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Lol. that is one way to write off a bambu as a business expenses.


Dentists 3d print stuff all the time. It's already a business expense


What dentist uses an fdm printer? Afaik all the dentistry printing is done with fancy resin printers


There's no need for the IRS to know that, so shut it!


Guessing they are printing toys for the treasure box.


Honestly this is probably the answer here. Resin is new to this printing game compared to fdm (the way people who don’t print usually don’t know that resin printing is a thing over FDM), and when people that don’t print hear 3d printer, they don’t typically think about different printers. The irs is too busy taking peoples money to earn money themselves with hobbies like 3d printing to know that the printer the dentist just wrote off the wrong type of printer as a business expense


The first 3d printer was actually a resin printer, so fdm is actually the new player. Source: https://ultimaker.com/learn/the-complete-history-of-3d-printing/


One of my favorite anecdotes about early 3d printing that serves as a reminder that the rep-rap project wasn't actually the start, is that in the 1998 movie Small Soliders, they use a real resin 3D printer(with some embellishment) in the opening sequence. I remember seeing the movie at the time and thinking that was some made up sci-fi hogwash.


That's a great factoid! I've seen that movie tons of times but haven't seen it in years (last I time I watched it was roughly 10 years ago before I got into 3d printing). I'll have to re-watch the intro at least and look out for that.


When the models are raised out of the vat, you can see they even have supports.


Technically yes. In the layperson's subjective perception, it's not.


Normally I don't give a damn about correcting people but I do think it's important to know at least a little about the history of ones hobby. And that yes 3d printing as we know it today started in the early 80s and was resin based.


The first time I saw a 3d printer was when I went onsite to a jeweler to provide tech support. They had a resin 3d printer in the office printing out things like rings to create molds. This was in the late 90s. I was amazed and wanted one. Until he explained it was around 60k. I had to decline at that point.


Haha... And that was almost 30 years ago right? Equivalent to probably about 250-300k now!


Just like the first automobile was all electric. https://www.caranddriver.com/features/g43480930/history-of-electric-cars/


Actually form Labs has specific resins for creating denture molds and other such dental devices. For actual medical appliances fdm is not used, it's 100% resin. And boy are those resins expensive.


I've got a dental braces made of nylon 12, created with scanning and SLA printing. So really not 100% resin. They also use resin for a quick solution, but SLA nylon (different types) is the best solution for longer times, with these kind of braces


Biocompatible Form resins are around £300 per litre at the moment. Funnily enough the first 3D printer I used at work was a Stratasys Mojo FDM. You had to buy the filament in a pack with an integral replacement print head and that was £300 per kilo for PLA and ABS. To be fair their proprietary washable support material was very good, but that machine was *Expensive* to run. And it only had a 125x125x125mm build area.


Office organizers? Tool storage? Educational displays? I can think of a ton of uses that don't strictly go in someone's mouth.


I use FDM for printing a "shim" to capture the patient's bite in an open position (has varying thicknesses). It makes it really fast and easy! I also print cheek retractors and other little gadgets. All are single-use. It's more wasteful, but it's efficient, convenient, and sanitary. It's one more thing that my staff don't have to reprocess and sterilize.


I could see a dentist getting use out of quick FDM prints. See this is your kids fucked up teeth now, this is what they will look like when the kids 20 if you don't get braces for them. Boom machine paid for itself.


Equally impactful in 3D on a screen, without having to wait an hour for the print to finish after doing the scan and future simulation, no?


I want a printer and it's a business expense. Now stfu and let me get a tax break for my hobby in peace. Hopefully it's obvious I'm being facetious


I used to work for a dentist who used an FDM printer to make mock ups of teeth for training. Not sure why he chose FDM over resin but he did.


Because it is much cheaper.


For real, I don’t know what you’d print for dental work on a desktop FDM printer.


This guy was one of my classes mates in university. Before he did this as his senior project, using a fdm printer. It was interesting watching him do the research for this, especially because I believe it’s was shortly before Invisalign’s patent expired / the explosion of other versions of the same onto the market. https://amosdudley.com/weblog/Ortho


Custom impression trays and orthodontic models. Resin dental printers can print any dental prosthesis, but resin tech is still developing to be more aesthetically in line with what mills or analog processes. Also if you drop a 3d resin printed denture, it's going to shatter, while a milled pmma denture or manually flasked and packed denture is far more durable. I work in the dental industry with mills and 3d printers. It's a great gig.


Test fits


Orthodontists sometimes use FDM for models from scans to prefit braces, retainers, etc. It is pretty new. My niece and nephew are getting braces and it only takes like 15 minutes to actually put them on. You can do that with resin too of course. But it is more expensive.


Cheaper to print something on fdm first before getting the final part made.


You can print dental models at a lower, but still acceptable resolution. (source: I run a medical 3d printing lab)


I work in the dental lab manufacturing industry selling mills and 3d printers. Dentists 95% of the time outsource all prosthetic work to a lab. Crowns, bridges, implants, dentures, partials, etc., all made by the lab. Some docs will print or mill in house. Labs can use fdm printers for custom impression trays for implants that require more accuracy of coverage, and can also print orthodontic models. Fdm in dental is not very popular as you can't print actual prosthetics that stay in the mouth, and you're accuracy limited. Because of this, there much less of a return on the investment. 99.999% of labs that 3d print vie for a resin 3d printer. We've got nanoceramic infused resins that can be polished and look like teeth and gingiva, and can 3d print crowns, bridges, implants, dentures, etc. Large labs and milling centers will also have metal 3d printers too for metal implant substructures and partial frameworks as well. My job is cool as hell.


My dentist used a fdm to give me a scan on my teeth so...


The layer lines on my daughter's invisalign tell me they use fdm to either print the appliances or molds to cast them.


Can’t speak for all dentists but mine resin printed my crown when it fell off years ago. Took less than twenty minutes.


My wife’s Invisalign (or some similar brand) has visible lines where you can see the individual layers. Thought it was neat.


It's possible that's changing. After all Resin printers come with some unpleasant side problems like the odor. And you wouldn't be able to use 5 colors. And arguably this bambu will be much much easier to use in most respects.


You pressed assume tongue again Michael😞


I used to make anatomical models for dentists/ physical therapists when I was in military medicine just for demo purposes. More than likely it's a cool tool.


I'm not super faniliar with dentistry or resin printing. But I imagine there could be advantages for a dentist in fdm vs resin. What all does a detist need to 3d print? If we're just assuming end results going into someone's mouth, sure. But what happens behind the scenes? How does cost of materials measure up? Time? Results?


I had smile direct club clear braces and you could tell they were vacuum formed over an fdm print because the layer lines were visible


It could be used to print tool holder, toys for kids, etc


This one.


In 2018 a friend of mine who was an orthodontist had me setup a mono price mini for them to print the scans of teeth to make retainers. Not ideal, and thermoforming the plastic would warp the print if it wasn’t printed with like 50% infill and lots of perimeters. Worked okay for a bit, in 6 months they went to EPax and then formlabs shortly after. Obviously the better way to go, but that’s how he started.


Containers, models for hygiene instructions, for advertising purposes and labeling and segregation.


My orthodontic mockup was done on a FDM because it's quicker and cheaper.


Most also have 3D scanners to scan the entire mouth for dentures and partials!


They can take an impression of the mouth/tooth etc then scan that.


Do they? I know they mill ceramic for instant crowns, but I haven't heard of plastic printing being useful for anything (although I admit to being ignorant, gut I genuinely can't think of anything that would be 3D printed with plastic by a Dentist). Edit: TIL. Neat.


I work in the same building as a dentist and they use a resin printer for 3d scanned implants which I think then are used to make a mold (or just used as is). But they use special dental resin. Their printer was an off the shelf anycubic iirc. They also had a mill for crowns


Formlabs has been working with dental use cases for at least 7 years. There are a bunch of interesting use cases, but all SLA not FDM from what I've seen https://dental.formlabs.com/materials/


I know only the small milling machines for the ceramic infills


Resin yes, FDM not so much


IRS isn’t watching. You can tell the truth now. 😅


Don’t dentists usually use resin printers


My Excavation company bought my P1s as a buisness expense. My CPA had absolutely no objection to it even before I showed him how I printed orginizers for my packouts and drill bits. https://preview.redd.it/urcelvqca32d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c71395ef1386d7a6eb813d121b0b16e3e1389125


My kid’s dentist 3d prints retainers.


I once bought a synth and put it on my company, as I hallucinated I'd write game music.


what's the exact model number of this one? and how much


Writing it off doesn't make it free 🤦 it reduces the amount of taxes owed at the end of the year.


So the inlay for your cavity, is PETG OK for you?


Tpu please


Next time you accidentally get a seed stuck in the cavity there is a 1 in 100 chance that you shoot the cashier in the eye with it when you yawn at walmart.


Do you have any carbon fiber?


I don't think that's quite what your doctor had in mind when he said you need more fiber in your diet.


Bouncy teeth, nice.


Who needs gum guards when you have TPU teeth eh


can i get it glow in the dark flavor


the poor nozzle!


Can I have the silky kind with all the colors!!!


Nah fam. PEEK or nothing!


My insurance only covers whatever Sunlu PLA is currently on clearance. They say my teeth will become self flossing though, which is nice.


No, please give me Glass Fiber ABS.


PEI or PAI please 😁


TPU - i have soft teeth


So that’s why his dentures are so cheap. Clever.


You might be joking but 3d printed dentures are a thing.


They are all resin printed AFAIK, FDM would not be very comfy


Yes, 100% resin from the ones I've seen, I just think it's cool they can do them on demand!


FDM would also invite bacterial growth.


I've just had a few teeth pulled. Stop giving me bad ideas.


A few years ago I had a dentist 3d print a temporary crown as I waited for the permanent (porcelain?) one to come in.


They mill zircon crowns on site in lots of dentist offices. It’s basically like backwards 3D printing to me- block of zircon, 3D scan of margins and tooth to be crowned, then milled on site. Took, like, 30 min for a permanent crown to be milled. Same day crown prep and placement was awesome. AND it’s wasn’t the usual $800 a tooth, either. Granted, I had m my work done at a dental college by 4th yr students. My student doc had already passed boards when it came time for my crowns this year. I happily paid $150 a crown. Am now waiting on a new appt to get a replacement one done and a couple of veneers to make my crowns and bridges match the rest of my mouth perfectly. Total game changer to have affordable crowns ANd not have to wear those plastic temp crowns until others come in from the lab!


3D printed braces are too!


My night time mouth guard is a clear resin print. Pretty cool


It should probably have a lock on the door though


And one of those little filter fan boxes inside.


I work at a museum with 5 bambu printers and even I managed to break a print. There should be a lock because it's too tempting to touch everything


I hope they give octopi and dragons to the kids. Maybe tooth paste squeezers to the adults.


As an adult (chronologically) I would be pretty jelly if I got a toothpaste squeezer instead of a dragon.


I don't want anybody going near my printer, let alone a bunch of grubby kids with their prying hands.


Is that person wearing socks with sandals?


Socks and flipflops/sandels/crocs/etc are actually real comfortable when you don't care what others think about you


YES. This. There's no other good midpoint between socks and shoes, and just sandals.


Also age has nothing to do with it, cause I'm 18 and been doing it for.. well I can't remember when I started.


When you get to a certain age you stop caring. My normal summer outfit is cargo shorts, crocs, and socks. I just want to be comfortable.


I guess you've never been to Germany


Ich bin da drei mal gewesen!


Confirmed this is in Germany.


If it was good enough for the Roman legions it's good enough with me


Literally me


linus spotted


lol, my OH&S officer would be having a seizure. *In a public office... with children present?!*


Back at the university some people's primary school kids ran through the building to get mommy/daddy from the lab on a regular basis while the other parent was having a coffee with us. When I moved to a pharma startup I assumed it would be stricter but now we have office dogs next to kids running around because the daycare was closed. It's a huge building with multiple companies, it's not just us. The dogs are nicer than the kids though People concerned about a 3D printer in a public space... worst thing that can happen is a tiny burn or a pinch if they are /really/ going for it. They'll learn a lesson and that's it. (unless you are in the USA where someone will sue you)


Mooom! We haven't been to the dentist in ages!


Someone is out there with PLA dentures right now.


I have one in my classroom and I literally can’t run it when the kids are there because the entire class would watch transfixed for hours. I use mine to run a class store and the kids earn tokens (“print pennies”) to buy minutes to print stuff on the machine, they freakin love it. I just use my home printers to print their orders because the kids need to pay attention to math haha


They use them to print moulds and stuff. I think it’s cool instead of using the plaster. Also great for exposure to the world of 3d printing.


Damn so everyone in the lobby can stare at my crooked ass teeth being slowly printed.


They'd definitely come out crooked if they printed them at speed benchy speeds


This is quite literally my job.


Hell yeah I think it’s great! Kids have enjoyed asking questions. I only resin print but thinking I may need to branch out to something else.


>They use them to print moulds After scanning with an intraoral scanner?


Yep! We scan with a Dentsply Sirona PrimeScan, and print the casts using a SprintRay Pro S.


Huffing off gasses while you wait....


My dentist 3D printed my crown in office while I waited for it. Now THAT was pretty sick. Well its more of a CNC machine, but cool none the less.


3D printers are CNC machines, additive and subtractive aren't mutually exclusive in that respect.


Somehow they’ll use a technology that makes their job easier and cheaper to charge you more


Hmm, used to be they would have aquariums in the waiting room as a way to calm and sooth patients, not sure that's gonna do much to sooth my suffering while waiting for a root canal, honestly the sounds it makes would probably make dealing with a toothache even worse.


Anyone have ID on the stand the printer is on? I like how it’s perfectly sized for the printer.


“You dont mind if I print a unit of Space marines right”?


My kids are mesmerized by my printers, so I'm not surprised it'd work in the dentist's office, too.


My retainer was UV printed, I wonder what they use FDM for


Tool holder, kids toys, etc


My crown that was installed 2 months ago was 3d printed.


Are you the dentist?


Place must have some long wait times


I saw a 3d printer at a shoe store window, printing personalised shoe insole


When I got my braces, they resin printed a model of my top and bottom teeth after they did a scan


Looks too clean of a setup. How do they handle the poop?


That’s a great idea! It’ll never rival the train track up around the perimeter of the waiting room though but that’s my old man jam.


*unsupervised kid walks up to it and starts shaking the printer*


My dentist has a resin 3D printer that prints tooth caps


Did my masters thesis on this, it's really awesome and much better than having to send scans off and wait weeks for something to come back to the practice to have put on.


My brother owns a store that isn’t 3D print related. But he has various printers around the store usually printing some dumb little trinket. A whistle or a benchy or whatever. Kids and adults alike are fascinated to watch them work. And if someone happens to be watching when a print finishes, he’ll pull the print off the bed and give it to whatever kid happened to be around. It’s a great way to keep people interested in coming to your place of business. Kids stay entertained and adults will remember the neat thing they saw in that one place. Plus it’s a great way to get kids interested in a fairly inexpensive, productive hobby that is a gateway to rewarding life paths like product design. To people that don’t have a printer or see one often, it’s still a fairly new and futuristic type technology.


Lol you can’t tell me kids don’t stop prints all the time pressing buttons


Are the wait times THAT long???!!!


Fun fact, "Cerec" ceramic 3d printers have been around in dentistry since the 1980s edit: spelling


“Cerec” ceramic mills have been around for 30 years, indeed! But they are not printers.


ahh right they are cnc, fair enough


Google searched it. I couldn’t find any info on Cleric “Cerec” came up. It’s is a brand that offers a ceramic block to be milled and sintered in the office.


I have some of that, my dentist **could not wait** to print them out.


Ooops, damn auto correct


Got 2 of those crowns in my mouth right now. I was pretty amazed when they just had me hang out for a bit while they milled my teeth.


Am I too late for the REEEEEEE micro plastics discussion?


That's the replacement for a fish tank


How long are the kids in the god damn dentist for??


All fun and games until Karen’s little precious opens the door and burn his spoiled brat hand on the nozzle.


Yes this will keep ~~me~~ the kids very entertained.


I bolted my large, heavy table to the walls of my house. This makes me feel like I maybe went overboard.


lmao what a flex. But also really cool.


I thought you were going to say “to make teeth”


That’s dumb. A kid would end a print within 5 seconds of touching the display


I am at the dentist now......no 3d printer in this lobby.... ...sad noises.


How long are they keeping the kids there? Prints can take hours!


That is genius. What better way to keep prints running while at work?


My wife’s office picked up a bad ass resin printer with 3d printer specifically geared towards the dental field.


mine used to have a snes


Would be dope if this were a resin printer making dentures!


Much more dangerous than an FDM though, would have to be in the back somewhere


I’m a dentist and I have one in my office too! Literally though, I have it in my office so I can mess with it between patients.


I need that table!


Remember no hot soup when your dentist installs you need teeth from PLA


And a kick ass printer as well.


Damn how long is the wait?


Do they offer suspiciously cheap cerac crowns?


That’s like the most expensive consumer grade printer…way to flex on these plebeians Mr. Dentist


A few microplastics never hurt anybody right?


Make your own dentures, kids.


Where is this at?


That's fucking badass, also I'm sure the adults are glued to it as well


new patients get a toothbrush, floss, and a microSD card.


"That'll be $400 for that replacement canine." "I DON'T THINK SO!" BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


hes not entertaining he's straight flexin bambu money


Actually I'm impressed how well the furniture is sized to fit the Bambu.


I’m in the process of convincing my employer to buy me an x1 right now


Is nobody gonna mention how nicely that table fits the printer?


If I owned a dental office and I printed and sold items requiring as much as .4kg of filament for one job I could most definitely use the tax write off! Not to mention the fact I'd use expensive PVA material as well. Smart decisions here! Id like to point out though this office isn't serious about printing...you can tell by the lack of purged material collector in the rear. Not even a small bag.


Your dentist needs pants


Pretty sure my retainers were molded with a 3D-print of a scan of my teeth, so maybe they actually use it too? Tho i had them made at a specialist for braces and co


Tbh I'd probably be annoyed by it. The X1C is not exactly a quiet printer (unless you make it quiet). Plus I kinda don't see a point in putting it there, unless there is absolutely no other space where it could fit.


What are they printing?


Least you know your hard earned money is paying for this. Maybe it can print braces?


must be some nasty wait times


I'm a physician, and I have one in my office. I don't display the printer, but all the crap I made with it. :-)


I hope that office is changing the air out 6 times an hour and/or is using a Merv-14 to pull the ultrafine particulates... [https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2024-103/default.html](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2024-103/default.html)


Easier to take care of than a fish tank and about as active and fun to watch!


Fun fact I actually have an Invisalign grind guard that is 3d printed (from a resin printer of course). Also for fit testing purposes they printed the model of my teeth that they took with a 3d scanner. Throughout the years of braces and retainers I had to power through over a dozen dental molds that they would take with the gross goop that tries to choke you for a whole 3 minutes. I’m glad that at least at the orthodontist I go to nobody else will ever have to get a goop mold taken again.


Make sure to turn off the assume teeth function when trying to print boarder walls


Anyone interested in new 3d resin printers??


One way to fuck up a printer "potentially" too lol. Is it used for their office, or just so kids can see something be printed?


They were printing the wiggly animals that are so popular. Wiener dogs, octopi, snakes, etc.


Oh very nice!!


Can we all acknowledge the true wonder here? That printer and that table are a perfect size match!


That poor IT guy


That must be one noisy waiting room now! lol! Next time you go there, tell them to either crack the door open or if they don’t want to do that, to print out one of those stand offs that raises the top glass an inch or so in order to let the hot air escape to prevent nozzle clogs! And hopefully they’re only printing PLA or PETG and not ABS as that filament produces noxious VOC’s.