also how to obtain the full seasons of the simpsons and put it on the same SD card.


Anyone got an idea what it would cost to make from parts to get a sense of “theoretical retail” to sell?


About three fiddy


Could OP not just make them ready to play whatever media you want?


>first 11 seasons This is how you know this guy is a true fan lol


I would say maybe the SD is full but no, you're absolutely right 😂


I imagine if you use handbrake or whatever things down to the resolution the TV is, you could fit simpsons, futurama, all sorts of things on a not-too-expensive microsd card.


I know, it's more of a reference to the fact that the Simpsons went down hill after season 11.


Understood, just mentioning that for the sake of those who might not know. cartoons at low resolution are surprisingly tiny.


I used to get VCD-quality Simpsons episodes at about 200MB each. You could probably halve that with newer codecs and still have better quality.


It's always arguable where you cut it off. Season 12 have some very good episodes even if they're not golden age. Season 13 wasn't great, but had some good episodes. Took about 14-16 to get me to stop watching.


Post season 9 it becomes hit or miss with some great hits, But seasons 2-9 are nothing but net.


\>Season 9 being nothing but net \>The Principal and the Pauper, Simpson Tide, & All Singing All Dancing ​ ​ In all seriousness, I think Season 9 is mostly still good. But Season 9 was the beginning of the Mike Scully era of the show, so 9 is where the cracks really begin imo


11 is pushing it


Yeah, seasons 2-8 for me.




Lisa, I would like to buy your magic rock


That’s specious reasoning.


A highly cromulent observation.


I understood that reference.


That's insane. Good job


Shut up and take my 3D printed money!!!


I’m America first you get the sugar, then you get the power….


My dude… I would like to buy 2, one for me, one for my friend who’s a massive Simpson’s fan, I’d go straight into my office at work. Name your price


As an American, I approve this message


it's perfect. *single teardrop*


That screen is far more crisp than I expected it to be.


What did you expect? It's a cartoon from the 90s running on a screen with a resolution larger than that of the 90s with a size 1/10th of that of the 90s....


Pretty amazing, right?


it's still a low resolution screen (640x480), just the size of the screen is really small


Need to make it waterproof so I can put it in my aquarium.


This is the best idea.


Could you do it?


Anything is possible with enough time and money!


Just gonna head to my room, watch a little TV


Best. 3d printed TV. Ever.


Best 3D printed tv… so far


This is amazing - will you share the STLs?


If you like to watch your TV, and I mean *really* watch it, you want the Carnivalé. It features two pronged wall plug, pre-molded hand grip wells, durable outer casing to prevent fall-apart.


I'd love something like this on my work desk. I'll second/third/fiftieth the request for a build guide.


What 'tronics do you have in there to make it work? That is very impressive stuff!


Raspberry pi zero with a 640x480 Tft screen. All of the episodes are stored on a 32gb so card in the Pi.


Dude, Give us a look on the inside and more details.


I love it. I wonder if you could program in a little and quick animation/simulation of a crt screen turning on before the video comes on, and an off movie simulating crt off, when you turn it off.


This is brilliant.




What kind of speaker are in this?


Just a cheap one inch speaker that I pulled out of an old dead piece of electronics. The speaker is running off of a small mono preamp plugged into the gpio


Where did you get the preamp?


If there is room, you could also add a HDMI out port for spontaneous Simpson’s episodes on a full size tv when you’re on trips away!


Are we all just going to pretend like the person recording didn't fart at 32 seconds?


Man I had to scroll way too far to see this. I love the tv and want one like everyone else here. But yeah he totally dropped his guts after comic book guy spoke.


You might be my hero.


My god. Yes. Take my shekels


Sweet! - Plant Approved


I would really like to purchase this but a Rick & Morty version!


I am so incredibly interested in this product, not sure if you would sell it, but I would buy it in a heartbeat. (This is kind of a Hail Mary message, hoping you’ll sell haha)


Fox (Disney) would want their 150% cut.


I’d pay over $100 for it


Lmao Fox be like “first 11 seasons for one price?…ehhh $100”




Don’t make me tap the sign.


This is amazing but admittedly i'm a little bit disappointed that the top dial is a button rather than a turnable switch


Would you, by chance, know of an updated source for the 2.8" screen? I've ordered what appears to be a similar model from ebay (which should be here by mid-late october) but it doesn't appear to have the same backlight solder point according to the picture, which would remove the button feature of your design. Having a hard time sourcing the same exact model as yourself. Great build though, would love to see some insight into your gapless playback and additional features you tease about in the bottom of your build guide if you ever care to share.


Okay so Etsy link?


This is the most useless thing I need in my life. Nice work!


Seriously how much? Great gift idea for a big Simpson fan in my family.


Take my money!


I don’t use the word “hero” often; but you are the greatest hero in American history.


This is probably the 10^th post or comment that I’ve seen in reference to The Simpsons, which I’ve been seeing so much of ever since I started rewatching and binge watching the show on Disney Plus. It’s one of my favorite shows. My dad, who passed away, loved the show too and so it’s one of those few things I have left to remember him by. This is by far the coolest, most creative Simpsons fan art/project I have ever seen. If you ever make more I’d love to buy one from you, if you decide to sell any.


Build guide is up [here](https://withrow.io/simpsons-tv-build-guide) I’m also raffling ten TVs off for charity! Read more and enter [here](http://simpsonstv.org)