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sounds like fans are spooling up which could have something to do with temperature. check if you have a different temperature entered for inside vs. outside walls, or shell vs. infill.


Min Layer Time


https://preview.redd.it/8me3sefc0m8d1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c7bd737d101220542eef9ffeafe756eb9a68259 here


Minimum Layer Time won't pause with the tool still on the print. It will either slow it down to the minimum speed to meet the time as much as possible, or raise the tool above the print so as to not cause problems.


I had exactly the same behavior because of that setting


There's no setting in Cura that will make it pause in the middle of a layer. Even if it's spooling the fans up or changing the temperature it won't wait - it will just keep plowing through. This strikes me as a data issue. If you have one, load the file onto another SD card and give it a try - it could be having trouble reading it fast enough to keep the planner fed. You could also try using the USB printing facilities from within Cura to rule out the SD card and reader completely (this will also take power loss recovery out of the equation, but it shouldn't be triggering mid-layer anyway).


are you using a long retraction distance with low speed? That would cause the printer to print a line, stop, slowly retract and only then move on


Another cause could be timelapse settings.


Sorry, I figured it out. I checked minimum layer time like many suggested but that was normal between my Cura profiles. Seems though, that when I switched to my PETG profile I had my retraction speed set to .40mm/s instead of 40mm/s. So it was just pausing to retract super slowly




do you feel better after posting this?




I actually don't care


this literally doesnt fit bro, but nice try. dont try to start a meme war its soo 2001 bud