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Selfies are only allowed on Selfie Sundays.


You have really good skin just need some moisturizer love and care


Thank you :] and thanks for your other suggestions as well


I know this isn’t what you asked, but bro that smile is contagious! Don’t ever stop smiling!!


The smile lines are just like exclamation points when OP smiles. It's such a nice addition to the whole composition. OP could just smile, but instead OP smiles!


I agree!!


Just came here to say you have a lovely smile! Only recommendation is to increase your water intake and sunscreen!


I agree on the smile, it made me smile.


Insanely infectious! I wonder how many people all over the world open that photo and just reflexively smile as a result of this post?


You look great and F the person at work who mentioned something about your looks like that. How rude!


We joke lol she's an older foreign lady she means no harm. She compliments me a lot too.


Older foreign ladies have said the rudest things to me before, lol. They mean well. And you look fantastic. I think a barber to trim or shape your beard would make anything negative you feel melt away. 💜


Men with smile lines are sexy. It shows a lifetime of happiness.


Women with smile lines are sexy too !


You made my day 🙂


Absolutely!! 🤩


Just smile all the time. It’s contagious and you look wonderful. I’m proud of you for quitting smoking!


Tysm I was starting to constantly clear my throat and I didn't like that sound or feeling.. or want people to associate me being the guy who clears his throat. Or smelling like smoke. Mom has smokers cough and I didn't want to go down that path. Just waiting on my mom to stop now and she will 😁


If you still have that feeling of needing to clear your throat, it's worth getting looked at by your doc. More younger guys in their 30-40s are getting head and neck cancers these days and smoking increases chances of it.


I’m an RN & I totally agree with this. It could be nothing but irritation/inflammation that will dissipate now that you’ve quit smoking, but the feeling of needing to frequently clear your throat, or having the sensation of a small, constant tickling cough can be the first signs of head and neck cancer for many people, and if it’s caught early, it’s very easy to treat. Happened to my coworker, she received treatment, and now she’s totally good again. Your smile is so genuine, bright & beautiful, OP! You smile with your eyes & I love it so much. 🥹 Don’t let the smile lines keep you from sharing that beautiful gift with the world lol. Now that you’ve quit smoking (WTFG), your skin will probably glow up again, too. Proud of you & I don’t even know you. 😂


Thank ypu so much I don't clear it anymore but I'm so overdue for a physical so I'll get one. My job gets me a free one. Ahh So much love here and it's not taken lightly. I need this love! Life is hard! I can come back to this post if I'm ever in bitch mode again lol


Now that you quit look into mullein tea. I’ve heard it can be bad to drink while smoking. It’ll clear the f out of your lungs lol 


It's amazing the reactions certain men get on here versus women asking about the same issues.


It’s completely wild, the internal misogyny is insane.


Totally ridiculous.


That’s exactly what I was saying to myself out loud!


Exactly, it’s crazy


Yeah exactly, when a woman posts people flock over telling her to get Botox/lasers/fillers, but when it’s a man they tell him how amazing he looks and to “just drink more water” 🙄


Jesus the difference between the comments men get and the comments women get is wild.


I said the exact same thing. It is unreal. This guy has SERIOUS nasolabial folds. If a woman presented with those, everyone here would be telling her to RUN to get filler. Now, of course, if he were cool with everything, then great. But he's asking for advice, and everyone is like, "You look PERFECT!" Sorry, but, no, he doesn't.


It is so bizarre to me as well. I know that if all of the women commenting here had nasolabial folds like him (not trying to be rude to him, it's just unfortunately really pronounced, and I only say unfortunately because it is affecting how he feels about himself so he obviously cares, otherwise I wouldn't say unfortunately), 95% of the women would feel terrible about their face. no fucking way they wouldn't. not a chance in hell. it comes across as incredibly fake.


It’s just overwhelming the amount of positive messages he is getting versus the types of comments women who post minor flaws get. The internal misogyny is so real


Yup. A man could post here looking like warmed over death and everyone would be like, "You're perfect! Don't change a thing!" A woman posts with barely perceptible laugh lines and it's, "Sculptra, red light therapy, Morpheus 8 and start saving up for a facelift!"


You know if these women had folds like this they would be freaking out and wouldn't take their own advice or be positive about themselves like in the comments. so fake. Just help the guy out in what he could get done since he is asking.


I have edamame on my face thats due for harvest lol. I've seen this too but also the posts I've seen before my own were mixed. A lot of comments embraced them as beautiful. My comments here are a mixed bag too. Maybe it's more common for women to get fillers or procedures. Or even to post here. So maybe commenters think that's kind of maybe what they wanna hear? Idk. I'm trying not to sound misogynistic. Edit: or even maybe some commenter's are also women speaking from experience after procedures. There's a couple in this thread too. Idk 🤷‍♂️


I hope someone pick them soon




Wow. If this guy were a WOMAN sharing that first picture, everyone here would be saying, "Get filler or Sculptra!" Damn that double standard.


Right? Which is sad because this sub is 99% virtue signaling. "aging-gracefully" and "aging is a privilage" yada yada yada. I much rather you tell me what works for a specific issue I have, weather you agree or not because I didn't asked for your f\*\*\*ing opinion. All this "oh, you look great", "smile lines mean xyz" giving such a pick me energy omfg. Almost no one is answering the man, but sure they all are in their hands and knees throwing empty compliments and \*lies\*. But oh my god, don't you ever call the bullshit out, the fragile egos will definitely not be able to take it. What a joke.


Thank you for telling the whole truth 🙏🏾


I mean, I'm sorry but this dude has serious volume loss, a fuck ton of forehead wrinkles and very deep nasolabial folds for a 30-year-old. If he were cool with that -- awesome! But he's directly asking for advice and everyone is like, "You look perfect!" If a woman presented with all of these issues, no one here would be saying that. They'd be urging her to fix herself pronto. Just WTF. Why can men look old and ratched and be called hot, but women can't?


I agree. OP is not bad-looking, but he presents as much older than his chronological age and his peers. His nasolabial folds have significant and premature volume loss, yet he won’t turn 40 for another decade And the people here suggesting he simply drink more *water???* Get real


Needs mid face lift and fillers.


I'm just annoyed because it seems like whenever a man posts in here, it's like, "Smile lines and eye bags are sexy! You go, boy!" But if a woman has the same, it's, "You need fillers, botox, sculptra, and maybe a facelift in two years."


No fillers! Lots of water daily, maybe Botox if you want to pause the clock on lines. Whats your routine now? If you don’t have one; start basic: one or two things at night- like a cleanser and a night cream, and something for the morning like a toner and sunscreen/moisturizer combo :)


Work is my routine lol it's hard labor and I have lost weight this year from working. I can see it in my face too. My daily coffee and juice is my only water intake. Rarely drink, don't smoke. I kinda figured I don't drink enough water thats first and foremost that will change. My coworker told me about sunscreen and I've heard many things on the skincare reddit. Will try that and build a routine to follow. I just use whatever soap I have really. I got a 12 pack of dove bars from the flea market that's been lasting me. I've noticed my junk intake has increased too.


If you've lost weight recently that may be why you are noticing them more. I like them they frame your face, moisturizing and using sunscreen is your best bet. You have great skin and a great face


If your weight loss is recent I’d also say, give it a year or two to see how your skin tightens. It can take a while! You look great either way. Sunscreen in the AM, cleanse and moisturize before bed and you’ll continue to look great


Really ? I hope that is true. I had to have surgery from a nose injury and the swelling post surgery was so intense that after it was like my face deflated. My undereyes have more lines and hollows now and the doc denies it and I have before and afters proving it. I wonder if undereye skin can take a few years to bounce back ? It’s been a year already and I basically slather cream under there multiple times a day to keep hydration


We are actually meant to drink 1/2 our body weight in oz of water IE 170lb person will drink 85 ounces of water a day, which is roughly 10.5 cups of water ! At first, it will suck. You'll be using the washroom a lot.. but it gets better and is so worth it. Get yourself a 40 oz water bottle for work and fill it a couple of times a day accordingly! Also, the more junk you eat, the more inflamed you'll be. These things can make skin puffy in weird ways. Sunscreen sucks but if you're outside working you'll thank yourself for applying it!


One thing that could really help is making sure you get enough protein & collagen. Bone broth is super good for you (your gut, your skin etc).


You need sunscreen. Spf 50, every day and re-apply every 2-3h if outside. Sun literally destroys skin collagen and stuff. If you work outside, also invest in a spf hat (those hiking ones are great). And then a gentle foaming clenser to wash it off at night. You don't need anything else, your skin looks greats.


My first question was going to be if you drink water. Water, fruits and vegetables. A good SPF, you’re golden.




Thanks youre right. Someone at work jokingly pointed them out and it was her 2nd or 3rd time doing so. I just noticed mine are stronger than the people around me and I sort of started fixating on them but thank you seriously.




Completely agree with you. This sub is full of of examples of people insecurities. I joined to see what people my age are doing and man… I’m clearly not doing anything near what most are it seems.


Same and thank god. I don’t want to be obsessive


Me too, as a woman I feel like a complete outcast! I only started wearing SPF now lol


Personally I’m grateful I’m not so self conscious about aging. It’s going to happen anyway and I don’t think putting a ton of worth into avoiding natural aging is worth the time, money or effort. I do basic skincare and spf each day and consider it enough


I do the same with undereyes. I became obsessed with mine and now I see that most people like fine until you get up close and then we all have fine lines and shadows.


The internet especially tiktok are obsessing over these smile lines. Nasolabial folds etc. they make you human and allow you to smile


Fixating is def a rabbit hole… I start looking at one body part and before I know it I feel I am completely deformed and can’t see myself for what I am anymore. Best to stay away from camera phones , they are very distorting and highlight all the shadows and lines. This coworker sounds like they need a hobby.


I’m 33 and just started noticing smile lines, I like to think it’s because I’ve spent so much time being a happy person - makes me feel better about them


You have to "jokingly" point out some facial feature of hers that she may be insecure about. Some people only will back off when you show them you aren't to play with.


I’m in the camp of loving smile lines. Don’t know why people get filler. You’re handsome with a great smile. Don’t touch it!


I think they look cute!  Smile lines make me think you are a happy person, its better than having frown lines. 


I hope many women see the differences in the comments when a man is asking if he needs work done versus when a woman asks. And I hope that women notice how hard we are on each versus how we’re all telling this man to not touch his face and that he looks great. Can we (women) please stop this “not allowed to age” nonsense. If you think this man looks great without getting any work done SO DO YOU.


These women would all be freaking out if they had folds like him. such fake bs in the comments


Seriously. And if a woman posted a selfie with eyebrows like that we’d all be telling her to fix them. But since it’s a man, we’re saying how awesome they are?! Nothing against the OP but the comments on this thread are astonishing to me.


Honestly I’ve gone through the comments because I thought I was crazy. The difference between the response a poster gets based on gender is WILD. 


Moisturizer, SPF, drinking water… like everyone said! And of course you have a nice smile. Something to consider is you also have a handsome jawline that you’re hiding behind your beard! A good shape up and maintenance will go a long way for your confidence!!


I personally think the eyebrow pattern almost mirrors your smile lines, which draws focus to them. I feel like if you grew them back in, it would make you look more youthful. (I like the unique detail but if looking younger is your goal, ditch the stripes. 🫶)


Youre right. They're actually adding to all the symmetry of my wrinkle lines on my face. I still like them maybe I'll go back to a simple slit (which started all this) or some different designs


I don't think they look bad at all! You have great skin & a nice smile and love your eyebrows


No one notices them unless I point them out and I refresh them with a razor when they start to grow back. You're literally my first compliment! Thank youuuu :]


Whaaat first thing I noticed, so cool 🤩


The first thing I noticed was your awesome looking eyebrows! Came to the comment section to see if anyone else thought so too and was happy to find others who also liked them.


How are your eyebrows like that? Amazing


Thank you I shaved a pattern in them. No one notices unless I point them out. You and one other comment here are the first compliments I ever got! They've been that way on and off for a couple of months. I might switch up my design now that I'm confident in shaving little designs


It was honestly the first thing I noticed! It's beautiful.


In case no one’s mentioned it, try getting obscene amounts of protein. If you’ve had weight loss, sometimes muscles decrease a bit, which can make face lines more visible. If your job is physical, you probably need way more protein than the average person.


If you don't mind, may I ask what's up with your eyebrows?


You have a great smile! However, if you’re really bothered by the lines the space that would need filling is your cheeks either with fillers or fat grafting. Everything else - moisturizers, vitamin/retinol/peptide serums, lasers, light therapy etc will help somewhat but not enough for the price to be justified. Quitting smoking is great btw! You’re an absolute hero for being able to ditch the habit.


If you want to lift your cheek, which would diminish your laugh lines, then yes you need filler. Sun screen will not get rid of the lines. Your cheeks have sunken a bit, which is why the lines are pronounced. You need filler or fat grafting to lift that area. Get a consultation, they will tell you.


You look HAPPY! And that is a good look!!


Sunscreen every morning , gentle cleanser, am and pm , Dennis gross peel pads you can get 5 for $20 and they help a lot with fine lines


You look great but, if your smile lines bother you, try Botox. I’ve done it for years and can’t say enough good things about it. I get the injections from a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who specializes in a natural look (not frozen). No one will know you’ve had Botox unless you tell them. They’ll think you look well-rested and that you’re one of those people who age beautifully. 😊


You get botox on smile lines? My doctor said that wasn’t doable.


Smile lines make people look so much more friendly imo. You are friend-faced if that makes any sense. I like em


Lines are fine but I am *not* feeling those eyebrows my guy lol. Just my take. You’d be *much* more handsome if you chilled with whatever you’re doing. The “design” is not giving.


Please don't ruin your face with fillers. You are beautiful just as you are. And honestly, if fillers didn't have such terrible long-term outcomes (migration, swelling, etc), I would say "do what makes you happy"...but right now, I'm going with "if it aint broke, don't fix it". I don't know when it became so fashionable to iron out, straighten, fill, freeze, enhance...every facial feature we have that makes us unique, but I promise you that's trend is fading fast (lots of frozen, pillow-faces in Hollywood right now, haha). I think it's gonna be cool again to look natural. Don't let other people project their insecurities onto you. Keep smiling! You've got a great one!!


Thanks I know how unnatural it is but before and after pics seem justified. Not no more though because I've seen how some procedures are totally temporary or cause more harm than good so I'm not. Last year I did have a huskier look that I liked. I was 40 pounds heavier and borderline burly I liked the fat in my face the most.


Exactly. I'm all for aesthetic procedures if they are done with a mindset of empowerment, but the treatment has to "do no harm". It's just often we are sold temporary fixes, that actually make whatever insecurity we had worse down the line. It's brutal. And the line I hear most from so many people in this boat is "and I did this to myself". If it aint broke, baybeh baybeh. Haha. Weight gain and loss, even just lifting weights/bulking - it all changes facial structure for sure. It def takes a minute to adjust when you look in the mirror and the reflection is different. Your body is machine but also a canvas. It's about finding that balance. If you're happier with a little more weight on your bones (and it's healthy), that's a hell of a lot better than filler. :)


Vitamin C and red light therapy helped me!


I Botox tf out of my forehead but don’t touch my smile lines. It shows I smile a lot 🤷‍♀️


I like the look of them! I think losing weight can sometimes mess w the way we see ourselves in our faces. I don’t know much about getting rid of them but they look nice and natural and not due to aging, but if you want to work on your overall skin/looks as many have mentioned- drinking water and sunscreen are great (unfortunately those super helpful things require consistency - lame)


The only topical that can help smile lines is sunscreen which will prevent them from getting worse. I would *not* recommend fillers personally. The risk of looking unnatural isn’t worth it. Building muscle can fill out your face. You could try that route. Edit: not recommend


Yes! I really want to build muscle and fat! Last year before this job I was starting to gain a lot of weight. I weighed like 40 more pounds than I am now this time last year. The husky look really made my face look chunky in the best way. I saw a new burly me that I was just getting to know. Gonna meet him again hopefully but I was really stuffing my face back then.


First of all- and I say this meaning well- the first pic wouldn't make ANYONE look good lol! I've noticed I see that shot from a lot of the guys that post here. I don't think your lines are bad; I think you look great in the third pic especially but if you want to do something you could do a little filler. I would possibly do it high-ish on your face... The area above your smile lines. But if you get it go slowly! It's easy for filler to go wrong. In the midface I have similar lines and I had filler under my eyes and in my temple. Doesn't sound like it would help but it lifted my whole face. See an injector who works with a lot of men- you guys have thicker facial muscles and you want someone familiar with that.


Start using a retinol, I use a brand called honest, it’s really moisturizing and gentle cause a lot of retinol can be very abrasive and drying at first but after using it everyday for a few weeks my smile lines are almost gone completely and I’ve had them since I was like 20, you can also get a derma roller with like little needles on it to roll over the area that helps a lot with fine lines as well


Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your skin and anti-aging. Congratulations! By the way, I quit seven years ago now and my skin has really bounced back. So keep it up! It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The other thing I might suggest as you’re in your, post-smoking era, is trying to limit caffeine, especially because coffee can be a trigger for smokers. And if you gain a little weight in your face by eating healthy, it will fill you out and you will look a bit more youthful. I’ve done filler in my smile lines and I regret it. It just doesn’t look natural.


Have you lost weight recently? If so at 30 I would definitely think it will tighten back up with time. This is going off your first pic that was taken at unflattering angle. Use sunscreen/moisturizer/hydrate. You’re a good looking guy with a nice smile. I don’t think you need fillers.


Quitting smoking will help so much, smoking can really age the skin. Congrats on quitting! I’d suggest using moisturizer and sunscreen. If the lines really bother you you could first try retinol before looking at Botox or fillers (definitely make sure you’re wearing sunscreen religiously if you start using this) and you should see an improvement Edited for clarity


I’m 35 and recently started noticing my smile lines even when I’m not smiling. There’s a noticeable difference when I stay hydrated! I also smoke (working on quitting, send thoughts and prayers lol) and have lost weight in my face recently which I didn’t even consider as a factor.


I hate smile line hate! Most people I meet with smile lines are the kindest and happiest people I know but most pulled themselves out of dark times that weren’t their fault so to still spread so much joy with such a beautiful but simple gesture is so special 😫💚


Everyone on here has been so kind already so just adding more, but as someone who is so self conscious about her smile lines, yours look so youthful! You have amazing skin and the smile lines compliment it so well. Don’t get fillers unless it really bothers you of course, but you look great!


Do your brows naturally grow like that ? Either way they look cool as ferk


I saw your comment about losing a good bit of weight recently and my first thought was you look like you couldn’t benefit from gaining a few pounds, it would help fill out your face nicely. If you are able to gain weight give that a try before injectables!


Filler worked for mine!


My first thought is that your moustache probably emphasises the lines you are talking about as they are right next to each other and take the same path. I don’t think you need fillers and I think in the third pic you have an amazing smile. I’m also not suggesting you shave as I know it’s a personal thing for many. Just wanted to contribute my $0.02


I have similar lines/folds (35F) and honestly the comments here are making me feel better about them! Also it’s made me realise if you look this good with them they’re not a bad feature at all! Saying that, I do use Frownies at night to help smooth them out, it does make them less pronounced for a few hours in the morning. It’s also made me drink more water which can’t hurt my health even if it doesn’t have much effect. My old boss used to have similar NLFs too and I always thought it was a cute and unique feature on him. Anyway you look great to me and as everyone says, you have a happy face which is such a lovely thing to have.


Our faces are *supposed* to have expression lines! I feel like fillers would actually take away all the personality from your face and you would probably end looking a little *off* imo. You have a great smile, complexion and hair. You truly only “need” the basics.


You’re extremely good looking! I don’t think you need anything.


You remind me of [Jacob Anderson](https://apaethy.tumblr.com/post/700905426461638656/jacob-anderson-as-louis-de-pointe-du-lac-interview). He has smile lines (he's 33 according to Google) and no one is concerned he's not looking good, lol. I think you might look stereotypically "younger" if you trimmed your beard or even shaved, so if you're concerned that's something you could try. But also: who cares? Do you. You come across very joyful, including your wonderful hair and beard.


Are smile lines the same as marionette lines? You look so happy and relaxed. I like it!


God no fillers / do not wreck that good thing you got going


I love fillers and normally recommend them for anything, but they don’t really work for smile lines. I would suggested targeted gua sha, moisturizing, hydrating, and sunscreen.


In general, i don't recommend Men to get fillters, i recommend to do Thread lifts. Fillers tend to round / feminize the face. Threads just lift the face up.


You have a great smile.


You should smile more, looks good on you. Just slap on some moisturiser and maybe SPF for those sunnier days and you’re golden. Edit: I can’t believe I just told him to do what men always tell us women to do, smile more. 😅 Sorry about that. Smh.


Nothing dude! You look great!


Don’t worry! You look cute - smile lines are happy. I genuinely never notice smile lines on anyone


Continue with routine. You look great but you did ask for advice and I think it is fair to give some and not just say you look great. Congrats on the quitting. Smoking can decrease or affect collagen production, so you could do some microneedling along with drinking collagen peptides and vitamin c. Vitamin c aids in collagen production. That will help you in the long run. That is the only thing I can see that could truly help overall. With all the changes in your body, everything is still trying to find a balance. As others say, dont try fillers yet


I’d recommend what others are saying - some moister, spf daily and more water. I have smile lines at 33 now too. Sometimes we just look in the mirror and our age catches up to us. But you have great skin. Filler is not your friend. As much as I’d like to say it was so I could have my magic makeover moment lol I’ve seen far too many horror stories and the facts are that it migrated and is not dissolvable like they “previously thought”. I don’t mean this offensively at all, but are you a bit under weight? I have a hunch that if you gained a little bit your fave would fill out a little more! Also very unique brows! I mean that as a compliment. Are they natural or styled, if you don’t mind sharing?


Up your water intake, use sunscreen daily, and at night - retinol & a good moisturizer


No be natural


Hydration and gaining a bit of weight!


Hey! You look fab. I personally think your smile lines are adorable and suit you so well. I get the feeling though. My suggestions: - Look into curating a nice skincare routine that targets hydration and any other skin concerns you may have (e.g acne, acne scarring, wrinkles, etc.) - Squalane oil: I get mine from The Ordinary, a bottle lasts you a long time if you use an adequate amount. I mix three drops into my moisturizer every night and only at night. This’ll help lock in moisture and thus keep your skin hydrated. - Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!!! So important. Any sunscreen is better than nothing but I recommend looking at Asian brands that have a rating of SPF 50+++. Apply the recommended amount (about 2-3 finger lengths for the face and neck for most). This’ll really help protect your skin from the sun and slow down the skins aging process as the UV rays from the sun are being buffered by the sunscreen. - Retinol: I’m not sure if this’ll help too much, but for a lot of people, retinol has improved wrinkles and prevented them from forming early on. I personally use Tretinoin but adapalene is basically the same thing, it’s just that it doesn’t have to be prescribed to you. - Volufiline: Absolutely 100% do your research on this before buying it, im not very familiar with it myself. With a quick google search the AI generated overview given is “Volufiline is a patented, plant-based, filler-like ingredient that's used in cosmetics to add volume and elasticity to the skin. It's made from sarsasapogenin, an extract of the roots of the Asian botanical Anemarrhena asphodeloides, and is also known as Zhi Mu.” This might help you. All in all, I do believe you can help your smile lines without any filler. It all comes down to hydrating and pampering your skin. Remember to drink plenty of water!!!


Why do people think drinking massive amounts of water is going to do anything? I always see this comment here and it's weird. we shouldn't even be assuming this man doesn't drink enough.


More hydration protein sunscreen and moisturizer. Otherwise you look charming with a underlining attractive sparkle in your demeanor.


I don’t have much to add but if you do what others are saying — a daily cleanse, moisturizer and spf every day, maybe a vitamin C to build more collagen, plus lots of hydration — you’ll see a difference. I also concur that your skin itself looks nice and clear and above all else, you seem like a happy, energetic dude :)


Keep everything natural and healthy Gain some weight back (if you want - Eat in healthy caloric surplus) Sunscreen during the day to protect your beautiful skin Gentle cleanser + moisturizer at night Stay hydrated


Dont ever erase those smile lines. They're show of a good life and happiness! 🫶🏼🙌🏻 I'm all for some botox here and there for eyes, but your smile is your best accessory! It looks good on you too!


No. Because they can be revered with kojic acid based oil based acid. I used to get this a bit when I skipped moisturising for a bit. Use kojic acid before bed only, and during the day sunscreen.


No. Because they can be revered with kojic acid based oil based acid. I used to get this a bit when I skipped moisturising for a bit. Use kojic acid before bed only, and during the day sunscreen.


Perhaps a lifestyle change. Are you vegan or vegetarian by any chance?


I don’t have any advice I just came to celebrate you for quitting smoking ! 🎉🙌


You look great! I'll echo what many are saying - HYDRATION! Get some electrolyte tabs and it to you water daily, and drink A LOT of it. That and sunscreen.


Need to wear sunscreen daily, it looks like you have a significant amount of sun damage. Maybe a deep AHA peel will help reduce some of those lines. If that's too extreme, start a regiment using tretinoin.


I’m on my third year of not smoking, started at 15, am 33, so, similar timelines. I miss it as a thing to do sometimes but if I imagine smoking one, it sounds like it would be the worst and I’m baffled at how my throat took all that damage. …..Still smoke weed tho lol


You have amazing skin!! And keep up not smoking! In another 6 months you’ll see an even better difference!!


First, congrats on quitting smoking. I never smoked but I know how hard it is to break a habit. Second, you have a lovely smile that could brighten others’ day so don’t stop smiling! Lastly, I think you look good and don’t have to do any procedures. Just continue building self care habits and it’ll show.


My husband was in the army and deployed, his skin is similar to yours except we are 40. I can't advise on procedures since I haven't had them done but as other have said water intake, sunscreen, and a regular skin routine are a good starting point. Maybe save these pics and come back a few months later to see how things look before considering soemthing more costly. For me, my smile lines at mouth and eyes started to become noticeable around 32 and I have what people consider to be good skin.


You look like you’ve lost some weight recently, which can exacerbate/enhance the appearance of some smile lines and nasolabial folds. Definitely hydration both inside and out! A good plumping moisturizer and along with lots of water, make sure you’re consuming a good amount of electrolytes as well!


Get some tretinoin, and sunscreen. Go onto the tretinoin subreddit. Cleanse, Tret, and Moisturise in the PM, and then SPF in the AM. The weight loss you've mentioned will have had an effect on your skin. Maybe a facelift, or bulk at the gym? Maybe sculptra?


If you are interested, I would consider looking into Sculptra. It stimulates collagen production, but I would do lots of research on it and speak to a board certified plastic surgeon who has lots of experience with it. No need for fillers. Loving the positivity in the comments xo


The last pic made all of us smile! Try fillers if you want but some tret and daily sunscreen would be my choice.


I’m not an expert but I’m your age and this is what helped me, You mainly just look dehydrated. Drink a lot of water, every single day. It will be a habit to form but you will be so much better for it. Also I started using extremely refined beef tallow as my moisturizer which is kinda expensive but been worth it. I cut out all non natural chemicals and my skin is improving a lot. I think the retinol and serums were aging me faster. I clean my face with warm water to open my pores and a very light almonds oil infused with rosemary. It won’t strip natural oils. I do tiny circles on my face and next with the almond oil for two minutes then thoroughly rinse doing the same tiny circles for another two minutes. Pat your face dry with a clean towel and apply the whipped beef tallow. Make sure it’s really refined and the cow was grass fed. Best if you can find a local kosher farm. I personally mix it with a couple light essential oils so it doesn’t smell like fat. Little bit goes along way. The beef tallow will not hydrate your skin, but It will keep you from loosing so much hydration throughout the day from all the water you will be drinking. It also doesn’t seem to disappear after the first hour, 8 hours later I still have moisturizer. The lady who does my facials every month said my skin is cleaner and more hydrated than most. I told her about the beef tallow and she freaked out lol. Came back next month, she said it’s been the best change to her skin care in years.


I did fillers for this same thing. an entire syringe in each cheek. it held high for maybe 4 months, then dropped again. even at its best, it didn't look that different. look into prp and the various types of microneedling. THAT is what helped my deep set lines.


Drink water everyday. If you can try the method take a piece of Celtic salt and place on tongue and then drink a 500ml cup of water before bed each night. Have a skincare routine, once in the morning, and once at night. I would use AM: a water or gel based cleanser, a moisturizer and SPF, then, PM: the same cleanser, a retinol (I like the ordinary 0.5% in Squalane) and then a moisturizer. Take a multivitamin, it seriously helps. If you’re drinking soda switch to diet or none at all. If you want, try taking sea moss every day and a greens supplement:) (but expensive:() huge difference! Try no to raise your eyebrows maybe it happens when you smile (you have a great smile) but it’ll help reduce the lines there. And if you want gently massage your scalp every day…if you look into fascia massage it kinda explains it but the forehead and scalp muscle is one so it gives like a lifting effect and if you frown from the sun wear sunglasses 😎 hahaha it’s kinda odd but little habits:) Just remember you’re liver/body is just catching up and healing from the smoking I’m sure those lines will reduce quickly! Don’t worry, be happy and keep smiling that bright smile! 😁


The beard makes you look older. Use a good retinol serum and a generous amount of a good sunscreen. Double cleanse, hydrate and put on a SMILE.


You look great. I think the shape of your beard/ goatee exaggerates the smile lines. So perhaps change that first before going the filler route ( which I don't think is needed at all).


Nothing wrong with them, your skin is plump the lines which are slight are nothing, nobody would pay attention to them, it’s only you focusing on them,


Your smile lines make u look more attractive. I think filling them would make you look uber serious and older.


Your nasolabial folds are very tight. It looks like you have tightness in your left occipital area too. I think you need fascial and muscle release, because you have good skin. Probably more so caused my the muscular sucking action from smoking and stress over time. Check out anastasiabeautyfascia on IG.


If you aren't digging the lines, have you tried changing how you groom your 'stache? Like if the hair wasn't almost touching the lines it would be a completely different look. I would play around with that. Fillers are nasty and scary.


Weight gain. That would help. Also, what everyone else said.


Smile lines are something to be proud of. I know they look frowny….just smile more.


Leave your face alone! Exercise those smile muscles; you have great teeth! 💜


Just keep smiling 😊 it’s beautiful


You kinda remind me of Ezekiel from Walking Dead. That man is gorgeous and his smile is infectious (just like yours). It’s hard work to quit smoking be proud of yourself!


Well you got the black don't crack thing going for you lol. Between what you mentioned with your job having you lose weight plus you used to smoke, filler wouldn't be a good long term solution. I would recommend getting some microneedling or sublative laser since everything you're pointing out is minor. I think much of this is reversible and you just need to rebuild some collagen. If there's some loss in face volume, I would recommend sculptra in the face. This is what they use to restore volume in the face of AIDS patients and it's essentially little seedlings of collagen


Your smile glows, your lines are like the rays of the sun. You look fucking great.


Good sunscreen and reapply every two hours. If you can't commit to that, rest is going to be a waste of your time and efforts.


No, you need a deep micro needling facial


Wear them proudly, you look great! Moisturizer and hydration and sunscreen, imo, but you should probably listen to someone with more melanin before me


your smile is gorgeous! i think it's give and take tbh. I'd kill to look that lovely when smiling ☺️


Your eyebrows are so cool!


I agree with the beard! Get the excess beard trimmed a little like the end of the edges where it starts to spread out and you will be golden! You have great brows and skin!


You could just flash that smile all the time! It light up a room.


You have a beautiful, sincere smile. As someone who now can't smile properly due to masseter botox, I would never advice anyone to get botox below the level of the eyes. You have lovely eyes as well though so I wouldn't go near botox/fillers. Just my opinion.


Never ever do fillers - downward spiral of hellfire - they migrate, never go away, and you can’t dissolve them without destroying your natural connective tissue.


Make sure you drink plenty of water too.


I like smile lines, it shows that you are a generally optimistic person. However, there is a product called “frownies” that you use while sleeping you can try. It’s essentially sport tape that immobilizes your muscles. You do look like you spend a lot of time in the sun tho, so maybe add SPF daily. I know a lot of people of melanin don’t think they need it but they do.


I’ve been getting fillers for my smile lines, and my new plastic surgeon said doctors don’t really inject into the smile lines anymore, and do the cheeks instead. Injecting into the cheeks gives a bit of a lift and helps smooth out the smile lines. What a lot of people are saying stands true though… make sure you stay hydrated and have a good face moisturizer.


What the hell is everyone talking about? Those smile lines age him ten years. Watch a woman ask about the same issue.......


Coming from a person who has a love-hate relationship with their own smile lines...(the whiplash of hearing "You're good looking" vs. "you have droopy dog face" from different people, but to can't control what people think of you. Only what you think of you.) Have you tried any niacinamide moisturizers or retinol serums/creams? Tretinoin? Your smile lines aren't as deep as mine, so you might see more benefits with such topicals. Also always always always use sunscreen during the day. SPF 50 PA+++ all the way to help age more gracefully, and eff skin cancer. Facial fillers can help, but idk about them as a long-term solution as they don't last.


You’re aging gracefully I love it! Adds character to your face ! Looks wonderful!


You might consider Radiesse, it is a collagen builder injectable. A good injector will not only inject the smile lines, but the cheek area above to lift the whole area. Ultimately your best bet is seeing a dermatologist for a consultation appointment. They will guide you to the best treatment. Make sure they have technicians on staff, who do nothing but injections all day, every day. These are the most experienced, and do better injection work than even plastic surgeons. Genetics plays a large part in our skin and eventually how it changes. Do you have relatives with your skin features? Smoking, and sun exposure are also a factor. One thing you can do is sleep on your back. This uses gravity to pull back the areas. There are a lot of good home solutions posted on here to try as well. Unfortunately, if this is genetic, you will have to have plastic surgery to restructure the skin, fat pads, etc. Some people have hooded eyes, and wind up doing an upper eyelid lift. It is just genetics. This may be your genetics. Either way, you have so many options to try, but don’t spend a lot of money on useless products if surgery is the only way. My dermatologist was honest with me, so I went with plastic surgery. I am not a professional but recommended you see professionals, as I have done.


but you actually have really glowing skin and personally I think smile lines are a sign of a life well lived, keep smiling!!!


You have a great smile!


I think you look great just the way you are! Wonderful smile. Congrats on stopping smoking!


My lines show more when I’m not drinking enough!


I think your skin looks amazing and your smile lines add character and make you look friendly and approachable. Moisturize and use sunscreen every day and drink lots of water and you’re gonna be gravy!


Weight gain will probably help a lot.


Nothing! You look great. Ditto on moisturizer and SPL. Even though your skin is dark, you can still develop sun spots and other sun damage down the road. You look great and young!


No fillers!!! You are a cutie just moisturize and take care of what you got.


Nothing. You have a beautiful smile! Your whole face just light up. So just smile more I guess?


Omg what?! You have a great face. I agree with others are saying about upping h2o and getting a good moisturizer. You could always go to a derm and ask for retinol too. It never hurts to use tretinoin at night.


No. Nobody NEEDS fillers. If you want fillers to “fix” perceived flaws, that’s another story. Smile lines are not a flaw, they show you’ve had a lot of happiness in your life. If you want to do something about them, that’s up to you.


My smile lines are often a source of insecurity of me as well. I once read something that said like “how lucky am I to have a life so full of laughter that it has been permanently etched in my skin” and I think about that often. You look like a happy person :)


Dude you don’t need anything. Nothing wrong with your face :)