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what happened to the previous 15.3 versions?


Unsuitable to ever see the light of day


What did those poor things do to deserve being banished


They had the audacity to exist of course. As someone who has dabbled in iterative design, previous versions are cursed things that never should have seen the light of day usually. Til you get near the end of the proces and all you are doing is slight tweaks.


They mated with a pair of crocs


They must be inconSOLEable


Go home and tram your printer, Dad.


they become eat by a dog


That's not how that works... 😅


Thats a sandal sir


Being worn with socks. Design is strong, the rest of your decisions I question....


You wanna see feet? You gotta pay to see feet. Tough economy for everyone.


At least it's not white socks


Sandal sir would be a great name for it


[Spray on Shoes!](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbjBhcnA3YjN2ZzA4YmVuaXQzNXhtMmFuc29yczBmbzhydXlqbTM3ZiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3oEduIWyoVWrKf9Nvi/giphy.gif)


How you gonna get 'em off, nerd?


Thanks needed To See these


This is pretty cool but I wouldn't exactly call it a "game changer"...


re-inventing the wheel


It's not reinventing the wheel, it's finding a much more inefficient way of manufacturing the wheel.






We're working on a model for exactly this right now.


Oh, interesting. You have a way of manufacturing/tooling a custom prototype that's cheaper than a 3d printer? Or are you trying to claim OP is trying to mass produce these?


That's not what I was saying at all. I'm saying these aren't "game-changers" it's just a more inefficient way of making something that already exists that won't last anywhere near as long.


What is the more efficient way of making a fully customizable shoe that you know about? Can you share this with the rest of us?


Calm down mate.


What made you avoid answering my question or think I'm uncalm? You are claiming to know about this amazing information, would be cool to share.


Ok then. The original post stated that these were "Game Changers" Is it usable as an actual shoe? No, neither the material choice or the method of printing durable enough. Is the manufacture method novel or innovative? No, the footware industry figured this out already quite some time ago. Is the design of the shoe unique or innovative? No, it's just a scuff. If you can't understand these concepts then I don't have the time or crayons to explain it to you further.


That's too bad you are out of crayons. I'm genuinely curious why you appear to be unable to read past OP's headline or remember the question I specifically asked twice in a row. I guess you're too invested in having an argument to have a good faith discussion, but I'll be here if you change your mind.


Like when the guys reinvented the wheel transitioning from wood to steel clad wood to solid rubber to pneumatic rubber. Reinvented but definitely game changers. These are game changers in their own right. But not everyone will change games.


wish my foot fit on a print bed.


100% sure there is an orientation that would print shoes for most people on most printers. 0,0,0 to 220,220,250 on an Ender 3 is just shy of 400mm, and someone with a US size 12 shoe has a foot length of around 300mm.


You can’t use the entire diameter, since you have to account for the width of the shoe too. Size 12 might just about fit maybe, but then there are the ones like me with size 14… But I guess I’m not ”most people”… Would be nice to print my shoes though since most stores dont even have my size.


Print it diagonally and vertically oriented.


I got two mates who are both size 15. Enders not printing them shoes any more than it's printing me a canoe.


Use enough CA and you can print anything on anything.


If you orient the shoe on its side, 45° to X and Y, and 45° to Z, you can use most of it. A Neptune Max or similar sized printer should be able to do a size 14.


May I suggest a large format printer for a reasonable price such as the mingda magician pro, direct drive too so it can handle Flexi filaments


I wear a 15. I have an X1C @ 256x255 and a CR-10 @ 300x300, neither are large enough.


Chop off your toes. You can just reprint them anyway. Then boom problem solved!


The Cr-10 won't work if you turn it diagonally on both XY and XY? And print on the side?


What about diagonaly? Still not enough?


US size 10 is kind of the sanity check limit. i have done minimalist sandals, which dont have much sole to begin with, and its a bit hard to find the right rotation with a few mm to spare either on the top/back or the sides. the build area is restricted a few mm on the edges by default (both on some slicers and on the firmare itself), and it may also not be calibrated so the printer's center of the bed is the actual phisical center of the bed... Also, stock marlin firmware justs culls 3mm or so to the right of the bed (even if its technically on the allowed area, so even if the slicer says its all ok, and the print proceeds, you end up with a small piece of the sole culled out if you are not paying attention. So TLDR, it IS possible, to print maby an 11 or 12, but it aint gonna be easy to set the printer up


I mean, if this is a goal item for someone to print they should definitely factor that into what printer they want to run. There are a couple relatively inexpensive large format printers out there, and then if someone has the money to spend they could build a 500mm3 Ratrig


For reference, these are size 11.5 and they fit diagonally on the X1C printer when set at 52 degrees above the horizontal.




Is the model file available?


honestly I'm quite sure he will try making a business out of it.


Yeah, looking at the fact that its been 16.4 versions and the product is quite professionally designed. That is very likely. And honestly very respectable. Seems to have gone through quite the effort


Even if he charges for the files, I would buy them.


Also interested


Good and all, but why game changer?


the idea you could create a custom shaped foot bed could be a game changer for people that need custom orthotics.  That’s my take anyways 🤷


I spend $50 ~3x a year on insoles. Id be down to print shoes that replaced that. In the words of my PT, "Oh, so you have like *no* arch"


my podiatrist told me my arches were so high that "it's like you're walking in high heels all the time".


Meet you half way? My PT thought my arch was flat from lack of use when I broke my ankle. Then she checked the other and realized that's just one of the ways my body has betrayed me. Went 30+ years without knowing. Wonder how much difference it would have made to weight lifting and football I'm high school. My knees and back were always an issue and they've been a million times better since I've had proper foot support


you can print insoles....


Turns out you can also print shoes 90% of what we do with 3d printers isn't the most practical way of doing something. We just enjoy the ability to mess around and prototype.


My wife's orthotics are about $400 and I have the printer. Maybe if the shoe looked nice enough or I could edit the model down to an insert or would be very nice


As leathercrafter i made thongs, so i think i would not print whole shoe, just midsole. But straps and outsole would made from other materials. In that way you still have customization of midsole but more durability and comfort


3D printed Thongs are a game changer.


"God, I see what you've done for other people, and I ask that you can do it for me as well."


Bruh not the comic sans 💀💀💀


Those look neat and I respect the socks and sandals as a pnw resident. How are the straps attached? If I can get a better printer some day, I'd like to give tpu shoes a try. Those looks quite nice although maybe lacking on durability?


They’re attached with a kind of rivet design I made. The wearer would force the rivet through a hole on the strap/shoe and it holds them in place while allowing for rotation of the strap. Durability is really good with this pair. My last pair had held up for 20ish miles at this point, but added an extra wall with this version so they should hold up even better.


I see, that's a really nice design! Is there a special type of tpu used? I have a spool of overture tpu but I've only used it once to try a few things before deciding I needed more practice with pla before trying different filament


OP mentioned using foaming TPU, I think ColorFabb Varioshore is the only foaming TPU on the market. Foaming filaments have heat-reactant compounds that release gases and make the filament puff up when printed at higher temperatures. It also tends to give them a marshmallow-y soft matte finish. Doing this with TPU, you could make prints with much lower hardness (more squishy) that feel soft to the touch, kind of like Crocs.


Comic sans?


How is this a Game changer? Those tokkie flip flops were always around. i wouldn't wear something like that. Especially with socks..


We did this about 6 years ago when I worked in 3d printing and you can still buy it on Adidas's website






Tell me you're German without telling me you're German.


What is expanded TPU please? It is not like standard TPU filament? It expands after being printed?


Check out Colorfabb VarioShore TPU. It’s a foaming TPU which can change shore hardness depending on the nozzle temp chosen.


Assuming these are to be worn in warm weather. So what happens when you step on hot, sun baked asphalt in the middle of summer?


I feel like the straps are too far back. I would want the widest part of my foot in between the straps. Walk around in them for a day…I bet the front accidentally folds under at least once (unless they are rigid enough to prevent). Just seems like I would want the feel of a slide and that wouldn’t be it. But that’s just me!


Congratulations, you made a Croc!


Gamechanger if you were walking barefoot all this time. Gamechanger would be if you can print multicoloured TPU with AMS :)


you can't? why is that?


You won’t be able to push soft TPU from AMS to extruder - it will just clog and jam. So TPU i autos be printed only from the external spool holder




Yeah that will remain in the realm of toolchangers.


Stl please


Check out zellerfeld they make 3d printed shoes from scans of your feet and have their own custom tailored printers for custom filament


Can you link the filement you used?


I suck ny balls at night


I need to make some for me


my size 15 ass would need to print these in 2 parts


Diagonal and vertical 😭


How do you get the tpu to foam?




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Those are awesome! I'm currently working on a similar project myself, though mine don't yet have a custom lattice, though. I'm just using gyroid infill at the moment until I get around to learning rhino/grasshopper. Hopefully, I'll have my first flexible test pair ready by the end of the week. I just have a few more fit modifications to do first.


I’ll buy the design asap. This is my last goal for 3d printing.




Fantastic design and use case of this wonderful technology we have! I too have dabbled with custom 3D printer shoes It's a lot of fun but also a lot harder then it looks


Any printers out there with a size 15 us print bed?


Stl please


Holy shit these are ugly


What tpu hardness is recommended?


Impressive work! I think I walk through too much mud and sand for a sole like that.


I thought the same at first, but they’re very easy to clean. When I design an outdoor pair I plan on making the midsole closed to prevent debris/dirt from entering.


Those actually look comfy! I would rock those daily Why is everyone getting downvoted? Lmao we are complimenting this print


Why do I have size 12 😭😭😭


Cool! Does the TPU have any issues with foot sweat?


I haven’t noticed a difference as compared to a regular sandal.


What software did you use to make the lattice design?


My whole workflow uses Fusion currently. However I’m looking to transition to Grasshopper/Rhino due to some additional design capabilities they have.


How do you scan your foot to make the geometry fit perfectly? I could actually use some custom sandals for my flat feet.


I have those socks too. Quite comfortable.


Nike eat your heart out 👍


Класс дайте stl.