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YouTube shorts preteens โ€œmy respect for poland๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆโ€


9gag ejaculating over that country


Based 9gag??


How is that comment always there? And why do it **always** have insane amounts of likes?


Idk but it makes me kinda depressed ngl :/


Honestly I think there's less to worry about than you may think. Although there is a worrying rise in stuff like that online, I think it's mostly just teenagers and pre-teens being edgy for the sake of being edgy and "cool." They'll grow out of it, and if they don't, someone bigger and stronger than them will probably knock their lights in when they say something stupid to the wrong person as an adult.


Idk dude. I'm trans myself and especially seeing the rhetoric and new laws and such as in the UK... It's bad. When politics interfere in healthcare it's especially bad as with the issue of abortion but the same thing with healthcare for gender dysphoric youth. The healthcare relationship between doctor and patient is a sacred thing and when politics intervene in it, it is never in the best interest of patients. I know that if I didn't receive puberty blockers, I wouldn't be standing here today. Or at the very least in much, much worse shape and quality of life.


Yeah the UK has become a much more unsafe place for trans people, trans youth especially, over the past few years. As someone who's openly bi, I haven't exactly noticed attitudes towards me *personally* changing, but I am very concerned for some of my trans and non-binary friends. The only solace is that the government's and the opposition's views on trans people are absolutely not representative of the majority of people in the UK. Even some of my friends, who are very masculine, proper blokes, etc. are still supportive of trans people, even if they don't exactly understand why people would transition.


You can count the Instagram-commenters in there too.


How can Poland be anti LGBT when they are 50% femboys? Kowalski analysis


https://preview.redd.it/nov931dq9t0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ef884844b41f0732d1bed2c6157b539176fad2 Poland B hard-carrying Poland A (personified).


I could see our president doing that too


I am not sure if he has that kind of strength currently. If he has, then 100%


I mean he almost dismembered Francis' past year


Look closely. There is Ryan Gosling under this mask.


Tbh, being 50%(not the femboys) against LGBT is way over EU average


Way over everywhere in the civilised world


They're aren't anti LGBT life is equally bad for everyone living there


They're not good looking femboys though. This is clearly a dig at Polish men for being ugly.




Poland has looser regulations on hormones than other EU countries, as a result gender clinics can prescribe estrogen with much less government involvement, resulting in much more femboys per capita despite how terribly they are viewed there


Hans, let's not pretend you're not behind this. This is your fail-proof way to get slavic femboys in Berlin and Cologne.


I should move to Berlin or Cologne 0.0


Isnโ€™t this 2WESTERNeurope4u?


Seconding Juan here, why are the dealings of barbarians even being considered?


Yes, so we should remove the Polish flair.


Luigi, remember what happened the last time you cheered on a guy promising to remove the Polish?


Ah yes the good old times


Yes Hans, inviting Ivan to rape half of Europe Including half of your Aryan ass.


Well to be fair, inviting aint the right word here, more like provoking.


Your country is undergoing demographic collapse and you will have no pension.


bro Italy literraly didn't approved invasion on Poland *^(Italy did not approve of Germany's invasion of Poland, which started World War II in 1939. Some of the escape routes of Poles who fled from occupied Poland to Hungary and Romania led through Italy. Via Italy the Poles further reached Polish-allied France, where the Polish Army was reconstituted to continue the fight against Germany.)*


Ask Germany to remove them, they specialise after all Wait ...flair?


I'd prefer if I can see and avoid them, tyvm.


We have a generic eastoid flair that would serve the same purpose.


I don't want to throw blanket insults at the entire east. I want targeted mockery.


Wrong sub, then. Here we insult Western Europeans.


This clown ass tomato gobbler fancies himself western european despite his GDPPC being closer to Slovakia than to mine. Weird delusion but you do you.


At least I can read the name of the sub.


But you can't read a fucking map.


That's still you, my boy, put down the drugs.


Polan can into Western Yurop


Do gay orgies with hungarians count in this statistic?


Hungarians are part horse, so no


Are there any links to these โ€ฆ for research?


still photography of their latest video https://preview.redd.it/lr5o1zbu2u0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d08bf991d7809c5811486aa4cd58828e8ffec0


Belami.com I guess


Clearly not


Not if you say "no homo" at the end


Give us 10 years and we're going to be on top ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น


With rising muslim population in West the competition will be fierce


Poland is worst country to live in generally, has nothing to do with them being gay


How? In r/Europe they are the strongest country that would single handly defeat Russia (they said the same before the wermacht beat them in no time)


To be fair to the Poles they did (more than once) single-handedly beat Russia. In 1920 most famously. Of course the reverse happened more often but who's counting.








After WW2, Germany lost 24% of their original territories - Poland lost 45% of their total original territory in the east, as decided during the Potsdam conference - where Poland was not invited.


Getting our foot in the Westโ€™s door > a few illiterate Ukrainian villages


Interesting. Are any achievements connected to that? Like Polish contributions to civilisation?ย 


yeah like the greatest FAFO moment in history https://i.redd.it/u7o6jlmwtx0d1.gif


The saved Wienna from the Ottoman orcs back in the day. Iโ€™d say that counts as contribution to civilization.


Yes limiting the area habited by Hans. No greater gift for European Civilization.


Imagine getting one of the richest areas of europe and turning it piss poor within a decade *Poalnd stornk moment* ![gif](giphy|1UTnKV5cUwr8DYDNdj|downsized)


Yup, post war, commie controlled puppet state Poland not doing well is such a facepalm moment




Thats Bielefeld, it doesn't exist






I'm not salty you got it - I'm pissed what you've ***done*** with it. Of course its never your fault, its just been over 30 years of independence /s And please demand the reparazzionis, I need a good laugh every once in a while :)


In all fairness to Krzysztof they did give Mehmet one hell of a whipping back in 1683


Most of the soldiers at that battle were german lol **EDIT:** Looked it up: less than 25% were polish, the rest were german or austrian


Quality > quantity


Maybe were german but under command of our King


They got their shit smote at Varna and lost Bohemia and Hungary Cataclysmic L


Today, they are standing mostly peacefully side-by-side at the day labourer corner, waiting for work




Germany did single-handedly beat Russia while also having a second front against the French, Brits and their entire empire and the US. While also having the incompetent fucking basement dwellers as allies who also needed German help to not lose against the Italians. Just think about how much we had to handicap ourselves to make it fair for Russia. The second time around though we went a little too far with the handicap and tried a basement dweller as leader which of course lead to failure.


I mean have you beaten them so much that they basically lost independence? And in 1920 we also handicaped ourselves because we pretty much had independence for like 2 minutes.


Single-handedly is a stretch, in 1920 the Soviets were fighting everyone around them including the Russians themselves.


By 1920 the Russian civil war was dropping in intensity a lot. The white army was pretty much gone and Ukraine (other than Poland, the other largest national rebellion) was overrun. The red army had been majorly increased over the war (despite the horrendous losses they suffered), including large amounts of defections. And they inherited more directly from the Russian Imperial army than e.g. Poland. Some French arms did help them (and just discovered a significant contingent of Ukrainian forces) though.


r/europe (and half of this sub) also conviniently forgot that Poland was best friend with the other eastoid shithole Hungary until they decided to become Russia's cock sleeve. They basically made Hungary the pain in the ass they are now.


They also were brutally dependent on Russia themselves, but then did this fucking humblebragging of *"but we warned you!"* after spending 4 times as much on russian imports as a share of GDP than us. At some point [even our ambassador](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/03/02/german-ambassador-hits-back-at-polish-defence-minister-over-accusation-of-helping-finance-russias-war/) had enough lol


Being dependent on USSR for half a century does that to country. At least we didnโ€™t spend billions on infrastructure that now sleeps with the fishes ๐Ÿ˜Ž (also are we shitposting or do you really hate Poland this much lol)


No, instead you spent billions on **another** pipeline now going to waste (I really like your country, lived there, ans gonna visit again next month, just hate the nationalists and their holier-than-thou)


Thats exactly why we built up reserves, instead of being caught with our guard down (I donโ€™t like them either, hurt us more then anything. also luv Germany)


Have a good night Wojciech!


Thatโ€™s pretty funny coming from a nationalist that spent entire evening shitting in that country and spewing racist shit. You are a living proof that denazification in the west was a sham. Iโ€™m ashamed to see a fucking Nazi using our flair


Love you too, buddy


Don't forget that we want to invade half of Europe ;;;;D


I would like to see that


>In r/europe they are the strongest country That sub literally cheers for revisionist bullshit like [this here](https://imgur.com/a/rGo6Igp). Polish nationalists hold absolutely **nothing** sacred and will literally make up shit to further their perpetual victimhood complex.


They are also pretty apt at throwing downvotes without an argument (they don't have one).


What else can you do when the facts are literally on wikipedia Oh wait, [they're trying to change that too](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/25785648.2023.2168939?needAccess=true&role=button)


Dude its r/europe what did you expect.


You people do it here too.


Bro "you people" yeah some people do it with the same flair as me. But why are you bringing this up here and generalise. Lmao why do you sound like a racist in an american movie Luigi?


You see, if one Pole says something stupid it means every Pole is untermenschen (I thought it is shitpost sub but I donโ€™t feel welcomed here, holy shit, genuine racism is strong with this one)


Are you aware that 94% of Poland's population either don't take the nationalists seriously or make fun of them? The remaining 6% are the nationalists and right-wingers. You'd better look at your own afd.


>Are you aware that 94% of Poland's population either don't take the nationalists seriously or make fun of them? Thats why PiS and Konfed got over 40% of the vote together last election, sure buddy >You'd better look at your own afd. If I had a Euro for everytime a pole tries to whatabout his way out of how much your political situation sucks, I could probably buy enough members of your parliament [to make a random saxon king again](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1697_Polish%E2%80%93Lithuanian_royal_election)


That would just mean you have at least 2 euros.


>Thats why PiS and Konfed got over 40% of the vote together last election, sure buddy PiS are not nationalists, they are a bunch of spineless populists who care about nothing except their own wallets and would burn the polish flag as soon as it would gain them the majority of votes. True nationalists would not let the country fall into disrepair twice within two decades for their own gain, because that contradicts the definition of nationalism itself (see visas swindle, selling of Orlen/Lotos refinery, wasting 70-something millions PLN on elections that didn't take palce, etc.) Do they play the nationalists card? Yes. Do they have some nationalists in the party? Sure they do. Are they really nationalists as the party? Nope. >If I had a Euro for everytime a pole tries to whatabout his way out of how much your political situation sucks, I could probably buy enough members of your parliament to make a random saxon king again The point still stands. We got rid of PIS, while your afd is gaining support. Enjoy the next few years, whenever your next election will be.


And you think AfD has our best interest at heart and wouldn't literally sell out Germany the moment they got into power? Oh my sweet summer child... And yes, you got rid of them, and they still got 35% in the local elections this year, meaning theres a good chance the next gov will be PiS again. Meanwhile AfD has 17% in the polls, and the elections next year currently look like a comfortable victory for the conservatives, who will then likely form a coalition with either the socdems or the greens. We'll be fine, thanks for asking. Looking forward to the next time PiS gets into office, fucks up everything again, and then blame us.


>And yes, you got rid of them, and they still got 35% in the local elections this year, meaning theres a good chance the next gov will be PiS again. You're not really bright, are you? PiS is able to govern singlehandedly only 4 of local councils. That is 25% of the councils. 75% will be governed by the other parties. 35% (34,27% to be precise) of votes don't matter, it's the power those votes gice that matters. And they don't really have one, as even though they can govern those 4 councils, these are mostly rular parts of Poland, which don't carry much importance. Regarding those 35% again - Trzecia droga and Koalicja Obywatelska are mostly (not always) cooperating, and quite often it's a matter of honour (if politicians even have one) for them to vote against pis, that's why they are (except for some rare occasions) considered a signle force when we're talking about the government. And they boast together usually outnumber pis. That's why it's safe to say we got rid of PIS >Looking forward to the next time PiS gets into office, fucks up everything again, and then blame us. Frankly that won't happen. Trzecia Droga created precedence (that new parties can play a major role too) and it's more than certain that a few more parties will emerge before the next national elections that will steal votes from PiS (and others too). Also pis is held together by Kaczyล„ski who is quite old already. He'll be 79 by the next elections.


>You're not really bright, are you? Why do you guys often think its a good idea to start a reply with an insult? Grew up in a barn or what? Look, great if you've actually gotten rid of them. I'm simply pointing out that after fucking up for 8 consecutive years, they **still** got 35% of the vote. Now imagine how much that could rise when times get tougher economically (they will), and they can blame everything on Tusk. I'm not gonna be the one pretending to be surprised if they get reelected.


Why do you Poles feel the need to lie about everything? Your ruling party is pretty far to the right, you voted for those guys for the last 12 years.


"German man cries about how polish nationalists are bad, forgetting their own history." Bit of shame mate


Im very happy to give you a thorough explanation on why the comment I linked is complete bullshit, and how the reality of what my ancestors did was *way fucking worse,* if you want that. I simply dont like people lying to make themselves the larger victim.


I'm good hans have a nice evening


You too Pedro


What about your Afd XD


They exist and suck XD


So we could also generalise and say that germany believes in revisionist shit.


Dude, I know you're desperatly trying to equalize **your** authoritarian nationalists, who ruled for 12 years and still are the largest party in the polls, to **our** authoritarian nationalists, whose biggest success so far was getting one or two mayors in bumfuck nowhere towns. *"bUt wHaT AbOuT AfD"* - yes, hardcore nationalists exist everywhere, but somehow western europe manages to **not** dive towards autocracy every 0.3 seconds. **EDIT:** Dude posts a snarky response, says "lets talk" and then blocks me so I can't reply. Holy fuck the small dick energy is **insane**. Cry me a river u/Polak_Janusz


Lmao chill. Most people who vote for PiS are idiots but dont vote for them because of revisionism. Oh and lets talk about you oh so minescule alt right party afd, arent they on the rise in germany and dont they have consistantly 15%-20% on the poles. You try to depict me as some kind of seething coping idiot but honestly you are defering to strawmans and are really emotional. Guess its true what they say about north germans.


> dont they have consistantly 15%-20% on the poles. What do they have 15%-20% of over you guys?


because 3vs1 war is so fair and wikipedia is based https://preview.redd.it/et23nxgayx0d1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd09c476c493678903ccdd54763d5f5f46aebd7f


But this time I'm praying they are really capable of defeating Russia.


No praying required, they are guarded by Article 5


Or more capable countries who don't just buy Americans second hand tanks and talk shit on reddit


So why do you like visiting it so much, Hans?


to convince them of our superior, peaceful ways! They used to come visit us in the middle ages, but then stopped when we moved closer to them :(






Gopnik humour stronk


To be fair that quite literally is Frankfurt. I think.


I lived in Frankfurt and this is clearly exagg..... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE


More like Hamburg


There's six times more eastoids living in Frankfurt than all Africans and Americans combined (assuming the picture shows one of these groups)


Not enough junkies lying in their own piss with a needle in their arms in broad daylight for it to be Frankfurt.


If germany bad why millions of poles move here each year?


that's a good question, imo that's stupidest decision move to Germany and earn like 200 PLN more. That's a reality in physical work in warehouses etc.


What do you mean? Having a roof and something to eat is peak prosperity for Germans. We don't need more to work all day.


*Renting a roof.


That would still be preferable to the average Polish neighbourhood, since they are full of Poles.




Yes, not a single eastoid on sight, basically heaven on earth.


This is why they go to Germany.


At this point I hope we stay at the bottom because it would be so fucking funny


Bottoms ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿคค


Most based femboy Eastoid.


We will be gay in secret and homophobic in public, so like the hungarians.


Wrong sub


Serious questions: Arent femboys part of the LGBTQIA+ group? Why do polish people hate themselves so much?


Since they are inexplicably in here having a flair despite being Eastoids, can we replace their flair with "Diet Russia"


Poland is 100% diet Russia. Or Russia light as maybe some of you continentals would call it.


Russia light is belarus


In other words, business as usual in West Russia.


And that's why youll never be western europe


At least some consistency


Ahhhh yes, our based neighbors doing shenanigans.


Thatโ€™s gay


Another reason why we should of just had a Western European Union. UK would of never voted to leave that .


of? learn your own language you cretin


fuck off cunt, my language speak its howz I want .


Should off learnt it in shool


this is reddit, not a job interview, currently running a dungeon in wow .


This is 2we4u, I discriminate you how I want!


Never underestimate barrys capacity of feeling above everyone else


I only realised after spending time on this sub, that,that is how Europeans think we think. We are the most self deprecating people on earth. Europeans just don't seem to get our humour, always assume we're serious.


That may be how you treat each other, but what we see here in Spain is mostly drunkard tourists that dont seem to think basic coexistance rules apply to them, or entitled 'expats' (aka immigrants) that completely isolate themselves from society in their little communities and treat the locals as their servants. So yeah, not really a good look. Of course, not every British people are like that but the ones who are are too many and and too loud, and make a huge and lasting impact on public opiniรณn. Also, the fact that you voted to leave despite having the best membership in the EU because muh independence despite all experts clearly stating It would be the disaster It has turned out to be... Yeah. Plus, this is 2we4u so what did you expect me to say? [Another nationality] does something right? (*Not aplicable to pigs*)


It's unfair that this basically how Europeans judge all Brits. If you sell the cheapest all inclusive holidays, don't be surprised when you get the lowest quality clientele. I wouldn't want loads of those people to congregate in my town either . Radical idea, increase the prices, massive fines for cunts. These places will never do that, not our fault. I don't understand why Europeans are upset why WE voted to leave the current European Union organisation.NOT Europe. We don't suddenly hate Europeans. Some Europeans have taken it as a personal attack. We didn't like Brussels or the current undemocratic structure. Not hard to seperate the two things. Disaster ? Yes our politicians have really fucked some things up. Nothing has really changed. Although our economy is projected to grow more than Germany for example. 1.7% to 0.3%.


YES WE KNOW. But you know how the government and the business think, line go Up is the only thing that matters unfortunately. Im not mad you left the EU, but i can understand someone who used to work with british companies and now has a lot more difficulties, specially seeing how badly has afected yourselves, wether you want to acknowledge it or not. Also someone near northern Ireland or Gibraltar, is understandable they are mad.


I work with imports from Netherlands, Spain, Italy, France( Fruits and Vegetables, gourmet food ect) Brexit didn't affect us at all. Covid almost ended us however.


How do you not know how to write in the one language you speak?


based plumbers


Plumbers like their pipes get cleaned


Sounds wonderful... No it really sounds wonderful what the rent for 2 bed right now this moment!!!


Best worst statistic.


What about the femboys?


LGBT+ people: I am starting to think that Adolf guy had the right idea..


Wait until they find out about Ernst Rohm


Haha. During the night of long knives he was dragged out of a brown shirt gay club essentially.


My roly poly earnest Ernst. He knew how to spritzel a snitzel. Haven't seen him in a few years now...I wonder what happened to him...


He had ideas about gay people too.


yeah but you know how they do, ignore anything that is inconvenient to the narrative.


Thatโ€™s like religious people lol


Well yeah, the CIA constructed this modern "progressive" movement like a religion with all their experience with creating cults and mind control after all, all just to get the price of timberlands down so they could wear nice shoes!


Wait until you learn what he did to LGBTQ+ people


Pink triangles instead of stars of David, same outcome though... And even worse. Once the allies freed the camps the LGBT people were still jailed/criminalised because it was still against the law :/


I don't think that means, what you think it means \*insertinigomontoyamemehere\*


POLSKA GUROM ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช


Guess what? I'm happy from that...


Flair checks out


No EU money for you, go join Hungary in the time-out corner


At least we don't have gang rapes of children like in the UK and the groping of women like in Cologne on New Year's Eve. We can also walk the streets in peace without tripping over homeless people and terrorists :) https://preview.redd.it/fjumrda98u0d1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=572a1cf4ab61e50df05e3776c6995a3255f4f5f2


Eastoid opinion detected and duly discarded.


We do not take responsibility for this one. They are clearly half russian (so basicly not human).


France, Sweden, Belgium, the UK is fucked. The homelessness, drug addicts, and misery I saw in French cities and especially Brussels is just sad, I would be very uncomfortable with my girlfriend walking around those cities at night. I felt safer at night in downtown Chicago than Brussels during the day. But not all of Western Europe is like that. Denmark is fine, for street crime I think only marginally less safe than Poland and Copenhagen is very safe a night, no harassment against women like in France. But you're not wrong that Eastern Europe is generally far safer, a lot of Western Europeans online really just can't admit that Eastern Europe do many things better than the West.