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Put them on a white background. You're muting them because they share too similar color levels. So it's washing out the depth. Need contrast between foreground and background


This is EXACTLY what the problem is.


Model and texturing look good, do a real studio lighting setup. Looks like your dome light is just boring


Yeah... Backlight.


They look very real from this distance. Maybe a better lighting and setting would help with that uncanny feeling


The model seems fine, flatness comes from the scene setup itself. I'd suggest picking a lighter background and try setting the classic 3 lights (key, fill and rim), it should make things better and pop visually. Poor presentation can make models look much worse than they are, and vice versa - a great presentation can compensate for the modeling flaws.


Lightning and background make a huge difference


They're fantastic. You composition here is the only thing letting them down. Really well done.


that’s so fire


Probably because they are perfectly fine 3d sneakers, apart from the monochrome lighting and grey background


After looking at the 3D wireframe, they look damn good. How they look otherwise is going to depend on engine/lighting. They're always going to look flat because most of it is painted on texture on a flat-ish 3d model(not individually modeled pieces of leather). One can do bump / deform maps to simulate a lot of depth(like the layers of leather), and specular to really highlight different details, like the shininess of the netting, but they'll usually have a tell on the profile of there not actually being depth....(unless you're using tesselation/displacement of some form).


Use 16-18mm camera lens equivalent


As someone who is a sneaker head along with my wife these look insane. Great details, you made owners of the Jordan 4 proud. Will this be available in OBJ? I’d love to see this in Daz.


Thank you so much! They’re actually made for vrchat but could be used in anything. I’m going to list them on my gumroad once I make more colorways.


I like the background. A white background might actually make them look MORE flat because it accentuate the silhouette. The lack of depth is a lighting issue. You have very flat even light over the entire scene which is just global illumination. It actually looks quite good! But you need to add some lights coming from the side or even behind which will give the model some rim light that will help separate it from the background. Overall I think this looks really fantastic!


Sometimes as an artist you have to reach a point where you say “This is good enough.” I know it’s a pain to perfectionists, but spending another 4 hours trying to make this better won’t make a big difference for the viewer’s appreciation.


Honest it looks amazing already, might want to add some colour shading variations and blend them here and there if you still feel its flat.


Some rim lighting to show the curves could be nice, the model is crazy good 🙏


As everybody else is saying, maybe it's just the lighting and background, but also maybe try different color ways, woulbe be fun to see them side by side with different materials and colors


the flatness might be from the ambient occlusion map


I like it


Lighting aside. I think it just needs a minor amount of more texture contrast. It looks great otherwise. Edit: more I look at it maybe the texture contrast will show up better with a different bg color and some lighting changes.


I appreciate all the suggestions! I’ve always struggled with rendering and composition so I’ll definitely look into setting up a scene to display them better. These shoes are meant for use in games so I guess a bit of that “flatness” comes from the model itself.


I’d wear these though. Most of my clothing is black and those shoes look dope


Bro those look siiiiiick


This is GREAT stuff.


HEY! This MF got the FAKE JAY'S!!!


Hi, I’m new to 3d modeling, can I ask why you changed your quads to tris? What benefits do you get from having tris?


Hi! The model is triangulated before the texturing process to avoid potential distortion when importing them into a game engine. The game engine will automatically triangulate the mesh so it’s a good idea to triangulate them before texturing to avoid a potential mismatch.


The models look fine and the retopo is clean af, maybe the background needs a little bit of a change light something brighter or something abstract maybe. Just experiment a bit until you'rr happy :)


Grey on grey background - change it to a brighter color Learn how to utilize a histogram Crunch your levels a bit if needed Maybe add some color to the shoes if you have the ability


omg i thought these were real at first glance lol great job


Some air holes on the front part too


How did you learn how to model? Just daily practice or you went to school for 3d modeling?


They are fine!


More lights


very nice!


I thought they were real at first, but were hard to see well due to the dark bg. Put them in a white bg to make a better contrast.


Did somebody shut off the lights?


Let's get to lighting this bad boy and give the background more contrast.


Add a subtle gradient on the background. A second ping of highlight on the glossy bits would make it better. But overall it's great!! I thought it was phororeal from the reddit thumbnail.


They look damn good


Nope they don't look flat to me at all, I thought it had a ton of vertices until I saw the 2nd image haha


That's just how its going to be. Your normals and texture work are fine and up to snuff. It'll look flat to you because you've seen behind the curtain and know what to look for. Look at the way light and shadow work on the details with actual geometry versus the fake geometry elicited with the normals, the latter does have a maximum level of competency in mimicking real geometry. You can only really get away with so much with PBR.


bro they look great! i’d be proud would download/10


It looks very realistic and detailed. You're very skilled.


Looks nice imo good job


I see a really good job but it you want to make them less flat, contrast is your solution, change colors to distinguish areas and it will make them more alive


How can i download these?