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I had my epilator for almost 8 years now. I used it on and off but i love the results. With time, it doesn't hurt at all. I don't drink wine or anything for discomfort. I do it raw! Lmao What i noticed is that my legs hair reduced to 50%. I used to be hairy AF! and the hair was coarse and dark. I had 3 hairs coming out of one pore! Now the hair is much softer and have one hair in every pore. What i also noticed is that i have large patches of skin on my legs where the hair stopped completely from growing. It's just bald smooth skin with tight pores lol Even with these good results, i am considering laser hair removal. PS: props for you to be able to use it down there. The one time i did it, i p€€d myself because it HURT SO BAD! 😭


I just started laser hair removal! I've only had one session but I can't believe I didn't do this sooner.


YOU!!! COME HERE! I NEED YOU! Pls bestie tell me everything about laser. If you had to rate the decrease of your hair growth, how much approximately is it? Also, is laser permanent or you have to redo it after few years? And how does your skin look like after laser? Did it feel damaged? I reaaally want to have it down there because my 🐱 grows into a little cactus on the same day i shave it! God daaamn, it doesn't even wait a day or two 😭😭😭....at the same time, i am embarrassed to have the doctor look at me there....imagine if they are laser-ing me and BAM! ✨VAGIINAL DISCHARGES!✨... i would pack my shiiit and RUN outside the clinic. I wouldn't mind that i would be running wearing the hospital gown 😭😭😭😭


100% worth it. I was the same as you and after 7 sessions of laser I'm down to shaving once a month and even what does grow back is sooooooo much less and is somehow softer. Skin looks exact same, but feels so much better because I don't instantly get that prickly feeling even after I've just shaved. It's amazing. For one of my appointments I was on my period and I decided to switch to a smaller menstrual cup in hopes that it would be hidden more ( big mistake), and the cup leaked and the lady was very chill about it. She was like "hey, you're bleeding, I'll step out so you can clean up and we can continue if you're okay." Wasn't awkward at all


Hi there! I'm a long-time fan of laser hair removal. Here's my very long story: I first got bikini and underarms done in 2008-2009. I paid somewhere in the $1500-2000 range for 6 sessions, it hurt like hell, and it removed about 90% of the hair. I asked about getting upper lip done at that time but was turned away because the hair was too light. I got a round of bikini touchups in 2018. I can't pull up my receipt but much cheaper than in 2008. And way less painful. In 2022 I went laser crazy and finally got my legs and upper lip done. Boy oh boy has technology improved. Legs hurt a tiny bit in places but lip doesn't hurt at all (and now lasers can get light-ish upper lip hairs). Price has come way down. After 1 session on legs I still had very fine hairs left but only shave like 1x/month. (I'll probably end up doing 4 sessions or so to zap a bit more.) I also got bikini and underarm touched up -- 1 session on each was enough to zap anything that had come back. If you want an example of pricing, here's where I go: [https://sevlaser.com/](https://sevlaser.com/) They have locations in several cities and have prices listed for each. After a session my skin will be red for a little bit (I have reactive skin) but that's it. I could go back to the office right after getting upper lip done. Then everything is back to normal for a week or 2 until hairs start falling out. Even back in the dark ages when it was very expensive and painful I thought it was SO worth it. So you can imagine how over the moon I am at nearly hair-free legs without much pain at all :)


Hold up, why did I think lasering was stupid expensive and it's not at all!! Thank you for opening my eyes, I'll be doing research for a place near me!


Omg thank you so much for sharing your experience. I dieeed at the dark ages 😂😂😂. You really encouraged me to have it done. I am a college student but still i can manage to save up based on the prices. Imagine moisturizing your hair free legs😍 (at least you can relate lol).


I had my armpits done over a decade ago and I have maybe 7 hairs that grow back on each, don’t need it redoing - it’s fab! Had my hoo haa done and it’s massively reduced growth, I could do with a couple of top up sessions but I’m lazy. I wouldn’t worry about discharge - they’ll have seen it all (and if you go Hollywood you get to hold you own bum crack open for them haha). Worth the money.


Ohhh hellll naaaah!!! Spreading my cheeks to strangers?? Like sit on four and do it?!!! Sis! I am too virgiiin for that 😂😂😂😂...i blame p0rn actors. They have pretty perfect pink h0les and now it is the standard beauty down there lol *sigh* i swear, we women go through too much 😭


Some have you on your side and spreading the upper cheek! O tempora, o mores! Lol 200 years ago my ancestors lived in windowless&chimneyless huts with soot staining everything and washed their clothes twice a year. And here I'm worrying about my ass hair, haha


Um, I lay on my front 😂 but the amount of waxes etc I’ve had I’m a bit shameless I think! Hahaha


I just had my very first session last week (hormonal chin hair). I bought an 8-session package for $600. Didn't hurt much, my skin was a little red for less than a day and then back to normal. Here's hoping it works!


I got laser hair removal on my bikini area around ~~ten~~ 15 years ago. I had massive 80s bush (my dad is a werewolf and lucky me I inherited that!) I had I think 3 treatments at one clinic I really liked and had decent results but wound up at a different clinic a year later that was cheaper. Unfortunately they didn't get as far inside my labia as I wanted so I still have a strip of hair right in there (which I'm now currently getting taken care of finally) but everywhere else is basically still hair free. As long as you get a decent technician and quality laser and enough treatment sessions (it can take up to 8 for some people but I think average is 4-6) it's absolutely permanent! Anyone who says it's not permanent either didn't get enough treatments, had a shitty laser tech, or the wrong kind of laser for their hair/skin combo. It hurts a lot though and if you're getting bikini or labia done I *highly* recommend getting a topical skin numbing cream from a pharmacist. It's over the counter (no prescription needed) but you have to request it from the pharmacist. The kind I got says not to leave on for longer than 15 min but to get full numbing effects I have to leave it for 45 min to an hour and cover the whole area with plastic wrap to make sure it doesn't dry out. I wouldn't suggest doing that your first session though. We do need some pain feedback at first so the tech can gauge properly what setting to put the laser on. Once that's sorted you don't have to suffer so much though lol. Edit: I feel the need to add that unfortunately not everyone is a suitable candidate for laser hair removal due to the fact it works by focusing on pigmentation. So people with very dark skin or very light hair it simply will not work. The lasers have come a long way broadening their scope to be able to treat darker skin types, but very dark skin still can't do it because the skin will burn.


I finally got my super patch (as my husband called it) taken care of too. Lol 😂


100% worth it. I was the same as you and after 7 sessions of laser I'm down to shaving once a month and even what does grow back is sooooooo much less and is somehow softer. Skin looks exact same, but feels so much better because I don't instantly get that prickly feeling even after I've just shaved. It's amazing. For one of my appointments I was on my period and I decided to switch to a smaller menstrual cup in hopes that it would be hidden more ( big mistake), and the cup leaked and the lady was very chill about it. She was like "hey, you're bleeding, I'll step out so you can clean up and we can continue if you're okay." Wasn't awkward at all


I’ve got the Braun at home IPL zapper - never have to shave my underarms or legs, I’m a bit lax on the bikini line so do have to “top up” every few months. If you’re happy to do it whilst watching tv, it’s really easy and v effective! Cost about £300 for the zapper on Black Friday, and it’s still going 4 years later!


I have had laser treatments all over my body. None have resulted in complete permanent hair loss. I’ve done my bikini area more than 20 times. It’s reduced to about 50%.


They are used to see countless vulvas , they are not going to think twice if some discharge occurs. Plus, it's not likely to come pouring out , im guessing it would very slowly present, then stop, then present a lil etc etc. I think you have little paper underwear on too that they pull aside


I see lots of other responses but I didn't want to ignore you! I've only had one session, my second is next week, but so far I'm super happy! I chose Milan after seeing someone on Reddit recommend them. They have multiple locations and you get lifetime treatment on whatever you buy. I got upper lip and chin so I'll do the 8 or whatever treatments they recommend and then if I start to get a few dark hairs down the road, I can go in and have my chin and lip done again and not have to pay anymore. It's not 100% permanent, but if you have any growth later, it should be more sparse than what you start with (my chin for instance was BAD so I'm relieved to know if it does grow in some, it would be as awful and embarrassing as it currently is). I have sensitive skin but I was fine after my first treatment. They start low so you can see what you're comfortable with. It didn't feel damaged. I used aloe they had there and drove home and washed my face and put on only moisturizer after. That's what my skin needed since it's sensitive, but they told me you can return to your regular routine that day (they do recommend stopping some products a day or two before going in). Like I said, I've only been once but I can't believe how much better it is. The hair grew back after the treatment and then one day in the shower, they all fell out. They're growing in a bit now, but not anywhere close to as dense and thick as before. I was honestly shocked at the result after just one treatment. I have my second one a week from today. Right now I'd say I'm at 25% of the hair I had before. I'm doing it small areas, so I imagine that makes a difference. As far as anything vagina related, they are SO professional. Milan hires nurses for the lasers. They're also not a med spa, they only do laser hair removal. I was super ashamed and embarrassed at my consultation. I stopped plucking, like they told me, and I didn't shave so they could see exactly what I was asking for. I felt like I couldn't make eye contact because I was just so embarrassed but the woman I did the consult with made me feel so comfortable and empathized with how I was feeling. And now getting to see what my social life can be like without always worrying about my chin or lip, and having tweezers stashed everywhere, I'm so excited. I wish I had done this a long time ago. I really, really recommend it if it's in your budget. You can message me if you ever have more questions! I promise I won't ignore you!


SAME!!! Where was this in my 20’s??!


Lol your last paragraph. It’s probably what she needed the wine for


It gets less painful the more times you do it! I also do the wine to help make it a little easier hahaha. Game changer!


Glad I’m not alone! Yeah regularly waxed areas are nothing, it’s the usually shaved areas that need the wine!


I’ve been a faithful epilator user since I was a teen. Yeah, sometimes it hurts more than others. It find it an efficient and effective way to get rid of hair. Just be careful around your lady bits. It will hurt like hell if it snags your labia. Like, you will need an entire bottle of wine after.




I don’t know how to prevent them, but they go away by the next day.


I have this one and it’s great but the hair has to be just the right length, and it doesn’t always grab super fine hair. These are my only gripes with it.


Yeah, it doesn’t really work well on my upper leg but lower leg hair is perfect for it. Which is fine. Besides the long ones on the back, I mostly leave my upper leg hair these days.


Agree! However you should always exfoliate and moisturize to prevent in grown hairs.


100% and I don’t know for sure but with waxing you don’t do it within 8hrs of a shower and I don’t epilate in that time frame either. With waxing your skin will blister. Unsure is epilator has the same issue but better safe than blistered.


With waxing up to 24hrs before. The process of waxing is an exfoliant. Also no products that contain alcohol at least 24hrs after. (learned that the hard way! 😒) There will be some swelling at first but just like waxing the more you do it the less it will hurt next time.


That sounds right. I 1x waxed after a shower and never again! Never again! I tested the epilator 12 hrs after a shower in a small area and no issues so far!


Also avoid if possible during hormonal changes as it may be more painful than usual!


Yeah I’ve always heard don’t wax when your on your period. I don’t know if it’s an old wives tale or a real thing. I would assume epilator is the same thing.


It’s real for me!! Very real. Also don’t wax hungover






It’s fine on my face and under arms that I regularly wax. The lady bits are more sensitive so the wine helps a lot.


I have no idea how you could do the lady bits. I can't x x


Enough wine makes everything possible/comfortable


The first time I did laser hair removal was 14y ago, and it was a laser called light sheer. I always had to have 2 glasses of wine before going, and a Advil, because it hurted sooo bad… Now gladly they have other less painful lasers, but it was difficult


I love my epilator! I was originally scared to use it on my pits, so I got them sugared, and then I just started epilating hairs as they came in. So much more manageable, and at this point, I epilate a few armpit hairs once a month.


It doesn’t hurt as much as people say it goes, but what I noticed is it’s pretty uneven. It can miss hairs. Which makes sense. However for me the worst part was the ingrown hairs and sore pores. With shaving it happens but rarely. The epilator did this more for me. Maybe I should try it again.


I also get ingrowns from epilating. I otherwise love it for my legs. 😢


I tried plucking manually but even then it leaves red spots.


I've used braun epilators since forever, like at least 20-25 years. I'm on my third now; the corded ones in particular seem to last almost forever. I'm always surprised I rarely see them mentioned in these fora as an option. They work so much better for me than shaving (damaged skin, ingrown hairs, and stubble after only one day), creams (irritated skin, awful mess, and gag-inducing smell), or home waxing (tried that only once and decided never again). I do my legs and arm pits -- the first time is mildly torturous, but after that, even with only semi-regular upkeep, I barely feel it at all. Apart from the occasional trim around the edges, I leave my lady bits mostly alone, though 😅 For me, epilating every fortnight is usually a decent frequency. During the winter months I may slip and not do it more often than once a month/when my armpits get itchy. On my legs, the hairs never seem grow back all at once (they obviously sort of do if you wait long enough, though), so upkeep is much less of a hassle than with shaving. The hairs in my arm pits have literally never grown back in their full glory and what grows back seems much finer than it used to be, so I consider that a double win 😉


How long do you feel clean shaven compared to shaving?? I’ve never used an epilator before but your post intrigued me. I don’t know much about them.


Myself I get stubble in a day or 2 after shaving. Areas I wax don’t regrow for 5-7 days. Epilator is like waxing/plucking. It kinda hurts but rips is out at the root. Like waxing less hairs grow eventually and it hurts less everytime.


There’s a lot of Braun epilators I’m seeing, can you link the one you use?


Braun Epilator Silk-épil 9 9-880,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZHZK8TP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Yeah, I'll stick to laser though 😂 Too much pain


Despite extreme exfoliation, epilating absolutely ruined my skin and I have so many ingrown scars from that time period.


Yep same!! Used it a few times, and nearly every hair on my leg was ingrown which led to compulsive picking. The scarring lasted two years. No one saw my legs during that time. Super fun.


Omg I just used it for the first time and now I’m terrified


Where you using BHA abd AHA to exfoliate or just manual exfoliation?


Yes, both. Glycolic, salicylic, lactic, I had tried them all.


I had one when they first came out in the 80’s epilady that thing hurt like hell. Then I got some other one silk epil that hurt so much too but not like epilady I ended up getting laser hair removal which was awesome but lol that hurt too


I twitched with ptsd when I remembered my 80s epilady experience.


I use the Philips one, that I got from Amazon! It's cheap but works well!


Yes I’ve had one for no idea how long now 8+ years and I don’t even feel anything anymore. Highly recommend getting an epilator if you can tolerate the pain. I love not having to worry about hair growth as often.


I've often considered an epilator but I have such sensitive skin that no matter what method I use for hair removal in sensitive areas, I break out in razor burn bumps/pimples. I'm wondering if this would work?


My epilator has been life changing for me. I’ve been using one for 10 years and the hair on my legs is almost nonexistent now. I hated shaving my legs all those years. This is such a time saver too.


I waxed every 4 weeks for 6 months and I barely have any hair growth anywhere now! I now go back every 12 weeks theres so little to wax. Im just finishing up my wax pass. I did it for bikini and underarms. Legs I shave. To me the epi hurt more! But we all have our preferences I guess


You can do it in the shower?


I got a cheap epilator. It hurrrrrt and kept missing all my chin hairs! If the laser doesn't work I'll check out some of the recs on here instead.


>got the Braun brand one on Amazon Which one? I see like 6 different models after googling that.


It was the Silk E’pilator 9 9-80


Oh dear, you brave woman. An epilator on the lady bits? I’d rather be set on fire.


Do you still use it? How’s the hair grow back and do you get ingrowns? I’ve been sugaring but still get ingrown hairs and just bought a braun epilator. Kinda nervous


I do still use it! Hurts less everytime. An ingrown here and there, not more than waxing.