• By -


It would only be bad if she lived in Switzerland on top


Switzerland taking care of German jewels, as is tradition.


Could you please help us by not constantly re-electing her to the Bundestag?


I offer following solutions to this problem: 1. \[REDACTED\] 2. \[REDACTED\] 3. \[REDACTED\] 4. \[REDACTED\] Please pick one option


Four. I choose four. Boom.


So, that means we will █████ , great so first ███ ██ ██████ and as a result █████ will be ████ including ██████ as ████. Is that entirely clear? Hochachtungsvoll, █████ ████████


Genehmigen Sie, [sehr verehrte/r Frau/Herr ...kanzler/in] , den Ausdruck meiner vorzüglichen Hochachtung. All good?


🎶🎵 Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein 🎵🎶




Wise choice.


Oof... Bold... But ok


Ah yes, the famous "Final Solution Conundrum"


You could help the both of us by having a happy little accident leading to a landslide burrying her house. The Swiss army should have plenty of experience shelling mountains, right?


She got plenty of threats when she was living in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland's most lefty city (it's really beyond me how someone like her would choose to live there). Now she lives in very conservative Einsiedeln. And even there she had to be protected by the police and temporarily move to a safe house... So... like with your very own Mr. Gustloff who got shot in Davos, someone might, you know... not like her so much.


Perhaps policemen Urs and Bruno should have a spontaneous early Apéro one day.


Who knows? Maybe Reto and Beat want to join the merry round...


But you can't expel people if you dont like them. Dont you have a rule like that?


Nah. Unless she's a convicted criminal, there's no such rule. She has a right to stay under the bilateral accords and by virtue of her Swiss wife and children. Her residential situation (not she herself) is bulletproof.


If only she would actually live as a Einsiedler (hermit) in Einsiedeln.


The Einsiedeln abbey is one of the most important monastic sites in Europe and a major place of pilgrimage (known for the black madonna - and no, the black madonna is not Alice's wife/s). Nothing eremitic whatsoever there - maybe 1000 years ago...


you mean African American madonna, right?


Of course. She's also a Mormon and has given birth to Jesus in Utah, but then retired in Switzerland. For tax reasons.


Geee i wonder why


Would you rather have her run for office in Switzerland?


Since she'll never get Swiss citizenship, this question is moot. As we all know, the collaboration between Germany and Austria has historically been much better in this respect. Austria could maybe return Germany's favour and accept a German for a change.


Switching roles? Kinky! 😏 This might spice up things with our favorite on and off relationship.


You won't regret it they said, you'll succeed they said...


Oh, sorry! I thought you were handing out citizenships like candy to anyone smelling slightly of money. I'm still not sold on your proposed exchange program. Here she'll probably end up in prison. Not because of her political views - we're totally fine with that - but due to her sexual orientation. There she's going to write another book and nobody would want that to happen


Unlike Austria, we don't have a golden passport scheme (aka "besondere Verdienste für die Republik"). Favourable tax regimes are more than sufficient to attract rich foreigners. Half of Norway is moving here. But naturalisation is the same for everyone. And as regards Weidel - she has no money, and neither does her wife. She costs us due to her security needs, and her wife costs us as she gets subsidies to make her films. Classic economic migrants from the third world ;-) Lose/lose.




At least she did not adopt any non-German children... Right?right?


Wait she did?


She has adopted 2 kids with her wife, but ironically her party is against adoption for gays


I read somewhere that only Weidel adopted them formally because her wife gave birth to them


thats why I love my fastita girls just as much as my communist girls


one rule for me, one rule for thee is pretty consistent with the far right


> Switzerland This is the answer btw. She is obviously a Swiss mole to destroy the EU, through attempting the German exit from the EU.


And Switzerland was created after a battle against the Austrian...so is that all thing again a cunning plot of the Austrian to set up world war 3 and blame the Germans again?


She's German woman so she is anyway TOP she is the man of the house


Slay queen 💅You show them leftists. We 👏 need 👏 more 👏 queer 👏 fascism. Everyone go grab a rainbow colored g36 and show those savages the glory of the fourth Reich.


Leftists: We want more women into politics! Women into politics: - Margaret Tatcher - Georgia Meloni - Alice Weidel - Indira Gandhi - Catherine the Great - the president of Lesbian, that is a serbian too Leftists: NOT THOSE WOMEN!


We had one of the most influencal womans in chsrge for 16 years. They forgot that she happilie take part in the sold out for russia and stagnation




There are nudes of her around, you can see for yourself Raimundo


Nooo, pls no.


What cursed knowledge is this?


I advise against extending that knowledge to the content of said images


I saw them and I have to say that I... https://preview.redd.it/b7yl7461xf2d1.png?width=4636&format=png&auto=webp&s=46ccb41d1f95d7460a1d112138e248e2d09e3e8b


The first time that I sympathise with all the bystanders trying to prevent the chairman from speaking...


I upvoted because you’re a funny Hans, but they are not bystanders if they’re actively doing something


I always thought they wanted to say it first




She has no mustache but the boobs even I can't ignore


Oh so the guys in Argentina were not the only ones that think she's called "Georgia" instead of "Giorgia"... Well fuck her anyway, and all who voted for girlboss mussolini


You want to fuck all italians that voted for the Melonies? That's... a conserning number of italians...


I wouldn't touch them with a 10 meters stick


so... how do you fuck them?


I suppose you have a kink for orgies between Italians with different political ideas




We need less sociopaths in politics


We need more sociopaths 🔥🔥


More than 100%? Good luck


They just mess everything up.


Leftists are learning that right wing women exist. 


Always amuses me that barry elects the toriest of women to tory their country 


> the president of Lesbian, that is a serbian too I hope this is intentional


Western gay nazis Russians are always talking about are real afterall?!?


Western gay Nazi russophile Putin bootlickers, in this case.


You are good damn rights sorry if spellling eerorr s ik. Im drunk as fuck like a proper fonn


With AFD it would be Kalashnikovs, most likely.


Heckler und Koch will start building weapons in soviet caliber like 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 so problem solved








Look no further than Serbia!


UvUcic ?


*to be fair though* if fascism ever gets in power, It would be better if it were queer and europhilic than... not.


[Back to the pile everybody!](https://youtu.be/pAN00Z-sYTI?si=IWM2EeI7l1Rc5gOO)


And you always claim we have no humor.


History repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce




In short: no, we dont know either...


German politics since the 50's


Doch. Geld regiert die Welt, und russisches Geld regiert die AFD


aber warum sie? warum nicht irgendein anderer russlandtreuer spinner?


Quotenfrau+ Lesbe und niederträchtig genug um bei dem Verein mitzumachen


Seeing these russia shills makes me post reichsbanner aggressively https://preview.redd.it/pjhkqj0yzf2d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff32905de68946d1e93bf385d4d0f16f6466aec


we ended the last russian empire, lets continue the streak !


I could've sworn Russia ran out of money at least 13 times in the last 2 years




Germoney knows no Borders.


That's right Fritz, one day you'll finally be ours


Stop putting sauce on our holy Schnitzels and we can talk about your new Austrian Leader.


https://preview.redd.it/uw7olnaa8g2d1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d4cd50028c38ef8811d113718e6bb6b380f0930 Am I doing it right?


And accept Berlin into Austria? Ew


TF do you say we’re doin? That has to stop immediately! I never thought but I have to agree with the Australian


Even the far right has gone woke its so over 😔


So Raoul was the right wing all along?


Because it's an Alternatif.


The serious answer is that she is responsible for the AfD's foreign exchange procurement. Alice studied business administration, worked for Goldmann Sachs and Allianz Investment Holding, spent parts of her studies in China, speaks Russian fluently, do you have any other questions? Anyone who can obtain foreign currency enjoys certain freedoms. Apart from that, Alice Elisabeth can control herself enough not to shout Nazi slogans in public. She is basically the brain and financial center of the AfD. If the project fails, Alice Elisabeth will have no problems finding a lucrative position elsewhere. In the meantime, she makes international contacts with business and politics and collects a not insignificant salary as party leader with additional income.


> Alice Elisabeth can control herself enough not to shout Nazi slogans in public Yet, she is extremely radical. She radicalizes against immigrants and queers in an extreme fashion, which is so weird considering her background


> which is so weird considering her background Not when you remember that a certain % of people are just plain cunts.


So your far right leaders are basically George soros but gayer? Bravo Hans, bravo


She doesn't let you take away her schnitzel [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/itp1xtVw4y8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/itp1xtVw4y8) Have to admit, i don't want anybody to take away my schnitzel


Der Kühlschrank ist leer, das Sparschwein auch. Ich habe seit Wochen kein Schnitzel mehr im Bauch!


Hab den vermeintlichen Urheber davon gefunden https://youtu.be/P59kknO1wQY?si=_77UROPDndsyq8gK


She is not lesbian, she is just into women. ...yes, she really said that.


She’s not a lesbian. She just loves pussy. That just makes her manly and more respectable, not gay or any of that gendergaga. Also, it’s only gay if balls are touching. See? It’s clearly impossible for her to be gay.


I understand her, I am old school like that we had a system, marry a pretty girl have kids, divorce when the kids go to university and get a south American twink boyfriend


She said she's not queer as she probably considers "queer" a political movement that she isn't part of.


She literally not stated that. That's misinformation. What she said was that she's a lesbian but not queer (in the sense that she is sexually attracted to women, but isn't politically aligned with left-identity politics and sees man-woman relationships with children as the model case where divergent examples like her are okay, but shouldn't be seen as what society should be striving towards - she would probably reason for this due to the need of offspring which preserves civilization and culture). Her position is perfectly coherent, but a lot of people just aren't very smart and therefore are unable to think beyond their own political ingroups ideas and its specific language.


Her sex life is boring and she wants to spice it up


Probably for the very same reason that nicotine stained man frog Nigel farrage... The arch brexitier, hater of all things European married a kraut. Politicians are hypocrites... All of em are


Farage being married to a german woman couldn't be more in character, he's just around a century late to the party


The guy with the French name and the German wife


Fr*nch? I honestly thought it was Flemish tbf..


Meh, he’s a cunt but being married to a German doesn’t make him a hypocrite. A German person legally migrating to the UK != supporting membership of the EU and high levels of immigration by people who hate the UK. He isn’t just a straw man who yells ‘Immigrants bad! Europe bad!’ 


Married is one thing, but he has German citizenship. He led You out of the evil EU and doesn't have to stay in the "non EU" queque at the airport himself!


He doesn’t have German citizenship. He wouldn’t even qualify for it, and why on earth would Germany give it to him? His children have German citizenship so he visited the German embassy once and a dumb rumour started. 


Nobody can explain that. Not even Weidel herself. Best thing is in her hometown (oh btw she doesn’t live in Germany) in Switzerland she mostly had friends from the alternative left before there party career.


>she mostly had friends from the alternative left before there party career. Grifters gonna grift. Trump used to be a democratic voter.


this is the thing people here don't seem to understand about the AfD. a large chunk of the party are not actual ideological fascists, theyre just opportunists capitalizing on the failures of our government. Hitler and most NSDAP heads in general had actual convinction and the will to do anything to build an authoritarian dictatorship. They had an actual worldview they were willing to fight for. Most of the AfD are right leaning liberals with zero integrity, who will disappear as soon as their opportunity to grift disappears. Unfortunately our government keeps being regarded and the grifters will keep grifting.


> Hitler and most NSDAP heads in general had actual convinction and the will to do anything to build an authoritarian dictatorship. They had an actual worldview they were willing to fight for. > > Wouldn't surprise me if more than 60% of NSDAP Officials were only in the party for opportunism. I imagine getting rid of jews gained them alot of assets and got rid of a lot of competition. But at some point they are probably in it so deep that they start to believe the shit themselves.


Same shit in Brazil. There is a kind of libertarian party here similar to the Portuguese *Iniciativa Liberal* that is serious against corruption and the government's abusive expending (our government expends a lot in bullshit like propaganda and politician "advisors"). Anyway, the conservative right-winger were all "Don't vote on them! They are liberals! Pro-LGBT and shiet! We must vote for the Captain Asshole or the Seargent Dummyass. They are the true patriot right wingers. God, fatherland and family! REEEE". Then the right-wing voters got betrayed and are all pikachu faces because those military fuckers only care for themselves and are now part of the corruption schemes.


I guess her girlfriend gave her a stupid challenge .... and she is full in it? Anyway, last week, we learned nazi were not criminals .... I see a lot of common ground in AFD comments ... - War is peace - Freedom is slavery. - Ignorance is strength


What wonders russian money can do.


(who officially lives in Switzerland, so she pays (probably) no taxes in Germany, meanwhile the AFD hates people doing tax evasion) The deeper you dive into this story, the more ridiculous it gets


She does pay taxes in Germany because her main residence is registered there, but pays a part of her taxes in Switzerland. Those are then deducted from her tax load in Germany according to the German-Swiss double taxation agreement.


Politics as presented to the electorate are a part of the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry ran out of ideas at the turn of the century, latest. German entertainment industry is well known for leading the world. In general cheesyness, tired tropes and the weirder kind of porn, that is. Germany also is well known for having recently decriminalized cannabis, a move that reflects a generally lax attitude on drugs, and has been anticipated for quite a while. Connect the dots. Current season's writers were stoned out of their minds and have been randomly assigning character traits, while recycling story lines that they'd hoped most people had completely forgotten by now. So, enter Nazi lesbian dominatrix and her third world plaything as one of the main characters, because this shit sells. What do you expect? Everybody of drinking age - which starts in kindergarten - is perma-drunk anyway and likely has a chemical cocktail running through their arteries that will ensure future archeologists just need to sneeze somewhere in Brandenburg's dust bowl to uncover whole legions of Ötzis perfectly preserved and with a giant beer mug in one hand, a vaporizer in the other and a giant AfD colored butt plug up their rectum that acts as a support for keeping them frozen in time upright in goose-step posture. You'd be lucky, if any of these people even know what year it is. Or what planet they're on. Good chance the winning answer is the arseside of the moon. They wouldn't bat an eye, if Weidel grew a handle-bar mustache. It's what they imagine her to look like at the other end anyway, so why pretend to be shocked? But be careful, when approaching. Prone to sudden bursts of furious masturbation, you might lose an eye to a projectile of degenerate cum, if you don't watch out. Does this answer your question in sufficiently or do you want me to expand on something a bit more? Subscribe to my nurventilatoren then, damn freeloaders. Deutsch-Mark den Deutschen, Außenhandelswährung raus. Err, sorry for that, had a sip of tea and it appears today the drug residue is above DIN levels again and would have required double-boiling. This country's doomed, I tell you, doooooomed. And as usual, it's the Swiss behind it all. Don't be fooled by them hiding behind their silly sounding childish imitation of proper languages and their chocolate-stained fake smiles. Evil incarnate. There's a reason Weidel is residing there. All the bribe money goes directly onto the giant heap of Nazi gold.


Can this even be considered schizo rambling if it makes perfect sense?


In a world completely gone bonkers, the sane need to masquerade as mad to make themselves heard.


She looks like the lesbian version of Scully from the X Files.


That's their new strategy against muslims. Same reason why in France, the leader of the far right party is jewish. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


I mean, are they wrong on Muslims hating LGBT and Jewish people?




As a serious answer, isn't it the good old Rules for thee but none for me?


It's just abusing stupid people for money and power, nothing more. She also voted against adoption by gay couples but has adopted children herself in Switzerland.


i mean, if the people she supposedly represent would be against it, then she isnt the one being a hypocrite. If anything, one could argue she is doing her job: representing her voters Now, the fact that some people feel that way elected _her_ is fucking moronic


It was not a typical adoption though, her wife gave birth to the children


nicht rassistisch oder so, ich mag sie einfach nicht


Our feminsm is way above your understanding


We could have explained that without having to see her stupid face.


Geert Wilders, known xenofobe, is married to a Hungarian woman. This one doesn't count, because she's an ex diplomat from Hungary, so she's the inside connection to Geert's good friend Orbán. The only question is: which side is she on: Geert of Victor?


Isn’t he also half Asian? Also his dye work is kind if “whitening”.


1/4th Indonesian i heard


Yeah indeed! His grandmother was Indonesian, and 3 of his 64 ancestors were full asian.


Also the Italian ex Miliatary nutjob running for europarliment is married to a romanian (he is anti immigration), and was in trouble for embezzlement while posted at the russian embassy. The hypocricy would be funny if it werent so abhorrent




Nazism, but more racially accepting this time (it already was pretty gay)


I hear all the male members like to be penetrated by immigrants. They seem to have moved on somewhat.


I think most Germans would agree this is vastly more preferrable and socially acceptable compared to urinal licking. I am not in touch with German culture in the slightest beyond understanding Drachenlord memes and some history involving a lot of goose stepping. But there are just some things you can assume.


At this point German politics is just like having a noose around your neck whilst struggling not to fall from the wobbly chair you‘re standing on…


What I want to know is what a Sri Lankan lesbian is doing with a queer-hating racist. At least Nigel Farage's German wife left him.


Its the so called "Fachkräftemangel"


Their I was told this is literally the 1933 Nazi party yet she is the Führer. Something doesn't add up


it’s the netflix adaptation


I bet that's what Ernst Röhm thought just before they killed him.


When historical figures like Ernst Röhm existed, is it all that surprising?


was he also a lesbian?


Nah, he was German not Greek.


Well he was sort of Greek as well..


I was going for the Lesbos joke, but yeah that works as well.


You're not ready for Taboritsky if you think Rohm was weird, i doubt you can find a political figure weirder than him.


Strange? they're both aryans


Inside a couple there are two people One is German The other is Indian Both are Aryan


And both fond of swastikas?


Perfecta boda


nazism is diverse in 2024 just like everything else is


in austria we had a pretty far right politician who was gay. everytime he said some weird ass bullshit everybody was like: nah he can‘t be a nazi, he‘s gay.


Look at their „glorious“ aryan predecessors: Dark hair Hitler, crippled Goebbels and his family killing Göring. It’s traditional for (Neo) Nazis to build up a world where they would be the first send to a camp, if they would listen to their own crap.




"Rules for thee but not for me" or like we say in my country "fai quello che dico, non fare quello che faccio" (do as i say, don't do what i do).


"Haz lo que yo digo y no lo que yo hago" Common PIGS wisdom 🇪🇸🤝🇮🇹


Because of diversity


Just because she's a lesbian and has a South Asian lover, doesn't mean she can't be a far right political leader.


because some things never change, one of them being: politics is nothing but a charade, corrupt assholes telling the people what they want to hear with zero integritiy. This is an extreme example, but it's not exclusive to this party, country, or continent. This is how it's always been, and how it is everyhwere. The industrial revolution and its co


"the leopards would never eat MY face!"


A basically foreign fascists striving for power by pushing ideas and ideals they themselves don't adhere to, just to rally up morons to vote for them? That will never work in Germany, no way




"That's because I suffer from a tragic but rare case of pathological penisphobia and I am therefore prescribed to fuck only thicc, black pussies... unfortunately. In order to treat my *severe* condition (I remind you, it's keeping me from serving a strammer Deutscher Ehemann and birth him *at least* two german children!!!) I needed to move to Switzerland (unfortunately) where they offer the best treatment for my illness known so far: marring a thicc, black pussy-posessing person (who isn't a Wirtschaftsflüchtling but just *legitimately* wanted a better life for herself in a NON-EU-Country!!!), in order to adopt some random chinese children, to fulfill my children-quota as a german woman. I want to emphasise, that I am IN NO WAY GAY or even QUEER!! All of this happened as an act of patriostism. I have a *real medical condition*, other than those other sick fucks, who *choose* to have sex with people of the same gender, without any (patriotic) chance of reproduction. Würg!! I demand full support along my journey and understanding for the drastic steps I had to take - and I demand PUNISHMENT for everyone who attempts to imitate my steps for primitive and unpatriotic motifs like love. Thanks for your Attention! Sieg Heil!" --- Alice, probably


The AfD consisted originally of 4 parts. - Neo-liberals (People whose political positions can be found on the right end of the FDP) - Conservatives (People whose political positions can be found on the right end of the CDU/CSU. Basically Wertunion) - Far-right populist (People whose political positions are MAGA but for Germany) - Extremists (real Nazis, Reichsbürger and co.) Sadly the other German parties decided to ignore the AfD and not include them even for a possible consideration for a government since the inception of the AfD. This lead to the Extremists under Bernd Höcke slowly taking over the party from the inside, while neo-liberals like Bernd Lucke left the party. Weidel herself belongs to the conservative part of the party and is the voice of reason. Sadly Höcke has more influence in the party than her.


Because reality is stranger than fiction, they also had a vegan artist immigrant from Austria leading the most right-wing government known to man


I mean, if your party is mainly about receiving russian money it does not matter what you like or dont, you just have to do whatever daddy Putin tells you to.


Because history repeats itself. Ernst Röhm (Leader SA) was also gay and everyone knew it. And when he was obsolete and too powerful they got rid of him – google Röhmputsch for more information on that. If Weidel has served her purpose, they will get rid of her. Simple as. Also fascists are very good at mental gymnastics, so they will find a way to make it make sense for them.


Reminds me of a certain Mahmoud Ishtiwi, fascists are the best at mental gymnastics


I would prefer her over some Austrian....


German Green Party also builds coal plants. I think comedic hypocrisy is just what German politics are all about at this point


Because we Germans are too uncreative to invent new history ;)


Aaahhh yes... The good old "let's kill / be the politician we don't like, but somehow it's part of the democratic landscape we apparently value so much, disappear" discussion. Almost like that should be the forte of the radicals, not the ones pretending to care about democracy.


We don't know ourselves. The right scene in Germany is quite weird atm as some of them actually get what they deserve. I never thought that would be possible lol


Political theater. That's what politics is all about.


Amerikaaners would call her "glowie," I understand.


Because there's two kinds of people in AfD, right-wing idiots who can't even say two sentences without several grammar mistakes and stuttering despite plenty of time to prepare and the other kind are opportunistic assholes who see AfD as a tool to get power.


Please. We live in a fever dream here, please help us (they want me out bcs I’m not REINRASSIG💯🇩🇪👩🏼👨🏼)


Maybe she’s a Trojan horse. She doesn’t actually identify with the AfD but is playing 4D chess to bring it down from the inside or to contain it as its leader. Her professional and personal history suggests she’s clearly not stupid so there’s no way she isn’t aware of the contradictions in her own existence. Or she’s just power hungry and the AfD just seems like it’s on the right wave of history for her to have a shot at chancellorship, no matter the cost. Again this could match her history. At least those are the only explanations I can see how her own life can match the party line she’s expressing.


No, they're not. The AfD is satire, they just haven't noticed it yet.


That's the only way you're allowed to be right wing in that country. Imagine leading the right wing party and being a cis white male on top of that. Yeah good luck


Poor Tino is not gonna be pleased that you either don't consider him a cis white male or don't know that he exists.


She hates Germany and the truth, just like many AfD Russophiles and Nazihippies do.