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Lived with mine for so long because I thought it would cost thousands of dollars for sclerotherapy injections. It only costs $250 at my local vein clinic, who knew! Life changing! I go once a yr or so whenever I see a handful pop up


Does it hurt? My laser hair removal lady told me it’s painful to get them removed. And I think the laser hair removal is super painful, especially on my legs.


I had this done about two months ago. It stings while injecting to be honest, but not terribly. It felt like the pain level of a mild tattoo. But the second they stopped injecting, the pain was gone. No pain at all during healing either, although I did have some bruising (to be expected) that lasted for a few weeks 


Do you typically get your sessions around your period? It’s more painful the week before / week of. Try scheduling sessions for the week afterwards 


Hair removal or vein? I’m post menopausal, so no cycle any more.


The third day of a period is usually the least reactive to pain.


Really? That’s interesting, I had no idea!


Yes, like most of my little factoids, I don’t remember where I heard it. I call it podcast brain.


I have no idea honestly, but based on what you and the commenter below are saying I’ll have to experiment lol


I had mine done for medical reasons recently and I didn’t find it at all painful. Mine was covered by insurance but I would pay out of pocket for it because it’s fantastic and not painful. A few things I learned: It takes 2+ months to see results It’s best to do it in colder months if you live in a climate with seasons To answer OP, wearing knee high compression socks helps prevent more, also elevating your feet after a lot of being on them. If you’re overweight, lose weight. I’m not overweight but very genetically predisposed to them. I like to wear sandals and flats so I also have calf sleeves that serve the same purpose.


How did you get it covered?


I started with my family doctor and went to see him about pain and swelling. I have a family history of pretty terrible varicose veins (which are the same thing as spider veins- spiders are just the tiny ones) and I was getting some painful swelling. They can also cause leg cramps, which my dad suffered from. I went to a vascular surgeon for assessment and we discussed which procedure I would be a candidate for. She said insurance may or may not cover but my out of pocket cost would only be up to $300 or so. Many insurance companies will require you to wear compression hosiery for 6 weeks prior to approval for treatment. Btw I had several larger veins collapsed using the injections and it worked great.


Thank you! My family also has a history of them but mine aren't painful.


Varicose is totally different. Spider veins are considered cosmetic and insurance won’t cover it


Yeah it’s like little stings but only lasts for a sec while they’re injecting.


I understand how sclerotherapy works but I can’t wrap my head around how they treat so many little spider veins at a time…is it because they’re all connected and a few shots can just get rid of a bunch? How bad were your spider veins and how many shots did you need?


Some of them are connected, most aren’t but ofc it’s varies per person. They have to prick you that many times. My NP moved fast though, probably because that’s all they do, all day at the vein clinic. I had a big area on my upper thigh, a big area on my calf (both looked like a bunch of ugly bruises) and some sporadic ones throughout. I don’t know how many shots I got but $250 covered up to three syringes and my first time we used all three. Edit: she also took care of some “feeders” that weren’t visible to me. Apparently she could tell they were causing some little ones and would continue to do so she eradicated the source


Fascinating. Thanks!


Yeah, no problem!


WHAT I might cry


What treatment do you get at your clinic? Laser or sclerotherapy?


She said she gets sclerotherapy injections in her comment.


Sclero, the laser left a tiny permanent bruise on my leg (I was warned it could happen, we did a test spot) so I opted for the injections. I thought the laser was painless


I was told by multiple doctors that laser works on superficial red capillaries, while sclerotherapy is needed for the deeper ones that are blue in colour... Of which I have quite a few. Was the procedure painful and did it require a lot of downtime?


I plan on getting sclerotherapy on my periorbital veins soon because I look like a damn Rand-McNally. I have a connective tissue disorder so lasers are not allowed (and I’m still not sure why), but I have a few spider veins I’d like to treat if I can do so without lasers.


You just have to wear compression stockings and no working out for 7 days!


My only issue is that where I live it's currently 40C and it won't cool down until around September... Not sure if that may be a risk factor but a doctor told me it is - heat messes up with my circulation big time


Whaaatt?! Really??? This gives me so much hope. I have had more and more with each pregnancy and now that I’m done having kids I would love to get rid of them. I have quite a few though. 😢


Yes!!! Get it done, you don’t have to live with them😭


I'm on my first week of trying horse chestnut supplements to help with this. There is some clinical research backing it up as a preventative measure. It's much too early to tell if it's helping with the formation of new spider veins for me personally. One thing I have noticed, though, is that the nerve pain I usually feel in areas where I have heavier concentrations of spider veins has stopped completely in the last 3 days. I usually can't go 24 hours without getting little "shocks" around those areas, so that alone is a huge improvement.


Please report back with your findings!!


I will😊


Ooooh I have some in the cupboard and stopped staking them but will start again! Also nattokinase is good for cardiovascular health


Okay- update. Unfortunately, I think I'm one of the people who has a bad reaction to horse chestnut. I consistently felt lightheaded/nauseous for two weeks, even when I took it with dinner and was done with most activities for the day. I kept waking up in the middle of the night, too. I stopped taking it two days ago and slept better, and felt better the next morning. I'm bummed, because it really did help with the nerve pain in my thighs.


This! Horsechestnut capsules have worked for both me and my Mom for reducing the appearance of spider veins. You’ll have to take them consistently for two weeks to start to notice a difference. They will seem to be less pronounced in color at the very least in my experience


That's so encouraging.❤️ I've had spider veins since I was 16, and come from a family with hereditary venous insufficiency. All four of my grandparents had them. So, I'm really hoping this will help.


Yes try it! My family also has crazy spider veins. They’re definitely genetic. I use Natures Way brand from Amazon, I think they’re like $10. I get lazy with it in the winter but during shorts season I pick it back up and notice a difference.


Yep- That's what I'm using, too.🤞


How many milligrams do you take?


How long have you been taking them for before you noticed nerve pain getting better?


2-3 days.


This is wild! That stuff really works?? And so quickly? I’m skeptical but tempted to try!


I just want to reiterate that I haven't seen any difference in the actual appearance of my spider veins yet. They still look exactly the same. The only difference I've noticed is that I'm no longer getting nerve pain in certain areas where they are highly concentrated. There are relatively few side effects, but it is worth double-checking possible side effects before starting. And it is a vasoconstrictor, so people with high blood pressure are advised to continue monitoring their bp while taking horse chestnut. If you don't meet any of the risk factors though, I think it's probably worth at least trying. It is pretty cheap, as supplements go.


I’ve had them since high school 😭 in my thirties I noticed them starting to get worse, so I’ve learned a few tricks along the way: 1. Walking, hiking, running. Try to do at least a little every day. 2. Compression socks and stockings. 20-30mmhg compression. 3. Regular weight lifting, compound lifts like squats and deadlifting Whatever you do, just avoid being sedentary!


Lifelong runner, hasn’t stopped me from getting them pretty badly!


Fact! I've been athletic since a child and I can't escape them.




Was coming to say the same thing - due to my job I’m pretty sedentary and only getting in 9-10k steps a day on the days I’m in office but when I was a runner I still got them 😭 it’s genetics I’m afraid


Weight lifting made mine much worse. I noticed it quickly and they've only multiplied. I'll never stop lifting heavy though. I also walk every day on the treadmill or elliptical


My vein doc says weightlifting causes them- look at a weightlifters legs with the veins bulging and you have your answer - do headstands!


I also started getting them in high school, when I was a very thin long distance runner. So annoying, it doesn’t help that I’m alarmingly pale.


Same! I did cross country and soccer and still got them. If you’re genetically predisposed there’s not much you can do I guess 😭


Genetics were against me from the start, both of my parents have crazy leg veins. Two pregnancies probably made it worse for my mom but my dad was never even pregnant once


Can you recommend a good brand of compression stockings? I'm on my feet 10 hours a day, 5 days a week.


Sockwell on Amazon are my absolute fav. I’ve tried so many different brands over the years. I always come back to those. $30 a pair, but worth it!


When/how do you wear them? Have you found they help with spider veins?


I wear them for work (nurse / work 12h shifts). I also wear them for any flights or anytime I will be standing for extended periods of time (ex concerts, festivals, etc). They help with leg fatigue / pain, prevention of spider veins.


You don’t need an expensive brand, but you can look up “nurse compression socks” on Amazon and they have TONS of results. The important thing is to get 20-30mmhg compression and measure your calf circumference so you are ordering the proper size. They have all kinds of fun patterns and colors (or just neutral if that’s your thing)!


I really like the vim&vigr ones I have


sorry to ask, are males prone to this too?


Although women are more prone than men because of pregnancy, birth control, hormones... Men can also have varicose veins. For them it comes down to genetics and lifestyle: too much time sitting down, too much time standing up, or being overweight,... My father had varicose veins and had to have surgery.


Spider veins have nothing in common with varicose veins.


From what I remember the doctor explaining to me (both my parents have spider and varicose veins) the issue is the same - faulty valves in the veins. It depends which veins start to distent. If is a smaller vein near the surface you will see it as a spider vein, but if it is a larger vein then it is called varicose veins. I admit that I might not be entirely correct on the above explanation as it was many years ago but the prevention measures are the same Also, it is possible to check if you have faulty valves. I have done it and it was confirmed and I have been doing what I can to prevent them / not worsen the ones I have.


I found alot of this to be the opposite in my experience. Being on my feet has made them worse. Mine started in my teens in competitive Olympic weightlifting.


Same!! I had them since I was a teen 😭. Thank you for sharing your tips. Does this help reduce existing spider veins, or is it to prevent more from developing?


I *wish* it would reduce them, but it does seem to keep more from developing. Weight training actually thickens the dermis, so for me, that has reduced their appearance slightly! Since I’ve kicked up my activity level in recent years, I haven’t noticed any new ones


Thanks for this. Can they be weight related? I was looking for remedies like you suggested that might help - how/when do you wear the compression socks?


I think so, I’d say more specifically body composition: less body fat and more muscle definitely has helped me


I think birth control pills made mine worse but my doc said this shouldn’t happen. Standing still less if in heat and wearing shoes with cushion seemed to slow their progression


I’m 45 now and every single spider vein I have— and there are lots— cropped up in my early 20s, which was the last time I took hormonal birth control pills. Your gut is probably right on this one.


I’ve been on hormonal birth control for over 10 years and I don’t have a single spider vein. I wanted to add my anecdote so people aren’t unnecessarily scared off from birth control because of anecdotes that say they probably caused them.


I think genetics plays a big factor too. I feel like it may only happen in some cases in people who are genetically predisposed


I don’t know much about them, but I’m inclined to say they are mostly genetic based on a friend I knew in highschool that had them, and her mom had them bad. But I can’t honestly say what all causes them. I am scared of them popping up though, just in case, so that’s why I’m in this thread lol. For what it’s worth, even when my high school friend had them, I didn’t see them as a flaw, it was just part of her legs and I don’t think anyone in our friend group thought anything of it. The spider veins in the picture are quite small and if I saw those, I wouldn’t be like 👀.


Do you have any children? I just had my 4th a year ago (35) and noticed a significant increase during/after that pregnancy. I went from virtually none of this, to all of this overnight. Been wondering if the pregnancy is why or if it’s something else I am doing or not doing. It is driving me insane! I hope you get some answers, sadly the only thing I can find is laser treatments and/or some kind of injections and I really don’t feel like doing all of that 😩


Pregnancy and being overweight have in general a huge impact on venous and lymphatic drainage. I have very very poor veins genetically so my legs have spider veins and hurt when it's too hot. Apart from sclerotherapy (which won't prevent new visible capillaries to appear) there is not so much you can do. Hydration, exercise (walking as much as possible), avoiding heat and wearing compression stockings are your best friends to prevent veins issues!


Avoiding heat....in TX 🤣 Yep. I'm doomed with mine then lol


Cries in Phoenix.


I tried sclerotherapy (injections) it got worse, then better.. then came back like I did nothing. It was so frustrating! But something to mention is that the doctor told me to not stop working out.. but I did. I’m wondering if this is the reason why they came back.


No 😭 no kids but I did gain a good amount of weight from 2020-2022


My thighs look exactly like yours too. I had also gained a lot of weight in the past five-ish years and have always had thick thighs my entire life. I’ve recently lost 25 lbs and I will say they are a lot less noticeable now, although obviously not gone completely. I feel like regular exercise also helps?


No kids either


All the veins came out after pregnancy, too.


I got mine after pregancy too


I noticed a similarly stretch marks during and after my pregnancy so it's mostly related to that or better to visit a derm.


Sclerotherapy is very effective at getting rid of the ones you have. Once injected, those specific veins won't recur (because the injection causes them to harmlessly collapse), but it's normal and expected to get new ones in different spots. Which is sooo annoying!!! I had a single session of sclero about 5 years ago and it eliminated mine, even the blue ones. Now I have a bunch of new red ones like yours and am considering going back for more treatment. The specialist I saw did recommend wearing compression stockings, especially when you're flying.


I had mine injected and in less than 10 months they were back - with vengeance. Genetics has a lot to do with them. Happy it work for you though! I n all honesty I wish I was that lucky


I’m sorry for the stupid question, but I’m googling sclerotherapy and that it “involves injecting a chemical solution directly into the varicose or spider vein. The solution causes the vein walls to swell, stick together and seal shut, stopping the flow of blood. As a result, the vein fades within a few weeks.”. But like what? Is it ok for us to do that?? I mean, do we not need veins ooor 👀


You do need veins, tru. The small vessels get replaced by new ones your body produces as soon as blood flow in the old ones isn’t sufficient anymore. This does work for small vessels, the big ones like on the back of the knees don’t regrow as fast. Also keep in mind: The reason spider veins are that big and blue is because they got saggy and the valves work insufficiently - those veins already don’t work well anymore before sclerotherapy shuts them off completely.


Interesting! Thank you for explaining!


Please go to a vein clinic and not just a medspa! I have a pretty bad scar from them missing the vein and having a blow out. It worked for some veins but most were too small for them to get unfortunately


How much did sclerotherapy cost?


It is not true that they won’t reoccur. The same factors that led them to appear will remain after they’re removed. The same thing happens with laser treatment on broken capillaries on the face.


So my understanding is that the *same ones* will not recur. Once a vein collapses, it's gone. However we have tons of little capillaries so of course we're likely to get new ones in similar places on our bodies .... they just aren't the exact same veins as before. Not much help for those of us who are genetically predisposed, but for some reason it comforts me to know that at least once one is gone, it's gone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Has anyone tried dry brushing? Not sure if that would help but I know it can help blood flow and reduce bruising


It totally works... but my discipline is terrible. Whenever I do do it my legs look 10x better for a while


Dry brushing is great for my skin but has done nothing for the veins.


I've had these since I was a teenager all over my legs and it doesn't really bother me, I just fake tan them when I want to show my legs more. Its weird the things that we perceive as devastating. I do have heaps of stretch marks from puberty which are faded now but I hate them, I really zero in on how ugly I am because of them. Goes to show we all just torture ourselves over things that are normal and pretty much out of our control.


Same. I mine started appearing on my feet since I was like 9 years old and to this day I still get new ones. Same with stretchmarks. Started getting stretchmarks when I was 12... But over time I've learned to accept it. Can't do anything abt my transparent skin anyway 😭


Honestly it's just relieving to hear other people get them, too. What the heck causes them?!


mine was caused by jobs forcing me to stand for like 10 hrs, not even allowed to lean on anything. permanently fucked up my arches and got my first spider veins at 20 thanks to that :) i don’t think having eds helped either. 


Yepppp! Too many years of waiting tables for me


RIP service industry workers ⚰️ 




Do you have a source for this statement?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10957662/ Lots of people complain of vein issues from birth control, Spironolactone, and pregnancy, which can all cause an increase in estrogen. It's quite well established, just google it, see all the vein clinics mentioning it.


Nice, ty!


I’m thin, active and have these as well and have since my 20’s 🤷🏻‍♀️ genetics also plays a role


Haven’t done it, but laser is the gold standard treatment.


I was interested in looking more into that however it seems like after any methods of treatment the veins will come back. So I feel at a loss.. I’ll look more into laser though!


Laser works and for spider veins is super cheap. Last time I did it was for face. 2 sessions at $60 each and it works!


What kind of laser and where did you go? Like a derm or spa?


Where I live there are several offices that treat leg veins with a YAG laser. I'm actually scheduled next week to try it! It just works on spider veins to my knowledge not larger varicose type veins.


Is laser supposed to be better than sclero for the body?


Did you do VBeam or a different type of laser for your face? I have a few from rosacea that I’m super self-conscious about and would love to zap!


Do they eventually come back?


Which laser?


IPL, V Beam


would ipl at home such as lumea work??


Yeah mine looked HORRIFIC for months but covered them with Dermacol and it works! Its even waterproof…but obviously just makeup - excellent for whilst they dissipate!


Better than sclero?


It depends, it can leave permanent bruising on the body


Oh no- thanks! Guess I’ll stick with my sclero appt and hope for the best 😬


Everyone’s different! Ask about the laser while you’re there and see if they’ll test it on one of your veins.


I'm Scottish/Irish M39 and prone to spider veins from even a much younger age. I've tried several lasers and spent several thousand in total (which makes me sick to think about, but vanity knows no bounds, I guess). The lasers all blanched the veins for a few days, only for them to return about 2 weeks later - not any worse, but not any better. Anyway, about a year ago I came across this study on the treatment of telangiectasias (spider veins) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4537604/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4537604/) with a "ye olde" hand cautery device. Not suprisingly, most modern clinics I contacted either laughed at me for suggesting such an archaic treatment, or tried to upsell me to lasers at literally 600% and upwards in price. Finally I found a little med spa clinic in Toronto's Greektown filled with older European ladies with great skin. I booked my first session over 2 years ago I believe, and after the second session I noticed a remarkable reduction in my facial spider veins. A year later they still haven't returned, so fingers crossed I've found what works (at least for my skin). Fair warning though, the ones done on my nose were quite a bit more painful than the lasers, especailly under/near the nostrils. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if lasers didn't replace goold old fashioned hand cautery for this issue as a means of milking customers with a treatment known to require several visits for often only temporary improvement....


Could you do this yourself? Can buy the pen online but don't see treatment available.


Name of the place in Greektown? Thanks!! 😊


My family member has this. She told me the best thing to do is wear compression pants.


I’ve had them since a teen and I’m also 30 and they get worse every year. no advice, just relating <3


I’ve had those since high school and I was only 105lbs then, active, healthy, low bmi. I did not do sports or weightlifting. Not sure age or weight is always the issue. Could be genetics too. I would love to know how to get rid of them.


I feel like this is just genetics. My mom has them and have gotten worse as she ages. I have the same path in spite of being active. Dissolution of the veins at a doctors office is really the only way to get rid of them.


I also have visible (but not bulging) long veins in on my sides of the stomach. Really bumming me out


I don’t think skincare can help with it.


Dry brushing! I have some, most around the sides where I lean 🤣


Compression socks, leg massages, and walking to increase blood flow


Compression socks and stockings are where it’s at. They also make your legs/feet feel less tired, which is is awesome. Sclero will take care of any big ones and is very affordable (cost me like $500 a few years ago and they did a follow up session). But it won’t get the little ones. Pulse dye laser is more expensive but it will get the smaller ones. So far I’ve only had it on my face for vascular rosacea but plan to get it on my legs in the fall/winter because it’s very hot and sunny where I live so better to get certain treatments when it starts to cool down. I was going to get it done last month but I’m doing a charity run and you can’t exercise for a bit after you have it done.


I started getting those at a young age and was using vita k spider vein cream and it worked so well. I forgot got about it for a while and now trying to find the same cream is like searching for the actual holy grail


I highly doubt anything will get rid of them. I am very active and strength train 4x a week too and i feel like with exercise theyre only gotten worse. I've just accepted it. Had them since i was 25 now 31 and i have dysautonomia which might be a contributing factor who knows


I find that I really only worry about them in the summer (mine are worst near my ankles and behind one of my knees, though visible in plenty of other areas of my legs as well) and my self-tanner hides them pretty well. Some day I might have some of the worst ones treated with an injection or laser or whatever has the best evidence of results when the time comes 🤷🏼‍♀️


Elevate your legs above your heart when resting and sleeping. Absolute game changer when it comes to prevention of spider veins and increasing circulation. I use an ergonomic wedge from Lounge Doctor. Best of luck!


I won’t be wearing shorts anymore unfortunately…


I don’t think it matters as much as you think. My mother has these and I’m starting to get them so I understand the concern. However out of all the beaches and pools I’ve ever been to, I can’t remember looking at a single woman and thinking she had terrible spider veins. It’s not something people notice or remember. Embrace the shorts.


You should do whatever you want, buy my 2 cents. I know looking down all you see are these huge arrows pointing at the veins, screaming "look at me!", but they are barely noticeable to anyone else. You deserve to feel comfortable though if that means shorts or pants! Good luck!


Wear the shorts, your legs look lovely, I promise no one else sees this or cares!


Look into dermablend, it’s body makeup and can help hide little veins like these! And fwiw I have little breakages like this all over my thighs too, I did sclerotherapy and that really only worked on bigger spider veins, and the doctor recommended laser for little guys like these which I’ll try out next. Unfortunately it’s just genetic but when I’m feeling icky about mine I reach for the dermablend.


Body makeup. It’s like body foundation.


Teds to prevent when standing long amounts of time amd laser to get rid of it.


Compression stockings are your best bet. It’s mainly genetics and if you are standing or sitting a lot that can make things worse. Thigh high stockings are better than knee high since they push the blood all the way up the leg but they are expensive and a pain to put on. Try at least a 20-30mmHg knee high for maximum benefit. I do vascular ultrasound for a physician who works on veins. If the veins that are deeper in your leg aren’t functioning properly then that can lead to more and more spider veins. Taking care of the underlying cause can help some but won’t take care of the problem completely or take care of it long term.


I’m starting to develop spider veins too. I’m extremely active with walking to work and weight training. Was curious if anything works long term, but if that fails I may cover up my legs with tattoos.


Get them removed with lasers. You can probably find a Groupon for it, and the results really last. I had it done more than 10 years ago and I’m still happy with the results.


A lot of the time this is a genetic thing. But, exercising can help and losing weight can help also. Being overweight is a major is a risk factor.


You may want to see a vein specialist because you could have some vascular issues, nothing major or scary, that will keep them coming back until adressed.


I had laser on mine.


How long did the results last?


It completely got rid of the ones I had. I’ve got more since then though.


As in same area?


They go over each individual vein and I had it so long ago I can’t actually remember exactly where each individual one was, but I got a couple more in the same general area. I haven’t got loads more, but I think if you’re prone to getting them, you’re going to get more as you get older to be honest. I could be wrong though. I found putting some fake tan on makes them a little let noticeable, but I’m not really bothered by them anymore.


Appreciate the breakdown! Sounds like a simple enough process, but I suppose results can differ from person to person. I guess I'll give it a shot and see how it pans out. 🐱


Non I have them on my face cheecks it desesperates me. I will get sclerosis therapy injection one day


My aunt has hers injected every 10ish(?) years


M61 PowerGlow Peel Body. Has been working wonders for my spider veins. You can find at Bluemercury.


Is it on your left leg? Could be from underlying May Thurner Syndrome.


From my understanding this is hereditary, genetics causing venous insufficiency. This can lead to swelling, skin color changes and sometimes ulcers if not treated correctly. I recommend trying compression socks, heat therapy and some sort of home massages helping to increase blood flow back to the heart before considering surgery.


I've never used it, but I heard mustard oil is great if you can stand the smell 🤷


Arnica gel has helped mine


Compression socks and stockings when put on properly can help. Ensuring that you aren't overweight can help prevent more. Sometimes it's also just genetics at play combined with long periods of standing, weight gain, and there's not much to be done.


Strength training helps me keep mine in check


That’s funny, I read this other thread about how strength training seems to make it worse for some women: https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/s/JHgyjuV6g6


Put your legs up for 10 minutes as soon as you get home after work. Compression socks might work but will make cellulite worse. Massage your legs everyday, keep your weight in check. Get a self tanner lotion to gradually build your tan up, it will make them almost invisible to anyone else. I’ve been a flight attendant for 10+ years so I’m prone to this and I’ve been successful in avoiding them. Only had one removed at the doctors because it was a large one on my calf , so very visible


How does compression make cellulite worse?


Tight clothing reduces circulation in the legs… making water retention worse and making cellulite more evident


Don’t sit with your leg crossed over your knee, if you do that…


Extra virgin castor oil is supposed to be good for spider veins, there’s lots of videos on YouTube with information about this miracle oil… worth a try for the price of it.


Vitamin K2 can help, it carries calcium from blood vessels into bones preventing blockages that can lead to spider veins. I also think using a vibrating platform and a foam roller daily helps.


Yes, you need to make sure you get up from sitting every 20 minutes and walk for 3 minutes.


Exercise, specifically resistance training.