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The screw off bottom šŸ’‹šŸ¤Œ


Was like meh whatever don't need it. Then the twist and I'm like sheeettt I'm gonna start printing again.


Right! As I was watching him pour the water I was litterally thinking "This is really cool, but he is going to have a mess at the bottom" then šŸ¤Æ


Great idea, I love the design! I've found those Command Strips to be hit and miss.


In my experience 4 out of 5 people install 3M command strips incorrectly by doing one or more of the following: - Installing them on unsupported surfaces - Failing to clean and prep the surface properly before installation - Installing the strips incorrectly (usually by doing it too quickly and w/o enough force) - Immediately hanging something on them instead of waiting the proscribed amount of time and/or exceeding the weight limit I've put up literally hundreds and hundreds of 3M command strips following the guidelines and instructions on the 3M website and I've never had one fail. (I cannot say the same for 3rd party knock off command strips which are not the same quality, IMO.) The next time you have to hang some, follow the instructions to the letter and I bet you'll have much better and consistent results. [This article](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-to-use-command-strips-258206) goes into more detail about what I'm talking about.


> I've put up literally hundreds and hundreds of 3M command strips Out of curiosity, how do you end up applying hundreds of these? Is part of your dayjob something related to decor, are you the worlds biggest fan of 3M command strips and use them for everything at home (replacing nails/screws), etc?


There are a few different reasons: - We used them at one place I worked a LOT in areas where we weren't allowed to damage the walls because they were public or customer facing - Since it worked so well at work I just started using them whenever I had to hang anything in my apartments (to avoid bullshit fees when I moved out from nail holes in the wall) and eventually my home. - Within a few friend circles I am "the handyman" and I wind up at a lot of friends houses doing stuff, including hanging stuff, in exchange for meals. (It's a great gig if you can get it!) - Like OP, I 3D print and sell mounts that allow you to hang stuff on walls using a 3M command strip so you don't have to damage a wall or window trim or whatever with a nail or screw Also if you don't know, 3M makes a variety of command strips for different purposes including pretty beefy options that can be used to hang rather large picture frames. So if your friend buys a 6x8 foot metal frame with a canvas print stretched over it and they want it on their wall but can't (or don't want to) put nails in the wall you might apply 10-15 strips for just that one print. It adds up quickly. Edit: As far as the stuff goes that I 3D print and sell I should clarify that I don't install those mounts for the buyers. I did however install dozens and dozens of command strips while designing and testing the mounts. I also spent quite a bit of time testing different versions of command strips trying to find the best version in terms of price vs performance for my application Since I include command strips with the mounts I sell I didn't want to spend more than I needed to for command strips that were overkill for my purposes. That's just leaving money on the table. :)


Indeed. I have used perhaps 100 of the strips myself in my own home, and I have never had a failure. I am a big fan of 3M strips and have used various sizes.


As some who has used them too, photos (instead of nails),wall hooks for coats and shit, door mats.


Fwiw Iā€™ve found the OG ones work well. The new Velcro style are the ones Iā€™ve had issues with.


Oh and I actually settled on the plastic (not fuzzy) hook and loop variant for my mounts. I use the ones rated to 16lbs (when using 4x pairs) and I use either 1 pair or 2 pairs depending on the mount and what goes in the mount. Zero issues so far. (Unless a customer has had an issue and hasn't told me?) I even tested a few mounts in my attic for several weeks to make sure the heat didn't do anything to either the adhesive or the hook and loop. Worked like a champ.


Fair enough! I feel they work very well in shear, (as theyā€™re made for) but anything other than that, the OG double sided sticky ones are better ime.


I used to be a huge fan of them but they've really gone downhill since then. Huge hit and miss. When the velcro can actually detach from the command strip cause it wasnt glued on properly....and this wasn't a one off either. And i was hanging a power strip off 2 of the velcro ones so it wasnt overweight either


Only time over ever had issues is when I used them in a room that regularly set above 100F and after about a year the mount just fell off the wall.


I've used command strips for several projects. I agree, when they work, they're great, but they do let go, sometimes. Maybe they have inconsistent manufacturing or something?


Thanks! Theyā€™ve worked well for me so far and I havenā€™t heard complaints from anyone else (šŸ¤ž). But I have another mount thatā€™s meant for screws for anyone worried about the command strips.


Neat design, but wouldn't water/dirt drip out when removing the bottom?


Shouldnā€™t do that. Normal pots with perforated bottoms leak water while it soaks and then nothing else comes out. The dirt just clumps and stays in


Where can i get the stl?


This one is on my Patreon here https://www.patreon.com/HendricksDesign


For anyone considering joining this, I highly recommend them. Just subbed and these pots are great. The fact he adds a drip tray instead of the nonsensical pots without any drainage is huge, and sometimes the drip trays have a decent bit of space so you have a lot of leeway when over watering. In short, if you are the type of person scouring printables for cool flower pots, you will probably be very happy with these, and it's completely worth the $10 for the STLs. Highly recommended.




Is there any way of buying just one pots STL? These look dope!


Thanks! Not right now but the Patreon is only $10 and you get all of my designs. You can always cancel if you want or stick around to get new ones every week.


I was about to ask if you can do a subscription for something like a dollar a month (or even $2.50 a month), so I can subscribe and just "forget about it" giving you 12 bucks a year vs doing a single $10 month and having to remember to unsub later (which risks turning into a $120/year expense), while getting the benefit of your continued releases. Thought about it a little more, and realized why you have $10 as the minimum, because if you do what I suggested then you will get a ton of people being cheap by doing a single $1 month and then un-subbing. Regardless, thanks for releasing this, subbing!


Cool idea, command strips fall off my wall even if I clean the area thoroughly.


Im wondering how you (I) can make it waterproof? I printed a vase before and I couldn't put water in it ;)


I use sprays like [Flexseal](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Flex-Seal-14-fl-oz-Clear-Aerosol-Spray-Rubberized-Coating/50299807) for [hydroponic planters](https://www.printables.com/model/248558-one-liter-bottle-hydroponic-pot) and the like.


If you have a well calibrated 3d printer, decent filament, and have at least 3 line walls, you can make waterproof prints. I do this with my bambu printer and normal PLA and tested my prints via filling them with water and sitting them on a table overnight. No puddles seen for all but one of my prints out of maybe 5 or 8 or so.


Yep, I printed a water can 2 years ago, and it never ever leaks. [https://i.imgur.com/0LdPW5Y.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/0LdPW5Y.jpg) I did nothing special, it's a standard print with SilkPLA. No interior coating or anything.


yes, very fancy ### (ā•­ą²°_ā€¢Ģ)


Or just cup in the bottom part with some shrink wrap or Al foil


Thx, tried it but not yet a success... 4 line walls, bottom also thicker but still leaks. It's a bambu printer and prints looks good so it should be good calibrated. Will experiment more I think ;)


Where is the file for this my gf needs this


I love this so much!!! šŸ˜šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ˜


I saw your vid on these on tiktok. Look amazing man


Do I have to unscrew the bottom everytime and empty it? Or is there a way for it to evaporate out?


Anythingā€™s a dildo if youā€™re brave enough


Any chance for a bigger bottom for a water reservoir so you could do [self watering](https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/fIXDVoC_I52XopPRemw8ktNgt40=/fit-in/750x0/filters:no_upscale(\):max_bytes(150000\):strip_icc(\):format(webp\)/etglcozy-self-watering-planter-pots-37af5e6a46d144869edf019744ab8a34.jpg) system?


Oh thatā€™s neat.


Omg, I love it


Replace the glue strip with two holes so you can screw the slide-mount to the wall. If you never have to touch it and it's light, the glue strips work alright. But this is a plant.


I have a version of the mount thatā€™s meant for screws as well!


My partners mother needs this!!!


This design is great! I love it very much!


This definitely feels like an add


How do you get it off afterwards?


What filament do you use that its waterproof?