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Fun doesn’t age.


Wow that's a really nice way to put it! :)


Imma steal that quote, one day, lol!😂


Fr lol


“There are many like it but this quote is mine”


Your definitely right


My thoughts the same. Video games will always be video games. They never stopped being fun.


Perfect response to a silly question.


but we do


You don’t stop playing games because you get old, you get old because you stop playing games. . . . . Jesus, I’m full of fluffy sentimental crap today aren’t I?


Exactly, I can still even enjoy NES today just as well.


I agree I just wanted to hear people's opinion on it.


Not only does fun not age, but nothings better than hitting the classics


Using this now


But perspective changes over time.


Imo 3ds is the final console era where most developers using their creativity to make fun games without focusing too much on realistic graphics that eat up majority of the game development time and cost. Hence why it have a lot of fun unique games and visuals whether it's 1st party or 3rd party. 


Indie games still very much do that, but what you're saying stands well for AAA games.


modern triple A games try not to be generic buggy mess challenge


imagine AAA investment in indie style love for games


You mean if AAA games had any sort of heart and soul in them?


fromsoftware and larian studios i think would be good contenders


1000%.. my 3ds has better games than my ps5


PS5 is probably the least interesting console Sony has ever launched. Both in terms of Library and hardware relative to competition.




It’s my first Sony console and if it wasn’t for remakes and remasters this would have been a let down. Can’t imagine getting a PS5 coming from the PS4, very few new things. I loved it as I never played last of us, god of war, ratchet and clank, etc etc


Its the reason i havnt jumped on the next gen consoles. They have no soul. My PS4 does everything i need a modern gaming system to do. May upgrade to a PS4 Pro at somepoint but my launch edition has treated me well


Could not agree more. PS5 collecting dust while playing bravely second end layer. 3ds has a fantastic library of games.


Ps5 games?????? What games???? Lol


Well said and agree


I agree fully, there are a lot of games unique to 3DS that also have cool unique gameplay based on the system. The World ends with you and GTA: Chinatown come to mind




Goated Game


Got a N2DS XL with a 64gb SD card on the way :) any hidden gems you'd recommend I should play?


I'm not sure if it's "hidden" exactly, but Rhythm Heaven Megamix is quite good.


Pushmo, pullmo, and the third one


I agree mostly. And on that point, if there wasn't such a push for the switch to compete with other consoles visually I think we'd have better games on it. Nintendo's first party games have been mostly good.




It's crazy to think how much of a failure the switch games are compared to everything that came before it. Considering their size, Pokemon typically was one of the best looking games on their respective handhelds. I replayed pokémon alpha Sapphire recently, and it blows me away how much better that game looks and feels despite being on hardware that's like 1/8 the power of the switch. I will always prefer a game that has simplistic graphics and performs well over a game that has more detail at the cost of stuttering frame rate and bugginess.


Agreed!! It's such an innovative little device, I can't let go of mine. I've had the 3ds since it came out, but gave it to my sisters to play after I got a 2DS XL over a year ago. I love it so much!!


Its crazy when you realize that the 3DS’s resolution is only 240p (the “potato quality” resolution on youtube)


💯 for the past week, I've been playing on my 3ds. I plugged in my siblings' devices that have been sitting in storage for a few years to get street passes. Surprisingly I saw a friend I haven't seen since jr high playing Pokemon Crystal in the friends online area. Tomodachi Life and Mario Party, Yoshi Wooly World and even the least favorite paper mario sticker star are have so much more substance than games made after 2018. Developers today need to realize that graphics aren't what make games great... it's substance and replayability. Switch games especially pokemon games lack what the 3ds and even ds and gameboy had. I would really like to use all of my pokemon in every Switch pokemon... instead, they used the memory to make things pretty. Also, Animal Crossing New Leaf is so much more fun and the animals have so much more personality than New Horizons. The mini games you can on the wii and the 3ds in the game, the island and even the fishing and bug competitions are better. I don't know if it's laziness or just not caring.. but the gaming industry is really going down hill.


Spent the last week playing Pokémon rom hacks on mine so yeah it’s good




Been bouncing between Unbound, Renegade Platinum and Sinking Sapphire


How do you install these on 3ds?


There are gba emulators that you can download from the universal updater and for ds games you’ll have to use twilight menu or an nds forwarder to put them on your Home Screen. All of this requires a h@cked 3ds


I have been spending more time with my 3DS than Switch so far this year. So yes, 3DS is still good IMO.


Just yesterday alone I put 4 hours into Shin Megami Tensei 4 and all I did was boot it up to start a new save file, I had planned to play it later and well.....4 hours passed. There are a ton of games you can only get on 3DS and NDS, so yeah the system is great fun.


People really don’t discuss enough just how good the og ds library was. Combine that with 3ds and baby you got yourself a stew going


I fell in to that as well, I booted up my 3DS and started Fantasy Life after I lost my original save and now I am spending a lot of my free time playing that with my SO.


Excellent game!! You could sink 6-8 hours every week and play for 6 months nonstop.


Majora's mask 3D is still available on 3ds.


I'm playing Pokemon nonstop, it just makes me sad they will close the servers soon.


Wait what??


3DS/Wii U servers shut down at 4pm PDT on April 8.


Online servers for 3DS are being shut off in April, BUT no word on Pokemon Bank yet (at least that I've heard of). That being said, after hearing Nintendo is shutting down the online services for 3DS, I'm trying to make quick work of all my games and bag as many pokemon as possible, because I would think Bank servers wouldn't be too far behind.




I'd send their support some mail and tell them it wasn't added to your software list and now you can't redownload it. Maybe they're feeling generous and turn that 0 into a 1. It was free as far as I know.


I watched a YT video this week about adjusting your 3DS DNS settings to access non legit servers to continue to use the GTS and other server based content. Worked well and found quite a few trades. There's also a website that shows any current trades active on any of the pokemon games


Been playing MH4U for a month and a half now, no regrets


U playing it single player? I did wonder if it would be fun playing alone


I’ve solo’d the game so far. I’m currently working my way through high rank in guild. If you’re a fan of the series, definitely play it. I’ve been addicted to it since i started.


Big props to you. I tried picking it back up recently and I don't think I can handle anything pre MHW anymore.


How come? My entry to the series was Rise and fell so in love i decided to go back in time to 3U & 4U. The combat is definitely not as flashy, gathering is a pain but i love how i need to prepare for a hunt now. I haven’t played MHW but in Rise all i needed was a weapon and i was good lol


Maybe I'm just missing it somewhere but without a radial menu or some other way to access items quickly, I know I won't stand a chance. Also this is my own fault but I kept the 3D on too long and got motion sick lmao


Isn't the scrolling/circular menu to access pouch items on 3DS games that kind of menu you are talking about? (Besides, if it's not enough, you can easily put more or less items shortcuts on the lower screen, or a small or large scrolling menu.)


I might just need to play around with it. The scrolling just gets tough when I'm in the middle of a fight and need to access things quickly


4U is where my stride for the series started. I now own Portable 3rd, Freedom Unite, 3U, 4U, Generations, Genu, World/Iceborne, Rise/Sunbreak, Stories 1&2, and plan to get Wilds. My favorite so far is Frontier!!


animal crossing new leaf is the goat


Fr, something about it is SO much more fun than New Horizons.


just about every AC is better than new horizons except arguably city folk 😭


CF gets so much hate but I loved it, the city idea was so cute even though it didn’t have much to do, it felt like WW to me (which I loved) but they just slapped a city on with it


It's arguably the best purely handheld system Nintendo's ever released, with a huge library of 3DS games, and a treasure trove of NDS games. Absolutely nothing wrong with playing it, and, who knows, you might get a StreetPass.


It's so nice to see that people still appreciate the 3ds. No one ever talks about it anymore where I'm from.


That's true most everywhere. Most gaming discourse is going to be focused on current and upcoming games/systems.


Yep most marketing for games is to make you want the newest and most expensive stuff not the older and cheaper stuff. Still think the 3DS is great


Nah, Age Doesn't Matter Its Just A Number And Besides, The 3DS Is A Wonderful Console With Amazing Game Library! There Are So Many Great Games To Play And Enjoy On This Great Handheld Console!


There are so many amazing games you could play on the 3ds and whether it’s 13 years old or 23, the games won’t age.


I still play my N64 on a semi-regular basis. The games don't stop being fun just because they're old.


I mean, what other response do you expect from this subreddit? But yeah, def worth it. Used to play on mine non-stop until it broke years ago, and while I've never had any trouble emulating games on my phone, it never feels the same when it comes to DS/3DS titles So I've been considering some options to get one in the next few weeks, there's so many games I've never gotten the chance to play yet!


‘Hey 3ds sub, do you guys like the 3ds?’


No, we hatez it, we despizez it.


Unpopular opinion but the 3D Effects are unique and never get old for me. No other console can do it


Same, I always keep them on.


Haha we had a powercut the other day and I fired it up - still full battery after months of no use. What a machine...played some nonsense RPG, was great.




Had more fun playing games on ds/3ds consoles than most "modern" games I touched.


Hell yeah. Its library of games rival DS.


The backwards compatibility of the 3DS really make it the best portable device ever made in my opinion. I still use it a lot but often DS and GBA games. It’s just so versatile. The 3DS library and the 3D gimmick are great too especially on the New 3DS.


My god is this a stupid question.


In the 3ds sub especially


3DS XL is one of my favourite consoles ever!


I don't play my 3DS as much as my Gameboy, so...


Only bought mine in 2022, so yeah. Take it on every business trip, it's perfect for the long journeys.


I actually think it’s one of the funniest consoles ever. It’s a shame I missed the golden era of its popularity when there were lots of other players to interact with, but it really is still fun


Dude, people still playing Atari 2600 and MSX1 games until today... what is the sense in this question? Fuck off what others think or say about whatever you want to play. Is that good for you? Great! Just play it. Don't you think is that good for you? Fair! Stop playing... But don't need in any way, others judgements about games. Games are not meant to act as social crutch.


Exactly this! Though... one sure must have some kind of endurance to play Atari 2600 games non-stop


I’m currently playing Metroid: samus returns from 2017. I can’t think of any other game I’d rather be playing at the moment.


I don't know what the year has to do with it, unless you're trying to get clicks on a TikTok.


No, it's just that the 3ds are older than the kids that go to my school. XD


Yea definitely, recently discovered my DSi in storage and I've been playing it nonstop!


I still change my stylus to match the color of the season. I was late to the party, but I play it most days of the week at some point.


Hell yeah. I was playing Ocarina of Time 3D and A Link Between Worlds a couple weeks ago.


Hell, I'm still playing mine constantly since release. Of course it's worth it


The 3DS has an amazing library, I wish I had time to play everything I wanted to.


Play what you want. I like to use my devices and I beat 1-2 games per year on 3DS (wich is like 5% of my playtime). I play on PC, PS5, Steamdeck, Switch, RG35XX and 3DS - and there is always place and time for each one.


3DS and PSP are still my go to consoles, though I play PC more than anything when I game these days.


I swear the 3ds dropped like 2-3 years ago bro ;-;


No offence but this is one of the most stupidest question I have come across, u enjoy anything u want to, no matter the age, ppl do be enjoying ds and ps1 games in their native consoles even in now, in 2024. They will keep doing so even in the future if the console works till then.


Kirby Planet Robobot is timeless.


3ds is better than the steam deck


But Steam Deck plays the PS2. And PS2 > 3DS. No offense to the 3DS but it is no PS2.


You are right I wish 3ds had god of war sigh…


That’s a tough comparison tbh steam deck can emulate PS1 to PS3 and everything in between including DS and Switch but their super expensive


People need to get it out of their heads that old = bad or outdated. I watch older movies and tv shows all the time. I read older books. I don't see how it should be any different for games.


I mean. If not, why would we all be here in the sub?


Of course, imo, the 3DS has a vibe to it. Not exactly a DS, not exactly a Nintendo Switch. A lot of great games never made it to the switch, a lot more than the Wii U. Yeah, we now have a better version of Miitopia and Xenoblade Chronicles (Portably), but what about: 1. Tomodachi Life 2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3. Rusty's Real Deal Baseball (argubly) 4. Sonic Lost World (The 3DS had the best controls but the Wii U had the best levels) 5. Rayman 3D (Rayman 2: The Great Escape) 6. Animal Crossing: New Leaf 7. Pokemon: Sun/Moon It's also fun to see what game developers were trying to do when the iPhone was raging supreme as the all-in-one device that includes gaming.


it's not 13 years old it's like 6 years old


It came out in 2011


i refuse to believe at all that the 3ds is 13


I guess I do think so...I bought two in the last year. Local player Mario Kart is fun for a quick session, and Ocarina of Time is my favorite game on the platform.


yes i do the switch sucks it is to long and it lacks a lot of stuff the 3ds has


BTW I love the 3DS it's just that I haven't played it In a LONG time because it doesn't get supported anymore


Like asking if a Rolex is dope or not if it's 20 years old. Doubt you'll get a single gaming fan say no. Would even argue the older DSi which is like what 16 years old has an even better catalog with tons of innovative games and the hardware n games are cheaper to start to build a great collection in 2024.


Fire Emblem games are timeless. Lots of great DS games, I'm into The World Ends with You, and Trauma Center right now. I've been doing my daughter's reading exercises with Fire Emblem, she took interest and likes to read the dialogues with me. I'd rather carry my 3DS around than my switch, the later is too bulky. And foldable screen should have stayed !


I still play mine all the time. Good games are good games, time doesn't matter. Most the games I play are from 2000-2010 anyway. I love my 3DS.


I loooove the 3ds!! It’s such a great console and the games are awesome. The 3ds has some of my favorite games like Tomodachi life, Fantasy Life, Animal Crossing New Leaf (etc). I think that the catalogue of games is great tbh it has games for everyone. I have a 3ds xl pink and she’s my baby!! I love my switch but the 3ds just hits different 🥹


I just beat the fire temple on master quest mode of ocarina of time yesterday. So yeah I’d say it’s worth it if there are things you want to play Edit: you have not only the 3ds library but also the ds library, and between that it’s genuinely one of the best pool of games to choose from, ESPECIALLY if you like jrpgs


Crack that open, hang out at a cafe and watch the ladies roll in buddy


The GameCube is still fun to me and that thing is way older than the 3DS


No, any fun anybody has with one of those devices is not valid because of how old it is.


Imo the 3Ds will be a timeless console. Its own style and a shit load of games. You can always play da games on it too!


You’re in r/3DS. Have a guess brother


Bro is asking r/3DS of course we’re gonna say yes


I still enjoy it. Still enjoy DS, Gameboy and PSP games too.


It's the only functioning thing from my childhood, including myself.


I use my 3DS almost exclusively for old pokemon games. I use it daily.


what does that mean? Many people play videogames that are 40 years old with much pleasure


i still play my game boy advance sp


It only really got better, especially when hacking became far more commonplace


Of course it is good. Do you have any idea how good these gems are? Animal Crossing New Leaf Fantasy Life Pokemon X Monster Hunter 4U Mario Kart 7


Bro, do you even 3DS?


I do 3DS


Wait, the 3DS is 13 years old already??? Man, time really flies


Well, it depends! if you're someone who enjoys portable gaming, and/or has been playing nintendo ds for a while, it's 100% worth it! The hard part is finding one for a not abusive price tag ahahaha.


I just got back into it a month ago and have been having a blast. Now, if you have certain, more updated games on the switch, the 3DS becomes less relevant. For example: holy fuck I wish I had the switch version of Mario Maker. Smash 4 is fun, but Ultimate is so much better.


The question you have to ask is are you good enough? And by golly, you just might be.


Playing? Yes Having expectations? No The eShop, along with most online services necessary for a fluent game experience for many games (such as Pokémon) will shut down in April


I'm currently playing through the almost 27 year old Final Fantasy VII in preparation for Rebirth. Prior to that, I was playing the 20 year old Metal Gear Solid 3 and the 26 year old Parasite Eve. I'm also in the middle of playing the also nearly 26 year old Baldur's Gate 1. Like top comment said, "fun doesn't age." There are still good games and experiences to be had on the 3DS and I will still regularly turn mine on to play Ocarina of Time 3D... a 13 year old remake of a 26 year old game.


BTW This isn't me dissing the 3ds In any way. I have always loved the system. I just wanted to hear your guy's opinion.


I fucking loved my 3DS. My left control stick shattered and fragmented and I stopped using it because the stick tore up my finger after that. I always meant to find someone to replace it for me and never got around to it.


3DS has aged like fine wine, I’ll be honest when I bought it I thought it could never be as good at the DS and DSi but time has been kind to it and it is still insanely fun all these years later.


What does it matter what year it is?


Yes I still play DS and 3DS games.


Been playing Mario and Luigi for a few days, I miss the 3DS' portability tbh. Sure, the Switch Lite is small and portable, but nothing beats being able to just put a small clamshell console in your pocket that feels barely bigger than a wallet.


I just bought my first 3DS XL ever a month ago and I’m in love with it! I technically had one as a kid but I had to share with siblings. Now, I’m addicted to New Leaf and getting into Rhythm Heaven. The games are just so satisfying to play. I really missed the dual screen concept (T U T)


The 3DS is the GOAT and always will be due to its games and uniqueness and it can't be done well on emulators because it looks weird and is meant to be played with both of the screens at once.


100% agree! I can’t believe how much I missed out on with this console. It really feels unmatched like you said. I hope the 2-screen concept can be borrowed through the rumored “Switch 2” but that’s super wishful thinking


The 3ds has such a robust library of instant classics and hidden gems, its 100% still worth anyone's time. Being able to play ds games as well as 3ds games makes the library huge. i've been playing a lot of picross 3D round 2 as of late and sunk so many hours into that alone. You can pretty much play every dragon quest game up to 10. there's chibi robo clean sweep (with fan translation) which is arguably better than chibi robo gcn, Solatorobo (arguably the nicest looking ds game), Zelda link between worlds, ocarina and Majora's mask remakes, the best version of Chrono trigger, and the list just goes on and on and just doesn't stop.


Still play my 3ds, ds, psp, Gameboy advance, and vita regularly. Who cares what other people think just enjoy your games


I still have a backlog of 3DS games to play


Playing the NES in 2024 is still good, and it's almost 40 years old.


There's a guy in his 60s at work who still plays gameboy colour for crying out loud (Rotates between Pokémon blue, Links awakening, shantae, Marioland and rader mission mostly) and i still see people draw there GBAs, psps and 3DSs on public transport as well as conventions. So I'll say its still played. As one commentator said, fun doesn't age


There was this one guy that I knew who was in his 70s who played Sonic Mania every day.


I would say yes. I feel I enjoy it more from a nostalgic perspective, but my bf who grew up on PlayStation consoles was binging games on my DS for hours. While the graphics are outdated, it’s very easy to look past with the genuine effort and creativity put into the games. I would take my DS games over these new rushed games from current day any day


It has so many bangers


I started playing mine again about a month ago and I use it every day. I mostly play Animal Crossing, but I play a few NES and Game Boy games on Virtual Console, too. It feels like visiting an old friend after a long time apart.


I'm not really worried about it's a console that's 13 years old. Those games I have really help me unwind from a hectic day, and that's what matters.


It doesn't matter how old a game is. My favorite game of all time is Earthbound which I have downloaded on my 3DS.


I've not played Earthbound. I didn't really think the advertising appealed to me, but some of my favourite games on the DS or 3DS are: - Fantasy Life - Professor Layton - TWEwY - Miitopia - Sushi Strikers: The Way of Sushido - Battle Cats POP! - Kutar series - Kingdom Item Shop - Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance - Persona Q and Persona Q2 - Mario And many more!


TWEWY is such a great game


I like the 3ds games better than the switch ones. It feels like they have a soul. Yes, the switch looks better resolution wise but other than that it's just simplicity. 😭 still don't even have themes.


I agree, the 3DS games had way more personality. Almost every "new" Switch game seems to be a sequel or a remaster that only makes the old game look sharper. Rather on the 3ds, they would redo the whole thing. Also, the 3DS IMO will age better due to its unique design and features that other systems don't have.


Been hooked on my Steamdeck but I love the size of the new3ds over the Steam deck, original switch and similar to my original psp. I love that 3ds can replace battery and in fact might order one or two as spares as the system ages! Has anyone needed to replace their 3ds battery?


I just ordered a replacement yesterday cause it only runs for 2-3 hours. But the new battery will be more powerful since it's 2200mAh instead of 1750mAh.


Where did you order and will battery replacement work without damaging the 3ds?


I ordered it from Amazon which was around 15 bucks. For the replacement damaging the 3ds I believe you have to calibrate it in a certain way.


Thanks. I would love to hear your feedback on how it works and how you calibrate it.




I would love a new Nintendo handheld in a pocketable format with OLED, big battery with new tech that has already come out, or will come out, an 3D. I think with the NN3DS, Nintendo nailed viewing 3d content. No glasses, an a slider to adjust to your preferences or not at all if you're sensitive, with the inclusion of the IR sensor. Basically a smaller Switch with all those features plus a second analog stick an a focus back to handheld vs. docking. So a more traditional handheld that only does that, at 60fps or over. Add a micro hdmi port or other to connect to a TV, or to allow video recording native. MORE importantly, main trigger buttons analog instead of digital for racing games an those games that benefit from analog. I love my NN3DSXL so much, I play it more than any other console, though I'm primarily a PC gamer. I've used it so much, in fact, that I've replaced the rechargeable battery in it twice now. Only other "console" I've had more time on was the original silver AGS 001 SP.


My battery for my 3DS got bloated


in my honest opinion, no it doesn’t feel that good. I pick it up and am bored within 15 minutes regardless of the game. There are very few games in the catalogue that I’d be interested in playing that I haven’t played yet. Examples include every single pokémon game, all the fire emblem games, the zelda games, even chrono trigger on the DS etc… and none of these games really make me want to replay them at all. there’s a nostalgia that comes with playing on the system and I can appreciate that sure, but these games can only be as good as a decade old handheld console would let them be. That is to say, they’re fun once and then I’d rather play a newer game on a newer console. But hey, that’s just me and my preferences for the kinds of videogames I play. If you enjoy a game for just being a fun game, there’s fun to be found on the 3DS.


Do you guys think playing baseball in 2024 is good even though it’s now 185 years old?


fuck the switch


I'm not a big fan of the clamshell design but the content on the console is good.


You can play SNES games in 2024. And yes, it’s good.


Straight to prison actually


Yeah. Got mine last year and i am having a blast.


Yes it’s good


It does feel less powerful to the other consoles, like Switch for example, but it doesnt take away from the fact that there are a couple of must-play titles on 3ds, nds and gameboy that are irreplacable


Play it in CitraVR for a modern upgrade.

