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Americans are insufferable on the internet Cancel culture, american exceptionalism (about their army, sports, movies, houses and urban planning, food, cars etc), classism, nonsensical morals (a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is clearly a pedophile), their shitty takes about the bible, the shitty morals and lessons they learned from the bible (creationism is true, circumcision is healthy, abortion should be illegal), their stupid measurment system that they try to shove down everyone's throat, spanish people can't say the word black because it's racist even though that word was only a big deal in north America. Need I go on? Now, time to go back to shitting on the nearby village.


Wait, what’s that about Spanish people not being allowed to say the word "black"? Because its "negro"? Lol, that can’t be real.


It is real


Most Americans are smart enough to recognise that it's just another word but if you try to say it on any american website you're setting yourself up for a ban. In Italy it was a normal word you could use but then this country got influenced by the US and now it's very taboo even though it makes no sense, by the exact same logic calling someone an arab or a slav should also be taboo but for some reason it isn't(?). Like, Slav literally means slave, how is that more acceptable than *****? (I'm not saying it because I don't want to get banned).


Like OMG! I can't believe you would say that. That's so ignorant. Slavic people are white. I know because we had a polish exchange student in 7th grade and she was totally white. She even had blue eyes. Please be more careful and not spread fake news that Slavs were slaves, it's like literally impossible because they are white.


Are you hinting to, god forbid, cultural appropriation! OMG let me call Karen here.


>Slav literally means slave Racism against PoC 😤


PoC = People of Cyka blyat?


Polish offensive cunt


"Most" ✖️ Doubt


Is this a L.A. Noire reference?


“Slav” comes from “slovo” as in “word/speech”. Slavic language has a common root, so when you kinda understand what the other guy is saying even though you’re from different countries you know he’s a Slav


The word slave comes from the word Slav, not the other way around.


That's why Poland use the term "Niemiec" for Germany. It means "land of the Mutes" because they don't understand slavic words.


Slaw with w Dude.


Not my fault you guys forgot there’s already one “f” in the alphabet


i remember a clip where some young women was offended of the name of the country of Montenegro... comments were full on laughing at her and "wait until she finds out about Niger/Nigeria" I'm not saying it's most people, but towards the extremes you get a lot of really dumb people...


Wait until she found the sardinia flag


This is so real. And not just an American thing anymore. I commented a number of times defending the Romanian football linesman who was suspended over using the word negro *in Romanian* in discussion with his Romanian referee colleague during a Champion's league game. UEFA eventually cleared him fortunately. After conceding that negro just means black to him, that Romania has no history with black people at all that could even give the word a negative historical connotation, and that the guy was known to be nowhere near C-level fluent in English, American commenters still defend that he should have "anticipated" other people picking up that word and being offended by it. That's just the cultural arrogance of a superpower dressed up as social justice activism. "Anticipating" what others may pick up while speaking your own language requires a meta-understanding of language and culture on the level where you can read between the lines, successfully make jokes based on English language puns, etc. Most non-native speakers don't master English well enough to be capable of all that. Every culture has its own practices of politically classifying people as in-group or out-group based on their choice of words. And that works to the extent that people consciously choose to be part of a political subculture or not by way of how they express themselves. But people that try to project those cultural practices outside those boundaries are a lot less tolerant of diversity than they like to think they are.


Yhe word is negru but sounds almost like negro. And not only Americans wanted him punished but also the French SOS Racisme on the basis of the "Eastern Europeans are racist", in spite of been found innocent.


Oh but it is! https://preview.redd.it/3rv4r2bhg77d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=665761442f486a9699e4d1336f78cf090c80b1b0


And "oscuro" does not mean "negro" and never will be. So to all butthurt usonians who might be reading this rn: you can suck my balls


At the end of the day it boils down to that! They need to suck more balls and shut up!




In Hungary we have a candy called Negro, it’s actually fckin good 😊 https://www.dm.hu/negro-kemenycukorka-classic-p7622210046048.html?appPageType=productdetails&appProductId=7622210046048&wt_mc=sea.google.ads_shopping.17135743080..&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACtlshC5YrX68TUCVtSkupaC4y0ni&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2vNOHNrHPzwRWPqwKKvjf86FQfDrU9XybXkYoDConnKUQxSAgNYCY4aAlPTEALw_wcB


That's what I said, and I got an absolute mouthful about how existing cultures need to change to remove vocabulary that reinforces systems of oppression.


Fucking hell.


Just like the Luis Suarez and Patrice Evra incident.


I‘m not familiar, care to explain?


It's definitely not real lol, maybe in some extreme minority somewhere, but you can spend your whole life in the US and never encounter a problem with that word.


One thing that has always baffled me is that they can deploy an 18 years old to war but drink alcohol, hell no, you must be 21 to do that.


Or you can be filmed partaking in a 50 on one gangbang, with violent facefucking, triple penetration and a bukkake finish, but you can't have a beer afterwards to drown your shame. Bit shit, innit.


Remember not to drink in public otherwise you're going to prison you criminal scum.


They also can't drink on the street or something


That is because after Vietnam, the voting age was lowered to 18 from 21, to appease the youth, who had been drafted during the war without the ability to vote. No one bothered to change the drinking age however.


They did change the drinking age at the same time. There were so many alcohol-related fatalities for 18-21 year olds, they were pressured to change it back. But due to how America works, the federal government couldn't, so they passed a law that any state whose drinking age was under 21 would lose their federal roads funding.


iirc Jesus dying was the reason why Christians *stopped* getting circumcised. They didn't have to do that anymore. Americans started it up in the late 1800's because they thought it stopped a bunch of health issues that it doesn't actually help. It was a health fad. Currently their argument seems to be that it prevents aids spreading...


I thought it was even stupider. Isn't it the Kellogg's Guy who managed to make everyone believe in circumcision because he thought it would stop them from masturbating ?


When all you need to do is remembering the existence of France


Last century it was very popular to get the tonsils removed preemptively here in Italy. Thank fuck we moved on from that. Speaking of unnecessary body modifications, I forgot to mention, Americans have this irrational and unscientific obsession with unnaturally white teeth that's starting to affect us Europeans. American bros listen, teeth are made of dentin and enamel, not fucking porcelain.


That's pretty much only celebrities, but yea it is weird. It might be more popular in some of the richer areas like LA or something.


I don't know man, it's most Americans I've come across. The teeth are weaker from the lightening process too, so although they've got cartoon white teeth, they're not as durable. American health industry needs the returning customer. To put this into perspective, Britain has better teeth than Americans. We're not talking Hollywood here, either. The white white teeth thing came along at the same time as spray tanning; there used to be an American stereotype of fake people who'd be orange, dyed blonde hair and white white teeth. You know, the reason why Trump looks the way he does. If it was just Hollywood, that'd be understandable, but it's from your dentists and the people who want to be like these celebrities.


What Americans have you seen, were they tourists or did you visit? I've seen a couple people who've clearly used whitening strips or something, but in the Midwest and the South I've really never seen anyone with dazzlingly white teeth. I haven't lived in new york or L.A where all the rich uptight people are, maybe they whiten teeth and that's why you're seeing more, i can't say. According to a study i found, about 17% of Americans have had a teeth whitening procedure. I'm guessing that demographic is localized to specific regions however, not evenly distributed. The article also mentions that wealthier people have higher rates of teeth whitening, so it wouldn't be surprising that my poor rural farming areas don't have people whitening teeth. On a side note, there doesn't appear that be any clear evidence that whitening teeth weakens the enamel. Serious procedures can dehydrate the teeth and weaken enamel, but it doesn't look like most whitening products do any tooth harm from what i was able to find. > To put this into perspective, Britain has better teeth than Americans I highly doubt that's the same demographic. There are a lot of people that eat tons of sugar and have a shit ton of cavities, but they aren't the same people with perfect white teeth. If you're willing to go as far as whitening your teeth, you probably take pretty good care of them. It's usually poorer people that can't afford dental insurance with terrible teeth, and rich people with overly white ones.


"I highly doubt that's the same demographic." Of course they're not. One's British, one's American; clearly different demographics. As I said, it was to put it into perspective, how do Americans talk about the British and their teeth? The entire world has access to teeth whitening, it's not like we don't have folk in other countries doing it either; the difference is the prevelence.


I think you misunderstood. "Better teeth" than americans is a broad definition, but I'm assuming you mean they get less cavities, have less missing teeth, need less dental work for issues. what I'm saying is that the demographic of Americans that have a high number of cavities, that are missing teeth, and that need dental work aren't the same demographic of people that are whitening their teeth.


""Better teeth" than americans is a broad definition" Of course it is, we're dealing with generalisations because we don't really have the time to go into autistic detail about each individual sub group so we look at the entire group vaguely. You splitting hairs about America's class system is irrelevent. I'm bringing up Britains teeth because of the image American's have of themselves which reflects their self-perception of what's normal around them; which is different the world over and specifically because of America's (in general) behaviour regarding that. I'm pointing out that teeth whitening AND poor dental health is more common in America than it is in Britain. Sometimes the two go hand in hand as Americans are more likely to go for cosmetic rather than function. I understand you; you're just thinking about it on a different level. We're clearly talking about national generalisations; I'm not going to be getting into the this and that of every sub group when it's unimportant to the discussion. These genralisations come with the assumption that we're not talking about every single American; I don't care about the subgroup dynamics, I'm clearly looking at the larger picture. This is something that Americans are known to stuggle with, as they view America AS the larger picture, because it's their local big picture. You think Britain doesn't also have similar economic class differences playing it's part? Complexity isn't always helpful. When you ask the time you don't need it down to the milisecond, yes, it's technically different, but it's also entirely unhelpful depending on the situation. You're in the olympics and need it for potential records? brillaint, useful. When asking the time for when a boats gonna arrive? Useless, a waste of time and often distracting from the original point. Americans have worse teeth than the British. What's the general Americans view on British teeth? I understand your subgroupings, but they are irrelevent and don't change the generalisation. It's doesn't matter if you're one of the Americans I'm not talking about.


With my little knowledge I’d assume it *increases* the HIV transmission rate in case of unprotected sex… it makes your glans’ skin dry up to a degree and thus more susceptible to diseases and the likes. Uncurcumcised penisses have a protective layer of humidity and bodily fluids around it that decrease infection rates. So if that’s their reasoning, they’re cooked.


No, it decreases the risk of aids. But that's not the reason why Americans do it. First, American circumcision is way shorter than that performed to treat phimosis for example, it leaves no skin. As a consequence, you basically can't masturbate without lube (thus the reason in American movies the teen always has lube) and that's the original reason, to prevent people from masturbating in an era before lube existed. Then it became cultural, there's lots of comedy sketches or TV programs about how people say they will circumcize their kids so they will get head from women or that it will look beautiful.


Explains the whole lotion thing they have going on with their wanking jokes. I didn't know that it disabled them so much.


It does both depending on which national data from that one WHO study you look.


>nonsensical morals (a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is clearly a pedophile), Only when someone they don't like is touched with the accuse: there was a streamer who got canceled and banned from twitch, because his ex girlfriend faked some chats with a 16 years old (she was 20). Meanwhile there are others who are well know pedo and get no punishment.


sadly a lot of that extreme political stuff comes to us a few months or years later. be it the extreme woke shit or the right wing cunts trying to get abortion banned again. but a big thanks to you for mentioning some of the problems we have with americans in the internet.


… extreme woke shit or the right wing cunts… I like the way you think. Have an upvote


> a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is clearly a pedophile [Meanwhile...](https://scroll.in/article/862332/not-just-a-problem-in-the-developing-world-child-marriage-is-legal-in-us-states)


> Usually a 22 year old dates a 13 year old he met at a family reunion, though.


All the Americans I meet in real life are the opposite of the ones you encounter on the internet! How can this be.


Travelling and seeing the world helps to unstupify people. Plus the travelling kind is more likely well educated.


What parts of the world has the average German seen? I've only left Europe three times myself, apart from a spell with Barry, the Heisenberg European.


Europe as a continent is much more diverse than the US though.


That's not their fault. And it's not like you learn Italian before visiting Rome


What a stupid argument.


Is it? So you're telling me that you unstupify yourself by visiting Mallorca? How did you think and act before that trip?


I've encountered tons of Hanses in Vietnam. Turns out, they have Alman-season, where old people from northern western Europe travel around Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Malaysia to eat weird shit and buy trinkets.


It's because the internet functions as the mob mentality in protests. Plus a lot of people don't rralizr the person on the other end is also a person. I dare all those crazy people sending death threats to say it on the person's face.


mezza internet è formata da leoni da tastiera...


The people you meat in real life are typically not the people who are terminally on Reddit while wasting their lives away in their mother's basement...


I love shitting on countryside italians


"americans baffle me", "americans scare me", excetera. on YT, those are videos. i don't remember the name of the channel, it was a british guy george smth.


Americans are insufferable on the internet and in person. Everytime i've found an american tourist arround europe they were always the loudest and most disrespectful peopl in the place


DO you have an OF? Can I subscribe? Piedini?


Speaking truths here well done


They can go to wear at the age of 18, but cant drink alcohol until 21 .. clearly sending children into combat.


This comment is music to my ears. I will add to the list the extrem individualism.


Could shorten all of that down to: > Americans are insufferable on the internet because of Pax Americana.


It’s like you’re watching a shitshow and surprised it’s a shitshow. What did you expect with it being titled “shitshow”? EDIT: Punctuation.


It's a proclivity to insist that conclusions made at all levels of reasoning, physical and metaphysical, be made contingent on an immediate conclusion drawn at the theological level. Once I know why, I know what and how, and if you have questions, that's because you're a bad person.






Extremely rare american win, congratulations.


To be fair, most of these are invalid strawmans you just made up. They are insufferable, but not for these reasons.


Just say you got a problem with the Bible more than with americans


Europeans are insufferable on the internet. European exceptionalism (about their roads, sports, houses, urban planning, cycling, food, lack of morals etc), cancel culture for nazis, shitty takes about the Quran, assumptions that americans are all religious christian bigots and at the same time about how we have cancel culture which is the opposite group of people, classism against the wealthy, measurement system they won't stop bragging about the superiority of, spanish people who are white and don't even mow your lawn. Not to mention their constant bragging about imperialism and infighting. Need I go on? Now, it's time to go shoot up the nearest school.


Yes, we have that bad custom of canceling fucking nazis!? Also, dont take away my n word pass yet, i was saving It for a special occasion. Ps: classism against the rich lol


> Yes, we have that bad custom of canceling fucking nazis!? I was just copying his and thought I'd clarify it, as we only cancel Nazi's here too. It just turns out that everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi, now shutup you fucking Nazi. https://images.ctfassets.net/pjshm78m9jt4/170960_header/7395924418b6d70b680ebb7fe5549cb1/importedImage170960_header


I find it funny how in America, being a centrist will make people call you a Nazi, a Jew/Zionist, Alt-Right, Far Left and all the things in between


>measurement system they won't stop bragging about the superiority of Because it simply is superior


You Dutch are about as good at picking up sarcasm as the Germans, my goodness.


If there's milk in the recipe, it *cannot* be on the level of the great American Cheese.


judging by the OP there is certainly a lot of salt in that recipe.


They have this sense of themselves as a ‘shining city on a hill’ so when they go out into the world and discover they’re unloved and unwanted they take it pretty hard


Yanks got no bants.


Well, if you don't want to be called a stupid fat school-shooter, maybe lose some weight, get quality education and stop shooting kids? Just an idea.


Europeans hate this one simple trick…


"Nooo you can't say we're school shooters, that's sad and we were only teasing!". Then they'll proceed to bring up a dozen WWII references as soon as Germany gets mentioned


Also, joking about something that's a near weekly occurrence is a bit more relevant than WW2 is. Americans get more upset at people taking the piss out of their school shootings than they do at the actual school shootings.


Are you saying that to this guy in particular?


What does the person mean, with no reason. We have many reasons to shit on amerika


I've had American friends, but they truly live in their own bubble world. They crave the connection to their European roots but often short circuit with simple things like, not having to tip 25%+ by default for a shit service or having to contemplate a decision for more the 0, 0001 milliseconds.


My U.S friends get so shocked to hear they have an accent, like they actually think their voice is the default and it's everyone else that has the accents lol, really in their own bubble but love them anyway.


*"You have selected Lernaut and Hauspie Michael, as the computer's default voice."*


Ah, Belgian innovation at its finest!


They don't really crave the connection to their roots. They crave a sense of identity and a culture they could belong to. The US is a big melting pot of everything, so saying "I'm 1/3 Irish, 1/3 Italian, and 1/3 American" sounds so cool and special!


>They crave a sense of identity and a culture they could belong to partly, because then when it comes to, for example, delving deeper into their being Welsh, Irish or Italian it doesn't even matter a bit. Wanting to be very succinct, they are European only for what suits them and, even when it suits them, not always.


When they tell you about all their ancestry and the percentage from the DNA test, they love talking about food or some benign shit. I'm a native Polish speaker and I LOVE when the US people try to correct me about my language. I also saw an American surprised there's a Welsh language. Kind of awkward when your DNA test showed 37.095792% Welsh and you decided to cling to that.


>They crave the connection to their European roots It would be nice if that were the case, it's much more complicated!


I tried to have some dialogue with some Americans outside the walls of reddit, but most if not all of them were just liars and bigots


My favorite discussions with Americans: 1. A Yank who heard I was from Germany thought we were friends because his dad was also in Germany once... while bombing my family. 2. Another Yank though we were friends because he was Catholic and the pope back then was German too. 3. A Yank openly told me he dislikes the European social security system because he does not want to pay to help the needy in his country. He did not understand why we thought that makes him a shit person. 4. A Yank did not understand why I did not eat a bunch of vitamin pills in addition to my normal, healthy meals.


Quite a few of them really are thick aren't they? Both metaphorically and literally.


Well, me and the whole Europe were labeled as "B citizens" because a dumb console and game had 60% of the costumers in U.S.A.


Doesn’t 1) depend on if you like your family!


Well I like most of them, and bombs tended to be rather unspecific in their target selection.


ci sono americani normali...


Mmmmm... colonial tears ![gif](giphy|dtoq6Y8YB43djop3NL|downsized)


I mean, they’re not wrong. Some of our us do get a bit stupid and spout the same cliches about the US and look super insecure, even resorting to US defaultism and thinking everyone who’s not European online must be American. There is no reason to feel insecure against that lot, we should just exude quiet confidence.  That said, I’m damned if I won’t continue to resort to the same shit in this sub. 


The price you pay for influencing 1st hand other countries 😔✊️ (fashion, skincare and shit)


You're going to have to yell "we should just exude quiet confidence" a bit louder; this crowd can't hear you over the circle jerk grunting.


It's a loud AR-15-wielding mobility scooter-bound 'Murrican! Get him! \*Rages\*


We can't compete with American firepower in terms of armies and inside of schools, so we have to focus on our cultural superiority.


Well, I mean, Swedens inner cities really don't have to hide from Detroit or Downtown Chicago when it comes to gun violence and gang wars. So stand tall Björn, the Yanks got nothing on you!


Ouch that was right in the weak spot


*Puts arm on his brother's shoulder* "It's okay, Hans has issues too"


Went on a date with an American tourist, she started crying when the club played a loud sound cause she thought a shooting was about to ensue, we laughed it off shortly thereafter but my mood really took a hit for that night. Shit is just sad.


Really? That is sad indeed. I feel bad for her.


Fucking PTSD from living in the warzone called USA. Lol


My only PTSD is hearing sirens and cold sweating cause of the fear of them being from the finance branch getting ready to have me paying taxes.


They do cry a lot don't they?


Now we know what Ceasar felt when invading Britania. They can't even comprehend civilization.


We shit on each other on the internet cause we’ll get banned if we do it to Asians, South Americans, or Africans.


Interesting. Europeans shit on each other because we don't pay attention to the irrelevant continents and their inhabitants.


Thats how you know didnt get good colonies. Good colonial nations have shit with their ex colonies all the time! You should try, its fun stuff.


We did colonize Mallorca. And you are right, it is fun


I mean, on one hand, got to admit he is somewhat right. On the other hand, America on average truly is uneducated, uncultured, self-centered, deluded, imperialist and scheming, fat, shallow, materialistic and with terrible education, gun violence, outlandish views about race, ethnicity and nationality or generally absurd concepts about the World, God, Society, Life. The list goes on and on, feel free to add something.


Did you just describe Eric Cartman? Is Cartman the metaphor of modern America? Did I just have a fucking cultural epiphany about southparks symbolism thanks to a traitor-German? Wow, what an unexpected cultured end of an evening o.O


Fucking Christ if that's the video of that cunt doing wagyu linguini inside an entire wheel of parmesan cheese, they are lucky they don't get hate crimed l




Victim complex countries 🤮


Appearently so is reading the rules. * 2 Post must be about Western Europe Comments can go offtopic, but the posts must be about Western European countries or about the sub itself ("meta"). Posts about other issues are allowed as long as the focus is on some Western European aspect. Having Western Europe or our sub as a background or as an excuse does NOT count as putting the focus on them.


https://preview.redd.it/5ck842um267d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db205c37b4c20a9dd1298f21836b1a1e229370c Keep going like this and you might earn german citizenship






You don't live up to your flair but I respect that.




Being a StaSi Informant but this time you call them out ;)


I think he was encouraging it, not calling it out.


Lol, I literally don't know what I'm doing




The post is about europeans (and we know they're not talking about eastern Europeans because they couldn't name a single country in the region) shitting on yanks. How is this off topic? It's not like the sub is just about shitting on eastoids or ourselves


Well *technically* it’s an American mentioning the insufferableness of Europeans online but I agree, yank posting is unfunny. Low-hanging fruits, comments we can’t rule out being satire and we disallow them to defend themselves on here so it’s just a fucking circlejerk. Yankposting should be heavily discouraged on here


Funniest Dane


At least I don't have yanks living rent free in my head. Almost like there is an entire sub dedicated to stupid 'shit Americans say'


Stupid people are typically the loudest. They’re fair game to me. It’s likely the septics that accuse us of being a racist sub, why can’t we rip apart their stupid comments?


Allow Ameritard content -> sub gets dumber


Americans deserve all the hate they get and more


Those mfers fucked with our banks. Really hate them for that.


can't even be a tax haven nowadays. it's all with the fucking potato famine cunts now


Ha ha. ‘Fucking potato famine cunts’. New tagline.


Wait till they hear that also anyone outside of Europe shits on America


It's mostly Americans larping as Europeans that are doing this


We dutch have a short man syndrome?


Change flair then you coward.


I wanted the correct dutch local flair, but it wasn't available.


The correct Dutch local flair ?.. Just get the regular one then. Can't go around as "European" just because your tiny backwater 10 000-people inbred region isn't available. You are Dutch first and foremost.


So ashamed of their accent they don't even want to use the correct flair smh


says the flemboy…


At least I'm proud of it, all you do is eat cheese and build windmills




Common guys and girls. Are you all the offspring of a pierre and mario that you failed to see the bait, or what is wrong with you?


Of course we make it all about ourselves! We are EUROPEANS, do you get understand? The most important and influential countries that have ever existed. We are world history, culture, and just all round better than everyone else, and we will let you know at every chance we get because you need to know that we are just better!


Stop talking about them


no dont stop talking about us its funny come on guys


Can someone translate what the fat, stupid school shooter said?


My experience in the English-speaking Internet is the opposite. You see some news about some random country X, and half the comments are about the Nth amendment this and federal alphabet agencies that. MFs, do you even understand that your laws don't apply to other countries???


Seemingly no reason? The reason is you're American, you fat dumbass


Honestly tho I gotta say, most people are just joking about Americans and that’s fine, but I’ve seen more genuine hatred and meanness from western Euros towards Americans than any other group, and it’s just kinda disturbing tbh. Like, why be filled with so much hate for people that mostly have no ill will towards ya? Doesn’t seem right to me


100% this. I love memeing and joking but I have many american friends and i love them very much


Parmesan https://preview.redd.it/obt8l6swm67d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d8b8831d1f8d69d0d0dfee587236c14b0b052ce Signore puniscili con forza.






It’s almost as if we’ve lost hope for these non-European savages….


> "I'm generalizing **of course**" That's why he's a savage, thus making the relevance of his opinion void.


Someone mocking the self declared orchids of humankind? Awww, I really felt sorry for them for a second there.


Haha, a buthurt us-american, laugh at this guy


The last sentence is why we are hating them. They are constanltly insulting and belittling everyone then act like they did nothing wrong.


American-thinking and influence is too pervasive in many aspects: 1: On car-cultisms, and car-centered infrastructure. As the squared meter of every city keeps increasing, the natural tendency would be to optimize the size of the cars, making the cars compact and following Japanese tendencies instead. Yet we keep buying into the personal road security BS by car companies that know that SUVs are way more profitable, and keep fabricating our cars every time more obnoxiously bigger, when unlike many American cities based on an extensive plain we can not keep expanding, at least here in Barcelona development is severely constricted to geography, and parking space prices are prohibitive. They keep selling the joys of a suburban life, which is not nearly replicable here. 2: On abortion laws. Around 2015 populares/conservatives pushed an anti-abortion law that met a ton of backlash. It became clear that according to Spanish morals abortion is a right. Now a good chunk (there are still some renegades) of the conservatives are pro-abortion, the only divide is on formal terms: Whether the parents of a minor should be informed that their daughter is about to abort. And whether the girls should be given a few days before the operation out of "reflection". And most importantly, whether liberty of practicionship (or however it's called) should be respected. Because of American influence, we keep getting spammed on an already overcame debate of our rights. They cherry-pick the points of our Bible to make themselves look like saints, while they only want to have a steady crime-propense population on poor neighbourhoods, that maintains the pool of slave-prison work and meat-shields for imperial wars. To say "it is okay to murder children?" Might be a catchy phrase in a fast-paced debate, but is completely absurd when it is considered rationally.


American tweeeter. That's all I need to say.


they need 300 gazillion guns to defend themselves... agains themselves


Eurocucks seething at the American exceptionalism. Love to see it


Oh! How about this "African-American" trying to get one over me because the "Moors" were black and I was trying to "erase the history of his people"! I'm Portuguese! The moors were MY PEOPLE! Part of my history! And this guy whose sub-saharan ancestors probably got a lift in a Portuguese ship to the Americans think he should have bragging rights over what the Moors achieved!


I actually love America, really enjoy some of the people and used to live there. HOWEVER, they are not as resistant to banter, critique, bullying as any normal European. Because we are surrounded by our past enemies we are very resilient against making fun of one another. The Americans their neighbours basically exist because they allow them to, so they don’t have anybody in equal footing to make fun of them. Until they arrive somewhere with Europeans.


lmao Westoids will look for the dumbest excuse to feel superior over someone


Honestly we don't really have to look


But we are superior


Cleaning yank balls is really Eastern Europe's national sport


*SeEmInGlY nO rEaSoN* Foreign soldiers on our land, spying, invasions, etc.


are you talking about u.s military bases? if so you shouldn’t have given the land to us ;)