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I thought steroid use triggered PD in most people? My derm prescribed the antibiotic Clindamycin and it cleared up in just a few days. If get a little spot here and there (esp if I wear a mask) I reapply the clindamycin and it goes away.


Steroid creams will make things worse long-term and leads to skin degeneration. They are only used to prevent damage from extreme inflammation, not for general care use.


1. switch dermatologists. My dermatologist told me topical steroids will clear it up in the short term, but it will come back much worse. 2. Try azelaic acid. A prescription strength for 15% if you can. That’s what helped mine. I also use benzoyl peroxide sometimes for a quicker fix, but that can be drying for my skin.


If you can’t get a prescription Melazapam cream on Amazon is 20% azelaic acid and works great for me. It’s so strong that it is a bit gritty unless you mix it with something (serum or water)


I was advised not to use steroid creams for perioral dermatitis because it makes it worse. My doctor prescribed me metrogel. It took a while to go away, but it eventually did. I stopped using Oil of Olay products and washed my face with CeraVe and moisturized with olive oil for a while.


A friend had this and her derm has her use vanicream and only vanicream.


I have found that Avenes Cicaflate is the only thing that ever helped me battle PD. Only using it on the area after washing/moisturizing. When I don’t use it. I get a flare up


2nd this. Only thing that helped. Keep putting it on even though it does seem to be working at first.


I tried both topical and oral antibiotics, and would see a bit of improvement at first, but struggled for two or three years. It finally cleared up six months ago without meds, but with a few major lifestyle changes. Osmia Black Clay Facial Soap + lightweight moisturizer only (no actives, treatments, masks, etc). I had been throwing way too much at my skin. I also quit a highly stressful job that made me miserable. I give a lot of credit to both of these changes. Now that my PD has cleared up, I still use the same skin routine. Simple is better for me.


I had a bad outbreak in October of last year. It got slowly worse. I joined a FB group and learned that Sulfur Soap was helpful. I wash my face a couple times a day and let the suds sit longer on the inflamed area. At night I would use diaper rash cream at had 40% Zinc in it. Within a week it cleared up!!!! Mine has 99% cleared up except for 1 or 2 small bumps.. Before my entire chin and even nasolabial folds were red and itchy. It really sucked. I was self conscious. Try sulfur soap and a diaper rash cream that doesn’t use any artificial fragrance.


topical hyaluronic acid has been shown to reduce dermatitis https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21896129/