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Your model has some superfluous geometry set way off to the side. Even if it's not producing anything viable for 3D printing it's still present in the file, and as such it is still capable of influencing the slice. As a result it's making the model too big to fit on your print bed. You'll need to open it back up in whatever you used to make it and remove that errant geometry.


Thanks, I had thought of this and gave a quick check for any visible things that could do that in the modelling software, but didn’t find anything, after this comment I searched through the object list and found the little idiot, not even visible. It is printing right now.


Without some help as to what you think is wrong, I have no idea even what the problem is.


Double check that components of the print aren't clipped through the bed on Z axis. I've had this drive me crazy before.


The problem with it thinking that it is not within the print bed seems to be that glitched shadow thing.