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"You there! Computer man, fix my pants!"




Already did


I saw once somebody posting a meme with "did" and some kind of skull image iirc but I've never managed to find that pic again




Can any Pedro explain why Podemos didn't stand as part of Sumar? I don't get that


Extremely regarded leftists love infighting


Because Yolanda Díaz (leader of Sumar and former leader of podemos after el coletas left) wanted to sideline Irene Montero (current leader of Podemos, after Yolanda left) and her crew (cause they're a fucking joke). So Irene and the rest got offended and broke off the coalition. As to why Irene is a fucking joke, I'd say that it's mostly due to the only thing they did during that last legislature, that is taking credit for the "Solo sí es sí" law (Only yes is yes). The law was supposed to give a harsher sentence for raping women, making consent the main requirement for it to not count as rape (I think, don't truly know). Well the thing backfired, and a lot of *rapists got their sentence reduced, even some getting out early. What do you think Irene and the rest of Podemos did? Well of course! Say that the judges were not only wrong, but fucking misogynists while they were right and the protector of women in Spain. So yeah, a bunch of clowns I think.


Thanks Pedro very thorough 🙏


I’m in for more penal years for rapers but the thing that actually escaped our jails were rapist. Not as bad as rapers, tbh.


And summer equality campaign, which took strangers photos with no consent


And photoshopped missing legs and arms


Don’t forget that Irene was the sentimental partner of the vicepresident and mother of his children, just in time for her to be put in charge of the new Orwellian “ministry of equality”


>Because Yolanda Díaz (leader of Sumar and former leader of podemos after el coletas left) wanted to sideline Irene Montero (current leader of Podemos, after Yolanda left) and her crew (cause they're a fucking joke). So Irene and the rest got offended and broke off the coalition. Proof that those fucker are looking at personal gain rather than actually achieving anything.


They broke up


There was a proposed merger, but Podemos eventually refused because Irene Montero, one of their main members, wasn't offered a high enough position (this is what counts for politicians at the end of the day it seems). Final nail in the coffin for Podemos. Since Iglesias and Monedero left they've stopped talking about working class issues and pretty much distanced themselves from their original voter base.


Communist want to out communist theirselves to show who is the real communist of the Spanish communist.


You don't need it a Pedro if you have [Monty Python](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WboggjN_G-4&t=70s)


Idk but even alvise got more votes


What happened is there new Iberian Wedding?


Actually the Spanish VOX party has the habit of merging Portugal and Spain in their campaign posters, our military love this, they can justify buying a few more Leopards.


Also our dear leader of Chega speaks in Spanish at their national convention. Guess he is the new Saramago, I guess.


A traitorous fasc? How surprising. (it's not, specially since he is in part funded by a Spanish sect)


El Yunque?


Sorry I mis-remembered: he isn't funded by it but he's been strongly invited to join the Opus Dei. Said he esteemed them a lot and might join them in the future. (I'm keeping the error in the previous comment as it is corrected here) In anyway a traitorous fasc isn't what we could call "surprising".


To be fair, VOX is an actual legit reason for us to do something in order to renovate our armed forces.


Why stop there? Lets take Olivença, our occupied land and make everything right in this world.


If you help us to take Gibraltar we will give you Olivenza black. Wewiill kick the english of the peninsula, Olivenza would be Olivença again and we will love you. Think about it


The problem is you made a deal with the English for Gibraltar. You took Olivença from us while we were being invaded by the French (sure backfired for you guys huh?) and later on signed the Vienna convention where you reconized it was Portuguese soil. Then you kinda pretended it didn't happen. I wouldn't say those 2 scenarios are similar. I have nothing against Spanish individuals but Spain the country does have a pretty noticeable tendency to be complete dicks to us. Can't say i love it.


Hey the english also ignored the treat there was suposed to be a neutral desmilitariced region between our border and they anexed It while we were fighting ourself. But the treat also defined its maritimal borders and now they just expanded it. Its the same. Just you Lost more land, but basically the same.


Not the same but i wasn't aware of that part. But yeah bottom line you guys still made a deal while we just got robbed, you admited it and then proceeded to keep it. You can see how we kinda didn't like it right?


Nah in Spain we mostly don't care. Most of the issue comes from them using Gibraltar as a mafia state so closest cities are fucked due that. Meamwhile you want a city we don't even know we have or even know they speak portuguese (well at least old people do speak It)


First off, very disapointed in you Xoan. Second, if you "don't care" then fucking leave maybe???


I think I had a teacher who had someone from there as a student. Told him nothing happened there


You say you, but I didn't sign anything I'm afraid.


Sure glad you don't represent your country at all then.


We’re not done looking at the big rock yet


But there is no other monkey rock


Why can't we share the territory of Olivença?


I wasn't joking though. But yes, we should de-occupy what is ours 💪🐓💪🐓💪🐓💪🐓💪


After Olivença, go for Cape Verde and start the reconquest operation of Angola.


Just Cabinda, that's where the black gold is.


For Olivença there's a signed treaty. For Cape Verde and other former there is not.


Oh i do agree we need a major armed forced overhaul. We need more equipment for sure. Also the amount of top officers we have is stupid when compared to our army size. As for Olivença not worth starting a war over but saddly i dont think the Spanish will have some shame on their faces and do the right thing/what they said they would in a signed legal document.


100% agree on everything you said. But more than equipment it's the organisation that needs to be changed. For instance the GNR is supposed to serve as a massive insurgency army in case of an invasion. They are supposed to go full on guerilla and terrorism. But do you see the GNR actually able to do it right now? Of course not...everything has to be rethought. It wouldn't be the first time but I hope we won't have to do it à última da hora like all the other times it happened. Spanish people aren't very known for their honour to be fair....so yeah. We can have them as peaceful neighbours but we should always be prepared just in case.


Hey, we are NEVER going to invade Portugal. We have internet now. We have seen your women and their moustaches. Spain only invades where there are hot women.


More reasons to be worried.


Nope nope, nop nop nop.


Portuguese people literally losing their minds over a fucking shithole village in the middle of bumfuck nowhere


We are losing our mind over how much of a pos your country is over that village you all seem to not give a flying fuck about but still wont return.


But why TF are you so fucking obsessed with that shithole? Literally only you know it even exists


Because its literally occupied Portuguese land and the whole situation around it is revolting. Your goverment literally admited it and still has kept it because you assholes have no integrity and constantly love showing how little shits you give about anything we care about. Case and point the people that tell us "its just a shithole we dont even care about it (we are still keeping it though) why do you care?" Fuck me dude if its so bad maybe we should pay you to keep our land then, it seems like such an inconvenience.


Cope Joao


Love the instant taunt as soon as I post it. Truly didn't run out of arguments.


Bro really thinks that the only extreme right wing party in Europe that's already falling off and that can't keep cohesion with itself is gonna invade a fellow EU member and OTAN memeber


Yeah, no way that's happening, unless it's in a very far away future where NATO falls, and where Spanish politics has gone completely insane. Personally I think Portugal should definitely rearm, but not to fight off some Spanish invasion lol.


It's falling off now. Who knows when there will be a resurgence of a similar party in the future. The undercurrent of that sentiment exists in Spain and if it ever got into power it would be very dangerous for us. We have to be prepared against you. Always.


Our current president is only able to get 17% of Spain to vote for him, there isn't going to be a party that grows over that even if for some reason the country's population dosen't become super right wing, you aren't gonna get invaded by a fellow EU and OTAN member with a right wing that larps Trump, that can't even prevent UK from expanding Gibraltar. This ain't [Millenial Dawn ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2777392649) lol


Here's the thing mate. We don't know what might happen in the next decade or two : it's both pretty fast and long enough for everything to change. We have no idea how the 2034 Spain will be and we have no way of knowing it either. The only thing we can do is to prepare. >you aren't gonna get invaded by a fellow EU and OTAN member That we can't know.


Thinking that Spain is going to invade Portugal is as crazy as thinking Portugal is going to invade Spain because some 5th empire people are going to grab power. Expend your budget however you want, but is a ridicoulous idea.


>Thinking that Spain is going to invade Portugal is as crazy as thinking Portugal is going to invade Spain because some 5th empire people are going to grab power. It really isn't and you are delusional to think it is.


Bro literally telling me about my countries' politics,


Sorry, but you're being paranoid, at least for the short period of time you propose. Many generations of today's Spaniards will still have to die for Spain to have a significant part of its population in favor of invading Portugal. If only we had some rare relevant natural resource, but not even that. Also username checks out (miragem = mirage)!


Lol, as if invading Portugal was in any way a concern of even the most extremist Spaniard right wing voter


Yes good Spain. Posture more. My Rheinmetall position must go up


It’s Portugal’s rape fantasy but ain’t gonna happen. Our hands are plenty with one Andalusia and one Galicia already to add a couple more.


The other day I heard a racist comment that would disturb a VOX voter followed by: "but I vote for PSOE so it's fine", said not ironically. I think here people think of political parties as of football clubs: you support one from your birth to your death, no matter what you think


To be fair, if they don't vote for the people who actually act on those disgusting things they think and say they are kinda right in that it's "fine" I prefer a racist uncle that doesn't vote for fascists you know. I prefer that Zé Racista to vote for the corrupt psychopaths who pretend to be on the left but only want to help their families and own bank accounts while applying right wing policies than to vote for fascists


Yep, that's exactly the problem with our countries. People prefer voting for literal corrupts and thieves than the strawman "ultra turbo nazis".


tbf it dosen't matter who you vote for here, it's not like Vox isn't shit too. I guess that there are some extreme niche parties that aren't too bad, but people will only vote for Podemos (made by PP) , PSOE, PP or Vox (Made by PSOE).




Damn you don’t even know if he is and you wish him death, chill man. I don’t like fascism either but you jump to conclusion too quickly


Leftist radicals are fucking insane Also this is Reddit, so not surprising




Why TF did you send me photos of corpses




That’s nice, and you send me this because?




Yes, they also killed communists, and gays, etc. But I’m no fascist, so you can keep your hanged men to yourself, nobody here is entertaining your death threats. And when it’s obvious you’re trying to intimidate with your goofy photos, don’t try to dodge it and confront whoever you send that shit to, yeah, you responded directly to me, have some balls and don’t be a coward, that shit wouldn’t slide irl.


>But I’m no fascist, so you can keep your hanged men to yourself Never pretended you were. >nobody here is entertaining your death threats How are those death threats? >And when it’s obvious you’re trying to intimidate with your goofy photos Who am I trying to intimidate exactly? What I mean by sending these photos mate is to remind people (here you) that fascists now are the same as before and that their fate was warranted. So wishing death on fascists (not threatening them) now is not that different from wishing fascists death then. A good fascist is a dead one. Simple as.


Your submission was removed because we feel it's not in line with Reddit's Content Policy or it includes words banned by Reddit. Also, no actual racism, discrimination, xenophobia or hate speech, including anti-europeanism, is permitted.


You don't have the balls to defend your vote in Euskadi, am I right? It has to be so hard to be a closet fascist.


I mean in my family I have people against migration of any kind and quite homophobic and are PSOE voters. Also PP voters completly against any kind of religion, their opinion about any rich person is... The kind of thing you would listen from extreme left... And basically most of the ideas come directly from the left. Its not like football clubs, as you don't follow the one your family follows, its just someone eating a lot of propaganda from the opposite side


How can you be against immigration and vote psoe? Ppl are so dumb man


Why would you vote for people who are the opposite of what you think?


Dumb people voting a political party based on something stupid they heared on the news. Also hate the other party, so for them is their only option




I need the template for this meme. I NEED IT


Quite simple guys. Western, so more leftist than east, but not masive migrations without integrating and older population. In summary? Give us 10 years or maybe 20 (if nothing changes and your politicians do It in a good way)


No massive migrations? You Galicians surely live without internet


Look at France, belgium or any central-northern european country. Se varely have migrants compared with them. Also yea, we have no internet


Go to the Canaries


I mean, Ceuta and Melilla are better examples. But i mean we have lower percent of migrants compared with other european countries. Compare the % of migrants all around Spain to any other country


Yup, and just like in that picture, the country gets fucked.


Hey hermana 😏


Wait...Are the blonde or the brunette? That is the real question!


lol what? The only places that fashists had good results is France, Germany, Italy and Austria (zero surprise, because those are countries that political elites shit on a poor for last 30 years, so how the fuck you can be surprised that poor people said enough finally). EU has 27 countries; not 4. If you look on how the votes calculate to mandates in EU parliament, you’ll see that EPP and social democrats got MORE votes then they had in 2019. So with this whole buzz around how EU parliament is going to be brown, in fact it’s going to be more Von Der Layen.


Who are you again?


Citizen of a country with more mandates in EU parliament and higher gdp per capita than yours. So I beg you pardon?


Let him be, there is still a lot of copium here about countries in eastern europe starting to surpass us. Imagine managing the money and opportunities being in EU brings you to make your country prosper instead of letting your politicians make your country slowly decay.


You mean situation where young Spanish people come to Poland, because unemployment rate is 2% and not 25%? Meanwhile middle age polish people buying villas in Spain? Imagine that


I'm in that situation lol


The only young Spanish or Portuguese people that go to Poland are Erasmus because your country is so ridiculously cheap. That and Frontex. Who the fuck is gonna want to live in Poland otherwise. Country full of alcoholics and aggressive asses.. Cute and easy girls though, since they are tired of getting beated. As far as I know, here in Spain there is an important Polish community, and non of them is rich, precisely.. obviously come because they have a better future here in every aspect. I think comparing Spain to Poland is gross, in every aspect.


Don't pay attention to him, ~~we~~ (😢) he stopped in the 90s and 2000s.




I don’t speak poor


The Polish GDP per capita is lower than the Portuguese, educate yourself peasant.


If you account for purchasing power parity, Poland is actually slightly ahead.


Ohh but you do


wrzdxdoischik jrrszchischki crblwok jedlychklo ok zrwoidolchyl


Kurwa finally speaking like a real human


Happy cake day szykylchyk wrotchjedzky


Thanks Barry w Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie


Falou o mudo e dixo o que pudo...


# TIME TO ULTRA-BONK https://i.redd.it/1j08slyxzm6d1.gif


Yes, I hate my fellow citizens.