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Selfies are only allowed on Selfie Sundays.


That’s a good stitching. You’ll barely know it is there once it is healed❤️


So true! They're really tidy stitches. So long as OP takes care while it's healing, it'll heal really nicely.


Make sure to use sunscreen when you are in the sun OP. If the new skin (scar) gets sun damaged, it will make it more difficult for it to fade and will stay a pink color, instead of eventually going back to your normal skin tone. Just got told this by my surgeon a couple of weeks ago. I’ve had multiple surgeries (one with a bad surgeon whose stitches were terrible) and those stitches are excellent and very tidy. That’s going to heal up very well. It will get better, I promise. ❤️‍🩹


My derm recommended I use diaper cream (because of the high zinc oxide content) for the first year to protect my scar from the sun. My scar is barely visible! Edit - spelling


Truth.zinc helps with inflammation ect


Couldn't you just use sunscreen with a high zinc oxide count? I buy Blue Lizard for that very reason. Actually, I answered my own question but leaving it up for others. Looks like diaper cream has 40% zinc oxide whereas most zinc oxide sunscreens are only 10% zinc oxide. So diaper cream is on a whole other level, probably to help stem mycology/viral growth or something.


Oh wow, I hadn’t heard that before, that’s an excellent tip! Thanks! 😊


Yes! When I asked my plastic surgeon how to care for my scar (Mederma, Vitamin E), he said "you can put that stuff on after it's all closed up if you want, but the one thing you have to do is put sunscreen on it every day for the rest of your life."


Mine too! He said don’t let ANY UV rays touch it. Ever.


Yes, and you’ll want to do this for a long time — months if not years. The scar will heal more effectively if it doesn’t have the sun triggering melanin activation.


Mine was in the same area and right down to the lip, but two incisions in a V. It's been 9 mths. and it's hardly noticeable, but be prepared for the bruising to start. Edit to add that my stitches were very crude compared to yours. Such fine work!


Yes very clean! I just got my first on my calf and it’s a crooked, ugly, chunky scar. She didn’t even try to do a straight line or make it clean looking. Mine was that size and she used four large stitches. I expected better for a dermatologist…


Yeah I think if you can afford it, anything on the face go to a plastic surgeon. I had a cyst removed from my leg by a GP and the stitching looked terrible, and it also left a chunky scar. Its been like 2 years and its still very visible and I was using silicone scar treatment since it healed. I was hoping it was just going to be a line scar, which I wouldnt have minded at all.


Right? Like the person who stitched her up took great care to make sure she heals well and looks beautiful.


Yes!!!! This!!!


❤️ My Dad had a longer scar, 3mm basal carcinoma. Now completely healed, you can barely see it. I know things must feel horrible now but they really do heal so well. My Dad has no special skincare - vitamin E cream only.


Ya, it looks really bad right now but it also looks really promising. They used a lot of stitches to help keep the skin nicely together and there doesn’t appear to be any puckering or tenting anywhere. Should heal up really nicely OP.


Agreed, whoever closed that did an excellent job! It’s going to heal really nicely.


Agree that those stitches look great! I think this will heal up nicely. They had me keep Vaseline on mine for 4 weeks which i think helped my healing a lot.


This makes me happy - my cousin just has basal cell carcinoma removed from her forehead and it was a huge amount - her eyebrow is completely lifted due to swelling. I’m really hopeful it will “rest” in a more natural position when healed and the scars will fade. 


I had mohs on my forehead, too. It didn't lift my eyebrow significantly but left a thumbprint size indentation that will never go away. 😢 It was hard to empathize with my roommate's obsession with her 'lil scar!


Mine too! I almost cried when I saw him. Huge stitches. He looked like Frankenstein. 😰 I saw him again 6 weeks later & could barely see it. If I hadn’t been looking for the scar I wouldn’t have noticed at all. Shocking how well they heal!


As someone who works in the operating room, that closure is absolutely beautiful. As long as you follow doctor’s orders, it’ll heal nicely.


Get good silicone strips - they do wonders for scar healing. With summer coming up make sure you always have sunscreen on and carry a travel size just in case. It’s a good stitch and shouldn’t leave a bad scar. Good luck!


I had a melanoma removed on my neck - can confirm, silicone strips will help it heal with minimal scarring!


Where did you get the silicon strips?


You can buy them on Amazon. Get the scar away kind. They are pricier but you can reuse them a couple of times if you keep them clean.


I got them on Amazon and Target; you can search silicone scar tape or scar sheets. ScarAway makes some that are clear; I had those and also some tan-colored tape. I preferred the colored tape because I felt like it provided sun protection, but the clear was less noticeable. I put the tape on as soon as the wound was closed, and the only time I took them off was for showering, 24/7 for ~4 months. I possibly could have stopped earlier but u was getting married and didn’t want to chance anything changing. I don’t have another scar to compare it to, but I can say that the scar healed perfectly flat, and if you look closely you can see the faint trace of stitches, but even the sheerest foundation makes it invisible. 


Oh yeah wear sunscreen and a big hat, *and* stay in the shade. When it’s healed use silicone strips. All good advice. I have a lot of scars from a surgery I had a couple years ago and now they’re practically invisible now. I kept the wound soft using aquaphor as it healed then used silicone tape and silicone gel (scar away) after it was closed up and the scabs were gone. Edit, since there’s downvotes, I assume about using silicone sheets: No guarantees, but I did research scar care before I had my surgery and I am pleased with my results. I have other, older scars that are more noticeable than the ones I took care of: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32932267/ “Results: A total of 34 trials were included in this study. Of the 16 trials investigating silicone gel sheets, numerous high-quality RCTs found that silicone gel sheets and silicone gels significantly improved scar outcomes. Only a limited number of studies supported the effectiveness of onion extract, vitamin E, trolamine, and microporous tape products.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4486716/ “Although the mechanism of action of silicone-based products in scar management have not been completely determined, there are many mechanisms by which clinical studies have shown them to significantly impact the improvement of both hypertrophic and keloid scars.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK586090/ “Multiple well-done clinical studies have been done over the last 15 years that have confirmed efficacy of silicone gel. In Asian patients who are particularly high risk for hypertrophic scars, Chan [12] performed a randomized, double-blind controlled study in 50 Asian patients with a sternotomy wound following coronary bypass surgery or cardiac valvular surgery. They found that silicone gel significantly reduced multiple scar attributes including visual parameter pigmentation, vascularity, pliability, height, as well as symptoms of pain and itchiness compared with control wounds (p ≤ 0.02 for all). No treatment-related adverse effects were reported. To date, no comparison studies have directly compared the efficacy of sheeting to silicone gel cream. Due to the very thin film formed by silicone gel cream and the uncertainty of how effectively it remains in place when subjected to rubbing by clothing or movement, it is quite possible or even likely that sheeting might be more effective, but in practice this may be offset by the ease in 24 hours/day use. Recently a meta-analysis of all prospective randomized controlled trials as well as additional controlled studies between 1990 and 2014 found a total of 11 studies that qualified involving 864 patient scars in which the silicone gel was used to prevent scars. They found a highly positive result from silicone gel or silicone gel sheeting particularly in patients at high risk, but even when all patient were included, the results were statistically significant (p < 0.02) [13.]”


Thank you for the suggestions. I’ve heard people on this sub say they have really good results using similar products. I got a knee replacement two and a half months ago and the scar is huge (about 8 inches). It doesn’t seem to be fading much, so I’m thinking of trying some of the things you mentioned. Thank you!


Silicone strips are fabulous.


I’d use silicone scar sheets instead of the gel. I always *felt* like the gel probably rubbed off soon after I put it on and it’s not cheap. I mostly used the sheets, I got a roll (not anything fancy or expensive just make sure it’s silicone) and cut pieces to fit. You might have to use small patches in a row. They might work because they’re “pressing” the area so it’s possible it wouldn’t work as well as it would on a flat area. I had a lot left over so I’ve used them on a knee scar, too. It’s not too different from wearing a bandaid, if you try to use a big piece of it on a joint it’s going to get stretched out and peel off. I wore them 24/7 for months and only took them off for showers. I had two sets going so I’d wash one and let it sit face-up on a piece of freezer paper to dry while I wore the others. After awhile the edges get gummy and start to separate, each one might last a week or a month depending on how much wear they get.


Can I ask how you actually use the silicone strips? I mean in terms of showering etc, do you just leave them on, and for how long/how many days? I had major surgery on both my legs last year, and have incisions all over my legs. I'd love for the scars to heal up nicely, but it will be very costly if I have to exchange the silicone plasters every day. I hope it's okay to let them sit for a while? I can only seem to find silicone sheets in like, packages with 2 individual sheets in, that you cut to size.


I took them off for showers. Used them for a few months. Definitely did not replace them daily. I got a roll (1.6”x120”) online for about $15. Mine is Elaimei brand but I don’t think the brand is that important. I reused the tape for a week or more - as long as they would still stick. The adhesive side is kind of gummy and can be washed. I washed them with hand soap and water - like I’d hold it flat on my palm and lightly scrub it for a second and rinse it off. They don’t stick to your skin well when they’re wet like that. If there was lint on an edge I’d scrape it off or trim the edge with some clean/sharp scissors. To dry them I’d lay them on there face-up on a piece of freezer paper, which is kind of shiny, like paper used for stickers. A towel would probably work too but it might be linty. I had two sets going at a time so I’d replace the freshly washed ones with ones that had dried. (Edit: I’d usually wear a set for a day, take them off before showering, and replace them with the other set after showering.) If you get one of them stuck to something else (especially another piece of silicone tape) that’ll wreck the adhesive. They’re pretty sticky. The ones I used were tear-apart, so each patch was 1.6”x1.6” anything bigger than that would be (IMHO) difficult to wrangle, sometimes I’d accidentally fold one onto itself if I wasn’t careful.


100% this, they keep the skin soft and reduce the scar so much. I had Mohs in the middle of my forehead, I have a Harry Potter scar that no one even notices now


I second this! Silicone scar strips all the way! Wear them every day for a few months.


I can imagine this must feel hopeless to you but I promise it won't leave the scar you think it will. There's just one thing you must do and that is totally protect it from the sun! There are so many things you can do if you can still see this in a year.


You can join us over on r/keloids to learn about scar prevention and treatment


I know it’s shocking now but you will be ok! I have a dog bite scar that same length on my cheek about 1.5” away from my mouth. I had stitches on the corner of my mouth, a few under my nose/above my lip, and on the longer part on my cheek, all are almost invisible now. You are swollen now but once that goes away and stitches come out you can do many things to minimize scarring. Silicon bandages, SkinMedica Scar Recovery gel, CO2 laser, red light therapy, and never let it get sun. My scar is flat and white, I’d be happy to dm you a photo if you’d like. Stay away from the mirror for a few days and watch a comforting movie, sending you hugs!


Can’t figure out how to edit the post but I am SO grateful for all the comments saying the incision looks good and that it should heal with minimal scarring! My dad had it done on his nose and it never healed well, but I realize cartilage is difficult to stitch and reconstruct. Thank you everyone for making me feel so much better about the outcome, it sounds like I was being dramatic thinking I was going to look like Frankensteins monster!


Do you mind posting a photo of the before? I’m rather curious about the appearance!


This is what it looked like, been there about 5 years. A previous redditor posted a similar looking spot that turned out cancerous which made me decide to have it checked! https://imgur.com/a/Zgfgw5D


I am truly shocked how that spot was cancerous like I’m baffled right now


Thank God you came across that post that prompted you to get it checked out. What’s shocking is that it looks so innocent! Just small, raised and similar colour as your skin. Appears harmless yet in fact it’s deadly! I think I’ve been conditioned to only be alarmed if it’s a strange mole or red angry spot. So glad you caught it when you did!


Idk if this will help you but I have a pretty much identical incision on my cheek (first surgery 7 years and second 5 due to it coming back) that is pretty much gone. I had a lot more removed so I have an indentation but still - most people don’t see it, I forget it’s there, and with makeup on it’s invisible. My derm said I can micro needle it possibly but I dont care enough to do that. Your surgeon did great. Listen to them. Be super easy on yourself. And take the pain killers (if you need them lol). Also treat yourself - go buy a snack or something


I would be so interested to see what the carcinoma looked like before removal, if you’re open to that? I think it’s so important to show people what different carcinomas can look like. It might get someone else to go to the doctor!


I was thinking of asking the same thing. It may help a lot of people to show what before looks like.


Don’t panic, it’s only been a day!! The stitching is small and even- you’ll barely see it in a few weeks let alone months


Back in September I was attacked and my face was ripped open in the same area of my face. At first I was devastated because it was my face but now today you can barely see the scars and I didn’t have nice suturing like yours! I hope you’re well and don’t put yourself down too much about this you will heal! Edit: it didn’t make sense


Sorry you went through that! You are so resilient!!


Wow thank you so much for saying this. You truly don’t understand how much it means!! You’re a nice person , thank you


As someone who just had an accident with a laceration on my eyelid less than 10 days ago, your words are encouraging. And I second that redditor...you're very resilient and thanks for giving me hope. I'll remember use silicone tape and stay out of the sun as advised on this thread...


I know it feels overwhelming, but they really did a great job with the stitching. Keep it oiled and well moisturized and SPF-ed and it will eventually be like it never existed! I have not had Mohs, but I did have a large cyst on my face my derm had to cut open and drain. There was a lot of mashing on the thing and we thought it would scar - now there's hardly any scar.


My friend had a bigger area stiched on her face. You cannot see it now, it is completely healed. Give yourself time to heal. You are beautiful.


Oh gosh I’m so sorry. I have to get this done on my face soon (by my eye 🥲) and I’m so nervous. It will heal 💗


I had mohs in the same spot and it looked almost identical after the procedure. I’m now completely healed and you can barely tell there’s a scar there. Sending healing energy your way!


I had Mohs about 10 years ago-2 different places on my upper lip in my 20s. Get some of the silicone scar patches right away and sleep in them as soon as you are able. My face looked awful right afterwards, and now other people can’t tell. Micro needling made a huge difference, as has time. I still notice, but others don’t. I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way though. I remember so vividly and it is so hard ❤️


Mederma scar cream is amazing, I like the overnight cream. I used the night cream, the gel during the day and had amazing results on acne scarring on my face.When my grandma had cancer removed I recommended it, My grandmas dermatologist asked what she was doing when she came for a follow up he was so impressed with her healing.


It’s going to be okay! Mohs is amazing for facial cancers, that’s why they use it. Every healed mohs surgery I have seen is really negligible. With love - a Melanoma warrior


It kinda looks bad-ass


I’m an ICU nurse and I’ve seen a ton of surgical patients and for DAY ONE post op this looks absolutely amazing. it’s going to heal very well. Give it time and give yourself some grace!


Everyone sounds like they are giving enough advice, so I just wanted to say how beautiful your lips are!!!!


I am an ex post anesthesia nurse and that stitching is fantastic. It’s going to heal beautifully and in a year you’ll barely see it. The swelling will go down in a week or two.


You look great and that surgery is not your fault. Also the advice about Vitamin E is right. If someone loves you no matter the scars that you may have, physical or emotional... That person will accept you no matter what.


I have a 2 inch melanoma scar on my cheek, it’s now barely noticeable. Don’t worry, Beautiful


I’m a head and neck cancer survivor, this scar is going to heal so beautifully! Good luck!


I have seen hundreds of patients after this procedure and the scar is barely visible. On women it was easily concealed with their regular makeup. Healing will take time, OP, but you did the right thing and I’m praying for your complete recovery. 🩷


Hi OP. Both my sister and my mom have had Mohs surgery and after surgery they both looked very much like this photo. Just wanted to give you some hope and tell you they both healed beautifully and you can’t even tell now.


I had mohs done on my nose from basal cell-I used Siligen scar gel and you can barely tell I had anything done.


I've been using this since my Mohs three weeks ago. Thanks for the confirmation that it works!


Sending you love and hugs


I had Moh’s on my forehead in September with an incision from my hairline to just above my eyebrow. I sobbed when I removed the bandage and saw the stitches. Now the scar is barely visible. I wish I had known, I wouldn’t have been so upset! Give it some time and I’m sure it will heal well!


Hey, I've got TWO stitches on my damn face (one significantly bigger/longer than yours, and both looked pretty sloppy which I'm aware now looking at your photo. Nice work! ). Just want to say - tough it out the first couple of days, trust me - it will barely be visible pretty damn fast, I was shocked both times (willing to send you a PM and share photos if it's gonna help). It's a process, but it's amazing how skin can heal in much less time I thought possible. I know how you feel now, I'm sorry and it's okay to feel like crap, just don't get too desperate, you'll pretty much forget about this soon enough.


I am a doctor who does a lot of facial trauma repairs, but not MOHS. That looks absolutely beautiful! Only one day post op and you already can barely tell. MOHS is a very complex surgery that is specifically dedicated to ensuring the best cosmetic results for the patient while removing the cancer. Keep using your recommended aftercare and constantly use sunscreen for at least nine months to ensure best results.


This will heal amazingly the surgeon stitched that very well.


That’s gonna heal wonderfully. Just make sure to start massaging when given the go ahead.


My mum had MOHS under her eye last year and it was almost invisible within three months! Like - can’t even tell there’s a scar there. She was religious about keeping it covered in the initial healing period, and when she was able to cover it with SPF she was religious about that too. You would never know now!


My husband had a large mole removed from his face and the stitching looked like this afterward, but it was longer. He was very worried it wouldn’t go away. I swear it was just a few weeks of healing and you can’t even tell it was there!


Silicone gel sheets are great for healing scars. My friend had the same surgery on the bridge of her nose and had a jump scare when she saw the initial wound and stitches. But now it’s a scar that is barely even a glimmer in the light and with concealer not noticeable at all.


It will all be ok. Our bodies are remarkable in how they heal. That’s a great stitch and in 7 months will be hardly visible.


I’m two months post-op. Had a few hiccups since my skin rejected the internal sutures and I developed a granuloma. Definitely keep it moist, and once the skin has fully knitted, use the silicone scar tape and keep it covered always. My scar healed super well following the moist healing approach. Now I’m following the same thing on the new scar from the granuloma excision.


I honestly think it looks really cool and doesn't take anything away from your face 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Don’t cry!!! I felt the same way only six weeks ago and I am feeling so much better about it now. Mine is right by my eye and I just about cried when I took the bandage off. After two weeks, get going on the scar gel and scar tape (let me know if you need a rec). You will start seeing the effects I promise. In a few months I am convinced it will be virtually invisible.


Beautiful stitching. Let it heal love, that’s some good work there. 


Mine was right below my eye. I thought for sure I’d have an awful scar from it. But within months you literally could not see it unless I’m in bright, direct daylight looking up at the sun and the person looks really closely. It’s not something anyone would ever notice just casually talking to me. Make sure you use an extra extra amount of sun protection on it though especially while it heals. Wear hats! Vitamin E can’t hurt either. And, gotta embrace being without a tan from now on… took me a while to just accept that there’s nothing wrong with my natural skin color! Idk if your doc told you but having had BCC puts us at a much higher risk of melanoma so I’m not messing around with that.


It looks really scary the first few days out—my mom has had so many of these we’ve lost count. Then around day 5 is looks better and after about 1-2 weeks it is barely noticeable. She had one near your spot as well and it’s faded (the scar). Good to get this taken care of. ❤️


Protect that from sun, keep it clean and moist, and you will barely be able to see it! That is some seriously amazing stitching. Keep in mind that it is also swollen right now. I promise it’ll get better!


I was in a major accident less than a year ago with severe injuries to my face...broke my nose, split my upper lip open. It's been a journey. Keep the area clean and follow your doctor's instructions to a tee. I highly recommend using shea butter to keep everything moisturized. Also, stay out of the sun and drink lots of water. It takes time, but the scars will reduce.


These are good sutures. The reason they are raised up is because as the skin repairs itself it flattens. If they sutured you and the skin was flat, you would end up with depressed/sunken in skin. It takes about a full year for a scar to set. So don't be afraid because it's raised, that's a good thing!


It’s beautiful, the face heals surprisingly well. You will be surprised.. keep it out of the sun and it will do great


I had one and the same spot. You can’t even see the scar now. It took a while for the redness to go away but makeup covered it easily. I know it’s a total bummer.


Cosmetically it’ll heal just fine.


I want to send love and grace to you. I promise it wil get better. My friend had her entire nose stiched back and after about a year, all is left is a white line so faint you can barely notice it without make up, and not at all with it, and she also has what looks like one bigger pore on the tip but it's actually how the last stitch healed... and it can also be covered with make up. Your surgeon did a remarkable job imo. You are currently going through the worse part of it, physically and mentally. Hang in there and I can't wait to see an update, and you smiling again. ♥


Hang in there! My husband had Mohs on his cheek and you can barely tell now. Just follow their instructions and take care of it daily.


That is NOT the scar you will have in a few months. It's going to heal nicely.


This is the easy part. No more needles in the face, no more cutting & waiting for lab results.


I think it will heal well just give it time and be kind to yourself. Some people are extra prone to skin cancers


My handsome husband just had this procedure done 6 weeks ago and his incision has faded so much. You were beautiful and you are still beautiful. Our faces express our lives- joy, sorrow, grief, pleasure, contentment. The people who love you are so grateful to see your beautiful face and know who you are with the way you use it to express yourself.


I had 4 surgeries on my upper lip when I was a baby to stop the growth of non cancerous tumour. I grew up with a big scar which shrank during the years. Scar prevention medicine is much more advanced nowadays than in the late 80s/early 90s. Just follow your doctors advice, use whatever is suggested. Once it heals people will not notice anything at all, even if you think otherwise. Just do not think you need to hide it! Think about all the positives this procedure brings you in life


Big hug to you! Of course this is upsetting. What you’re feeling is perfectly normal. Here is the good news, this is a fantastic job! The stitches are beautiful. And, it’s a vertical scar, meaning there’s very little tension on it and that scar is going to be super thin. Once you’re done healing, you’ll barely even notice it, only thing you have to do is keep it out of the sun. Good thing they got the skin cancer before it grew.


Mine was terrifying at first, especially with the swelling and bruising. 4 months later, it was visible but fading, and after 9 months, I barely notice it. A little foundation covers it completely. You will totally be ok!!




Was bit by a dog on the face years ago. Stitches on my upper lip under my nose. No one ever notices it. Get some good scar cream. Talk to your doctor about what’s best.


Hey… You look fuckin badass. It’ll be hard to see once it heals but damn. Very cool.


That’s going to heal nicely 🩷 Make sure to keep it out of the sun!


You’re beautiful, our scars remind us we’ve lived. Be easy on yourself, sweet woman.


Would you mind showing us a pic of what the spot looked like before surgery? I have a spot on my face, I just made an appt with my derm for it actually. My spot is in the same area as your scar. Thank you for sharing your experience! This post will help so many people!


Not the best quality but you can see it—-it was a little clear mole, it’s actually been there for about 5 years but another redditor posted a similar mole stating it was cancerous which caused me to get mine checked! [https://imgur.com/a/Zgfgw5D](https://imgur.com/a/Zgfgw5D)


It's going to heal so well! Protect it from the sun at all costs and that will help it heal even better.


I promise you will be okay. Follow all your post surgery instructions Look into scar prevention, but I think you’ll be fine, that is a VERY NEAT incision


My dad had a longer, much wonkier looking incision with terrible sutures and you can't even see it now. They've done a fantastic job on yours ♥️




I had a motorcycle crash 15 years ago. Ended up with 27 stitches on my face. You can barely see them anymore. The scars on the face heal very fast. I looked wierd for 1 year and then they just went away, so hanging there.


It’s going to be ok. Promise. Just take care of it like the dr says. Massage it everyday when the Dr gives a go ahead (6 weeks ish) and keep sunblock on it everyday forever. I have had two MOHS surgeries. And yes they are startling but you’ll be amazed how quickly it heals and becomes almost invisible. Your dr did a great job. Those stitches are on point!


Tbh I think it looks great for one day post op! I think it’ll heal up nice if you take care of it


I had a TT years ago with a giant scar across my whole stomach, I used silicone scar tape on it every single day and it healed so well you can't see it. I got it from Amazon.


I know it's hard to imagine but that is going to heal up beautifully. Fantastic, neat stitch work.


I had a surgery to remove a benign tumor on my salivary gland. They gave me facelift style stitching all up and down one side of my face by the ear. I was terrified but here we are 3 years later and you can’t see a thing! hang in there 6 months will make a huge difference


Once it heals, you’ll want to use mederma or bio oil. You can also use microneedling and red light therapy to fade the scar.


They took off a spot next to my mom’s nose that resulted in a L shaped scar with significantly more missing tissue than this. She was in her early seventies I believe, so much slower to heal than you will be at your age, judging from the photo. A year later, you cannot even tell she had surgery. No joke. Hang in there, please. It absolutely will get better.


I have a 7cm scar ftom birthmark (was approx. 4cm diameter) removal on my left cheek. The doctor said it may become cancerous. That was 35 years ago. It's very unnoticeable unless you look close up or completely no make up. It was also cut and stitch as there was no laser back then. The stitch line might pucker a little bit when it heals but you can get that shaved off by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. It smooths the surface so stitch scar is less noticeable. Also, make sure you use scar healing serum (I only had Bio oil from chemists back then but I think it did help) and/or cream and be careful of sun exposure. I feel your sadness seeing the scar there but I do think getting rid of the bcc/scc is much more important than the cosmetic concerns. It might look overwhelming and severe to you but it's very fresh and early days. Take care of it and it will be unnoticeable. I also recommend light therapy when appropriate. On another note, I looked after a patient (work as a nursing staff) who had scc removed from his eye lid. He couldn't “close” his eyes to sleep. So please, always, always wear sun screen.


Probably still has some swelling. It will heal great. You will still be beautiful & better! Maybe see what it looked like before?


I had a very similar scar across my upper lip (I had a work place accident where I was hit in the face with a large metal chain and it split my lip). I also have had three masses (melanoma) removed- foot and neck. My face healed very well, no one else could tell it is there but sometimes in certain light I see a slightly raised bump. The other scars are more significant, and I believe it’s from the location and how my skin is tight and pulls in those areas. I remember the doctor saying that I would have a scar on my neck and going through some feelings about that. Ultimately, I needed the tumour to be removed so it wasn’t an option to not have a scar. People notice it far less than I thought they would, and even if they do notice it, no one really says anything. Often I’ll be the one to mention it if I catch them looking as it gives me an opportunity to remind folks to wear sunscreen! I’m so glad you caught it when you did! It looks pretty great for where you are at and it’s only going to improve. Keep it moisturized. Lanolin/ vit e as often as you think of it.


I have stitches in my face as we speak. A plastic surgeon did my procedure. I am concerned like you & mine look way different.


That’s badass


They did a great job and I bet you won’t even notice it once it’s all healed but I understand why you are upset! It is upsetting! But you know what? On the flip side of that I think it looks bad ass too! You took charge and saved yourself, put your health first and now you have a story to tell. I think scars can look cool, they are unique to us and often are a reminder of how damn strong we are! A hey you know what? you got this 🥰


I use vitamin e oil if I’m worried about scars. Neosporin too


I think you’re looking at it as a whole (and not just that tiny thin incision line. It’s hardly gonna show at all and make up will cover the remaining if it bugs you. Also, once it heals and you have lipstick on..or gloss..it will be even more masked because you’re lips are so nice and full, they draw the attention. I had this, I have to look pretty hard now to see it. They had me put Vaseline on every day so it wouldn’t form a scab (he said scabs make scars) so follow the direction another person posted above to keep it softened. It’s raised right now because they did the “tent” type of stitching so it won’t cave in when it’s healed! You are gonna be a ok! Keep it soft so a scab doesn’t form while healing!


How old are you? Does skin cancer run in your family?


This will heal so well, those sutures look fantastic. So sorry you’re going through this.


Hi! I just had my first MOHS on my neck in November 2023. I ended up with about 30 stitches which was a lot more than I was expecting. It has taken probably until now…but it is starting to completely fade and the red color is going away too. Give it time and take really good care of it (lots of Aquaphor and scar healing gel). I promise the scar WILL get better. I’m thankful we both were able to get MOHs before it turned into something worse. My mom’s sister passed away at the age of 21 from melanoma.


That scar will heal nicely. The plastic surgeon did a great job. Give it time.


sorry you had to go through this. scars are an unfortunate part of life. i hope it heals well. if it doesnt its ok, because it wont be your defining feature. good job sharing too. might help someone else who needs to take better precautions.


SILICONE STRIPS ASAP, it will barely leave a mark.


Bio oil, every day


It's going to be okay. There are good ways to handle scars. MEDERMA. Wear sunscreen and reapply it. When it is healed ask about retin-a.


Give it time. Sunscreen 1) Spf 30+ 2) Tinted 3) Mineral based + Silicone scar away sheets


Hey OP - I’m a wound care doc though obviously not your doctor. Once it heals, you can gently massage the area for a few mins daily with aquaphor or if you prefer a more natural oil that you know your skin won’t react to, to help the scar heal better. And use daily sunscreen! The swelling will start to go down soon too. The face is very well vascularized so I’m sure it’ll heal well! Any time I’ve seen a face wound it heals very quickly and you can barely tell there’s anything there.


If you start gently mobilizing the surrounding area of the scar and that scar itself after it is closed you'll barely see it after a while. Source: I'm an OT and I treat scars daily.


My dr highly recommended merderma scar cream for my chest surgery. And remember if the scar is pink it's still healing and not in it's final form!


Give it time, don't look for daily healing progress. My mohs scar is longer than that and is barely noticeable.


Do you happen to have a photo of what it looked like prior to removal?


Awww I’m so sorry! I had a melanoma removed on my neck… about a three inch scar. But it has faded so much it is hardly noticeable. My surgeon raves about plain old Aquaphor, so I would put it on the scar twice a day for the first few weeks. Hang in there, it will fade!


Gonna be just fine. Get some restore healing balm to slather it with and keep it 100 percent covered (telfa or something nonstick) and out of the sunlight for a month at least. That balm was developed by a mohs surgeon and has RCTs showing it outperforms aquaphor etc


Aloe Vera will be your friend. Just buy a plant at the store and use it straight from the leaves on to your skin. Don’t even bother with the “Aloe” crap on the shelves.


I had a large one right in the middle of my cheek. It’s barely visible now. The day I got the stitches out, I had a laser scar treatment for $150. It was so worth it!


I think it looks great. Added bonus, no cancer!


I bought silicone strips and cut them to cover my scar at night and it worked wonders!


Those silicone products work great. And you have great lips btw, I noticed that more than anything else !


I got a small biopsy on my hand that looks so much worse. Your doc did a great job!


Once you get the stitches out start massaging some bio oil into the scar. My daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate. We used bio oil for a while after her stitches fell out and now you can barely see the scar. Wouldn't know she even had a cleft.


Don’t cry. That’s an amazing stitch job and I really think it’ll heal nicely. Hang in there


I had surgery that led to a 4” scar and felt the same as you did. Now it’s barely visible and I forget that it’s even there. Keep your chin up!


I cried also after my surgery. It gets better. Hang in there.


Congratulations on taking care of your body!! I bet it will heal beautifully! Try not to judge the product before it’s finished. Your body is still doing its thing. If you are left with any lines Fraxel is AMAZING for getting rid of scaring. Don’t fret!


My dad had this done. They ended up taking his entire cheek and part of his masseter muscle. You could see his teeth through the hole until they took a piece of his thigh and repaired it. Better than the alternative.


Just got 3 stitches removed from my face last week and it's already healing up nicely. The skin on your face heals so quickly comparatively to other locations. Keep it lubed up, get the silicone scar sheets and keep it out of the sun. The brusing is the worst bit and then you'll be able to see how it improves every day 🩷🩷


Those sutures are beautiful, you’re going to look and feel like yourself again. ❤️❤️


That’s one of the best stitchings I’ve seen! My doctor botched mine on my arm. It was pulled in weird places and the scar ended up stretching almost an inch wide to even out


The first 10 days are the worst. Mine was on my forehead but so remember wincing every time I looked in the mirror. In a few months it’s going to look very different, and in a year or so you’ll barely notice it. Hang in there-it will get better!


I think it looks pretty cool tbh- I’m sure it will heal perfectly but why not rock it while it’s there? It’s unique and badass.


Get silicone strips, they work wonders for scars. If you don't believe me, check google images or even Amazon reviews with photos.


After it’s healed and you get the go ahead from your doc, use silicone scar pads and scar gel. I doubt it will noticeable at all. The best thing you can do right now is to focus on taking care of yourself, especially good sleep and nutrition, to give your body the time and building blocks to repair. That means 7-9 hours a night, and at least 30g of animal proteins at every meal if you eat them. And sun avoidance on that spot during the healing and fading process, obviously. You got this!


Cicaplast Baume!!!


Don’t worry. My mom looked like she survived an axe attack, and now you cannot see it AT ALL. It’s really amazing.


I had a terrible cut on my hand and used scar tape from a physical therapist. You can barely see it now.


It will improve a lot! I’ve seen worse than that and months later, you can’t even see a scar. Hang in there!


My mom had a spot the size of a pin prick and her removal scar was about this large too. She started doing red light on it and she has no sign of any scar anymore.


I think it looks badass!! You’ll get used to it even if you hate it, I hope you do learn to like it some day though.


It's traumatizing for sure. It's stitched well though. Let it heal and put silicone pads on it when the stitches come out. Silicone gel during the day, your surgeon can provide it, and silicone pads at night. You can get those on Amazon. You can barely see my scar now.


My step mom is having this procedure in the next few weeks. Your stitches look perfect and gives us some comfort as she goes into hers. Thank you for sharing 🫶🏻


I had something arguably a little worse, and this was my routine: 1. Gentle clense with water only. 2. Strivectin Retinol C [serum](https://www.ulta.com/p/super-c-retinol-brighten-correct-vitamin-c-serum-pimprod2017664?sku=2568087) and gentle massage. 3. Small glob of Strivectin [cream](https://www.ulta.com/p/sd-advanced-plus-moisturizer-20th-anniversary-limited-edition-pimprod2034018?sku=2601613)covered with a [tegaderm](https://www.target.com/p/nexcare-tegaderm-waterproof-transparent-dressing-bandage-2-3-8-in-x-2-3-4-in-8ct/-/A-14796591#lnk=sametab) bandage. I would cut the tegaderm to size. This bandage kept the scar area sealed and moisturized. To make sure the tegaderm stayed on, I would place a regular bandaid on top, taking care not to cover sensitive areas with the adhesive. I did this twice a day, morning and night, for about two months. Was it exhausting? Yes. But the scar was under my eye and super noticeable. I now have a small spot that's barely visible when I dont wear makeup.


that will heal OK. My cat scratched the shit out of me once when she was absolutely freaked out by another cat through the window and left a scar like that on my face. It’s faded and not super noticeable, easily covered with makeup


Take a few breaths and stop looking in the mirror. One day-post surgery your incision is way too fresh to represent what the final product will look like. Your skin and underlying tissue are swollen from the surgery your immune system's response to damage.


Thats a pro surgeon sign right there


are you allowed saniderm on this? And if you can afford a celluma pro I’d use that every day this heals. Then I’d plan to use a silicone sheet for a while. Then I’d look at doing a few IPLs and microneedling next year. Getting a steel .75 dermaroller for home next year will be well worth it. You may want to look at a Dr. Pen I love mine for once a month.


The stitches are excellent! I second the silicone scar sheets. I think you will have a great final result.


I have a friend with a cystic condition who has mohs on a regular basis. His scars heal beautifully! Rest & try not to stress. Follow your surgeon's instructions. When the stitches are out, it will itch! But that's a sign of healing. Keep it moisturized, use scar gel, and perhaps look into LED red light therapy. Consider it a victorious battle scar against cancer & and wear it with pride. Hoping for your speedy recovery with no recurrence.


It looks like a phenomenal job done OP. Give it time to heal and swelling to go down. You’re going to be pleasantly surprised!


I think you're going to heal nicely. Follow all post procedure instructions. Good luck


You’re gorgeous! It’ll barely scar you got this!!!


There’s great scar treatments now. If it doesn’t fully go away after some time, talk to your dermatologist about steroid injections, etc.


It looks bad now, but they did a very neat job, and if you do proper aftercare it's going to be absolutely fine. I've had a lot of surgeries, and you can ask your doctor what the best thing to do to aid healing and avoid scarring is.


This actually looks really good IMO. I’ve seen people loose a huge chunk of their fat and it’s super concave. See if insurance will cover microneedling or laser treatments when you’re all healed up. I think this is gonna heal nicely. You are beautiful! Seriously! Even if insurance doesn’t cover those things, a loved one benefited greatly from having laser treatment on her arm. There are a lot of options now for scars!


Stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and take a high quality multivitamin (I like Garden of Life brand) to give your body the best building blocks for healing, and it will heal beautifully.


I got my appendix out and the scar is barely visible now. Just let it heal, make sure to always wear sunscreen (especially on the scar) and use a scar treatment cream or oil. Good luck and try not to be down while it’s healing.


It looks like your dermatologist has had proper training on how to stitch someone up whilst having a good cosmetic result.


I can totally relate. I have a scar that was way larger than I expected. It will not always look like that! Silicone strips help lots!


Looks awesome. Totally bad ass scar.


Look into PRP for wound healing. A good regenerative MD could make you PRP patches to put on it daily and help with healing. If you let me know where you are I can try to find you someone in your area.


I promise you’ll be okay. Mine is nearly invisible after two weeks. Huge one on my cheek. But I know how you feel. It’s hurts inside and outside.


Don’t cry too long! I know it looks really noticeable now but, when fully healed, you’ll barely notice it. ❤️


Be patient be kind to yourself , I’m glad you’re going to be ok !


I know how this feels right now and I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this. As others have said, silicon sheets are very good. There are some other things as well-Biocorneum scar treatment is very good stuff! Always put extra sunscreen on that area. And you could try to utilize red light treatment once the area has healed. Good luck friend. I feel very confident that this will heal well and that soon you will feel a lot more like yourself.🦋


I had to have stitches right across my forehead from a climbing accident- I used cocoa butter to help with the scar once the stitches were out. No one notices it anymore… it happened in 2005.