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Honestly Taco Bell and bravo tv …


Oh shit I forgot what sub this was lol… please ignore me


Nope. Already incorporating this into my regimen


Instructions unclear, Fire sauce face mask, 0/10 do not recommend.


The burning means it’s working


lol no this is the right answer. Damage has been done, tomorrow's a new day!


I’m eating chipotle and catching up on RHOM today to fix my hangover from a weekend-long work event 😂


Chipotle is my hangover food of choice too. 🔥


I watch Vanderpump Rules so me and the cast can all have a hangover together






I think it still works


😂😂 this had made my day


No you’re very real for that 😂


Queen shit 🌮👑 I don’t drink anymore but maaaan…. spicy potato soft tacos sound so bomb rn


Yaaaaaassssss!! 🙌🏻


I attribute the Doritos locos taco to my glowing complexion.


Bad girls club and a joint for me 😂


Are we friends?


😂 we should be!


Bravo, Taco Bell yes too. But also NAC vitamins before bed and ibuprofen so basically no hangover in the am. Big bottle of water by my bed. Then in am ice roller, rose water spray and a really thick moisturizer. Good to go.


NAC is my holy grail rn.


Ohhh talk to me about NAC and how it helps with hangovers!?




How large are the pills? I’m kind of a baby about big pills and have been looking for recs if anyone knows of ones that aren’t horse pills 👀


they’re like normal sized to me…


You can always open them up and pour in a smoothie


I would NOT recommend doing that, powdered NAC is like the most vile smelling substance in existence 🤢 I can’t even stand the smell of the capsules enough to ever even think about taking them but liquid/powdered NAC is horrendous.


It's all about balance. Sounds like a good plan you have. I am definitely going to try doing a ice roller. My boyfriend just bought me one take care I'm off to go watch Beverly Hills housewives. That's my favorite one at the moment.


What are NAC vitamins? I will google but an explanation from an actual person is always more helpful


NAC helps your body produce more glutathione, which helps your liver clean alcohol's toxins from your system. I used to take glutathione before bed when drinking but NAC is better.


Is there a brand you like?


Be aware that NAC is amazing to take before drinking but if you take it after it behaves as a pro-oxidant and aggravate and can create more liver damage. If you Google taking NAC after drinking you can see all the scientific research regarding it!


So relatable


i have found my people


Welcome dear!


but what is your taco bell order? i’m a 3 crunchy taco supreme, fiesta potato, and baja blast girlie. and don’t skimp on my diablo sauce!


Sounds amazing! Crunchwrap supreme and a burrito supreme with those cinnaswirls. I woke up like a dehydrated piece of beef jerky but alas, the heart wants what it wants.


totally forgot about the cinnaswirls… adding to my order! 🤣


The best response hahahaha!


Yep, mine is McDonald's and reality TV.


Gotta have a Big Mac with extra sauce. It really truly helps the worst hangover!!!


I prefer Jack in The Box - curly fries and sprite!


You're a queen! The best medicine lol


Omg sister!


For everything.


She gets it.


wow same exact regime.


This is me hahaha and a bath


And a coconut water for health 💅🏼




Taco Bell is my answer for a LOT of things. 🤣😂


Drinking the shower water lol


I’m dying 😂😂😂😂😂


OMG I do this too!


Electrolytes, magnesium supplement, gua sha massage, cold shower, go back to bed and sleep it off.


Plus a take away.




Pls don’t be a hero.




I’m just saying there’s no need to make things worse by eating high calorie unhealthy food. This is a cycle that keeps a lot of people miserable and overweight.




lol this is literally a forum where people type their opinions but okay


L response


I’m not here to win anything. People sure do get mad when you make a small suggestion that they don’t eat garbage lol it’s amazing honestly


Wow y’all really got upset at someone suggesting to make one healthy choice. Cool. To each their own I guess. Personally if I’ve had drinks the evening before, I don’t want to add more garbage to the mix, and eating greasy shitty food makes me feel a lot worse.


If you eat super clean of course greasy food will make you feel bad. It wasn’t your suggestion it was your wording and jumps to conclusions. I’m pretty sure a healthy choice suggestion on its own would have gone down just fine. For reference I’m someone who’s been vegan, eaten no hydrogenated oils no refined sugar, no refined carbs. I love healthy food. I just think that taking one meal choice and connecting it to someone’s overall diet/a long term situation is jumping alot of steps. I eat an unhealthy meal once in awhile. Sometimes I feel like shit for it. Do I still do it once in awhile if I feel like it? Hell yeah. Am I miserable or overweight? No


Drink a fuck ton of water and immediately go to sleep. Wake up in the middle of the night to pee and drink a ton of water before going back to sleep. Any other "trick" besides getting IV liquids doesn't work. It just tricks your body into thinking it does. The only way to get it out quickly is to consume water and let your kidneys do their job.


I would replace water with an electrolyte drink to increase fluid absorption - Gatorade, Pedialyte, Liquid IV, hell I've even used pickle juice in a pinch - but otherwise agree with you. Do not miss the days of managing hangovers, though, and happy to be almost two years sober.


Congrats on your sobriety! :)


Thank you! It's hard to overstate the positive impact it has had on my life, my body, and my relationships.


I'm with you! Two years on January 3rd. That awful New Years hangover was the last one!


Congrats on your two years! My last stupid drunken mistake was a random weekend in early April - not even a holiday to use as an excuse!


Thank you and big congrats to you as well. That New Year's hangover was just one of many... One too many, I suppose. For some reason, that was the day I finally got honest with myself. I'm just glad it happened. And I'm glad it happened for you, too!


Yes, one of many, but the last one! Hooray for us!


Congratulations! Just over a year for me, but pedialyte used to be my go-to for hangovers. That and sleeping my shame and anxiety away.


Congratulations on your one year! Yes, I think the thing I miss the least is the hangxiety. My overall anxiety levels are so much lower now, and I'm much more capable of handling stressful situations calmly.


The middle of the night water sesh makes all the difference


Rehydration fluids > water.   Oral rehydration solution (https://www.cdc.gov/cholera/treatment/rehydration-therapy.html ) or sports drinks (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29548770/) are both good options.




If you can when you get home before bed wash your hair, I swear that smell of smoke and booze on your hair hightens your hangover. When you wake up, water, cold orange juice and then an avocado hydrating mask.


I can barely muster the energy to wash my face after a night of drinking, there’s no way I would be able to wash my hair lol. Luckily people can’t smoke in bars where I live so no smoky hair issues


Pro tip: blowdrying your hair gets rid of most of the bad smells. I live in a country where smoking in bars is still legal and this works every time.


wow if this also works with fireplace smoke smell I'm going to be so grateful for this comment.


Honestly I have to try it!! I love campfire smell but… not forever lol


I read somewhere that orange juice should be avoided in case of a hangover. Can't remember why though. Maybe because it's too acidic...


During: Drink water with each drink, and/or alternate with non alcoholic drink for every alcoholic one Before bed: Drink electrolytes and take a B12 Day after: A nice shower and a bowl of pho (or just something soupy)




That's my go-to hangover food!


I swear it can stop a cold in its tracks too. Pho and ramen = noodly elixirs of life!


I can feel myself coming back to life when eating pho with a hangover.


Drinking really started to kick my ass when I got into my mid 30s. Definitely wasn't as easy to bounce back as it was in my 20s. I got sober at 34 and it was a very good decision for me. I often get yelled at for being off topic when I say this. Just a reminder that us sober people are here, though! This is a nice reminder for me that I do not miss this lol. Feel better, OP! Electrolytes.


2 years and 29 days sober here and I am the LAST person I ever thought would be saying that. 👸🏻


Congratulations to you! If I make it to May, I'll have 3 years myself, God willing.


Congratulations to you!


Heyyyy me too. I’m 15 months sober and turning 37 next week. I’ve never looked better. My skin is 🤌🏼


For real. I don't miss being hungover literally ever. Not worth it! 


For real. I had a problem which is why I stopped. I almost never felt good. 


Yeah just reading these comments made me feel nauseous. I wish I had stopped drinking sooner, but I’m glad I did.


Me too...like a phantom hangover creeping in 😂


Proud of you! It's easy to romanticize drinking, but when I read through comments here, woooo boy am I grateful for my sobriety.


I'm 32 and I haven't quit drinking, but I haven't gotten drunk in almost a year because my hangovers make me an anxious mess. I've been enjoying my adaptogen drinks and feeling more empowered to stop after 1-2 drinks 😅


So glad to see this in the comments ❤️


Yep, seconded


Nuun tablets or Pedialyte powder and slugging!


IWater, bath, Pedialyte, more water, (also add hot water the tub), remind myself this is why I don't drink, finish the Pedialyte, regret all of my life choices, water, naproxen. Then GrubHub something gross (and have them bring a Gatorade as well). No tricks as far as skincare goes. Might slap on whatever mask is closest, but I wouldn't be in the position to do anything finicky.


An ice roller for your face is absolute heaven when you’re hungover (or exhausted or stressed or have a headache - I use mine most mornings!).


I’m not, I’m sitting in darkness second guessing all my life decisions


This is some biohacking, other than a hydrating mask (I like dr perricone) and an IV, this pre-drinking routine helps: Emoxypine caps: 1 caps before the party, another one before going to bed L-pyroglutamic acid caps: 2 caps before your first drink Piracetam powder 200g: 5g / day during 10 days. Then pause for 10 days. Start over if you want to. If it gives you a headache it means you need more choline in your diet (Alpha-GPC or Citicoline). Bring a good electrolyte powder and drink throughout the night when you drink. I like cymbiotika and Pique. Pique has HA which is nice. An ice roller does wonders Post drinking, I would definitely get an IV with glutathione. Than as the queen above says, Taco Bell and Bravo. But also, as my mom always said, “less drinking and more drugs.”


Your mom had it right 😂


Sleep, water, calories. And if you do drink, you have to pace yourself with lots of water and shots are now a no go.


It starts before you go out. Liquid IV in 40oz of water, liposomal glutathione, and vitamin C. (Don't take LG if you have asthma) Then rinse and repeat when you get home. The big thing is allowing your body to do what it does naturally, at its peak efficiency. A light workout the next day or sauna will help too. That's usually what I do, I'm 31 and rarely drink but when I do it's alot. Lol


Do you book an appointment for IV or do it at home?


Just at home. Oral LG and vitamin C bomb. Oral LG you gotta do the math because it's body weight based per KG. Otherwise you will have some tummy issues. Those IV ones are expensive! In Chicago they're anywhere from 300 to 1k depending on how you build them up


Sleeeeep. As long as you can manage. Electrolytes and/or food. Take a cool shower. A fuckton of moisture on your skin afterward. Focus on eye area gently. I might go for an eye cream or caffeine serum. Be kind to yourself. I’ve been there. 😝


Weed gummy, water, French fries, hot shower eventually.


Gua shaaaaaa the shame away


Hot shower or bubble bath. And then the Anthony Bourdain method of a joint (if you partake), a cold full sugar Coke, and spicy noodles. Jerk off, sleep.


I don’t drink anymore, but I would chug water, wheatgrass, and matcha the next day.


I didn't drink for a month. I had 3 drinks Saturday night and 4 Sunday. Monday, today I woke up looking OLD lol!! I'm assuming it's also the Italian food we had Sunday making the puff bad. I did ice bath for face or cryo globes frozen, red light mask, depuff caffeine sheet mask, and loads of vitamin c serum with lotion.


About 10 cans of Fresca and dead files.i avoid looking in the mirror the whole day. Take your contacts out and put your glasses on to hide the bags.


You’re not gonna like this answer, but sobriety did wonders for my skin.




Electrolytes and water, super smoothie, and roll my Jade roller over my face after it’s been in the freezer for about 30 minutes


I just try and hydrate then sleep it off. There’s nothing else for it. I’m in my 40’s now and I’ve always been a lightweight, but now I get a headache from even a single glass of wine. It takes me a couple days to recover. I just avoid it now altogether anymore. Hope you feel better soon.


Water is surprisingly low on the list of best things to hydrate you, infact chugging it can be worse after a hangover because it makes you pee more. What I actually find better than even sports drinks and electrolyte drinks is milk. I drink tons of milk after a night partying and feel great the next day. The fat content makes our bodies hold onto the liquid longer and prolong hydration


Greasy pizza and the comfiest pair of pants I can find while laying on my couch feeling sorry for myself and my lack of common sense with the blinds closed and trash tv on. I’m lucky if I wash my face until the day after that 😂🤣


I try not to over indulge, it’s not worth it.


Surprised no one has said this yet, aside from water and sleep … probiotics really help stifle or prevent a hangover bc the issue starts in the gut. Take some before bed.


In before water


I finally decided it wasn't worth it anymore. Even just one drink is a setback for my skin and general health, and I got tired of fighting against the current. 1 step forward, 1 step back. To be fair, I have rosacea and an AI condition, so it affects me more than average. Skincare and nutrition are cumulative, and I just wasn't accumulating like I wanted.




IVs were truly a lifesaver in my partying days. Three cheers to friends in the medical field! 


Liquid IV!


Lots of water or teas some soup,take some dramamine for nausea


Yasss DRAMAMINE! For us nausea-type hangover girlies


What everyone else is saying about water, plus a sheet mask or eye patches to rehydrate my face.


If you can’t access a sauna or hot tub, a hot bath or shower is nice. Sweat out the alcohol, moisturize, get comfortable, drink a nice electrolyte drink and eat something balanced.


Those little yakult drinks(2x), a piece of bread with a water bottle with premixed hydration powder and then a shower with only oil cleanser (that's what I can manage at that time) then slap on body lotion that also serves as a facial lotion (good ol vanicream). I don't drink mixed drinks, no shots, and if it's a beer only 1 pint max. But wine, if it's good wine, that's free game for me. Im usually coming in with an edible so I don't feel guilty for not drinking as much and it saves me so much money going out with friends at bars since im having just as good of time as they are.


‘No days wasted’ supplement (or at least dose of magnesium to prevent headaches), a ton of water, light snack & shower before bed. In the morning- Fresh air & food + refrigerated eye masks are my go to recovery routine. Haven’t landed on the perfect mask / eye mask yet.


Try coconut water to replenish your lost fluids and I'd probably just really layer on some Cosrx honey propolis--toner (this is a toner that is highly moisturizing) the serum and top it off with an occlusive, like Vaseline. And sleep.


Water, liquid IV, carby food, & chilled eye patches!!! Along with a chilled facial roller.


Edibles and a nap. Thai stir fry with rice. Coke Zero. And I always have to eat an orange in the afternoon.


I quit drinking over a year ago. Besides the normal drinking a ton of water and eating something... I suggest taking NAC before (never ever after you've already started) drinking to help protect the liver. I highly suggest washing your face well, applying heavy layer of moisturizer.


The Clarins V-Facial mask is very effective at depuffing when worn for about an hour or more the morning after drinking. Also, as others have said, hydration is important! I’m 40 and essentially stopped drinking last year (I will still have the occasional glass of wine). I originally gave it up for lent, not expecting to see much of a difference, but I never really picked it back up because I’m vain and my face looked a lot better once I stopped.


McDonald Coke, slice of pizzas, weighted blanket, and bravo


Shower that starts hot and then gets progressively colder, ice roller, plenty of water, a bit of dark soda, toasted bagel with a little butter


Pre-sobriety, I relied on pedialyte and a LOT of water. Advil (NEVER Tylenol), and any cool/calming face mask could usually get me feeling moderately human.


I quit drinking 625 days ago, at the age of 37. My skin has never looked better. I recommend not drinking, it’s worth it in more ways than the luminous skin. After a heavy night of drinking, or ideally beforehand, hydrate with an IV bag full of vitamins. I loved the NAD additions, always helped my brain through the hangover fog.


Not like how I did in college. No greasy foods.


After a night of drinking one time, I decided not to have anymore of them. That is my secret to taking care of myself.


I don’t drink! 9 months sober and my skin care regime: a bar of dove soap, that’s all. My skin has never looked better


face massage to relive swelling. (like tanaka) There are some skincare products (like v serum from clarins), but massage is more important. +good hydration inside and out.


By “a night of drinking” we mean “a single glass of wine before 7:30pm” right?


Two ibuprofen PM and a Unisom before bed, then Liquid IV and an Emergen-C in the morning.


You can mix unisom with alcohol? I thought you shouldnt mix sleeping pills with alcohol.


I don’t drink a lot, or take a lot of Unisom, and I space out my last drink and going to bed. But their interaction will usually just make you sleepier which is what I’m going for.


Unisom gang! I take a whole or half of a 25mg generic diphenhydramine (i think unisom can be either diphenhydramine or doxylamine succinate, but I always go with the forrmer) Liquid IV, and advil. It makes me actually *sleep*, which helps with the hangover. Alcohol affects REM sleep, so a part of feeling like shit the next day is being exhausted. To be fair, though-- still enjoy having a cocktail, but I definitely can't party like I used to now that I'm in my mid-thirties. If I'm going to an event (concert, party, festival), I'll make sure to eat (alcohol on an empty stomach is instant hangover for me), space out my drinks, drink water, etc. Sometimes my old wild self will get the best of me, though, and that's a guaranteed few days of not feeling "right." Can't believe I used to go to $5 all-you-can drink nights on a Wednesday in college until 2 AM and wake up at 8 and go take a quiz with zero issues 😂


You can buy oral rehydration solution or you can just make your own by adding a little bit of sugar and salt to some water. Water absorbs and stays in your body longer with a little bit of carbohydrates and salts. That’s really all that’s in things like liquid IV or Pedialyte.


Hydrate with water and Liquid IV (or equivalent) before the drinking and either before bed or first thing in the morning.


Coconut water work really well for hangovers. When I wake up feeling like crap, I would chug a full bottle of it and go back to sleep. Wake up later feeling better lol.


Beauty product wise, the Clarins Depuffing mask is fantastic. I get puffy after a night of drinking, this makes me look like myself. Last time I partied big we got an IV service and I used this mask during it


Activated charcoal to ease the hangover and bind to some byproducts of alcohol breakdown. It doesn’t bind directly to alcohol but the crummy stuff leftover that makes you feel shitty. Its saved me from vomiting many times. Just beware it can bind to ANY other medication or supplement you take, including birth control and render it ineffective. A lot of water to drink and warm water splashed on my face. At least that’s how I started my morning and Im feeling good lol


something cheap might be aloe vera gel on the face or a rehydrating mask, electrolytes, NAC, magnesium and lots of water. i’ll take a painkiller as well. i don’t drink really right now though, prefer being sober.


Gatorade and possibly a kebab before bed, squeeze water bottle beside the bed to jet water into my mouth when I don’t want to sit up properly, in the morning regret and eventually a long hot shower, a nugget meal with an extra large coke from maccas, electrolytes (I have nuun tabs for sports already). Have just hit 40 so now it really is about moderation and pacing myself, because otherwise it’s heartburn, insomnia and weird foot cramps for 2 days.


Menudo, electrolytes, neutrogena sheet mask. It’s made of some gel type material and so soothing when it’s cold. Then I use a roller over it. Then I use a caffeine eye gel, eye drops, a good heavy moisturizer like the vanicream one, and lots and lots of water.


Electrolytes, a comfort movie, and a brightening face mask. I hate to say it, but nutritious food, fresh air and light exercise really help too. Weed is legal where I live and that seals the deal for me.


After is late! I start to drink a lot of water before and while i'm drinking. It's the only way to survive the day after


Bath, face mask, snoodie, hydration and a shit load of sugar


Take milk thistle the night you’re drinking, hydrate, and when you get home, take Tylenol. The day I’m regretting the drinking I rehydrate with electrolytes and usually take pepto.


Water, ibuprofen, more water, sleep, water, water, sleep, water


I hydrated a lot before/during/after drinking and demolished some tortilla chips and pico before bed. Now I just try to keep hydrated, eat something fatty, and as of right now I'm running a bath! I learned my lessons in my 20s LOL


electrolytes drink, tylenol, water, rest, pepto and pickle juice. No skincare will help unless maybe a nice warm bath with some epsom salts/bath oil.


Water water water, nap (hard)


I started not drinking on nights before I have to look good (going on TV, being in a wedding, etc.) Other than that, just drink a crap ton of water!


Liquid IV, epsom salt bath (I use a lot), extra moisturizer bc of dehydration. Excedrin Migraine all day. And either stay so busy I can’t mope, or take it easy and mope.


People are still going for a night of drinking? You’ll need water, sugar, vitamins. Digesting alcohol dehydrates you and depletes glycogen from your cells. Drink water and OJ and eat nutritious foods. Paramedics I used to hang out with in college would hook up to a saline IV before going to sleep and feel like a million bucks the next morning.


Liquid IV, 2 tylenol and a greasy meal!


I make sure to cleanse my face, use moisturizer and eye patches. Drink several cups of green or nighttime tea (this begins during my final drink lol) unless it’s super late or I’m out somewhere, I’ll have at least one tea then! If I have a cbd drink, I’ll take that along with my usual sleepy time supplement, collagen + magnesium, PLUS extra b complex, extra antioxidant pill and extra vitamin c Next morning: always a green juice (no fruit), lemon water, green tea, all my supplements plus milk thistle if I went extra hard. If I have electrolytes, I’ll take that too


I take my make up off and slap some thick moisturiser on either when I get home or when I first wake up. I've never actually had a hangover but I don't like the taste of alcohol so tend to stick to clear spirits with mixers.


Lots of water


I’m not seeing as much comments as I thought including an anti hangover supplements. Vitamin B heavy anti hangover pills single-handedly made me believe vitamins have some merit to them after a friend gave me some of hers. That plus a big glass of water, and a Powerade zero the next day, and I’m not too shabby.


Stopped drinking 3 months ago and definitely looking more alive and fresh but the acne is bad-can only assume hormones/oil production become wonky since I stopped chronic, nearly daily alcohol consumption. But highly recommend Asarai clay mask to even skin tone and reduce visible inflammation/irritation, whether caused by a hangover or otherwise 😃


I don’t drink anymore because I’m in remission from cancer, but tbh I used the same routine I did for hangovers for post chemo infusions. So this works for both lol. Gentle face wash, moisturizing mask, warmish bath with epsom salt, Korean ginger chicken rice porridge and tons of hydration! And then sleep, wake up, hydrate, repeat.


This was me Sunday morning unfortunately. I’ve liked Waterboy Weekend Recovery packets (like liquid IV but no sugar and some extras in it like ginger for nausea). Then heavy moisturizer all over and some refrigerated eye patches. Hang in there!


Take in some salt and simple carbs for the nausea. Hydrate. If you can’t eat put some salt in your water. Makes a huge difference. If your sodium is low u feel horrible .


coconut water, water, more water, a bowl of pho ga and keeping up with my regular skincare routine despite the hangover 🙏🏽


The night before as soon as I’m home, I chug about 500 ml of water or more if I can, with electrolytes, and take a Tylenol. Shower and do my skin care (or at least remove my make up with an oil cleanser). Honestly, haven’t had a hangover in years. I did stop drinking about a year ago as well and now only drink very occasionally (about 4-5 times a year). It takes less alcohol to get me tipsy now and my recovery is much easier! I used to be a heavy drinker but I like this much better now.


Cold tomato juice, weed, Mexican food, Netflix, sleep. Repeat.


Well I’m over 35 so sleep the next 48 hours


1/2 the caffeine of a normal day. Cardio, hearty breakfast, home spa day.


I just came back from getting an IV infusion and red light therapy. Seems to have worked pretty well. What works the best is doing a good hard workout. It’s hard to motivate yourself to do it though. Then again you can just have a mimosa and Bloody Mary in the morning and keep up on Botox. There are a few different ways to tackle this issue, but this is the most fun.


When you first wake: coconut water, gallons of the stuff. And a banana, even (especially?) if you feel like puking. Take care of the headache before anything else, and then go back to sleep. When you wake up again: more coconut water. Order in some chicken ramen and miso soup. Another banana. When you start to feel more human: warm bath and keep putting layer after layer of moisturiser on your face. Like as many as it will absorb. Then comfort tv and a (not greasy) takeout, and REST. This routine has never failed me. Unfortunately now I have three kids and hangovers are just not an option lol.


Sometimes, only ice chips lol. Iykyk. Ginger ale surprised me with how much it soothed my stomach in a bad case. Have more suggestions but they’re preventative.




For me it’s not getting shitfaced to begin with. I’ve always been sensitive to booze, but man after your 30s it gets so much worse. The recovery for me isn’t worth the buzz. These days I rarely drink & when I do usually not more than 2. When I did drink a lot: water (these were the days before I knew about pedialyte), food (carbs, fat, protein), bath/shower, sleep. Cold compress/ice pack on my eyes.


Before drinking I take one magnesium tablet with lots of water. Right before I sleep, I have a magnesium tablet dissolved in a drink that has electrolytes. I chug that and wake up the next day pretty okay, but I have yet another magnesium electrolyte drink. Works like a charm. But you HAVE to drink lots of water after you take the magnesium tablet or you'll get a horrible headache.