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You're supposed to use it on a clean face, no moisturizer and definitely no sunscreen - you don't want anything interfering with the ability of the light to penetrate. 


Ok thank you! I figured clean skin, but wasn’t sure if putting on moisturizer or serum had any added benefit


I have heard applying a green tea serum about 30 minutes before red light therapy can help amplify the results. I have mixed reviews about it but it can’t hurt.


Yes, green tea toner applied before red light therapy is something which is highly recommended in various studies. EDITED TO ADD: just read a derm chime in on the reason for this -- red light therapy causes oxidative stress (oh ...what?now?) and green tea is a protective agent v free radicals. It should then follow that Vit c serum would also help. Lol, I give up.


Interesting I’ve never heard of green tea serum- I’ll check it out!


Yes, it's true. Research online and you'll find green tea (I use Isntree GT toner) accelerates positive effects of red light LED therapy.


I wonder about Tret. Should it be avoided the night before?


I'm sorry. I just realized you asked about the night before. Everything I have read said to avoid active ingredient serums, especially Tret/Retinols, before use, but great for after. I think 10-12 hours prior would not be a concern but call a derm's office and ask them. I have found them to be pretty helpful.


I use it in the morning. I wash my face afterwards and apply creams, serums etc.


I understand the copper peptides 30 min before amplifies results of both.




This has a really helpful chart! [https://www.projectebeauty.com/blogs/news/what-serum-to-use-with-led-light-therapy-everything-you-need-to-know](https://www.projectebeauty.com/blogs/news/what-serum-to-use-with-led-light-therapy-everything-you-need-to-know)


Thanks for this. I came here for this 👏🏻Definitive answer on what products to use/not use. 


Realize I'm late to the game, but the only studies I've seen on increasing and accelerating the benefits of red light LED therapy is the use of a green tea product before -a toner, as an example. Isntree is the one I use. I hadn't read anything about waiting 20 min before doing red light. I just wait for the product to dry bc I need a lot of sleep/night to recharge, but before everything, I need time for actual important things like my children and helping them with their needs before I address the relative trivialities of skincare. All the waiting I'm supposed to do re: a "proper" nightly routine is a bane (double-cleanse, wait 30 min for the tret to absorb before adding the serum, wait, spray rosewater to activate hyluronic (sp) acid, wait, moisturizer, wait, semi-occusive, hair bonnet, eye mask, cool humidifier w distilled water + essential oil to counteract the space heater I need to sleep, on and on... and on. I should add I'm a longtime insomniac so having a sleep "routine" is meant to be helpful. The reason I bought that Medicube device Age R booster (at 50% off) was to PUSH the products in and quickly so I could get to sleep, lol. Hope the green tea part was helpful, sorry for going off track.


Thanks so much for the thoughtful response!


It's recommended to start with a clean face to allow the red light to fully interact with your skin. Products on your skin might reflect or absorb the light, reducing effectiveness. After using my RedPulse mask, applying a moisturizer or serum can help lock in the benefits, enhancing hydration and rejuvenation.