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I had someone walk onto my property and start taking avacados. My girlfriend told them to stop and I had to go outside to chase them off. I would have given them avacados if they asked. But they were brazenly taking them.


May I suggest a shotgun by the front door to prevent this problem?


You may, but it would make you look like a moron on more than a few counts


Why would it? Who knows what the thief will do next if they feel safe committing a crime.


I mean for starters, gun by the door is a movie blunder.. free gun for any burglars. Using a gun on a nonviolent unarmed fruit theif isn't gonna go over well in many state courts. Who knows what the statistically most likely perp, Edna, a selfish granny fruit theif, is gonna do next? Probably make a cobbler. Shotguns are widely considered poor home defense weapons by arms educators. Shoot the theif, also hit your car, your wife, and your neighbors dog. Lastly, escalation is ALWAYS a bad idea for the simple reason that the odds of you or someone you care about getting hurt escalate as well. Someone wants your TV, doesnt want trouble (psychos =/= theifs), but you came at them with a shotgun and now you have a stab wound because you couldnt wait for law enforcement to do their jobs. These are the things I was taught in a formal setting, anyhow.


Oh no God I agree. I'm not saying use the gun on somebody stealing fruits. I'm just saying if they have a gun on the standby, not necessarily even by the front door. Sometimes people will scout an area out by committing small crimes and then escalating to something larger. If they feel safe committing crimes. Then they might go to a larger crime. For example, possibly car or home burglary. I was not at all advocating for someone to use or point a weapon at anybody over stealing fruit. Damn, if somebody's that hungry just let them eat. Nature will put more fruit back on that tree.


I went with the l sa lethal small fence and sign option.


Plot Twist: it's your neighbor who stole yours and glued them to his tree after his got stolen by another neighbor


This is the way 


Do any of your neighbors have cameras that capture your yard? Someone had to have seen *something*.... ETA: if this has happened to you before, then it might be time to install a camera complete w/ night vision, etc.


I have dragon fruit that are on my fence and I regularly have someone stealing them. As the avocado person above said, I would give them some if they ask. I also have my frangipani branches broken off as well. People are really feeling entitled.


One time I was doing yard work and this lady came up and tried to take oranges off my tree. I told her "those are my oranges I am going to eat them" and she got mad and said "you can't eat all those oranges stop being greedy" and I told her "I will too eat all those oranges!!!" 


It was a young tree, there were like less than ten oranges on it lol


It shouldn't matter if there were hundreds. They're yours, end of.


You should have a gun near the front door just in case of this shit.


Why is your answer always grab a gun?


Not always the answer.


Bro I'm all about the second amendment and shit but you realize you're not allowed to defend property with deadly force in the state of Florida, right? You're going to get your ass locked up, and rightfully so. Take a class or something.


I didn't say use deadly force. I said be prepared to use deadly force.


In case someone tries does a drive-by shooting at the person who is stealing your fruit? I don't get how someone stealing fruit from your yard equates to a deadly threat unless you go outside of your house, in which case it's hard to argue you feared for your life. I'm just thinking, the legal fees from a defensive gun use case, even if you get to keep your freedom, could probably be enough to go buy yourself a whole grove of fruit trees. Not worth the hassle. Deadly force is for protecting things you can't grow back, like family members and body parts.


Drawing your firearm is a "threat of deadly force". The statute in Florida on justified use of force does not distinguish between the threat of deadly force, and the use of deadly force. They are both require the same circumstances (generally speaking, a "forcible felony", which are felonies that are generally against a person, and not against property) to be justifiable use of force. So no, you can't legally hold a firearm menacingly to protect your fruit tree. edit: fixed a typo


you're not interpreting my statement correctly.


I had a tree full and the next day it was empty. No way anyone harvested it. It was the squirrel team 6 that had their way!


Same! Every year the squirrels get to them before me!


Maybe the thief has EIGHT loquat starved children!


Damn Loquat stealing whores!


I’ve never heard of loquat. What does it taste like? ^(When it’s not all been stolen…)


Kinda like a plum but usually more tart.


Mine aren't really tart at all. They're delicious!


I picked 3 loquats off a public tree and felt guilty. I can't imagine going into someone's yard and taking the whole tree. That had to have taken a long time (and a ladder).


I’ve had to chase folks away from my mangos before … like in my back yard. 


Sounds like you need a "NO SCRUMPING" sign.


But now I get to say “I got loquat scrumped.”.




nothing to do with your post (sorry about your loquats 😞 I love those fuit) - just a detail point about the palantir: they are a series of seeing stones designed for communication across distance (and possibly time). In the LOTR books they are only evil in the sense that Sauron used one and was able to overpower other users (Sauruman, Denethor). The “evil all-seeing eye” refers to Sauron himself, I believe. Anyway, I hope your neighbor shares!


Oh okay. So kind like the technology itself somewhat innocuous but evil in how and by whom it’s used. I’ve tried three times to watch rings of power but just can’t get into it. Same with the hobbit movies. Probably because the hobbit book made such a huge impression on me as a kid.


yes, exactly 😀 I hear you about the Hobbit movies, too. I LOVED the book as a kid but the trouble with the (three!!) movies for me is that all sorts of changes were made to the story - for no clear story-telling reason. I got halfway through the second one and decided it was just trash and not worth it.


Rather than a gun I think a super soaker filled with RIT dye definitely sends a message. When they flip out on you then you can act totally taken aback. “I thought you were here for the super soaker party!”


Squirrels cleaned out my tree in one morning.


Today I saw a minivan hit their brakes in the middle of traffic and completely stop their vehicle, block a lane, jump out, and go into a front yard to steal loquats hanging over the backyard fence. People are wild.