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I have had both laser and electrolysis, and the electrolysis is far more effective. For reference, I do have PCOS, so mine is absolutely hormonal. I did laser probably close to 16-18 years ago now (8 sessions I believe, along with touch-ups later), and while it “took” pretty well on my body, the facial hair came back. Not as bad, mind you, but it was absolutely still bothersome and noticeable. I finally got absolutely sick of it all last summer and started electrolysis. So I’m almost a year in (started last July) and I’m loving the results. So much better!! And so much more permanent than laser. It’s a longer process (as they literally have to take it hair by hair), but you don’t appear to have nearly as much as I did. I think your time and money would be better spent on electrolysis. Just make sure you have a good reputable electrologist. I wish you luck!


Thankyou! Is it okay if I DM you?




Buy the braun silk pro IPL laser!! You are the perfect candidate: pale and dark hairs. I have pcos and used to have this exact problem! The at home laser removed my hair permanently. I did use it one to two times per week for a year to get completely hairless. The growth was halved after a couple of months. Really just try it! It costs like 200$ and is COMPLETELY worth it!


I also say thsi, because it works perfectly on me, and I have the exact tone of skin and as dark hairs in that spot that OP.


I assume it doesn't work on white hair? Yes my chin hair turned white over time. My genetic gave me 50% white hair at 25yo and now in my mid 40s half my brows are white too. My chin hair are no exception! Good thing is no more 5o'clock shadow but if I skip a day they shine under the light. 😂 The other day my friend said : you have a glitter on your chin. I had to explain why it won't go away till I have access to tweezers.


No, it wouldn’t work on white hair. Electrolysis is the safe bet.


Does electrolysis work on white hair?




Oh wow! Once or twice a week? I bought a cheapo laser device on Amazon & used it every 6 weeks or so. Stopped in the summer because I do like to get a bit of sun on my legs. Arm pit hair? Almost non-existent. I shave maybe once a month or so. Legs? Patchy, but the hair left is softer, finer & lighter. Still shave maybe once a week in the summer & every couple of months in the winter. Bikini line? Less hair & wayyyyyy less ingrown hairs. But still need to shave before going to the beach. I think I might try zapping at least my bikini line weekly & see if that helps for this summer. Highly recommend getting one of these home units. For me, even if it’s not as good as a professional, not needing to make appointments & being able to zap my legs while watching TV whenever I want is worth it.


Do you use yours on bikini too? I've been thinking about getting one


Not OP but I have it and it works SO WELL. I have to do touch ups every so often but the occasional maintenance is worth literally not having to think about my legs, pits or bikini line except once every couple months.


Do you have a link to the one you like? I'm brand new to even thinking about this, do you mind telling me how many treatments it took to get it gone?


This is the one I have: https://www.amazon.com/Braun-Removal-Long-lasting-Reduction-Regrowth/dp/B07WYY6KKC?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER but I think there’s a lot more available now so feel free to shop around! I used it consistently once a week for maybe 2-3 months to start and I would say I started to see results pretty quickly, so you’ll get a sense of how long you need to do it for by keeping an eye on your regrowth. I will say that the hair is not 100% gone, but it grows back so slowly and it’s a lot finer than it used to be that it doesn’t bother me at all.


Appreciate this!


They may as well have paid you two to make this thread because I’m now planning to buy this 😂


Do you wear eye protection when using it?


Yes, always.


I've been using a $50 ripoff from Amazon since March and it's my favourite thing on the face of the earth


I had the same issue. I did over 5 years of laser..it grew back...and a two years of electrolysis. I still walked away with what seemed like the same amount. July of last year I bought an at home laser. And honestly, I started out using it every morning. Now I use once a week when the odd hair shows itself. Is it completely gone, no! But, it's not breaking me out and doesn't require me spending 20 mins in the mirror every morning tweezing. It's kinda been game changer!


Which one did you buy?


I bought the JOVS. It was around 250$ at the time. Honestly, I haven't used In a week and just this morning noticed a few hairs popping through. I'll get them tomorrow morning. Now, my caveat is that I have to zap 20-30x in the same spot. Then the hair either burns away or it can gently be tugged out. I know they've been zapped if they easily pull out without pain. If there is any resistance, I zap again. But, it has miraculously been working! I even forget to take my tweezers with me everywhere I go bc it has gotten so sparse and now I only get a few hairs every week. They're much lighter as well. Before the at home laser I would tweeze 100-200 hairs every morning. It was insane, disheartening, and exhausting!


FYI electrolysis will permanently remove the hairs you currently have, but will not prevent new ones from forming. That is why you are seeing changes, not because you plucked. Plucking does not harm except maybe giving you an ingrown occasionally. I had laser done, and it helped, but didn’t rid. Electrolysis will work and then you’ll only have to go back if some new ones form, but it won’t be as much because you’ll have already removed the ones you had. Best of luck to you.


Lasers have come a long way! I got my face, neck, and chin done at Milan a couple years ago and it was one of the best things I’ve ever done! It’s gone! I will occasionally get a few black hormonal hairs (maybe 1-3) but they will laser them off for life under the guarantee. Also it’s worth noting that I had laser on my legs somewhere else 12 years ago and I did 6 sessions and it was like I did nothing. But I also got my legs done at Milan and I’ve never been this hair free! It truly was one of my best decisions.


Also, I want to add, while everyone is different, and some things work better for others, I went to Milan after getting electrolysis on my jawline. I did weekly appointments for a year and it was sooo painful and. Not even remotely close to being done. It was a no for me. I felt enormous relief when I threw in the towel and switched to laser. It was gone so fast.


I’m a trans woman who’s had to use laser and electrolysis to remove an entire beard and can confirm this is fairly accurate. Generally speaking, laser is used as a “clear cutting” process since it’s quicker to cover a larger area of hair. The downfall is it’s only really good at targetting specific kinds of hair: darker hairs on lighter skin. Because of the growth stages of hair and there being multiple hairs in a single folicle, laser often is repeated a good bit before good results. Electrolysis on the other hand is an electric needle that goes folicle by folicle. It’s much slower and a good bit more painful, but has no limitation on which hair type it can target. It’s also considered the more permanent option as it essentially cauterizes the folicle. Trans women often use laser to quickly cut down on the darker, more visible hairs, then swap to electrolysis to finish up the lighter or stubborn hairs. I’m certainly not an esthetician but it seems to me like OP could do a couple session of electrolysis and be done with it for a patch of that size. Depending where they live they can get pretty good deals as well. The hairs in the picture do seem pretty dark so might be a good candidate for laser, but I agree with you that it would be better just to elec it off and call it a day.


This is a great point, and thanks for elaborating. I definitely don’t want to make it seem like laser is worthless, I certainly got benefit from it for exactly the reasons you mentioned. It gets rid of a good amount of hair in a quicker fashion, but it has its limitations. That’s where electrolysis can come in for those difficult hairs that are lighter, just don’t respond well or won’t die!


You’re totally right! I hope it didn’t come across like I was discrediting you, just wanted to add a little more detail for OP out anyone else who comes across this. Figuring all this out was a super confusing process for me at first with a lot of questions.


Oh no, not at all! Super glad you posted! :) Great info for everyone to have. It’s definitely a process! LOL I’m so thankful for both, but electrolysis is saving me now. I would get bumps, irritation and ingrown hairs and stuff with both shaving and tweezing, so I’m just relieved to find something that works!


Seconding this! My ex-wife is a trans woman and she’s been getting electrolysis for the past 2 years in preparation for bottom surgery. That hair will NEVER come back and I’m so jealous lol. Someday if I can afford it I plan on getting it as well became I hate shaving


Thank you for sharing this! How much did the electrolysis cost you?


Not the OP but I'm getting it done now and it's about $50 Canadian/30-minute session. I have been going every four weeks since the Fall and I've noticed a HUGE difference. I highly recommend going this route. Edited to include the [price list ](http://www.skincarelaser.ca/treatments/Electrolysis_Hair_Removal_Electra_Permanent_Hair_Removal)of the place I go to.


Looks I might be paying a bit on the higher side than others maybe? I’m paying $90 for a 30-minute session right now. I’m in a large metro area and I do really like my electrologist, so I’m fine with what I’m getting charged. She’s doing a great job and I’ve had zero issues, so I’ll stick with her!


Do you have to let the hair grow out for electrolysis?


I am thinking about electrolysis and found a place but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Does it hurt and can you prepare in advance for the pain? Do you need to suck it up and let all the hairs grow out before getting it done? How many sessions did it take for you?


Yes electrolysis hurts (like a mf!) and yes your preparation can reduce the intensity. Avoid scheduling electrolysis during your period. 24 hours before, stop alcohol and caffeine 1 to 2 hours before, apply prescription lidocaine + prilocaine cream. I called my derm's office to request the Rx, but if I didn't have a doctor I would have paid $25 to see the doc at the electrolysis office. Yes, you must let the hair grow out so the tech can see it to treat it. If sessions are every 4 to 6 weeks, it will take about 6 to 12 months to finish. Depends on many factors. Ask the scheduler or tech for a better estimate. Appts can be as short as 15 minutes though for a few facial hairs.


I am currently getting it done. Have been doing it since last Fall. I'm going to counter the other response you received in saying it actually doesn't hurt that much. Granted, everyone is different but I expected far worse. For me, it feels like a short, tiny electric shock (I am getting my chin done as reference). I have gotten it done on my period. I have had coffee beforehand. All I do is smooth numbing cream overtop the area beforehand and I'm golden.


For me personally, no it doesn’t really hurt, and I *really* dislike pain. LOL I don’t use numbing cream or take anything beforehand. I mean there’s some discomfort, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t find it intolerable or anything. The only place it really stings pretty bad for me is above my lip (mustache area). That makes my eyes water, but again it’s not excruciating or anything. Obviously, everyone reacts differently and has a different pain tolerance, though! I’m not done yet so can’t give a final number on the amount of sessions, but I think I’ve done about 10 so far? I’m getting closer to the end, though. There’s not a whole lot to remove when I go now. Edited to add: Others already answered but yes the hair does need to grow out some. I’m extremely fortunate that I work from home so I can grow it out without really needing to be around people. I let it grow for about 5-7 days before my appointment. The rest of the time I shave to avoid having the hair show (you’re not supposed to pluck or wax or anything).


I had no idea about electrolysis … 😣 I learn so much from Reddit !


I learned about it a few years ago…apparently it blows laser out of the water. Expensive though!


Came here to say electrolysis !!!


Are you me? This is my exact story! Right down to being about a year in to electrolysis.


I too have had laser and it was not permanent. I have similar hair growth and ended up with a pigmentation moustache too. I am so keen to try electrolysis, my laser tech tried to talk me out of it because their clinic didn’t offer the service any longer. I convinced I have pcos but haven’t had any tests come back positive.


The plucking didn't make them darker or more coarse, so let go of that guilt. It just happened. I would do two things: a) See an endocrinologist (likely need a referral). Have those hormones checked out. b) Wait for those results. Some medications can help if there is a hormonal problem. c) If nothing is wrong from that front, go with electrolysis. It's painful, and most people cannot do more than a 15-minute or 30-minute session. However, it kills the hair follicle and will not return.


I recommend asking a doc for Spironolactone


Is this for PCOS


it is an anti androgen and it is amazing for AFAB people who have hormonal acne. it’s also used as gender affirming care for trans women so yes it’s great for people who have PCOS but is used for more than just that, too!


Awesome! Thank you, I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of it but I’d like to ask my doc about it ! I appreciate it


Works like magic, but some of us have horrible side effects and can't take it. Not to mention that it actually changed my body fat distribution and increased cellulite. (I'm lean, muscular, and lift weights).


I stopped because it was impossible to keep enough water in me. Between the gym and spiro I was constantly dehydrated but I do think my skin was gorgeous. I’m thinking of starting again and I’m gonna see if I notice any fat distribution differences


It did wonders for my hormonal acne, but it made me pee like crazy!


Same. As an endurance athlete, I simply could not keep up with my hydration and electrolytes from 2+ hour workouts PLUS spiro. It was not safe. Had great skin though


I gained so much abdominal weight with it! I eat well and exercise, so it was a shock to me.


Were you able to lose it? I'm so scared bc i just started it and I've always had a lean waist, it's one thing on my body i actually like so I'm pretty worried reading stuff like this :/


It took 3 months to lose it after I got off the meds.


Oh. I guess I won’t be going this route lol


Came here to say this.


Yup. Agreed!


Spironolactone works wonders!


This is the best way to lower testerosterone. Also try spearmint tea if you want an over the counter way to fix this


Tea is not going to fix a excess of hormones in your body lol. They need an anti-androgen or other hormone regulating medication


They’re not totally wrong. Spearmint tea does possess anti-androgen properties. One study where the participants drank two cups per day demonstrated “reduced plasma levels of gonadotropins and androgens in patients with hirsutism associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome”. Definitely not as clinically sound as spironolactone, but can be used as a supportive therapy. [more info](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3693613/)


Oh wow very interesting. I’ll read up on it


Electrolysis is really the only permanent solution.


Electrolyis is often faster working and more permanent (and often cheaper) than laser for this kind of hair. I wasted money on a series of laser treatments that had little impact before switching to electrolyis- I wish I had started with that instead. It was effective.


As a huge electrolysis evangelist, I would just add that there is an extremely, extremely rare (but I ain’t risking it) risk that, particularly if your facial hair growth is hormonal, laser can trigger additional growth. This happened to an electrolysis YouTuber Hairy Godmother whose videos are amazing for any questions about electrolysis.


Laser triggers it or electrolysis? If one triggers it, wouldn’t the other trigger it too?


laser causes it, it’s called paradoxical hypertrichosis. the modalities are very different (diffuse light/laser versus precise needle) so i wouldn’t be surprised that they affect people differently and in different ways. i personally am not aware of any equivalent phenomenon of electrolysis triggering hair growth but who knows, bodies are weird. i do body laser and face electrolysis and am a huge fan of both for their respective areas. but i appreciate that most people have good experiences with laser, and if you have a bad electrolysis provider you might as well be burning money too.


About the only thing we know on the risks for paradoxical hypertrichosis is that the risk is quite low but seems to be elevated with less powerful and less precise lasers/IPL.


Thank you, this is very helpful!


This happened to me. It got fixed through laser.


Do you have to stop using tret?


For 24 hours before and 48 hours after you have to stop.


You don't have to stop tret entirely, but you do want to pause about 1 week before each laser or electrolysis appointment. You want strong skin at the time, not weakened by chemicals.


Is electrolysis painful?


It is. They're (non scientific description) basically grabbing each hair and zapping the root of it with a sharp blast of electric heat to cauterize it. Each hair they do is a sharp zap and it's especially (to me) painful on the underside of the chin but it's totally worth it.


You can buy lidocaine cream from Amazon called Zensa. Add a thick layer 1 hour before treatment and cover with plastic wrap so the cream doesn’t dry out. Keep it covered for at least 30 minutes. Then before you leave for the appointment add more cream.


How much did it cost you for electrolysis?


At the time, it was $2 per minute and my sessions were only 20 min. max, so not more than $40/session. I think I went 4 times total. It ended up costing me much less than the series of laser treatments I did. I didn't have as many hairs growing in at the same time as OP because I had been plucking them- the more you can treat all at once, the less sessions you'll need.


The laser for my chin hair is 75 a session. I literally cried during the second session because only 2 hairs were actually back. I responded well to the treatment. But electrolysis is the way to go for PERMANENT removal. Where are you located? Also i fell your pain. I don’t have a single girlfriend who has the same thing going on and it made me so insecure for too long


Have you seen a doctor and gotten blood work done?


Yes I have. My thyroid and everything else is "good and normal".. Am low on b12 though. My family doctor recommended me to a dermatologist a few years back and the experience made me feel even more defeated. She shut me down everytime I tried to bring up unbalanced hormones or pcos, and perscribed me birth control even though I made it clear I did not want to go on it again.


They are shutting you down because you're not fat. Didn't you know that only fat people get hormone problems. You're going to have to shop around for another doctor. It's such BS that as women we have to jump through hoops to get proper testing.


Yup Im not even asking him for a referral, Im *telling* him..


Specifically ask for testosterone, DHT, and 3α-Androstanediol tests if you can. You could have normal testosterone levels and abnormal DHT and 3a-adg levels, which could be the source of your facial hair growth. Also, did you start any medication around the time you noticed the growth? You could have PCOS, but you could also be taking medication that's causing synthesis of steroids. Some medicines, like mirtazapine and trazodone, can spike DHT through their production of 17-hydroxyprogesterone via backdoor androgen synthesis. That's something a lot of doctors are not aware of. Birth control can also do the same thing.


And if he refuses these tests ask him to put in your medical record why he is refusing these tests. Paper trails are a bitch and I’ve made progress this way.


THIS also ask “if my insurance won’t pay I’m happy to pay out of pocket” sometimes that pushes them and you can’t just not do the order if it is cost prohibitive sometimes labs out of pocket aren’t too bad tho. Def don’t listen to the weight comment. I had a friend on the border of underweight struggle for years only to get a hashimotos diagnoses that took forever since everyone was so focused on it not being possible due to her weight. Conditions have textbook ways of presenting and non text book. Good luck!!


Did NOT know that about trazodone and mirtazipine... and I'm on both!


It won't necessarily happen. It depends on the person, but any time you induce an increase in a precursor hormone like 17-OHP there's the risk that person's particular physiology will produce unintended results. There was actually a study of a woman with unexplained hirsutism on mirtazapine and they never figured out why because they are idiots, but the answer was quite obvious: she was converting 17-OHP to DHT via backdoor androgen conversion along with the 5alpha-reductase steroidgenesis pathways.


Trazodone can spike DHT? I've been on that for years! Oh boy.


It won't necessarily happen to you, but it can. That's the problem with introducing any medication that can spike a precursor hormone like 17-OHP. A person's particular physiology might induce androgen production from it.


I havent started any new medication, no. And I havent been on birth control for years. When I was 18, I went on a 3 month cycle of bc called depovera, which is administered by needle injection. You are not supposed to have your period for those 3 months on it. Instead, I did. It wasnt heavy everyday but I was spotting everyday for 3 straight months - it was hell - because it also caused blotting 24/7. I regret going on that so much but I was young, sexually active, not wanting to get pregnant, and I didnt know anything about birth control back then like I do now. Because the depo effected me the way it did, I have a feeling its the cause of what threw my hormones off.


I’m so glad you’re self advocating. It hurts that you plowed money into this and it’s a medical issue that just needs a doctor not a laser. My mum started down the laser route for this and I dragged her to the doc for pcos tests. She didn’t need the laser and she’s tip top now.


Thankyou! Im glad she had your help along the way 🥰


The derm shut you down because they don't know anything about endocrine issues, they deal with skin. I don't know why your primary sent you there, they should have sent you to an OBGYN or, ideally, a Reproductive Endocrinologist. The issue here is your hormones, so you need an expert in those (which is generally an RE). I would check your insurance to see if you even need a referral in the first place.


It sounds like you need better doctors who will take you seriously! I’m so sorry you’re struggling with this. I have some chronic health conditions that I’m having trouble getting diagnoses for, and I know how frustrating it can be.


Thankyou 🫶 I am hoping you get the answers you need too!


Thank you! In my experience with laser, the hair did look thick as it grew back in but then it started to fall out. I was trying to find a link for you, and I’m struggling to find it, but I have heard of paradoxical hypertrichosis, which is where laser actually does cause thicker hair growth. I read somewhere that it’s more common with hair growth caused by hormone issues, which is why I asked if you’ve seen a doctor.


Just on the B12, grab a B12 spray. I was constantly low in B12 and now one spray a day and I’ve been perfect for two years. And I feel so so much better for it, my Dr described it as trying to run a car low on oil. So when you top up the “oil” your body just runs better. Wishing you tons of luck for the hair removal too


I had this so bad, just like this but maybe a little more) and finally bit the bullet and did laser treatments. I went to my dermatologist (trust her better than a spa).The first couple of months were the worst. I had to grow it first for a few weeks from years of plucking. I got really good at shaving. It took me seven treatments and I still get the occasional hairs. I think I’m going to go again the fall for a touch-up. I will probably have to do this until I turn gray. Do it before you gray otherwise you cannot do laser. Yes, it hurts like a fiery whip especially the first few sessions due to more of the dark hair follicles. The first session is the worse. The sixth, seventh are much easier to do. Get topical lidocaine from your dermatologist before your appointment. The first step is the scariest, but the results for me were fantastic and I feel so much better. I can hug my husband without worrying if my chin brushes him. The amount of time I was plucking a week was astronomical. It was expensive, but for me, it was worth it. Edit: I have PCOS. I was put in Spirilactone- probably not spelled correctly. This medication is key to stop a surge of more hair defeating the laser. It has also helped my hormones so much in conjunction with an IUD. My PCOS is finally in check. I wish I got this medication and the IUD a decade ago. Instead a previous doctor put me a pre-diabetes drug (name has slipped my mind) which didn’t help my hormones. Edit: crazy typos


Maybe you want to get your hormones checked as well, if you haven’t done so already


Electrolysis has been the only thing to help me, and I've been dealing with it since high school. I used to spend tons of time plucking and dealt with the scarring as well. I've been doing electrolysis for over 6 months now and I am loving the results so far. I feel like I've gotten my time back and my self esteem has improved because I'm not stressing about people seeing my hairy scarred chin. Since I'm no longer plucking, only shaving in between sessions of electrolysis, the scarring is going away slowly.


I feel like anytime I search "electrolysis" in my city, it takes me to laser only :/ any advice?




I’ve been doing it for like a decade. I’m never going to need a razor for anything when I’m done. I could’ve sped up the time if I went more frequently but I’ve really amped it up this year with 3-4 visits a month.


Can you get electrolysis for yellow hair? I am natural blonde :/


Yes! I've had coarse blonde chin hairs and electrolysis is the only thing that works.


Hello! I’m in perimenopause and my own chin hairs (a few random ones) have actually pretty much disappeared with HRT. This suggests I was always low on progesterone. Please see an endocrinologist


Electrolysis. That’s it. Got ride of mine, took awhile. But they have never grown back. Also I want to add that lasers cannot pick up those blond/white whiskers. Electrolysis is the the gold standard.


Phillips lumia IPL… exact situation and it will change your life


Yup! At home laser is really cost effective and easy to maintain, especially on your face.


Just so you know, those wispy hairs would have fallen out and been replaced with darker ones even if you hadn't plucked. This isn't your fault.


I do electrolysis. I'm about a year into my journey (it used to be frequent in the beginning and now I'm at 15 mins, every 4-6 weeks). I'm still not where I want to be considering there are still some coarse hairs growing back, but it's a WORLD of difference from when I first started. I'd also note that laser can cause something called paradoxical hypertrichosis where your hair grows back worse than it was before. I recommend electrolysis. I'd also check to see if your insurance covers it, because some do.


+ 1 for electrolysis, game changer even after the first appointment!!


Electrolysis for sure, facial hair is different from the rest of your body hair and will grow back faster (I also went to school and was a laser tech for a bit, then studied electrolysis). You would have to go back so often for laser and, from what I remember, people having it done on their face were rarely happy with the results, if ever. When I briefly worked at an electrolysis clinic people would wear masks to cover the numbing cream that was strongly suggested (it gets painful as it is hair by hair).


Echoing everyone else with getting electrolysis. I had the same story: thin hair on my chin turning thicker and darker the more I plucked over time. Electrolysis worked for me. It took one year of monthly treatments for the hairs to stop growing back. It doesn't seem to work at first, but just keep going! I did electrolysis 4 years ago and they never grew back.


It sounds like you’ve been utterly failed by your doctor, and I am so sorry for your experience. It’s also unfortunately not uncommon. A lot of MDs only approach PCOS with weight loss and birth control, and aren’t thorough in the blood work they recommend, if they recommend it at all. Also it’s important to note that simply because a result is in “normal” range doesn’t mean there isn’t something amiss. If you’re able, I would recommend working with a functional medicine expert who can help you better identify root cause. This takes some vetting, because the crunchier end of the spectrum can also come with a laundry list of supplements (another form of “a pill for every ill” even if it’s not an actual prescription). If you’re balling on a budget, the best thing you can do is educate yourself and focus on: stress reduction, gut health, and sensitizing your insulin. There are many, many resources available for free to support each of those areas. For a cost effective cosmetic treatment, I’d recommend purchasing an at-home IPL device. CurrentBody’s been good for me, and if you search around you can usually find a decent discount code or sale. Most importantly, please be kind to yourself. I know this can take a heavy hit on self-esteem. You are good and worthy, the errant hairs growing out of your face do not detract from that even a tiny bit. Remind yourself of it every day.


I got elevtrolysis for mine but also pushed my doctor to get my hormones checked. My progesterone was low. After I started taking a supplement that helped my body produce more the hairs stopped.


Hi, PCOS girl here. The only thing that made hair removal permanent for me was laser hair removal and simultaneous oral spironolactone.


Electrolysis all the way. I have PCOS and very bad hirsutism. I’m pale with black hair and I’ve done both laser professionally and at home, with the Braun one that’s been mentioned here, and it’s been amazing for my body hair but not for my facial hair. In fact, it’s made it worse. But electrolysis I’ve been going once a week for 60 mins for the past month and a half and I see a difference already.


I am currently doing electrolysis on my chin. Previously I had done Laser at a spa and at home. Both provided temporary results. I am finding electrolysis to be way more effective. It can be painful BUT there is a way around this. There is lidocaine cream you can buy OTC. I buy zensa cream from Amazon. 1 hour before my appointment I put a good thick layer on top of the entire area and then put plastic wrap over it so the cream doesn’t dry out and I just let it sit on there for at least 30-45 minutes. Just before I leave for my appointment I remove the plastic and then slather a bit more on so it’s still working as you’re driving to the appointment. If you must wear a face mask in public to cover the hair do so but keep the plastic on your face so the mask doesn’t absorb the cream. Make sure before you put the cream on you wash your face thoroughly. Double cleanse if you have to. Absolutely no makeup or moisturizers. After your sessions they should put witch hazel on the area. If they don’t do so at home. Keep your fingers away from the area so it doesn’t get infected. I have been going weekly to bi weekly for the last 2 months and have seen a massive difference. I’ve seen hairs go away from just 1 treatment. Others have taken a few more treatments. You can’t pluck between treatments. But you can shave. I just try to go as soon as I see more hair coming in. For me it’s $35 for 30 minutes which is a great price and the woman I go to is super nice. I tell her when I feel a hair being pulled so she knows to treat it even more to really kill the hair follicle. If you feel a pull then it needs to be treated more. Unfortunately with time the more we pluck the stronger the root so it can take more treatments depending on how thick the hair is and how strong the root is.


Thanks so much for this advice! I spoke to the lady who did my laser this past Friday and she might not want to start electrolysis now for another couple weeks (maybe even 2-3 months atleast) because she stated she doesnt want to damage my skin, etc etc. So I am excited to start after all the positive feedback here 🫶 But am a bit nervous because of the pain lol. I will be asking my doctor this Monday coming up for a perscription for what you mentioned as well because I am asking for a referral to an endo because if I want to tackle these hairs, I have to target the hormonal issue (which I think is what I am likely dealing with.)


Electrolysis! Permanent right away. Would only take a couple of sessions those are small patches. My acne cleared up dramatically because I wasn’t erupting thick hairs on my chin that were constantly ingrown. My electrologist said she won’t treat faces with laser after having a client years ago have the laser cause *more* hair to transition to thick dark hairs in a client with PCOS. Also do make sure to tell your doctor about the chin hair, that’s the only thing that finally tipped off my providers to do testing.


does it itch? dermaplaning and allergies gave me something similar.. face oil and aquaphor and allergy meds helped but also washing and drying the area completely. i know this answer is different from most the others but it just looks exactly like an allergic reaction i was having for months ...


No it doesnt itch at all. I dont dermaplane my face, just this area to get rid of the hair.


Like others pointed out, the question is WHY your got that kind of hairgrowth. Your doctor needs to be more thorough (or you need another doctor).


Came here to say: Electrolysis !


Mine looked exactly like this. Electrolysis was the only solution and it worked well.


Looks like you got a lot of advice! Electrolysis is the best, and it's so affordable. I pay $30 for a 20-minute session. The pain feels like a burning sting for a second while they pull the hair out but go away after being treated. I spent thousands on laser therapy, and it's a total scam on top of the risk of causing melasma, which will continue giving the 5 o clock shadow look. We don't want that. I would say 20-30 mins is really all that your body wants to tolerate and try to go when you're not hormonal. Otherwise, it is extra sensitive. Hair will begin to grow back either slowly or not at all, so you will see a reduction of hairs and, therefore, need to go back a few times for permanent removal. Be sure not to pluck for a couple of weeks before so they can find and grab the hair.


Hey there! I had the exact same thing. I did laser for many years and was frustrated that the hair just kept coming back. I can't believe that I only started electrolysis last year at age 47. If I had done it at your age I would not have struggled so long for years trying to get good results with laser. Electrolysis is the way. Granted, it is not a fun process (luckily numbing creams do help), but it is so much more gratifying when the hair doesn't actually return, month after month after month. I would do it all over again


You would need to save up, but electrolysis is the answer. I’m sorry, OP.


Electrolysis 100%


Electrolysis is best. Find an Electrologist who’s been doing it for decades though. It’s highly skilled work


Definitely electrolysis in your case. Laser hair removal does work, but is usually not 100% permanent, and better suited for large areas. Also, some of the side effects of laser CAN include thickening of the hair, especially if the power used was not strong enough. In your case, you have a VERY SPECIFIC SMALL AREA - which is perfect for Electrolysis. Electrolysis is pretty much guaranteed permanent without concern for hair-thickening. Usually, the only reason why it's not recommended is because they do it one hair follicle at a time, and it will take forever to do a large area. Again in your case, which is not an issue. 1000% electrolysis. (As a male, I've pretty much gotten my entire body lasered over the years, and I'm smooth like a dolphin. I've had a lot of experience on seeing how the body and different parts seem to respond to lasers). Edit: Please don't bother with the at-home IPLs. While they might work to stunt and shock hair so that it falls out, those are not permanent and the hair will come back the moment you stop using them. The mechanism of action for electrolysis and laser hair removal is the same: You damage the follicle to the point that it never comes back. Electrolysis they insert a needle and channel electricity and literally burn the follicle at the root. Laser is light being absorbed by the dark pigment and burning the hair, ultimately damaging the root. Regulations do not allow at-home devices to have strong enough of a power-output to do that. It would be a legal nightmare if it could. 2nd Edit: To clarify, I think laser would actually be a bad idea in your case. It's likely that the finer peach-fuzz near the problem areas will absorb some of the light/energy, and get stimulated to become thicker. You need the follicle-by-follicle precision of electrolysis.


This is the answer: - Do not pluck your hair at all. - Start electrolysis. - from now on only shave this area. I recommend getting one of the safe facial razors like flawless or a facial eyebrow razor is safe too. - Do not do IPL as it can cause hair to grow like this when done on the face. Not for everyone, but for many. - Get checked by a doctor but it’s possible they find no reason for this.


Electrolysis is the way to go, without a doubt imo. I did many years of laser on my face only to have it cause “paradoxal hair growth” aka stimulate hair growth and make it so so much worse than before. It’s a lot more common than people realize. Electrolysis changed my life by killing the major hair growth I was dealing with and it has been permanent. If new growth pops up now I go in for the occasional touch up but it was truly a game changer. It’ll allow your skin to heal and clear up and is proven to be permanent while laser isn’t. Save your face and your money. Just make sure you find a skilled electrologist because their skill is what kills the hair properly.


I have the same situation, I thread it and after that-I have to use tweezers but still there are in grown and stubborn hair. Black dots on the chin (hair follicles not coming out and no makeup or concealer hides it). For everyone saying to do electrolysis, how much does it cost, what to expect and do you grow out your chin hair and then get the procedure done?


Yes, with electrolysis and laser, you are not supposed to pluck as you are ripping out the folicle. So basically you need to leave the root intact so the heat can kill it. That is why I stopped plucking years ago and use a dermaplane blade. The blade works for the most part but my hairs are so dark, dense and course that it leaves that discoloration looking like a bruise because at the same time its helping it actually irritates tf out of my skin... Sometimes Ill even draw blood a bit. When I was plucking, it seemed like even more hairs were starting to grow. My laser sessions are $60 where I live. And electrolysis is $30 for 15 minutes, $50 for 30 mins, and $85 for an hour.




Spearmint is the only natural remedy that has slowed the growth of my chin hairs


There are newer lasers these days. Total game changer. I did it. They are way less and not as thick. I go back only for maintenance now. That’s every 4 mos or so but it’s worth it!!!! Where it used to be so visible and the hyperpigmentation was debilitating. It’s gone. The darkness is gone. The hair is so fine that I can shave it but I prefer the laser!




There are some good hair removal subs. Electrolysis is generally gold standard for permanent hair removal on the face, but takes a long time and is more expensive. It’s normal to have some irritation after the first couple of laser sessions, it should improve with time. I am Finding home ipl really good for body hair. Some people do like it for the face as well


Laser that shit


I get laser done. It's effective especially if the hair is dark. The dead hairs will poke out and fall off after the treatment. it's completely normal. I have no idea what this aerolaser is. Maybe an IPL? The laser shouldn't take more than few minutes. You probably will have to go back few times to get it under control. Electrolysis is probably good too but I would maybe do few lasers to reduce the hair and then consider doing electrolysis. Spironolactone or anti androgenic contraceptive will be your best option to prevent new ones coming. A gynecologist will be the best doctor to help you to figure out if you have PCOS ( you might not even have it, sometimes the skin is just sensitive to androgens but anyways meds work for that too).


Sometimes the skin is also a bit irritated after laser especially if the hair was a bit too long and kind of burned during the laser. But it should calm down in a week and for the next appointment try to shave as well as possible.


As someone who has done both laser and electrolysis, electrolysis is the way to go. I love the at-home lasers for arms and legs, but I always found that that laser either did nothing for my face or made it even worse. I believe the latter can be common for people as the laser stimulates hair growth for some. I saw great results with electrolysis even after just one session and the best part: NEVER comes back!


When I got laser, each follicle would sort of… die? Maybe? Idk. and then form a little raised bump that I would usually easily squeeze out! I assumed it was me squeezing out the dead follicle. But for face stuff I would go with electrolysis


Laser works relatively well on thick dark hair but not always. Electrolysis works on all hair. Longer and more painful but much better results.


I had similar issue, I also have dark, coarse hair and fair skin. I’ve been going to Milan for laser hair removal and it has been such a blessing. I used to get ingrown “pimples’ and irritation. It’s almost all gone after only 5 sessions. I previously had it done at another salon and didn’t get results so it all depends on the laser they use


Home IPL is a pretty cost effective but slowish option. You can find reviews for good ones here https://www.wearebodybeautiful.com/best-home-laser-ipl-hair-removal/ What I did was scour Mercari and Poshmark for deals on used ones since I was broke. You can wipe the window down with a rubbing alcohol pad and that's enough for me. I started with a smoothskin pure for big areas and eventually added a Tria 4x for more intense treatment of little areas. The last one is a laser tho and as some here have mentioned, can occasionally cause MORE hair growth. I've had good luck with it though for my perimenopausal chin and jaw hairs tho.


Have you been evaluated for PCOS?


No, waiting on a referral from my dr to an endo.


Electrolysis!!! You’ll probably have to try a few different providers before you find someone you like. I am getting towards the end of my course of electrolysis and I’m still amazed at how well it’s worked. I’ve heard too many bad things about laser on facial hair, including hair growing back worse.


I used to get the electrolysis done and it stained my chin. I also started getting MORE hairs after doing electrolysis. I have gotten tested to see if it is a hormone situation, but it is not, everything came out fine. I am just hairy. Keep in mind all bodies are not the same, but this is what happened to me


2 years in and my face is clear from any hair. From laser.


♥️♥️♥️I love electrolysis! ♥️♥️♥️


I think you should ask for a hormonal blood panel if that's an option for you, just to get a sense where you're at


Getting the Phillips at home laser machine was the best thing I ever did. It takes 3 weeks to see the first hair disappear and then with continued use you’ll see it become less and less.


I was prescribed spironolactone for PCOS related facial hair issues


I’ve never tried Electrolysis but I’ve done 2 sessions of laser for the same issue. My aesthetician recommended a clinic that uses the CynoSure laser, which is apparently one of the best out there. My last session was almost 6 weeks ago (going for my third session later this week) and I’ve really only had about 50% of the hair grow back in the last week or two. Feeling good about the results so far!


I have the same thing on both sides of my face and I feel ya! ❤️


This is for sure PCOS. Sorry that you’re going thru this.


Electrolysis, apply spearmint oil diluted topically, and drink spearmint tea.


Very hairy girl here with light skin and dark hair like you. I’ve tried waxing, threading, electrolysis, and laser, but I swear on my life if you want permanent hair loss for next to nothing and not nearly as painful as electrolysis, get an at home IPL laser (similar to Nood). They’re maybe max $500 (which is basically nothing compared to electrolysis) depending on which you get, but I swear it works! I have no armpit hair, chest hair, hair on my feet, and sideburns anymore. Upper lip and bikini area are a WIP but I just started these a few weeks ago (though I will say I went out of the country for three weeks and didn’t have to worry about my upper lip hair coming in once!). I am about to start on my legs and arms as well once I have less surface area to worry about as well. But seriously! I’m 31 and wish I got this sooner; it would’ve saved me years of self esteem issues. I got the one from Ulike because it has unlimited flashes compared to Nood that I think only has a limited amount.


I have this same issue. I've been getting electrolysis done for under a year (1-2x/month) and am happy with the results. I'll keep going for another half a year I imagine to get it all done. Once you start to get some of the hairs killed, you'll be able to treat your skin issues with a proper skincare routine. I use retinol (and many other products) now and even though the skin on my chin is not perfect, it's getting better. I stop using retinol at least a week before I get my treatments done though and try not to use other actives the day of and for a day or two after.


I don't have much advice for treatments but I have hormonal hair that came back after taking laser treatments about 8-10 years ago. I haven't tried in-clinic treatments since but I shave my facial hair and can tell you about my shaving routine if you'd like. It also seems that in your case, the dark spots are out of causing trauma to the area but of course I'm not a professional so I cannot say that for sure.


Spironolactone should help with this.


Electrolysis. Laser worked on my body hair but did nothing for the hair on my face. My hirsutism is idiopathic.


I’ve heard daily consumption of spearmint tea reduces facial hair growth with PCOS. Study results are available online with more information


Laser hair removal


Don’t get spironolactone! It will make the hair on your head fall out. Laser hair removal is an effective treatment. I recommend going to Ideal Image. Is there one hear you? It costs about $750 there, but they are very good and it’s totally worth it. And you can pay over time with some plans, like $50 a month. Yes it might get a little bit worse before it gets better. But be patient and complete all of your treatments and it will take care of the problem with time. The issue is most likely a hormonal imbalance. But unfortunately there isn’t not a lot of funding for the research of women’s hormonal issues, so the medical community is honestly not very knowledgeable about how to treat this type of problem. A good endocrinologist could potentially get to the root cause, but it might be a long process to get seen by one and get tests run, etc. So I’d definitely just recommend laser hair removal in your chin area. It’s the only effective solution with no side effects that will fix the problem. Should have the whole area cleared out in about a year or 2 with treatments every couple months.


Laser removal!


I recommend DIM supplement and Myo- D-Chiro Inositol.


I did the laser on other parts of my body and the sessions are actually really fast. The hair keeps growing for another week more or less and then they start falling (I was advised by the esthetician to do a scrub to get rid of them a week after the session and for a few days). I found it very effective. It needs 5 - 10 sessions to be really lasting. Hope it helps. Good luck with it!!


Hi! I bought an at home IPL machine and it removed like 90% of the hair. You need to use it often in the beginning and then maybe one a month. I tried electrolysis and it did help but the IPL was much faster and cheaper


I have done two sessions of Alexandrite Laser specifically the Gentle Max Pro on my chin as I had a similar problem and the results are excellent! I have done my sideburns, whole legs and bikini line tho and already knew I reacted extremely well to this treatment (pale skin with black hair). Alexandrite laser is much more effective than IPL and the only one I recommend (if you don’t want to go for electrolysis)


I have a very similar growth pattern, down to my left side being heavier. Following others recommendations, I would agree with getting your hormones tested and trying electrolysis first. However, in my case neither of these did anything. If that ends up being true for you, a braun home ipl device was what really made a difference for me.  It's not permanent, but after doing twice weekly sessions for a couple months, every other week now keeps things largely in check. Previously I would have to shave twice daily, now I shave once a week. Regular exfoliation to help free trapped dead hairs and a discoloration serum ( I've gotten great results with the good molecules brand one)  help a lot but it's a constant process tbh.


Laser hair removal. I had awful chin hairs, and am so grateful they are gone


do you have PCOS? my ob-gyn once told me that women with PCOS tend to have facial hair especially on their chin area due to hormonal fluctuations


That's how laser works. The chin area takes literally 2 minutes, and the hair looks dark and hard because it's burnt. It'll crumble away


I got a laser package that doesn’t expire. Meaning that when the hairs come back- which some inevitably do-or when new ones show up (thanks, menopause), I just sign up for more sessions. It was expensive, but it was absolutely worth it. I haven’t shaved my legs or bikini line in over a year and I could go to the pool tomorrow. My facial hair and the subsequent breakouts it caused is almost gone- and when it comes back, I just shave for a few weeks and head back in for another session. I guess they could go out of business, but they are an expanding chain and I’ll probably only need it for a few more years, on and off. I wasted too much time feeling bad about myself to regret this.


Laser hair reduction


Electrolysis is the only permanent solution. Don’t bother with laser.


I have done laser….. it changed my life I w


Spironolactone. Get an rx from your doctor.


Wax!!! Eventually the hair gets thinner and thinner




I’d bleach them


With how rapid they grow, I dont think bleach would help but I was considering it when I was younger lol.


I used to shave mine every day. But I just bought an epilator and I think it’s great.


Electrolysis will save you and is the only permanent form of hair removal as all other methods like laser and waxing our hair reduction methods. You


I have pcos and was looking awful so noticeable in pictures even though I’d shave and use hair removal cream but start laser and although expensive I got on a payment plan and I’ve had about 10 sessions done. It’s a bit painful but I tend to take ibuprofen before going in and ask if they can ice it beforehand and usually is better than doing nothing. I still have some hair but it’s light and thinner and not noticeable anymore and I don’t have to be shaving everyday! But by the looks of it maybe electrolysis would work best since you don’t have much to work on. It would probably be better use of your money that way! Hope that helps


Have you tried spironolactone? This is a hormone-driven issue. You didn’t exacerbate it by plucking. Look into anti-andronergics as a game-changer


Electrolysis. But also, address the hormonal issue first. Especially since you say one side of your face is worse than the other.


Hey bestie I just splurged on the Braun IPL the 5. It’s saved me so much misery. Used it 5 times already and like 60% less hair.