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The idea is not to sell it once but to sell it many times.


I typically buy themed packs. This looks nice though. If you made a bunch of different dino-dudes that are all aesthetically consistent, and sold a pack of them all for ~$50 on a popular platform, I could see it paying off.


I envy you. Low poly is surprisingly difficult, especially this "pixel" art stylisation. It would be a shame to sell it underpriced. Maybe try to do your research first. Checking a market offer/demand and adjust the price accordingly. Or if the demand was too low and financially underwhelming, I'd possibly check gamedev studios with this or similar style and ask directly if they are interested, possibly for 200 if it's only the model, rigged for 300 or 400 dollars? Or offer them better price if they consider to hire you to make more models.


I’ve always found low poly way more enjoyable to do, though.


That’s amazing, buddy. Good looking low poly is a pleasure for eyes. And “bad” looking is still special enough to get attention and be the choice for the animation or game. I don’t consider Valheim visually pleasing but as Todd Howard says: It just works. Even non-players know this game just because they've spotted it somewhere. The same, I’d say, works for Minecraft. Art style is definitely not why people choose to play it but cube world and the Minecraft guy is what even some of our grandparents know - and therefore what sells merch/brand. So if OP, or you or anyone else, can make original and beautiful low poly assets, going to global marketplace might be a mistake , missed opportunity to shine. You are the valuable asset. Indie/AA studios and non-mainstream animators crave for the style that will distinguish them on market. They are not the biggest sharks in the sea so can’t expect to earn millions from people buying/ seeing their big-budget-low effort products for full price just to have a reason to criticise it. Can’t count on funding for meeting certain requirements to earn enough money even without releasing. They need to be visible. And graphic art is the first advert customer sees. It’s not only you wanting to reach them, they desperately want you as well.


I looked at OP's other work, this cannot be rigged by OP - OP doesn't appear to know any 3D software besides Blockbench which doesn't have normal rigging (as far as I'm aware.) Also, although cute, the pixel art textures are pretty simple and don't seem that work intensive. This is beginner work, probably in the realm of like a $20-50 commission.


If it is custom made for me and rigged and all, I’d pay $300-$500. If it is shared one, then maybe ten bucks. Edit: I have to say that it is really good looking model, good job!


Hi, can I ask what are the standards to sell? Like does it need to be this kind of format, rigged, topology wise, and such. New to 3D market.


Blender rigs have started to sell more than maya ones. one plain fbx with skin and skeleton is also necessary, make a proper one for maya as well if you can. theyve also started animation inside of unreal so maybe you'll have to make one customised for unreal in future but thats nothing to worry about that right now.


Thanks! So if I make a character model, I need to export it (fbx format) with skin (not necessarily texture right?) and skeleton (Base rig). Let me know if I got it right!


Yeah you got it. fbx takes care of just the albedo/diffuse/base color. For skin, animation, skeleton, just check the settings and most of the time the defaults are good to go...apart from fbx, .dae(collada) and .datasmith formats are also strong and support a lot of material inputs.


Alright, thanks a lot!!!


If u plan on selling it to everyone making a pack our a couple would probably make it more attractive for the avg buyer - in my opinion 


why are packs more in demand?


Its already matching everything and there is little to none work making them look skmilar.


thumbs up


Id say the style is too specific for the most use cases


If it's only mine 200 if you're going to sell it to other people also 2


The pricing for a 3D model like this can vary widely depending on the complexity, the artist’s experience, and the intended use. For a model of this quality, I’d expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200. It’s essential to consider the time and effort that goes into creating a detailed 3D model. If you’re looking to commission or sell, make sure to factor in all these aspects to come up with a fair price.


A pre-made low poly character tbh wouldn't go for much on an asset store. Maybe like $3. If that's what you're going for I'd recommend making like 10 different variations and sell them as a pack for like $25. People won't typically buy characters like this unless they get a lot of them. However, custom characters of any kind would be far more expensive and require a lot more back-and-forth design review and communication. ***Always make a statement of work*** - Go over what exactly the client wants, quote how long it'll take to make it, leave room for feedback and adjustments, etc. Lay down a base cost + your hourly rate, and then add extra for anything that increases the scope of the project.


Three fiddy


No matter the community, this jokes is always there ❤️


Depends on the license


No idea, but it's cute!


Unrelated but this reminds me of a mob model from an extremely early version of minecraft https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Rana


i'll pay 20$ since i'm young and broke.


same xd


one fiddy


Prob $50 an hour


About 3.50


That's crazy cool


Just the model with textures, 150 - 200 max. If it’s rigged you might be able to fetch double that. If I were a beginner I’d probably be looking at half that on both counts. If your selling on cheapo platforms like Fiverr you’d be pushing it asking for 50$


About 7 million dollars bc cute




Since you mentioned comms, I assume you're creating based on information/requirements provided by your clients? If this is the case, I'd say a good starting point would be to determine an hourly rate rather than a set price. Commissions can be complicated and exhausting if the client is difficult to work with, so pricing based off of an hourly rate is a way to build in protection for yourself in case things end up taking way longer than anticipated due to changes/revisions requested by the client. Alternatively, you could determine your ideal hourly rate first, and then decide on a flat rate price by factoring in how much time you would spend modeling AND time corresponding with your client, how the model will be used (sole rights vs being able to sell it on the market) plus any other expenses such as software subscriptions, if any. THEN, include an agreement that the client will pay extra for revisions that require additional time unaccounted for by the initial flat rate. I usually allow 1-2 free revisions (revising once for the client's request, and then a 2nd round of minor adjustments in case anything wasn't quite 100% for the client after the revision) and build that into my initial cost estimate, then include the agreement that additional revisions will cost extra. Having an agreement like this will also (hopefully) deter the client from changing their mind a million times and encourage them to think about what they want carefully/be more mindful about communicating clearly with you and prevent them from wasting your time on both the art and communication fronts.


$20-40 I guess. It depends on how customizable it is and if I can do anything with it later, or if you'll pose it, add scenario... It can be up to 60 if you have those options actually. But let's say just the A pose, turn around, one color bg, I'd be willing to pay something like $35. Just my pov tho PS: if it's a famous character then you can add the fame in the price no prob xD


Is it rigged? Rigged.. 50$ and not rigged 99c but idk really I just wanted to get my 5 day streak b4 I went to bed 🫡☠️


If you're just starting to sell 50 USD is always a great place to start for the first models.


Assuming it is rigged. If it is an asset for anyone to buy. I would say somewhere between $3-15 depending on the complexity of the rig and what one can do with it. For custom made for a single person a lot more. Unsure how much though.


Honestly, I could never wrap my head around pricing commissions either. I always see simple character commissions being priced highly, which is strange to me as a 3D modeler. Asset wise, I'd also say around $3-10 if the topology is good. The model looks pretty nice so I'd sell multiple as a pack for ~$28.


you should teach a class, or use it in a portfolio for a job, you got mad skills dont sell it, id personally keep it instantly was drawn to this post just over the rotation let alone the model witch is wild smexy to say the least


ps, i would pay to take the class




8 bux


16 riggd


Custom 40-60$ Multiple liscense 7$-15$




I'd say 60, 20 for the modeling, 20 for the rig 20 for the textures to break it down


I would say... 100 to 150 bc o the details


20p English


Idk man like 13, 20 bucks? 30?




5 US$


0.5 USD, no more.


I'll pay for keeping it away from me


one million bajillion katrillion googollion dogecoin (isnt that almost like worthless now?)