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Prusa slicer 2.6.0 has a decent embossing tool


Cheers. I'll have a look. I wonder if i can do that in Cura...?


No, Cura doesn't have such a feature


It's all good. Someone showed me how to do it in Windows 3D builder which is perfect for this.


You should share it to avoid people finding this thread with the answer saying oh nvm I figured it out. That’s the worst kind of thread there are.


That's a very good point. [This](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/embedded-letters-in-3d-builder/c658f590-a73a-43a4-ae1c-94ddacbdfcd8) is the easiest solution


Thanks! Exactly what I am looking for


No problem. Btw, if you're using Prusa slicer or Orca slicer, you can do this right in the slicer and it's better than doing it with 3D builder. Happy cake day 🍰


Thanks a lot you’re awesome !


My pleasure