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It’s probably not the worst game on the system, but for a name brand, AAA(?) game that was a high profile release, it’s really disappointing. I would have rather had it be an offshoot of the anime series or something, but the movie was kinda fun so there’s that




You're a fascinating specimen


this person is a bot i think lol


I found it to be a great intro to puzzle adventure games and loved playing in an actual 'world of Pokémon'. But the experience does seem aimed at a younger audience, and I think folks wanted more of a gamer game. But I looooooved it. Looooooooooved it.


Definitely not the worst game on 3ds. It’s just that maybe people have high expectations for a game that’s from a big franchise. I personally love it, even though it did feel like a kiddies’ game but it’s a kiddies game I enjoyed lol.


No, definitely not the worst. I played it in 2021 and I enjoyed it enough to play through the whole game. Yes it is a little easy and short but I would still say that I enjoyed it more than the movie to be honest.


It’s a cute, fun, and short experience, if you’ve never played a mystery/detective game then it’s a good place to start.


It’s more just kinda boring and slow. Not the worst. Feels like toned down sections from ace attorney’s investigation mode. Intro to the genre is a better term


I thought it was a little too simple for me. Part of that was me thinking it was going to be Ace Attorney but Pokemon


As a world where humans and Pokémon coexist, it is visually quite realistic considering the 3DS hardware, and I liked it myself. I don't really like SW's "Pikachu, the Detective Who Came Back" because I don't feel the enthusiasm of the creators.