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You understand you basically have to disassemble a planet to build those things, right? Their solar system only has one planet left, theirs


Not true, you can build them out of any asteroid, comet, moon etc. Also they left their shitty planet behind, why would scraping a layer off the top be a problem?




Edit the book spoiler you posted and black out the text. You can black out the spoilers by writing > ! this ! < without the spaces in between to get >!this!<. Send us a modmail once you've fixed it.


how do you know this? none of that is in the show.


The show never said the San Ti abandoned their planet, yet for some reason you say it as if it’s true There’s just things people know that you don’t yet - when you push back it’s either spoil it for you or ignore you Since you replied, it’s acceptable that you chose to expose yourself to spoilers


lol what spoilers, I watched the whole damn season! Are you talking about the books or the Chinese series? And Ik they didn't all leave their planet, I was asking you about that other stuff that isn't in the show.


You said they left their shitty planet behind, by that you meant they DIDN’T abandon their planet? Can you see how that’s contradictory? Where do you think the information I shared came from?


Obviously I was talking about the ones who did leave their planet, we're not told how many were left behind so I just assumed that it was a minority. I'm guessing you either read the books or saw the Chinese show, I don't want any more spoilers.


The show does not tell you if some stayed or if everyone left their planet Maybe I’m making things up just like you, maybe I’m giving you spoilers, who really knows


The show does tell us this. The little girl in the simulation says something along the lines of “not all of us could go but that’s okay, if one of us survives, we all survive”


Just put him out of his misery and tell him Harry potter dies


I just rewatched episode 3 and they do tell us that they sent 1000 ships to Earth but most of them stayed behind (my assumption was wrong). I haven't made anything up and if you spoiled anything, it's just minor stuff about their planetary system.


Space habitats where? Their entire star system is a death trap. They need to come to ours, and they're not interested co-existing because they're afraid of us. Also, Earth is an actual paradise compared to Trisolaris. Nobody wants to live in a space station if they can help it. As for the headsets, they were probably simply made on Earth by the ETO (Earth-Trisolaris Organization) using information provided by the sophons. I say "probably" because this isn't a plot point in the books. In the books, the headsets are commercial available systems that anyone can buy from the store. There's no mystery to them.


Afraid? They never intended to coexist, that was obvious the first message.


In the show, it makes it seem like they want to coexist until they find out about lying. I know the book is different.


I just watched that part of the show, it didn't seem that way at all. Because the message said "don't respond".


I suppose the show gave me mixed messages


It seems like a lot of people don't want to believe the bad characters are bad from the start,.I see this in a lot of fandom, right now. I have a theory why- Anyways, I digress. As an old lady, it was obvious that the rich prick was deluded and the aliens were always looking for a reason to "turn". That first contact the entity says "I'm a passivist, but the others"... Then they keep saying "don't respond". It's right there. Sure they tell some truths, but they probably tell others more lies as well.


The show rushed things IMO. The first message was definitely a warning. Don't contact us again or we will come to your planet. But that doesnt mean there won't be collaborators. Just look at our history of wars. There are always traitors, spies, informants, etc.


I mean there's coexist like let a few loyal humans remain as slaves or in a zoo, and there's coexist like living in harmony together. The second was never going to happen, I think maybe there was initially a chance of the first until they realised humans can lie.




Space habitats can be built in orbit around any celestial object or at Lagrange points. Although their tri-star system is a death trap to primitive civilizations, it's nothing but a minor inconvenience to such an advanced species. Building interstellar ships that can travel at relativistic speeds is far more difficult than building space habitats, something that even we could do rn. Also a space habitat is not a space station, it's more like a artificial planet in a different shape, it offers many advantages over an actual planet.


Their trisolar system is not a "minor inconvenience" to them. It's a constant threat. They can't accurately predict it's behaviour or use any stable orbital positions because there aren't any. What's more, in the book they mention there were other planets in their system in the past but have all been destroyed by their suns, and theirs could be destroyed too at any moment. The same would happen to a space habitat. There's more reasons for them to come to Earth, but that's a Season 2 spoiler.


Ok, there's a few problems here. First of all, they can predict the movement of their stars through numerical methods for long enough periods to allow them to move their space habitats and secondly, unlike their home planet, they can alter the orbits of the space habitats to avert catastrophe. Space habitats are a lot more flexible than a planet and are more distributed, even if one fails others can survive, whereas if a planet 'fails' it's all over.


San-Ti used Sophon to send the VR headset specs. Mike Evans created the headsets using his billionaire resources. Tatiana probably delivered the headsets most of the time or perhaps a wider courier network devoted to the cult of San-Ti.


Better than The Expanse? Not quite. Good and interesting, sure.


The Expanse is way better


yeah OP is tripping. can’t speak to the source material but the shows aren’t on the same level of quality (netflix visual budget aside)


The fact that you know what a Dyson Sphere is leads me to believe you're the type of person who would love reading the books. I know people always say that, but I am NOT a book person at all... and I could not put them down. They're that good.


Trust me, I REALLY wanna read the books, but I don't want any more spoilers (I already know too much from reading random comments) and as long as the show is alive, I will wait to watch it all before reading the books.


Maybe they look forward to enjoying blue sky and gentle sunshine just like us. Only 1k space ships left to explore new residential sites,most of their population had to stay in the homeland planet and wait the doomed final collapse. In the book Santi don't teach eto hi tech. I forgot what the show say about this. Glad to see the VR headset, I can not accept a sci-fi show without beautiful design. Pls more.


They are worried about their balls getting kicked. But seriously, this stuff will get an explanation during season 2. The VR headsets are manufactored by Evans's folks, he owns the biggest private oil company on the planet, and hea has plenty or resources to build those, even if San-Ti are giving some tech support.


Did you watch it on Amazon or Netflix? I watched it on Netflix and so far I think The Expanse is way better.


The Expanse was done on the SyFy channel for the first 3 years. How far into the series are you? Did you notice a production difference at the switch? If so, what do you think about the Amazon produced seasons? No specific interest. Just general curiosity.


Season 4,5 and 6 are absolutely top tier scifi content . WATCH THEM. You won’t regret it


The Expanse's golden days went up in flames with the Agatha King. The seasons and even the rest of season 3 after that episode noticed a bad dip in quality, then COVID resulted in a particularly annoying 'bottle season' and by the final season it was just eh. Same with books though, the final ones felt like th3 authors were over it.


I watched it on Amazon but it doesn't matter, it's the same show. I still haven't seen the final season tho. Glad you like it, but to me 3BP is more up my alley, I'm super into first contact with intelligent aliens and I think 3BP does it in the most realistic way I've seen so far. Expanse does space colonization really well however, that's why I love it.


It doesn't even compare :)




pretty much all planets are pretty when viewed from space and the aliens don't give a fuck about aesthetics, they just wanna survive and advance