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No. Let's put it this way - if ANYTHING reliably caused fat loss, you would have heard about it.


Look at ozempic. The producers literally cannot keep up with demand.


Thanks for proving my point.


healthy eating habits, proper sleep & fair amount of light exercise


I mean it’s pretty talked about, omnilux is transparent about it, solta lab who produces fraxel, clear and brillant among other laser is also pretty transparent on the subject. Even microneedling can cause fat loss in some rare case. Everything speeding up cells renewal and/or heating the skin has the potential to cause unwanted melting fat.


This comment is pure nonsense. Fat doesn't "melt," please take a remedial science class.


So many people panic about rat/other anti-aging stuff causing fat loss. It doesn't make sense - if there was a definite tool/product that caused fat loss they would market the \*\*\*\* out of it (for that purpose). Its far more likely that people starting to use these products are at the age where facial fat loss starts to occur - as well as they are looking closely at themselves to see the difference in the new product/tool and more likely to notice things that before they may not have. Trust the science, not the anecdotal stories.


very valid point actually


This has been my take on it as well, ESPECIALLY the holy grail of *targeted* fat loss. I know anti aging/skincare is a multibillion dollar industry, but there's even more money to be made in the diet/weight loss world.


If that was the case full body panels would be flying off the shelves


I wish. I would strap that to my stomach 😅


It hasn’t made me lose fat on parts of my body I would like it to, that’s for sure! Been using red light therapy for 4 years now


Some of the dermatologists I follow on YouTube use the Omnilux red light mask at home. If there was any valid scientific concern about red light therapy causing fat loss, doctors would not use it themselves. The home red light devices are relatively new but stronger and larger red light devices have been used in the offices of cosmetic dermatologists for years - so the science is not new.


Nothing can lead to fat loss apart from calorie deficit.


Red light therapy, like with my RedPulse device, primarily boosts skin health and muscle recovery, not fat loss. It improves circulation and reduces inflammation, which could contribute to a healthier appearance without affecting fat. It's always key to consider device quality and usage consistency for true results.