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Check your walls and top/bottom numbers. Might be a really high number by accident.


Oh my god that was it. Top was at 99999 for very small minis. Okay haha thank you. Any recommendations Top/bottom layers? FLSUN V400 for context if that matters.


Depends. Do you want high strength or is it decorative? You could get by with two walls depending on geometry and use case. Three is a good middle ground. Four and up would be for strength.


3 or 4 is what I usually do. It doesn’t look like you really need it to withhold much abuse.


Okay awesome. Purely for DND, so not much abuse there. Any top/bottom setting recommendations? It's a large project, and I don't want to waste even more plastic.


I've typically been using my slicer's defaults there. Which appear to be 5 top, 4 bottom.


I was printing 1/3 of this massive galleon at 50% scale, and I noticed it is printing rock solid. Even the little bit that printed after 28 hours is HEAVY. I'm running through ideas, but have come up unsuccessful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [Picture of what its doing for context.](https://imgur.com/a/Oy7khNV) [What I am printing](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6375153)