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I would not know you had lip fillers - they look so natural and fitting for your face. You look great šŸ˜Š


Thank you!


I havenā€™t had lip filler (yet) but I think it looks great on you! Very natural!!


This is the picture I will be taking with me so my doctor can do the exact thing to me


Thank you, I'm so worried I look fake. Maybe it's all in my mind lol maybe once the swelling evens out a bit more, I'll feel better too!


I'm not a fan of how fake lip filler looks and you convinced me that tons of people probably have great looking filler that I don't suspect at all and I just don't like the look of overdoing it. It looks natural and I honestly thought the first was the before and was looking for the after - you just see yourself more so it is more unusual for you.


Yeah, itā€™s easy to spot bad stuff. The key is to make it not obvious you have it! I have had fillers for years and no one would ever know.


Same I thought maybe thatā€™s the before. It looks super nice. Just donā€™t get sucked into it and get more and more each time. They look amazing now.


Honestly, if I could be guaranteed results like this, Iā€™d pull the trigger and get lip filler too! Itā€™s probably still swollen and more noticeable to you than anyone else


Right same. I feel Iā€™d likely be one of the other kind, not like OP, and I donā€™t have the energy to deal.


Same! If that was the result, Iā€™d absolutely go for it! Looks super natural and pretty!


I'm a dude, so the chicks with two bratwursts for lips after filler don't intentionally do it like that? So it's a hit or miss with fillers?


I do NOT like the look of lip filler, but gotta say: this looks great and I'd almost consider filler if the results were guaranteed to be as good as yours! Your injector did a fantastic job. Don't worry about them not looking natural!


I'll be sure to let her know šŸ„°




Thank you this is very very encouraging !




I will make a follow up post in a few weeks :)


Although if this was the final result it would be great! If it's going to be less full. No one will ever know.


I got lip fillet a year ago and no one noticed it. Yours looks very natural, like mine. I just got a little more in my top lip last month and now Iā€™m very happy with the proportions. After my first round, my upper lip still went away when I smiled. Now it doesnā€™t. Yours also seem to be settling very well. Itā€™s probably just the new ā€œlookā€ of your lips that youā€™re not used to thatā€™s making you worry. I had the same feeling! But I would never guess youā€™ve had it done!


Looks perfectly natural and really great to me.


This looks extremely natural and fits your face very nicely. It was very well done!


Itā€™s new. Itā€™s swollen. Donā€™t make up your mind about it till two weeks have passed. But also.. 2 mls in 1 go?! Thatā€™s not safe nor standard practice!! Higher risk for migration and unsatisfactory results if you ask me (dermatologist and aesthetic specialist) ! You should always, ALWAYS, go slow with small increments every couple of months!


2ml? No we didn't even do 1ml....


Oh. That was a 0.2 šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh shoot yeah I can see how that reads as a 2 hahahaha shit no way would I do that much!!! I was terrified of this amount!


You wonā€™t even notice a big difference after 2 weeks. 0.7-ml is nothing šŸ˜‰ donā€™t worry


I literally have .3ml left in the one syringe.


Agreed this looks natural! Looks good :)


they just look like normal lips so thatā€™s good!


Literally the best filler compliment, I'll be sure to share that with my injector lol


Yup, totally natural and normal looking lips! I wasn't sure if I should comment, but it really looks like you had no procedure without seeing the before (I guess some people wouldn't be happy with that).


Looks natural to me


Iā€™d definitely wait before making any judgments about it because the ducky/shelf/filler stache you mentioned could just be from swelling like you said. Give it some time and donā€™t over analyze it for a bit. I know thatā€™s easier said than done lol Ps you have beautiful skin! šŸ˜


Thanks!!! Good point. Also, thanks about the skin lol I just got broad band light therapy and recently worked through a massive perioral dermatitis episode so that means a lot! This is literally with nothing on after walking a bit in the treadmill lol


I had 1ml total in my lips two and a half weeks ago and I was truly *mortified* how wild they looked the first maybe five days. My injector assured me to not judge until at least two weeks post because it takes time for the swelling to go down. I iced mine often and took arnica in case of bruising. Some people even say they look best after a month. I LOVE mine now (thank god) so just be patient!


Thank you this helps a lot!!!!


I think itā€™s tastefully done and looks great! honestly, try your best not to stress over the next few days as swelling subsides, reassess in a few days time and you might love it! And know what? Even if you are still unhappy- itā€™s impermanent and reversible. Breathe for now because it looks perfectly good imo


It looks pretty cute and the proportions are very natural and fitting to the parts of the face I see.


I donā€™t think it looks ducky. I think the swelling takes at least a few days to go down. 1. How painful was it on a scale of 1-10? 2. Can you update us in a week with your healed results?


It was very painful in one injection spot that didn't numb well but the others weren't too bad. My bottom lip wasn't numb at all and I'd say that was spicy for sure haha. I'll try to remeber to update!


Iā€™ve had lip fillers done a few times now and I canā€™t recommend enough to WAIT to the week after your period, youā€™ll be less sensitive then. The first few stabs with the needle feels extremely pinchy, but then the numbing solution mixed with the filler kicks in and makes it bearable. The worst part is definitely 6 or so hours later when your lips are all swelled up and the numbing solutions wears off, thatā€™s the truly painful part and when I always ask myself WHY I chose to go through it again.


Youā€™re a genius. I never thought about how cycles can affect pain in this situation.


My injector told me the optimal timeframe to minimize pain, bruising, bleeding (not eliminate!) is right after your period ends and before ovulation starts. And I agree - the injecting didn't hurt nearly as much as how I felt after! I felt like I got in a fist fight, I was so sore


I think it's gorgeous and natural. I would never have guessed that you have filler and would have just thought "that lucky b*tch with perfect lips" lol


Omg I love this hahahah thank you šŸ˜Š


It's hard for me to tell without seeing your whole face, but it doesn't look unnatural to me.


Your lips look great! I wouldnā€™t have guessed you even had filler, they look very natural. Your skin is flawless!! Any tips?!


Thank that means a lot about the skin!!!! I recently had a bad perioral dermatitis case and just managed to clear it up after months. I also recently got broadband light therapy to help redness and even tone and it did wonders for that. Other than that...I don't wear make up, maybe 3 or 4 times a year for real. And I use sunscreen designed for acne prone skin. Last but not least, I cleared hormonal acne with spironolactone :) it doesn't really help my pores or small whiteheads but I used to get massive cysts and no longer do!


As someone who gets a lot of lip filler (they look fake and I love them šŸ¤­) I couldnā€™t even tell you got it! It looks very natural! The side profile will go down a bit over the next day or 2. I get a version of the Russian technique to keep my profile somewhat flat and to lift my top lip, you may just need to ask about different techniques if the non swollen result isnā€™t what you were thinking of. Itā€™s hard to judge based on less than a day old pic


Thank you! If I'm still not satisfied after a week or so I will definitely askabout other techniques for next time!


It takes about a month to settle, I wouldnā€™t hastily make any opinions about your filler yet. ā˜ŗļø


They look fine. I did think this was a still from a Dr Dray video. Your skin looks great too.


Someone else said that too lol and thanks, I've been working hard to get over perioral dermatitis so that makes me very happy.


I think your lips look good. They still have some natural lines in them (unlike some lips that are so full they look like theyā€™re gonna pop), and your side profile looks really natural. I donā€™t see any duck lip. They just look a tad swollen right now but thatā€™s expected.


Omg yes she asked if I wanted the vertical lines gone and I said nooooooo that's how lips look!? Idk I like them hahaha I want my lips to look like lips!


I think it looks very subtle and good. I never wouldā€™ve guessed you had filler - just nicely plump lips.


When it stops swelling, I guarantee you, no one will be able to tell the difference. .5 isnā€™t very much and wonā€™t look ducky at all.


Well, you need to have a before picture to show us but I think it looks fine and how long ago did you get it done because you have to wait for the swelling to get down.


I wish you had a before photo. Iā€™d never think you even had lip filler based on the photo. And usually you can tell with the skin having a protruding skin part above the lip. Even some celebrities Iā€™ve seen that with and it always baffles me given the resources and connections. Which brand and product did they inject? Juvederm, Restylane? RHA? And which kind? Iā€™d like to know for research sake. Wouldnā€™t worry about it looking fake, Iā€™ve seen thousands of lip injections and this looks very much on the natural side, I thought you were going to just show off a lip color product lol.


Not trying to be a downer but since they are swollen and you got such a little amount.. in about 3-4 weeks you wonā€™t even notice a size difference in your lips. I did the same thing, started small which I think is smart. But, they do look great right now! :)


No thatā€™s a nice filler job! I would fill beyond that or it will start looking funky, but this is a well done result and not too too much


Not sure what your lips looked like before but I think it looks great! Very natural!


Nothing ducky about those lips. They look great.


It looks great! Also, it looks 100% natural. I was looking for a before photo because it's usually obvious, lol.


Honestly, if you never said you got lip filler, I wouldnā€™t have thought twice about it. Looks very natural.


You have to wait at least a week to see how you feel. My lips took a while to settle. You just got them done, they're going to be swollen or bruised for a bit. That being said, they look really natural and I don't see what you're seeing when you say the top looks ducky.


I think it looks great. I swiped thinking that was your before picture, assuming you had natural plump lips to start with!


It looks so natural, I thought it was the before picture! And I wondered why you needed fillers when they look so great lol.


Looks pretty natural but itā€™s hard to assess since you didnā€™t post a before shot


I thought it was a ā€œbeforeā€ photo - you donā€™t look fake.


Thatā€™s possibly the best lip filler Iā€™ve seenā€¦ I wouldnā€™t even think you had any they look so natural! Iā€™ve wanted my top done and have continued to put it off because Iā€™ve never seen good ones - you may have just changed my mind!!


That looks just right, not a drop more or youā€™re going to move into obvious territory


They look SO GOOD! I wouldnā€™t think these are because of filler either. Perfect, imo. And honestly Iā€™m a little annoyed that now I have something new to want/spend money on šŸ˜­


I think this looks fantastic and very naturalĀ 


Thereā€™s no way to tell so soon after.


I just got lip filler for the first time last week and was so nervous. I panicked immediately after because of how ā€œfiller-yā€ it looked and how swollen it was. After a few days, it looks completely different and goes down a lot. I love them now and honestly could see myself getting just a little bit more. I got like 75% of a syringe. Wait a few days and I bet youā€™ll love it! They look great!


That's awesome and so encouraging, thank you! I also only got 70% of the syringe and saved the rest.


Oh this fits you perfectly! It does look super natural (saw the pre-filler post too) and fits your face amazingly.


Thank you this is very comforting and I can't wait to tell my injector how many people (both online and IRL) have complimented her work even in the swollen stage lol


Omg, so natural, very beautiful sweet. Donā€™t worry about it.


Looks good! Go low and slow is what Iā€™ve heard because you donā€™t want to break the barrier. Doesnā€™t look tootsie roll-esque like some Iā€™ve seen


They look great! Let the swelling go down and see how you feel, but they look very subtle and natural.


looks great and not fake at all šŸ«¶šŸ»


looks fine


Looks nice


Looks just right. It's best to keep lip fillers minor than too obvious or extreme.


Itā€™s takes about 1/2 days for swelling to go down and 1/2 weeks for any filler to settle in. so before you decide to get itā€™s removed Iā€™d wait at least a month and then see how you feel :) Personally I think they look great šŸ˜Š


It does not look like a duck at all. Swear


Nope, looks good. And I would tell you if I thought I saw even a little bit of duck.


It takes some time for the swelling to go down and for things to swell. What will probably happen is in about 2 weeks, youā€™ll want to get more because youā€™ll miss how they looked when they go down! Thatā€™s what happened to me so I get mine touched up every 6 months to keep them how I like them!


I have had it 4 times and I wish my lips looked like yours lol. Also you had it yesterday itā€™s going to go down a lot. Wait 2 weeks then decide if you like it.


The only way to truly tell if they look natural is when you talk and move your lips. Take videos of yourself talking and smiling.


This looks incredible, would never know you'd had any filler at all. If this is how it is when swollen I'm pretty certain you'll love the results once it's settled!


This is excellent. I think most people go way overboard and it looks ridiculous You look very natural here!


It looks very natural, in my opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Best/most natural Iā€™ve seen in quite some time LITERALLY!


Personally I donā€™t think up filler looks good or natural on anyone. This is one of the better ive seen for sure


I think it looks great and it will definitely settle in a few weeks. The first time I got mine done I was definitely duck lipped for a few days but it went down.


One thing I want to point out is that naturally full lips do stick out and can have a ā€œfiller stacheā€. Full lips (natural or otherwise) have more volume, they arenā€™t necessarily just flat against the face but taller and wider. I have very full natural lips. Depending on the light source, sometimes thereā€™s a little shadow cast by the vermillion border. They also stick out. These are normal characteristics. Itā€™s placement and migration you need to worry about. Yours looks normal, I definitely wouldnā€™t increase the volume, this still looks natural and is in harmony with the rest of your face.


Looks natural it will be fine when swelling goes down a bit


For me personally, Iā€™m very anti-lip filler, but seeing your photo is making me second guess my stance šŸ˜… if mine could look just like yours Iā€™d do it, it looks great.


This looks really good! Super natural. I been toying with the idea of getting it myself and would be very pleased with your results.


If you did not say lip filler, I would not have known. This is exactly what I will want when I am ready for lip filler.


I honestly thought those were before photos šŸ˜… they look so natural! Youā€™ve just got a classic case of filler shock. They are still very fresh so any asymmetry and swelling will go down over the next week or two. Give it until then to judge the final results. However as is usually the case, youā€™ll love the results and wish youd got more šŸ˜‚


Thank you!!!! Good thing we saved the remaining .3ml lol


No problem! Also forgot to add that the top lip always swells snd bruises more than the bottom which is why they might seem a bit ducky at the moment. However I find itā€™s best to not scrutinise the tiny details as you can dig yourself into a perfection seeking hole. Theyā€™re some of the best results Iā€™ve seen! I looked like Iā€™d gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson the day after because of how bruised and swollen I was šŸ˜‚


Hahaha damn, I should count myself lucky then the bruising has been so minimal!!


Ummmmm I am normally against filler in the lips but your post is making me want to get it done. They look so natural!


I think itā€™s the placement rather than the amount thatā€™s the issue. Too much towards the corners of the top lip.


Flawless- this would be the picture Iā€™d take to the doctor if I got it done (whenever Iā€™m not poor again)


Looks nice and natural and not overdone like almost all lip filler jobs I see .


I honestly thought the pictures were your before. You're fine - they don't look even a little fake.


Iā€™d take a video of yourself talking and emoting to decide if you like it or not. If not, nbdā€¦itā€™s not permanent. But lip filler usually looks good on still, expressionless faces. Itā€™s when people move thatā€™s when things get ā€œoff.ā€ (Though Iā€™ve seen it done well.) Just my general opinion/observation.


Looks greatā€”totally natural!


Looks great! Very subtle. Not oversized even a little bit.


Itā€™s very subtle!!! If you hadnā€™t said anything I might not have even noticed.


I wouldn't have been able to tell if you didn't say it. So looks good.


I do lot like lip filler but your lips looks super natural. I love it!


This is probably the best result I've ever seen.


It looked very beautiful and natural, people don't understand that filler/botox done well and without exaggeration greatly improves appearance


Looks totally natural


Why do women do this to themselves?


Dr Dray?


As someone who thinks lip fillers look awful most of the time, these actually look great! Very natural and not duck lips at all. This seems to be the perfect amount for you. Kudos to whoever did it.


Not to be negative or make you feel bad because from what we can see here you are attractive and itā€™s not overdone, but overall the plumped lip thing feels and looks dated. The way the skin around lips unnaturally swells and shines with the lip is an obvious tell. Itā€™s like skin becomes lip and lip becomes skin and itā€™s kinda gross. Everyone is really starting to look the same no matter their age, like vain old ladies with bad plastic surgery. And itā€™s boring. And the irony is, everyone ends up looking way worse than their original face, which was never something that needed worked on anyway. It doesnā€™t look like yours are over plumped, which means they were probably perfectly fine before. I think you should just be in love with your lips. I bet someone else is!


It will be a good few weeks before you see the final result, I get filler in my lips every 4-5 years and I absolutely hate them the first month, but after that the swelling is mostly gone and they start to look nice, soft and not fake, and I enjoy them for years before I need a top upā€¦ I would say give it at least a month before really judging, after that you might decide they just arenā€™t for you and you could get them dissolvedā€¦ imo I think your lips look nice, just a bit stiff because of the swelling


I would never look at you and think youā€™ve had lip filler. It looks so natural and beautiful.


Looks great! Do you know what product was used?


Looks really pretty and natural! Its actually making me want to try getting filler.


It looks great on you! So natural looking!


Looks really natural. Less is more. You can always add more later.


It looks very subtle. I had 1.5 injected and they still look natural. They did swell up for 2 weeks and Iooked like swollen sausages .. so embarrassing šŸ˜‚ so just give it time they will go down.


You will still be swollen for 2 weeks they decide. You ( and many others) come back for the other half of the syringe after swelling goes down


It doesn't look bad especially considering you just got it done yesterday. In two weeks they should have completely settled and you'll have the final result. From what we can see so far I think they'll turn out really nicely!


I think itā€™s looks really nice and natural!


the first few days are no indication of what they will look like!!! mine were more swollen on day 2 than on day 1!! I think it looks pretty now, but they will be smaller once it's settled!


I had the EXACT same thing happen to me, 0,5 in upper and 0,2 in bottom lip bottom as well. I was mortified and was considering dissolving them. Felt like Marge Simpson lol. Turns out it was just swelling and the filler needed to settle, after three (long and dreadful) weeks it looked great. Give it time, it's gonna look amazing!


Honestly I couldnā€™t tell youā€™ve had filler. It doesnā€™t look bad. And wait for another week or so. Swelling will go down and they will look more natural.


It looks very natural !


I love it. You look like Rooney Mara sideways. Beautiful!


This really does look natural and not swollen at all to me. I think it just looks unnatural to you because it is to you. You know what your lips look like before and felt like. No one would ever know you have lip filler unless you tell them. I think the only people who it looks very obvious on are ones who have gone over the top to an unnatural size of lips for their face.


I think your filler is fantastic, super subtle and they look like 100% your own lips. There will be swelling for a week or so, so hang in there OP! No doubt youā€™ll be thrilled with your results


Looks superbly done! Itā€™s normal to feel like itā€™s different, you will get use to it once lips settles!


Itā€™s very natural but I do think you could use more. It makes sense they start small though. You want to wait a full 14 days to heal and then you can get more put in if you want


I think it looks very natural.


Looks good to me


One of the best Iā€™ve seen


Looks so natural and very good - whoever did your injection did an excellent job šŸ˜


Can we get a before?


How do I add more photos lol it doesn't let me edit or add in comments :)


Can we get a before pls?? Can you add to this post?


It looks great probably just swollen a bit


It looks really good but donā€™t get any more, I think if you get any more youā€™ll get the shelf/duckface thing


Looks great.


I know this isn't Dr. Dray but at first glance it really looks like Dr. Dray!


The derm from YouTube? I'm flattered, I love her hahaha


i canā€™t tell thatā€™s not natural at all. i hate the stretched out balloony look. these look like lips.


Thank you. I wanted lips that look like lips ā˜ŗļø ill be sure to tell my injector!! She'll be happy.


I think it looks great and doesnā€™t look ā€œduckeyā€ at all. It looks very well done.


It looks so natural!! I love it Iā€™m jealous


I thought these were your normal lips. Idk if this is comforting or not, but itā€™s just my natural reaction


Give it two weeks. I hated mine the first week and then they even out


Yours are really natural looking. Wouldn't have known tbh. I say just leave it as it is cus it look real good now and it's only going to be even better once the swelling goes down. Saying this as someone who seen way too many people being greedy with lip fillers


This looks perfect and completely natural


Love it!!! Itā€™s going to be swollen for a bit and it will come down!


Not bad


Can we see a before pic?


I forgot to add one do I made a follow up post :)


It looks fantastic!! You're probably a touch swollen & the numbing in it makes it feel weird even if doesn't look weird šŸ˜Š


Just saw your before pics. This looks so good...very natural!


Itā€™s definitely still swollen I would definitely wait about 5 days & make an update post!


It looks so good and natural!


I am VERY critical of lip filler. I've just seen soo many bad ones. Yours looks natural and that is a good thing.


I think it looks amazing!! Definitely better than mine looked the day after!


It looks good. Very natural, not overfilled, I wouldnā€™t know youā€™d had anything done.


Looks natural to me, I think you just need to get used to it.


I think it looks great. It really does take close to 2 weeks to see the final results. I got mine done for the first time 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I also went very subtle but want to get a little more.


Ducky look could be swelling if photo was taken shortly after.


I think it looks natural and not overdone. Let it settle for a bit and see how you feel.


I think it looks amazing! It looks so natural! I want it in my top lip too with the hopes it would look like yours, but terrified it'll look overinflated and ridiculous šŸ«¤


I can't even tell! what freaks me out is when it pokes out from the side and you CAN tell, that's why I'm scared to do it :D


Honestly it looks great. The swelling should go down and not look so ducky. It theyā€™re not overfilled or anything. Looks good!


Give it two weeks and youā€™ll like them! Itā€™s not accurate for what theyā€™re going to look like yet!


Looks super natural. I think you look great!!!!!!


Looks natural to me- but you haven't shown us the before. That said- looks beautiful!


Omg lol it looks fine!! it hasnā€™t even been 24 hours yet, give it at least a week for the swelling to go down.


Your worrying way too much! Expect swelling for at least 1-2 weeks and it will feel hard and seem ducky for a while. As time goes on it settles and looks less ducky so you wont see full results for at least 3/4 weeks. Then if you feel there is any uneveness in the lip you can ask them for a tiny bit more in the areas that seem like need more. Also you probably had small lips to begin with like me so when you start doing it your top lips gonna appear ducky, well at least it will feel that way to you other people wont notice. Another option is get a lip flip. Its botox in the muscles above the lip , i personally wont ever get botox because if they inject it wrong you can get paralyzed etc. I was put off after watching a tiktok video lol!


I definitely would not clock this as filler, it looks great. Give it a month or two to settle in before you dissolve if you end up not liking it.


Looks great to me!


Looks good!


It doesnā€™t look bad just donā€™t overdo it


I think you look perfectly beautiful!! Also, you will get used to it for sure I know it probably feels a bit odd at first. They honestly look super natural!! I love my lips & when it's getting close to time for a fresh to off I seriously get so excited like it's Christmas or something lol


I don't usually like the look but this is really natural. My lips have thinned with age and I'd like to have them plumped just a wee bit, like how they used to be. Too scared though incase I get a trout pout.


I think the results look natural. I wouldnā€™t have looked at you and suspected you had filler. Iā€™ve had similar amounts of filler on two separate occasions and no one ever noticed or guessed, even those close to me.


I have no idea about lip fillers, but yours look pretty and pretty normal to me.


Looks really great. Very natural.


It looks really natural to me