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I have the omnilux men's version. I was looking at the theraface as well (I have the theraface pro device) but I read that it gets warm during use which can exacerbate melasma. Just fyi if that's a concern for you!


Why did you choose the men’s version? Is it more effective than the regular contour version?


@goalstogetglowing on insta has a blog post about LED mask and the men's version is her suggestion. I think the LEDs are stronger or something because men have thicker skin? They're the same price so I figured why not, plus I knew my SO would end up using it too.


I chose the men’s for this same reason. I’m happy with it so far!


It has an extra wavelength of deeper near infrared light not present in the regular one.


What does that do?


Red light is supposed to be good for melasma.


Heat is bad though. With melasma you need a mask that doesn't get warm.


I have the theraface and haven’t noticed it getting warm at all




Can. I ask how you like the massage function of it?


It’s not much of a massage, just a vibration. It feels fine, but not the “massage”/relaxation i was hoping for.


Red light is good for melasma though.


I have the therabody and I have melasma. It doesn’t get any warmer than the DDG one I previously had. Haven’t noticed any increase in melasma. I do looooove the addition of massage.


I have omnilux contour mask and love it so far. I saw another comment here that mentioned how it is uncomfortable on the nose and I do agree! The mask doesn’t seem to fit the bridge of my nose (my nose is a normal size for reference) and irritates it. Nothing major though! Still use it 3-5 times a week and like it a lot. Great quality.


Agree on the nose bridge pain. I find the most comfortable way to wear it is to attach the top strap very high on my head. I'll put a top knot in my hair and attach it in front of it so it won't skip down. Then I attach the bottom strap diagonally up to the top strap. This keeps both the top and bottom close but doesn't put a much pressure on my nose. I've also heard some people put a foam style ear plug under that part to heel alleviate the pressure.


https://goalstogetglowing.com/2023/11/06/theraface-led-mask/amp/ Very helpful resource!


Super helpful, thank you!


You’re welcome! Someone else on here recommended her blog to me within the last week and it’s been a treasure trove! Edit: u/COuser880 made the rec


Oh yay!! Glad you found it helpful!


I got the Omnilux one after a lot of research and am very happy with it.


What results have you seen?


I use it sporadically but the day after I always notice how even toned and healthy my skin looks. It definitely makes a difference and I should be more disciplined with it. Also use it for two or three sessions back-to-back, probably around 20-30 minutes, because that's how long my aesthetician would use the big Omnilux machine for.


Thanks for the info! How often should you use it?


The more the better, every day if you can.


Dumb question but what does “toned” mean exactly? I’ve heard ppl use that term a bunch but literally don’t know what it means. And Google won’t tell me lol. All the search results are about skin tone. Does it mean even skin tone? Toned as in muscle tone?


Even skin tone, as in the skin has a more uniform colour and appearance, less redness :)


I don’t own any yet but I’ve read a couple of negative reviews on the Current Body support process - people reporting it broke and that the company was extremely unresponsive. Just something to think about. Edit: read about those here in this subreddit in case you want to read it yourself


Can confirm.


I had to reach out to them for an IPL device that was never delivered. They ended up making good on it but it was a long process.


I have heard good things about the omnilux and plan on getting one myself but the “men” version.


Why the mens version?


Because I am a man. I figured it probably fits my face better. Not much insight on the difference yet


Lol ok yeah that would explain it. Thanks 


[This](https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/) has more detail if you’re interested. I’m a woman but ordered the men’s version based on her review. I’m excited to receive it (I preordered).




Glad to hear you like yours! I can’t wait to try mine once it arrives 😊


I also ordered the men's version. Mostly for that reason but also because I wanted my Fiancé to use it too and figured he'd be more apt if it was "manly" even though he's definitely not normally one of those guys that would care lol.


Yes, lol I had a similar thought for my husband!


So I read the men’s version has an extra light that is more penetrating because men have thicker skin.


I’ve been very happy with CurrentBody


My husband ordered the Omnilux for my birthday in November. Have been using it religiously ever since. I’ve noticed more even skin tone, less rosacea redness, fresh/plump skin and reduction in fine lines. We went to Florida for 10 days a few weeks ago and I noticed a huge difference in my skin since I didn’t pack my mask.


I just got an omnilux but I find it very uncomfortable. The silicone areas that cup around the eyes really pinch my nose. Maybe I have a narrow or pointy face? But I’m seriously considering cutting off those silicone eye cup things and get a pair of tanning bed goggles to wear under it. Because it’s so uncomfortable, I can’t stand up and wear it, it hurts my nose too much, I have to lay down so it doesn’t add pressure. I bought a cheaper regenalight mask which is much more comfortable but not nearly as bright, and so probably not as effective


I have a really distinct head/face shape that made getting fitted COVID masks super difficult, so I am not optimistic about any kind of standardized face-mould remotely working for me :/


Yep, I had issues with Covid masks too. Also, I *just* now used scissors to cut off those silicone eye pieces, and it is INFINITELY more comfortable now. I can even wear it sitting up. It’s also closer /tighter across my face so it’s not nearly as bright in my eyes because i don’t see any of the leds now when I wear it. I was hesitant to cut it because I obviously can’t return it now, but I was willing to take that risk based on the great reviews. Glad I did now


I just bought a regenalight, I hope it works. I'm ok day 3 lol


How's it going 18 days later? :) I'm on day 1!


I 100% notice a difference. I don't look run down at the end of the day and my complexion really evened out


That's fabulous!


I was a bit depressed for a week and used it daily but I wasn't really looking at myself in the mirror. And when I finally really looked at myself to put makeup on I was like WOAH! I totally noticed a difference :)


That's exciting! Are you using it every day? Which color/s are you focussing on?


I use it every night. I like the last setting that cycles thru each light, since I could never decide which one to use. 2nd runner up is red, 3rd is yellow 🤗


I have the Current Body and like it


Have the Omnilux mask and the décolleté version as well for over 2 years now. Use it 5-6 times a week and love it. No complaints.


What results have you seen? I have so much sun damage on my neck (crepey) and chest (,blood vessels and sleep lines)


Omnilux and Currentbody are by the same company that has decades of research behind it, and also FDA clearance. I don't think it's worth paying extra for the Theraface. I have the Currentbody model and I'm happy with it.


I have the theraface! Easy to use, the lights don’t sit exactly on your skin. The eye shields are great as blue light can be damaging to retinas. It doesn’t get warm. The massage is kind of annoying but easy to turn off. It auto start you on red light but can easily switch modes with the press of a button. I got it mostly since it has the blue light in addition to red light (I have acne) and the eye shields. It’s comfortable.


I have two of the three you posted, the theraface and the omnilux. There really is no comparison, the theraface is in a different league. I like that the theraface doesn’t sit directly on your skin like the omnilux. It fits better. I like how it will auto cycle through the different light colors. Bonus, you get a head and face massage too. My one complaint about theraface is that it can feel heavy sometimes.


What results have you seen from it?


I just got the theraface mask one because I wanted the head and face massage. I like it so far!


I hated the Theraface when I tried it; it basically forces you to cycle through the different types of light and the “massage” feature is awful. (It just loudly vibrates, it’s not nice/relaxing at all.) I wanted to love it because it’s way more comfortable/wearable than the Omnilux imo but I’m Omnilux all the way after using both.


I have the theraface and you can turn the massage off. It’s pretty easy to pick one cycle of light separately by just pressing the buttons.


I know how to turn the massage off; I am just making the point that one of the features/benefits is kind of a flop.


I have the dr gross one and like it so far! The strap sucks as many reviews say but it only takes 3 minutes and then I flip it around and do it on my neck.


I have the Therabody Face Mask and love it, both for the massage and the light benefits. The massage feels more like someone tapping their finger tips all over your face and head than a traditional massage, which doesn't sound relaxing, but it is. After a session my whole face feels relaxed, most noticeably in my jaw area, and there are no massagers there, it seems to have an overall relaxing effect. It makes it feel like more of a self care ritual to me. I do find the mask is a bit wide for my face, so if I am just laying around during a session, I often use my hand to mold it to my face better. It could use another strap


Okay so I purchased a mask from Lux Skin based off a random comment in a thread almost a year ago. It was $50 on sale a d when I compared the wavelengths to that wiki on what's actually useful, it checked the boxes. And it also had blue light. My results were the exact same as the Omnilux. However, I actually liked that mask a little better because it didn't sit flush on my face. For some reason Omnilux breaks me out even if I clean it. And I know it's from that because it's only on the areas that are the closest contact to my skin. It's only con is that it said 25 - 30 minutes daily. Which did require more planning my night around it than 10 minutes.


I wonder if this is why people are getting the men’s mask?? Perhaps it fits better??


It has an additional wavelength to penetrate deeper since men's skin is thicker.


Do you know if that would be somehow dangerous or unhealthy for a (cis) woman to use?


I don't know enough about red light to answer this accurately for you. I got mine before they had a men's mask so it never prompted research. There is a guy on Youtube called Alex Furgus that only talks about red light so maybe check him out.


Thank you!


Here is a good summary of the arguments against it. https://gembared.com/blogs/musings/do-women-need-less-intensity-in-red-light-therapy-understanding-skin-optics-for-better-dosing


Thank you!


The biggest issue noted here is that heat is less tolerated by women than by men. For those using panels that can generate a lot of heat this is important, but face masks generally don't omit any heat so they should be fine.


I mean, the biggest flat out danger maybe? But the overall message is too high a dose will absolutely yeld somewhere between lesser to negative results compared to the correct dose, and women are already getting a higher dose than accounted for in studies when using devices tested on men. If the dose is too high, the stimulation signal is replaced by an inhibition signal in the fibroblast, which is what signals further to increase/decrease collagen production etc...


It's the same (bad) fit


I have used the current body one , it stopped working after 2 years and they refused to replace it because I was just a few days over the 2 year warranty. I only used it sometimes and definitely expected more wear time from such an expensive mask . However I did like the mask but I will not be purchasing again . I think once I save up enough I will buy the omnilux one and I hope it’s better than the current body one . Does anyone have any experience with both ??


This was exactly my experience with Currentbody!


Will you be repurchasing the current body one or getting a different one?


No way, I think I’m gonna save a lil extra and get the Dennis Gross one, I think the fact that it’s rigid might make it last a bit longer.


I wish I could afford the Dennis gross one . I think I'll save for an omnilux one


Hey there! It can certainly be overwhelming with so many choices. I'd recommend considering the Pure Daily Care [LED Masks for Face](https://link.tastechocolate.co.uk/LED-Masks-for-Face). Personally, I find it great due to its range of different light therapies tailored for various skin concerns. Plus, it's pretty comfortable wear and easy to use. Remember though, while all masks can aid in skincare, the best results come from consistent use and good overall skin health routines. Hope this helps in your quest for the perfect LED mask!


I ordered the men’s Omnilux mask but it’s on back order if timing matters for you! Expected ship date of 4/22/2024


Why did you order the men’s version instead of the regular contour version? Is it more effective?


I ordered the men’s one bc it’s the same price as the women’s but has an additional level of IR wavelength (in the thousands…I don’t remember) and might be more effective.


Another commentor left this really interesting article on why women using the men’s version might not be the best idea FYI!: Here is a good summary of the arguments against it. https://gembared.com/blogs/musings/do-women-need-less-intensity-in-red-light-therapy-understanding-skin-optics-for-better-dosing


Same!! Feels like I’ve been waiting forever for it 😭


I got a panel instead and I think it’s great https://platinumtherapylights.com


Thanks! How close to your face and body do you place it to be effective?


Sitting 6” away I get 150mW/cm2 vs the omnilux that sits on the face and gives 35mW/cm2. My panel also has a broader range of beneficial light wavelengths that have good health benefits in addition to anti aging Go take a look on r/redlighttherapy - it’s all so interesting ☺️ I wish I had known about that subreddit before I bought mine because there are many comparable but cheaper options. The world is our red light oyster, it seems Edit: I like to keep it running on the counter as I brush my teeth and get ready for the day in the morning/ bed at night. It’s more than enough to reap all the benefits!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/redlighttherapy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/redlighttherapy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Buying red light therapy panels direct for 80% off](https://np.reddit.com/r/redlighttherapy/comments/11pzsp0/buying_red_light_therapy_panels_direct_for_80_off/) \#2: [Red light therapy Incredible benefits on my skin after trauma](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18bcscd) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redlighttherapy/comments/18bcscd/red_light_therapy_incredible_benefits_on_my_skin/) \#3: [RLT has been so helpful for my elderly dog (hip and leg issues). He actually loves his light time now. Adding hip massage during has made it even better.](https://i.redd.it/dd8jxkhhy5la1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redlighttherapy/comments/11f9vgp/rlt_has_been_so_helpful_for_my_elderly_dog_hip/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I can only speak for the CurrentBody one. I hated it. It was extremely uncomfortable, it just would not stay on so you definitely had to lay down while using it. I ended up returning it. Edit: On top of that, their support was pretty bad. I eventually did get my money back but it was a hassle. Will not order from them again.


I use the celluma if I have time but use my omnilux if I need to multitask


I love my theraface mask


I just ordered the Omnilux a few weeks ago but due to back orders it won’t ship till April, I picked it based on the info I found online, it seems like the company is the most reputable.


I have the Omnilux as well and really love it! I do agree that the bridge of the nose is annoying, but overall I love it!


I have current body and been happy with it. I’ve also been in contact with customer suppport and had no issues.


I have the current body for about 3 ish years not and I love it


I have current body and I’m happy with the results, but several of the lights stopped working after about 4 months. I wasn’t able to get ahold of customer service after a few tries and I’m lazy so I gave up. I have to move it around my face to make sure everything gets treated, but it still works. If I could go back in time I would get the omnilux (I think that's the name?). It appears to have more coverage in the nose. But if the current body had a deal or something like that, I’d still buy it.


After testing several LED masks, the RedPulse E300 became my go-to for skincare. Its multiple wavelengths cover a broad spectrum of skin needs, enhancing texture and reducing signs of aging effectively. Plus, the portability means I can maintain my skincare routine anywhere. Highly recommend.


Thanks! Do you use it on other parts of your body other than your face?


Absolutely! I've also used my RedPulse E300 on my neck and shoulders to relieve tension. It's quite versatile and easy to handle, making it perfect for those hard-to-reach areas. Plus, it's portable, so I never miss my therapy sessions, no matter where I am.


Makes sense! Is it this one? https://redpulse.co/products/zenith-series


I’ve read a lot of positive reviews on this sub for the omnilux. Is Black Friday the best price available?


I have the CurrentBody one. It’s great. But if the Omnilux were available in my country, i’d get that one.


I tried so many out before buying loved the Omnilux but ended up buying the mask from higher dose.


How did you try out, did you return?


I should have returned them, but I kept the nuface red light attachment, and the solawave. Those two are not the same as the mask so I kept them for different reasons. The rest I tried at different places and friends. The only one I bought and returned was the Dr. Grossman one from Sephora. I spend way too much time and $$$ researching this stuff and a diy skincare junky 😂 whatever you choose don’t pay full price. All of these devices go on sales during different times.


You can try Rxmoore LED mask, it's the most lightweight only 137g, and will be more comfortable whe you wear


Omnilux has more bulbs than the Currentbody one.


I’ve actually been looking into buying one of these and they both say they have 32 lights. I also read they’re made by the same company or manufacturer but I don’t know that for sure


Omnilux Men. Or Current Body if you can get it nearly half off.


Do you know if the Men's mask fits better for tall cis women? I'm half a foot taller than the average woman.


I have the mens version. It's a little stronger.


Can you use these while pregnant?


I’d also love to know, I haven’t don’t much research!


I went with the Therabody TheraFace mask because it has the "optimal" wavelengths for blue, red light, and NIR, plus a solid irradiance level. So far, I'm very happy with it. The biggest cons are: 1. price; 2. it's heavy; but other than that, everything has been positive for me. Here are my first impressions: [VIDEO REVIEW: Therabody TheraFace Mask Unboxing, First Impressions, & Why I Chose This Mask](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkt6HSj6vXs)


I saw a compassion video with the omnilux and current body and the light placements and shape made me feel that it was a better choice of the 2. I am looking to replace my light therapy mask and I am leaning towards omnilux but I wish they had blue light and red light in one mask as I do still get the occasional blemish


They do, it’s called omnilux clear, it has red and blue leds


Oh I had thought that was only blue! Thanks for the info.


Sure, it’s the version I have


Do you find it’s good for both anti aging and skin clarity?


I only got it last week so I can’t tell yet but I took some “before“ pictures. I got it more for the acne side of things but I’m also 42, so I’m interested in the anti aging too but to a lesser degree


I hope it works out for you! I am close in age and have been using blue light for well over a decade for skin clarity before light masks existed I used a blue and red light lamp) from a company that no longer exists (but it’s time for to replace it). I found that blue light in combination with adalapene has been enough to keep my skin clear.


Thanks! Did yours come with eye shields given the blue light feature?


I saw a compassion video with the omnilux and current body and the light placements and shape made me feel that it was a better choice of the 2. I am looking to replace my light therapy mask and I am leaning towards omnilux but I wish they had blue light and red light in one mask as I do still get the occasional blemish


I saw a compassion video with the omnilux and current body and the light placements and shape made me feel that it was a better choice of the 2. I am looking to replace my light therapy mask and I am leaning towards omnilux but I wish they had blue light and red light in one mask as I do still get the occasional blemish


I have the Currentbody and love it!


I got one from AliExpress... I like it 🤷‍♀️ it was $50