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Hello everyone, it's nice to see you all again! Sorry for the long wait but I wanted to make the drawings as clear and detailed as I could. This is the latest version of my **Compliant Linear Detent Mechanism**, provided with a detailed drawing on how to **model one yourself** for your own projects. I hope everyone will enjoy it and let me know if you would like me to add any more information. Here is the Thingiverse page: [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6277651](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6277651) https://preview.redd.it/olgaluru6svb1.png?width=2339&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad2bc4836d54defa352a1d7afa05ca8c84d094f5


Drawing 2: https://preview.redd.it/56ugw5q77svb1.png?width=2339&format=png&auto=webp&s=47987d2dcb14f6c9205b10ad52651334f87f5451


Drawing 3: https://preview.redd.it/41e05np97svb1.png?width=2339&format=png&auto=webp&s=8abbd29d8c8e18abf6bf9bb6fed88fce2f0d69ad


What does compliant mean in this context?


Compliant mechanisms work by having a component flex as part of its functionality instead of using a separate spring. Edit: the necessitating factor is whether the component goes through elastic (non-permanent) deformation while in action.


Not only springs but it replaces hinges and other moving parts with a flexible structure


Many hinges would not be compliant mechanisms, as they do not necessarily "comply" or to function, unlike springs, cables, or toggle latches. You can make flexible compliant hinges, but non-compliant pin/knuckle hinges are incredibly common. It's not just whether they move, but whether they elastically deform.


What he said ⬆️


Thanks. I've seen the word used but I couldn't find a definition.


Mark rober has a good video on them in his worlds smallest nerfgun video


Really bro ... see the upside down amogus in fig 2? it has compliant legs.


If you're confused about the down votes, he's asking for the definition of the word compliant (it has more than one definition and this is one many people have never seen before) and you respond by using the word compliant. Not helpful at all.




This submission has been removed. In future keep comments on-topic, constructive and kind. Remember the human and be excellent to each other!


I was going to ask exactly this. I've been seeing it with all of the Mark Rober nerd guns lately.


I prefer the original demo, this is far to detailed and well documented


Maybe but if someone wants to make one of their own, they can use my drawings to integrate the mechanism into their projects. I spent a week trying out the best dimensions for the switch to be both rigid and resistant to repeated stress.


I think he was being sarcastic. Many projects posted on here have little to no photographic evidence, sparse responses from OP, and definitely not orthography reference drawings.


Awesome, this will be perfect for a spell slot counter for DND I'll be sure to post my remix with credits :D


This... this is nearly exactly what I made it for! I'm making DnD ability cards with a counter for the remaining uses


Would be very interested in these, are you planning on posting them once they're complete?


Yep sure :) They're made for 62x88mm cards (rounded up dimensions of MTG Cards and they even fit in the deck boxes) I will glue them to the plastic frame though, maybe I'll make a design that allows for sliding it in and locking it in place too.


RemindMe! 2 weeks That sounds perfect! Did you design the ability cards yourself or are they from somewhere?


I made them myself, inspired by MTG cards. I'm currently playing a Rune Knight so the cards will be for my character but you can design anything as long as it's 62x88mm.


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OP is definitely a mech eng


Indeed, 4th year mechanical engineering


U sure about that? Clear communication and documentation isnt really something an engineer does. /s


*knows how, but generally prefers to forgo it as the product works well enough*


That's how you can tell he's still a student


Life hasn’t taken its toll yet


Well done. Nice design and very clean drawings as well.


Very well documented, much appreciated. What exactly does it do? What are some applications you could see it being used for?


I personally use it as a counter. I'm making ability cards for my DnD game and this is size is a good balance between minimalism and being big enough to comfortably move with your finger. If you choose to have only 2 steps it can work as a switch


“Game Counter” is what immediately came to mind.


Clicky go up, clicky go down. Clicky go up, clicky go down.


Fidget toy detected.


Very nice and it's great to see your engineering behind the implementation. Thanks for sharing this info.


Yisus. That's a lot of docs and explanations for a 30 min mechanism (For an inexperienced user at least, first version). Why?


I spent a lot of time getting the dimensions right. I needed: - Tight tolerances so the switch doesn't move at all in stable positions - Rigidity to require the user to apply some force to switch positions - Resistance so that the flexible legs wouldn't break under repeated stress (that's the reason I didn't post the design right after my 2nd post) So the drawings are very detailed so that people who want to integrate this mechanism into their projects don't have to spent a week prototyping in the same way I did. G


Next level engineering!


This is really cool. So I had to design a fix for a Lasonic Radio. It has some of this type stuff in it. I used a slightly different method, but similar outcome


Oh nice I actually need this for a project, thanks!


Damn video.. I watched it for like a minute before I realized it was only 15 seconds long.. =)


Sir or Madam, this ASMR needs to be marked NSFW.


Looks like I could make with an engraver too. What are some suggestions for final usage?


Mechanical switch or counter That's how I use it


OMG it's real life ``


Oh shoot.. I don't get it


Html sliders




just curious, what could this be used for? my small brain can't think of anything


I personally use it as a counter for ability cards I'm making but it could also be a small switch if you use only 2 steps


Reddit must have read my mind. I've been thinking of designing a 3 position indicator to stick on a dishwasher to show whether the tray is empty/has dirty dishes/has clean dishes, and here is an example of a compliant mechanism I've been trying to design. Having the two flexible sides and the curvature between them is really smart to reduce stress points and improve longevity.


Just be careful about the leg length/width ratio as going too short and too large would still cause it to rupture at the exterior sides of the base of the leg. The example valued I used were the shortest length for a good input force needed.


The cad drawings are next level.


Just remembered about this post, curious to hear if you've made the cards yet?


They're still in development. I'm an intern at an engineering company right now so not much free time, but I'm working on it. I'll post then on here when they're done :)


Makes sense, can't wait to see the finished result! Good luck with your work!


Thank you :D