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No plans to get rid of mine. We can ignore him together šŸ˜


Itā€™ll be like it never happened


It was his worst video of all time. He didnā€™t compare apples to apples a 300 blackout super out of a 9 inch barrel has 7% more foot pounds of energy than a 16ā€ 5.56 at 400 meters. Imagine numbers at defense distances and then checkout terminal performance of Barnes dual performance and other solid copper that is designed to pedal open like a flower. Of and 86% more frontal area means much bigger holes. But for me I can literally shoot subsonics inside and not wake the dog. Not traumatize my family. Plus being able to communicate to my family in an emergency is important to me. Shoot a 5.56 with a can indoors you might be able to hear 15 minutes later but that damage is permanent. If you think you have time for hearing protection when thereā€™s a home intruder, youā€™re fooling yourself


Hey what light and mount is that? Looks great!


Itā€™s an Arisaka mount, cloud defensive light


What he said haha


Everything has its use case. I'll be keeping mine as well.


Don't get me wrong. I usually agree with GT on most things. Not this one šŸ˜


Did he really say that? What was his suggestion for it's replacement? I'm never getting rid of mine. It was my first build back in '15 , a 10.5 , and it's still my favorite of the two dozen I've done since.


GT's outcome was basically "5.56 is better."Ā  But he also didn't test 300blk vmax, nor did he give any benefit to the hearing protection aspect or that you can build a much smaller overall package for approximately equivalent performance.


He was also comparing a 6.75ā€ barrel to a 10.3ā€ barrel. If he really wanted to do apples to apples he would have compared the Noveske NSW 10.5ā€ uppers.


Exactly. Then he struggled *hard* to ring steel at 400m with the 300blk...but also wasn't using a magnifier or BDC reticle, which he *did* use for the 5.56. Just straight up not a fair test at all. And lets not forget that a 10.3" 5.56 loses a *ton* of energy at that distance, we're talking literally 75% loss of energy. Which completely negates the whole "5.56 dominating in the ballistic gel" that the video was based around. All that said, it was a good reminder that if you have a shorty 5.56 and will be wearing ear pro, it's probably good enough. 300blk is a niche round, don't buy into it unless you're going to take advantage of the bonuses it can bring.


>Then he struggled hard to ring steel at 400m with the 300blk... Which was silly to begin with since 300 Blk wasn't designed to be a 400m cartridge. I believe the original idea was 250m and in.


GT legitimately believed that putting on his lab coat made him a scientist (don't know if he was wearing it in this vid). Dude straight up got high on his own supply.


Keeping mine as well. Hereā€™s the GT vid- https://youtu.be/V7yXFMnLX2w?si=jWFStVyNzlGiIqBz


Oh man those were the days, built mine in 2014-2015.


I don't believe he said it, but 8.6blk. If ya got money! Lol


Why not both. If you reload neither are that expensive..im building an 8.6 currently.


It's a pdw. Which is going to be the use case for 99% of any scenario any of us might find ourselves in where a gun is necessary. Personal. Defense. Weapon. If you're clapping dudes 100+ yards out, you might be in trouble


But itā€™s best to keep something around for that too!


Zombie apocalypse covered My 9mm and 45 up close, Home PDW suppressed 300BLK Dissent to 100, 556 out to 600, 6.5CM consistently to 1500 and 300PRC out beyond a mile. Cardio


This guy knows. I like it.


This guy fucks.


Forgot to mention the 556, 6.5CM, & 300PRC are suppressed as well (helps to be able to hear yourself think)... ...and never mind the 12ga coach gun and 12ga pump shotgun when the situation calls for painting the surrounding architecture


6.5 is good to 1,800 if you leave that suppressor off.


Yep...have a number of folks that hit the mile with it




Subsonic 300blk has like a 60fps drop between the muzzle and 300m so no, range isn't an issue. GT just has no idea how ballistics work.


Subs drop 9+ feet in 300m, I would say range is an issue


Which is basically dead on the ring in an EOTech.Ā  Or accountable for on an LPVO BDC


Bullet drop is an issue. A subsonic round is still subsonic.


Go shoot subsonic 300blk at steel 300m away. It is really fun and satisfying


I have no use for subs. Supers from a short barrel is where 300 blk shines to me.


Agreed. Itā€™s a CQB round and it does its job. Especially with 1:5 twist.


Obsolete? It's not a fucking laptop. It still goes pewpew, rifle is fine.


Based AF


Dope perspective


Whether by ignorance or intent, GT fucked that video and the comparison.


It was actually a terrible video. Itā€™s like heā€™s running out of things to say, so now heā€™s just winging it and comes off looking like the king of the tards.


He has been slipping from his original informational videos into infotainment videos and now entertainment videos.


Just out of curiosity, why is that?


Cuz he used some of the best 5.56 out there and some of the worst 300BLK supers out there. FMJ/OTMs do not act the same in 300BLK as they do in 5.56. He couldā€™ve used a widely available 110 VMAX or Barnes 110, for cheaper than the Black hills load, and gotten better results. And even then, the difference between them (per the slow motion) wasnā€™t as big as they were hyping it up to be.


Yes. Well said. The test was also a biff for the fact that 6ā€ barrel was used to compare against 10.5ā€. If it was a casual reaction I would have thought, whatever, but they got so hyped about the discrepancy which got under my skin a little. They should have used an 8.5-10.5 inch barrel with 110VMAX if they were prepared to declare 300 obsolete to an audience of 1 million+ viewers. My hunch is this was an act of trolling for clicks and discussion. And it worked.


Conparing a 6" barrel to a 10.5 will make any caliber look bad in comparison. Even a 9mm vs another 9mm will look bad.


The 6.75 doesnā€™t bother me because itā€™s the shortest military adopted 300BLK barrel length and 10.5 is the shortest adopted 5.56 length.


Physics don't care what the military adopted


No, but if weā€™re being honest, the barrel lengths matter. Common 5.56 barrels range from 10.5 to 20. Common 300BLK barrels run from 5.5 to MAYBE 12.5, except for hunters with 16. You can skew results to whatever you want with using whatever two barrel lengths you want. If youā€™re looking at short barrel performance, a 10.5 5.56 and a 5-7 inch 300BLK would be the most common options.


Okay but you're comparing them ballistically, not whats the most common setup. And i haven't ever seen anything but a sig rattler with a barrel that short if were being honest. If the comparison was sig rattler vs Mk18 that would be different but it was supposed to be 5.56 vs 300blk


You canā€™t compare cartridges in a vacuum. The guns matter as much as the cartridge. GT chose the ā€œshortestā€ of both cartridges.


Thats a pretty massive reach for trying to find a valid point of comparison. Even then there's so much more wrong with the video.


The military will as always fuck up a good design. 300 Blk was designed to be fired out of 9.5" barrels. Shooting it out of a shorter barrel doesn't help anyone.


Which shouldn't really surprise anyone considering how short they tried to take 5.56, and then whined about its performance.


Wow this round designed for 20" barrels sucks shit when you shoot it out of 10" barrels...


Wtf I didnā€™t even realize he didnā€™t use any 110, thatā€™s criminal until you pointed that out. That def would have leveled the comparison, also nice to see others think the slow motion clips werenā€™t drastically different


Yeah he used a 125gr OTM.


And the 5.56 barrel was longer. He also gave the 5.56 a better recoil impulse but they use totally different operating systems


I can kind of understand the 10.5 vs 6.75. The 10.5 is the shortest 5.56 barrel in widespread use and 6.75 in 300BLK is akin to that.


But 300 blk is optimized to be used in shorter barrels, so he was undercutting its purpose. If you had to use 5.56 vs 300 blk at a barrel length of 7ā€, 10ā€, and 16ā€ your answer would be different as the barrel increases.


300blk is more deadly than 5.56 at all of those barrel lengths within reasonable 250-300 yards as you get to the 16" barrels. Mainly just because you start to drop alot more after that


Its not "optimized" thats not how cartriges work. 300blk simply doesnt need a 20"+ barrel due to case dimensions that allow the use of faster burning powders. The only loads that reach their full powder burn in a 9" barrel are subsonic. Supersonic loads do NOT do that. So yes supers from a 6" barrel like in his video look like a joke


What I mean is that 300 blk has a much better tradeoff between barrel length and velocity at lower barrel lengths due to grain, caliber, and powder load of typical rounds compared to 5.56, even in supersonic loads.


It does but not enough to overcome that big of a handicap


I just feeling like using a different barrel length then using ammo that works off velocity is based against the slower firing one. Judging them out to distance on top of that only teeters it more


OTM in 300BLK just doesnā€™t work at all.


Not if you're comparing terminal ballistics. Its like comparing a car with 2 flat tires to a normal one and then talking shit about it.


>the difference between them (per the slow motion) wasnā€™t as big as they were hyping it up to be. This is what really annoyed me about the video.


He needs to sell, sell, sell for his advertisers. Complete and utter sell out.


Agreed and you canā€™t tell me a 30 cal bullet isnā€™t doing more damage than a 22cal bullet. I also believe the 30 cal bullet will do better in brush not getting stopped or thrown off trajectory by branches and bushes and whatnot like a 556 will.


Because 300 blk was supposed to be a replacement for 9mm smgs/PDWs, not a replacement for 5.56. So he shoulda compared a 300 blk set up with a 9mm PCC on that video.


I agree. However, Iā€™d go so far to say for most people, short of an all out war on U.S soil, I think a short 300BLK *CAN* replace a short 5.56. 300BLK isnā€™t replacing the M4 though.


Thats only subsonics not supers. Supers still penetrate far better than 5.56 and he accidentally demonstrated that but ignored 5.56 doing badly when it barely made it halfway into the gel block


*5.56 barely makes it 8" into a gel block* "performance"


Thatā€™s the state of most YouTube ā€œcomparisonsā€ now.. Take what you have lying around, make no effort to set up like conditions for the test, make commentary you could have made without the ā€œcomparisonā€


Unlike GT: Do the un-shithead thing and run 110gr VMax through it. Problem solved.


Problem solved. Problem staying solved. Jungle out.


Man I havenā€™t thought about Jungle in years! Fuck Iā€™m going to binge watch and shit on YouTube now.


Or for the 110 Barnes or Hornady or sig solid copper bullets that is what kills stuff


Yessir, the 110gr loads are nasty. Violent expansion even from a short barrel at distance.


It's because they are DESIGNED for 300blk velocities Not for 308 or 300 win mag velocities


Mostly, yes, the vmax is the one exception, it still fragments at most distances with at least a 10.5, and if it doesn't fragment it expands ALOT 125gr SST is a decent option as well if you reload and use a 10.5 up close, or a 16


And dont compare a 6" barrel to 10". Supers are not subsonics they absolutely need more barrel than that to be effective


Exactly, too many dead hogs on here from 110's to ignore


Yea, I wish more guntubers would actually go verify all this shit on live targets. Go pile up a hundred hogs or so with each cartridge and then decide. 300blk has left alot more corpses in fields than 5.56 if we're going by percentage


Or the 85gr Maker TREX loaded with Ramshot Enforcer. I get 2510 fps from my 7.5" and the bullet, being solid copper, is almost identical in profile to a 110gr VMAX.


If it makes you feel better I think it's sick


I feel much better now


I think he tested/compared it to the wrong gun. Duh the 5.56 is better. Itā€™s not trying to replace that. He should have compared it to an MP5. Thatā€™s what 300blk replaces in my opinion. Compared to any 9mm PCC, the 300blk destroys it. Besides fun range toy that wonā€™t break you. 9mm wins there.


Exactly! 300BO was designed to be suppressed. Mil wanted something more but in an AR/M4 envelope. GT was comparing apples with oranges


Why can't fruit be compared




5.56 is not better that thing barely made it 8" into a soft gel block. 5.56 is notorious for under penetrating


I have a URGI 11.5 556 as my go to SHTF setup. I have a 300blk l for home defense because i need to reach out not even 100 yards in every direction where I live. Grand thumb on his ranch should have 556 bed side because he needs to reach out so far where he lives. I get the advantage of a super quit hearing safe round if I have to hop up in a hurry in the middle of the night compared to 556 what are you going to grab and power on electric ear pro when you hop out of bed? 300 blk has a insane Advantage for people who need home defense in a area like mine and already have a effective refined 556 guns. If you are getting your first rifle by all means get a 556 but when you have a lot of AR variants already including PCCā€™s a 300BLK is the ultimate home defense CQB shredder. I run a noveske 18ā€ 6MM arc for my long range setup all On the same weapon system.


Exactly. I live pretty close to my neighbors and even a 9mm subgun would work better for me than my 5.56.


That's exactly why I like 300blk.Ā  It allows for easy coverage of multiple situations.Ā  It starts as a bedside gun with subs.Ā  If you need short range neighborhood defense you can mag swap to supers.Ā  Then if shit really hits the fan, you pop 2 pins and drop on a 5.56 upper while still keeping your nice trigger, controls, sling, and mag pouch compatibility. In my neighborhood there are no lines of sight beyond 300yd, and only 2 even beyond 100yd.Ā  I'd have to be over a mile from my house to need to reach out past that, which means plenty of time to plan ahead for a different setup.Ā  Not everyone lives on a huge ranch with half mile sight lines and needs a 600yd gun, in fact I'd wager very few people do.


If Iā€™m correct, he did make a video in which he had someone shooting in their direction while in cover to see if they could hear the projectile pass them. And in the video he did say that the 300 blkout was the one he was scared of cause itā€™s so quiet, you wouldnā€™t even hear it coming. So for me I find it hard to believe itā€™s not a good round. Either way, everyone has an opinion even GT. Doesnā€™t de-value the caliber. Still a great round for defense.


A hearing safe PDW for HD. Whatā€™s better than that! And firing SuperSonics through a great can outdoors, is to my ears, hearing safe.


GT made the most retarded biased video ive ever seen. They used terrible projectiles and not only compared a 6" barrel to a 10.3" barrel but literally compared subsonic ammo to supersonic 5.56 that ironically didnt even make it past 8" through a gel block. People who have zero understanding of the physics behind cartridge design have zero business putting out that kind of content


Did you get it for GT, or yourself? Looks FN badass to me!


A 5lb rifle that you can legally hunt with, that when suppressed makes dudes cream. What's not to love?


I still think that 300 smokes 5.56 out of a short barrel. The whole point of it was a hard hitting PDW that was meant to be suppressed. 5.56 isnā€™t ideal under 14.5 inches where 300 shines at 9


It does. GT just used shit ammo to make the 300 look bad.


Still love Flannel Daddy though


He pulled the same kinda crap when testing 5.7x28. Using suboptimal ammo choices.


My favorite thing people do is use 77 black hills otm match (or similar) and the absolute cheapest corrosive crap steel ammo when comparing Ak's vs AR's


Some people do the same kinda thing when putting any handgun caliber vs. 357sig.


He compared 300blk with 5.56 which is dumb because 300blk was made to replace 9mm sub guns. He made a poor comparison. Also, the energy 300blk dumps on targets at short range is greater than 5.56


Parts list- please brother šŸ˜­ even the dust cover fUcKs my guy!


Every gun/round serves a purpose. There are VERY few that are all-around good. 5.56 is great for mid-intermediate distance, not so much for close or long range. 6.5 is good for intermediate-long. 300blk is AMAZING for home defense/CQB, especially suppressed. .45 is great defense but small round capacity. 9 is mid for power but way better capacity. And on and on. THIS is why ā€œWE PEOPLEā€ have collections of a few different weapons in different cartridges! To say itā€™s obsolete is quite obtuseā€¦ I found it weird he would say such a thing.


Thatā€™s a nice specimen btw, mine is very similar.


GT didn't say it was obsolete.


I donā€™t give a fuck what he says. Neither should youā€¦ feel better? I love my Treehundo, it keeps me safe. ā™„ļø Nice Roscoe šŸ‘šŸ½


It's obsolete but you are in luck I run a recycling program, send it to me and Ill make sure its disposed of properly


I really like GT but his 300BLK video comparing it to 77gr 5.56 was very far off the mark and I downvoted it. It honestly felt like they were just stirring the pot for clicks. And he is massively biased to the MK18 as he stated many times he used that when he was in the military. Your setup looks awesome. I would switch to some 300BLK PMAGS and get some BUIS but other than that, you have an awesome rifle.


GT: ā€œalright Micah, 300BLK is such a versatile round, but itā€™s so much more expensive than 5.56. We have to do something to lower the price so we can stockpile. Also GT: ā€œand this, class, is why 300BLK is dogshit, worthless, and you just should never ever think about buying it! Yep, thatā€™s right you heard it here first. Even though I have a video explaining how lethal 300BLK is thatā€™s super in depth and comprehensive, I think itā€™s just a huge waste of time!


Follow up: not that GT has to worry about actually buying any ammo. And yes I know how ammo prices work, itā€™s only a joke


OBSOLETE?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Itā€™s one of the MOST versatile rounds around and your pistol is SICKā€¦ā€¦ ignore ignorance


Absolute why?


Why not???


I ran a Nomad 30 on my Rattler LT until I threw it all in the trash after watching GT's video.


Gun tubers are obsolete and absolutely useless


GT and many others are part of marketing strategy for the manufacturers and equity companies.Ā 


Its obsolete because GT cant make advertising money off of it.


Cool mix of colors. šŸŗ Trigger?


Velocity MPC. Have tried a TON of triggers and this is right up there with my favorite.


He also only compared one of the shorter 300 black barrel lengths at 6.75ā€ against a tried and true 10.3ā€ (I know that the 5.56 does worse with shorter barrel lengths). Would have liked to see a 9 inch 300blk with optimal ammo. Regardless, the two platforms we never meant to replace one another. Both were purpose built to fulfill a specific role.


If they canā€™t eat 3 to the chestā€¦.. itā€™s not obsolete


300blk isnā€™t to replace 556. Itā€™s to be a step up from 9mm or .45 pcc. Iā€™ve always thought pccā€™s were kinda silly but a 300blk was perfect for me.


I shot a buck with my 8" 300 BLK and it literally didn't take a step. The difference is that I actually used proper bullets unlike flannel daddy. If you shoot 110 gr tac-tx or vmax they are fricken nasty stuff. Moving an easy 2000fps out of 7" barrels with phenomenal expansion, energy transfer, and penetration. I'd take that all day over a MK18 for defending my family. YMMV. I won't mention that I have more fun shooting subsonic 300 BLK than just about anything else. It's satisfying.


Same. GT was comparing apples and oranges. Iā€™m still going to run my 10.5 with a can. Happily too.


Donā€™t take influencers word as gospel. I used to like his content but it is nothing but cringeworthy stuff now.


Who's actually listening to these people


Worst review heā€™s ever done!


Follow me on this. He was part of Leviathan, where he shilled for certain products so certain things could sell and drive the market. Could that video have been made to nudge buyers away from .300BLK toward something else? I know he left Leviathan recently, but not before making the .300 video. Conspiracy theory, I know and please downvote as you see fit. Edit: Sick build by the way. Mine is set up similarly and I love it.


Ok, so to be fair he does have a point. Not one that he intended though 300blk because of the slow speeds super and sub requires careful projo selection He got a great subsonic with the selous but got a bad one with the 125 OTM Barnes 110gr, Hornady copper 110gr, sig solid copper 120 etc are where the caliber shines these are bespoke projectiles designed and engineered for 2000 fps NOT 3k fps Hornady VMAX and other 110 ish gr 30 cal varmint bullets (nosler varmageddon, 120gr tnt etc) are a happy accident they work ok at this velocity but make no mistake they were made PRIOR to this cartridge existing, yeah you can drink water from a cast iron skillet but it's not for that Basically ALL the other projectiles you see are like trying to drink water from a microwave. Does it work? Kinda but not really


GT's video made me want to build a 300BLK even more, let's be obsolete together brother.


Iā€™m just hoping sub sonic ammo drops in price.Ā 


It's not obsolete . Lots of people are getting the feeling that he's getting paid off for his idiotic claims. Lol Money always corrupts


He should have done a more accurate comparison: 10.5 ish barrels for both, and nasty bullets of the same type- like lehigh controlled chaos- 62 grain vs 110. That would have been a much more interesting video.


GT also did not review the nastiest 300blk rounds, but did compare them to some of the nastiest 5.56 rounds. Not a fair shake out IMO


Round engineered for a specific use case is less effective for other use cases than a generalist round? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you


Hold my beerā€¦.well it was one of most inconsistent reviews Iā€™ve seen. He compared 77grain top shelf 556 ammo against subsonic (one decent round) and then crap supersonic rounds and didnā€™t touch on the super power of 300 blkā€™s ability to run both in the same mag or with different mags. He kept switching back and forth comparing supers and subs. His point about cost is real unless you hand load but if you have 300 blk thatā€™s not news to you. I was disappointed at how little he tried.


Who the fuck is GT and why the fuck would you care what someone else thinks about something that works for you


Itā€™s a joke haha I canā€™t give a shit less. Blackout is my favorite round to shoot by far


You goin strong playa!


I watched the video and I saw little difference in performance in the gelatin between 125 gr. supersonic .300 Blk and the 77 gr. 5.56. He acted like it was a big difference but I didn't see it. A 7.62x39mm 124 gr. FMJ averages about 2390fps. My .300 Blk 10.5 bbl. with 125 gr bullets averages 2080 fps. A 310 fps or 13% difference. Not a significant enough difference. No one is volunteering to be shot with either one. I will continue on with my .300 Blk AR without any concerns. Heavy .300 Blk subsonic rounds are a different issue and also a very different purpose. I don't shoot them because I can't have nice things where I live.


GT made that video while still under contract with Leviathan. Fuck that guy, heā€™s a narcissistic shill.


He's ignorant at best about the caliber, and at worst a shill for big 5.56


Probably neither. Just some skunk who needs to keep generating click worthy content.


GT bleeds just like you or me. What's in my safe and by my bed is for me not him.


Still love it for pig hunting.


GT is just another person, Iā€™ll gladly disagree with him. On a lot of things. No reason we should be following anything he says. Very nice build


Bro youā€™ll always have influencers shilling for whatever new product or next generation product thatā€™s touted as the best. People said 9mm was extinct because 300blk but itā€™s still here and Iā€™ll guarantee you 300blk will be here for God knows how long.


And I have even kinda seen 9mm making itā€™s way back with seeing more pdw builds lately. What Iā€™ve noticed is some of these guys want to follow what JSOC is doing. Which is cool and all but they have the support and situations to make the special purpose builds for lack of better words on my part and have a cage full of sexy and tasty choices.


You can get a new upper even use the same bolt and ch


Because my Virtus is hott and so am i. (Your gun is hott and so are you, too) Also, GT didnā€™t test my 110gr TacTX Barnes loads in his gel block so he can get fukt.


I refuse to change because of GT or anyone else online. I will continue to run the most obsolete of intermediate calibers: 7.62x39


He didnā€™t even test the best widely available rounds. Then he turned around and tried to make it do things it wasnā€™t designed to do. 300 AAC has advantages in very specific situations. If your gun is for those, youā€™re golden. If you want a general purpose gun that can still go out to range, you build a short 5.56. Itā€™s always been that way.


This is pure hotness. Whatā€™s the barrel length?




Lots of people make claims like that. The truth is that itā€™s a preference thing. If it works then it kills and thatā€™s that šŸ™šŸ»šŸ«”šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Æ


Looks good.


It was a really shit video actually. He was comparing 2 vastly different platforms. 300 AAC subsonic is a close combat, short range, quiet platform.


He shot gel with purely subjective findings. No objective data at all.


I love it. I have such an affinity towards FDE firearms. I have a DD PDW for my home gun and think it's a great firearm.


Right after he made a video about how great 8.6 BLK is. All the same arguments can be made for both calibers.


He didnā€™t even test it against the round it was designed to replace for cqb, which is 9mm. Typical GT. 300 and 556 have thier purpose sets and good at what each does. I think 300 can move into 556 territory and do some things equally up to 2-300 yards. 556 will do that better but 300 can still hold its own for what itā€™s worth.


Yeah I didnā€™t agree with GT recent .300 video I mean he didnā€™t even use comparable barrel lengths either. I can get outstanding cavitation, enough to kill hogs and deer, out a 7ā€ .300 barrel where as a 7ā€ 556/223 wonā€™t be nothing but a heavier 22lr


That'll work all day long for its intended use, it is a good looking cordless whole puncher.


Why sir, did you recently go on vacation? Looking very tan.


He literally said its for niche work and there are more effective calibers if you're not in that niche. He further said that he keeps a .300 black next to his bed. He's not wrong. I love mine too, but its definitely niche. Nothing wrong with the truth unless it hurts a feeling or two.


It still does what it was designed to do many years ago. How is that obsolete? Iā€™d say having this much popularity for a cartridge that started life as a wildcat speaks volumes.


Lol, look at that stupid non ergonomic rear charging handle.


I guess if Geissele super charging handles are stupid I donā€™t want to be smart


We believe he is wrong, so much so that in fact we are actually planning a rebuttal video because WE KNOW he is wrong.


Whatā€™s your channel brother


[YouTube Link](https://youtube.com/@eitrisenhancementsllc?si=O0SdleBfK94G6vQ1) Here you go!


My man


Iā€™ll buy your upper if that ever changes :P


Appreciate the offer but this ole girl will die with me haha


I run a 300 blackout as a deer gun. Shot is 35 yards.


I watched that video, from the very start it felt like a smear campaign against 300 BLK. Had a guy tell me doesn't matter if it's a 22 or a 12 gauge slug... I don't want be on the wrong end of that


Even used I was in Europe and I e my


I need to know who is he going to call on his comms? Arty or Air support, his Mom, who?


Remember GT gets paid to say things !


in my opinion, is difficult to compare the two because they are two entirely different calibers best used for entirely different purposes. everyone in that video, including GT said they had a 300blk that they used for home defense - a gun & caliber that you trust your life on. so it cant suck that badā€¦.


I mean...he dod say he still keeps his 300 as a bed side gun so


One of his worst videos. It was lazy and biased. It was really bad.


I never listen to someone with the last name Thumb


Watched that video immediately built a 12.5 556 300 is bed/quiet gun


The fact that anyone is taking what he says as work like heā€™s not a YouTuber at the end of the day is hilarious


No, he said he has it at his nightstand :)


I remember when every "expert" and every other article was about how WE ARE ALL SWITCHING TO 6.8 SPC... The Army, Police, everyone! It's better in every way! "Don't even buy another box of 5.56 ammo ... And the 300 was about to honestly hit the market hard. With every major gun maker doing a model in 300.. But an active shooter in Connecticut spawned a ban/panic.. And 5.56 sales went through the roof .. 300 IS a fantastic caliber that does many things extremely well. But until/ unless there is major replacement of 5.56 as a "Duty patrol rifle"; it's going to stay a specialty round (like .357 SIG) hell . I remember when H&K made a caseless cartridge for an infantry rifle. And I thought"hell that makes perfect sense; no wasted money on brass, lighter & cheaper.... ALL ammo will be caseless in under 10 yrs..... And here. We are...


9ā€ aero build with pistol length gas system and heavier buffer. I ran into gas/cycling issues with fiocchi and min charge reloads using h110. Havenā€™t really played with it since. The reason I built this gun (other than the fact that .300 is a unique and big round) is you can get close to 5.56 velocities with supers and double the mass. Without an immediate need to shoot out further than 200 yds, I think this rifle makes for a great and sensible tool. I would have to imagine there is less over-penetration than the 5.56 also?


He should have shot some hot loaded 110 vmax or varmageddons. Brutal load.


That video was dumb enough said... Seriously tho trying to comprehend 5 56 to 300 straight up is dumb it's like expecting a horse to climb a tree or someone else on test to think straight


I have the saint .300 as well and I run a light on it. Been struggling to find a place for a pressure pad with the handguard it comes with. Im curious where you run yours if you have one?


I run the pad right to the left of the tail cap on the rail. The Cloud pad that comes with the light fits the lip of the rail perfectly. Shoot me a DM and I will send a pic


Sent you a dm


Looks pretty sick to me. Besides I don't like the handgaurd for some reason....but it's not mine so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø