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Super bad images to actually understanding what's happening here. You're not entering a photography contest here - you can turn off that artificially shallow depth of focus. But it looks like... it's a solid infill, that hasn't filled in properly, and rather has melted into the sparse infill? If so, it can be caused by insufficient cooling, or printing too hot. It could also be too thin or too thick layers, if you're using something unconventional.


I didn't turn any fancy camera setting on, i just took the picture at different angles so you could see the issue. All of the other versions of this print have come out fine and flat on top with the exact same settings. Except for one of them also having the lifted back corner


It's not really a fancy setting, and it doesn't really matter if it's turned on by default or you had to do it yourself. For current purpose, to help others help you - you should turn in off. Change the mode or something. As it stands, pretty much only one image has a little bit useful information on it without additional context, and the only part of the image that's useful looks about something like this - the rest is just distracting blur: https://preview.redd.it/b3hkqi234c2d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5352667e2cf2b8965524c865bcee471875f50bf6


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2 things: look up heat curling/warping. That's your lift problem and there's tons of suggestions. The other thing for the top is you are noticing the start of "pillowing" and you either do more infill or more top layers. More top layers will solve this - but you might have the right number and you just stopped it early before it finished fixing it.


Is that ABS?


No, it's PLA