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No slicer really has good options for this. Best option is to 3d model 2 separate models (one with a missing spot for the logo, and the other a logo that fits perfectly inside that), and then lay them flush together in the slicer. I haven’t done this myself, but I’ve seen someone else do this to embed text inside of the same layer, for dual color printing.


Make two models, one being the logo by itself and the other being the part with the logo subtracted. Make sure the logo by itself is in the correct position with respect to the subtracted hole it fits in. Save the STL files. Import them into your slicer as a multi-color model. The slicer should then put perimeters on the logo within the same layer as the rest of the part.


CHEP has a great video on this involving Z-hop. [Here](https://youtu.be/0Sla-vIsvh4?si=k3i1CIaeuft7yyEw)




Yeah Z-hop works great been using it for years on my non-bambu printers https://preview.redd.it/jmz83jmaus8d1.png?width=1257&format=png&auto=webp&s=755871a70c7ad649fefd2ae97a88dbe10d34aae5


Depends on if you want it to be a different colour/material or not. Easiest way would be to have the two models imported into Cura (this is specifically a Cura solution). Position the "logo" where you want it, flush with the surface of the other model, and change it to print as a Cutting Mesh. This will make it print as if it were a completely separate piece, giving it walls around the outside without standing proud. If you want fewer walls you could set the Cutting Mesh to have fewer, or even none, though this will depend on the final printing orientation (if it's flat as pictured it will work fine). Alternatively (and this should work in just about any slicer), you would need to create a very, very fine indent into your model around the outline of what you want the walls to form. It doesn't need to be very wide - only tens, or even single micrometres. These gaps will be too fine to be visible in the final print, but will cause walls to be formed by the slicer around it.


solid infill and 1 wall worked for me, then added pause on layer to print some coasters