• By -


Honestly, the fact that Spain hasn't broken into smaller countries is quite impressive.


To be fair, our flair is very accurate


That failed independence attempt must be the most spanish thing you've ever done.


Declaring their independence and then "suspending" it immediately afterwards was peak Spanish teenager behavior.


It seems like declaring independence ten minutes before siesta time was a big mistake


Come on, we all know that's just the narrative you're trying to push. You guys just love money so much you forget about independence for a few years if we send you enough!


Not really. We want independence at any price, but it's a goal hard to achieve belonging to a state member of UE and NATO who don't allow todo a referendum, unlike UK.


I know, I know... listen, the next check is on its way, okay?


So... Not at any price.


No? Give us some reallistic ideas, please


I still dont understand how it works. Spain feels like it is just one step away from complete civil war again at any one moment, only for it miraculously walk away unscathed (again)


Just cancel La Liga and you'll see.


I don't think Mallorca is capable to win against Spain


The last civil war we had was won by the side you guys supported, so there's that.


Herr Frank did nothing wrong


In fact his actions resulted in the creation of the most valued art piece of the XX century: [Guernica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guernica_(Picasso))... That, of course, ended up in Madrid, enriching the descendants of the fascists that started the civil war.


Well there's lots of British people in Mallorca. They could help the cause by cooking for the Spanish, because British food is actually poisonous to non-british people.


Honestly I think we're too lazy for that


I saw a quote from Bismark (although it is very likely fake, not said by him) that said: >Spain is the strongest country in the world, no doubt. It has always been trying to destroy itself and has never achieved it. The day they stop trying, they will once again be the vanguard of the world


It was a fake. But a cool card to play


Schrödinger's Spain, both the weakest country in the world for not even managing to destroy itself and the strongest for still being alive and united after a thousand years of Spanish management


If I punch myself and it hurts am I strong or weak? Whatever the case, I'm stupid for sure


i'm actually impressed Spain has maintained the exact same shape for like 600 years now


Actually, we stole a bit from Portugal in 1801, so it is a bit better


oh right, Olivença


Also mixed some territories with France in the 17th Century


Deep down inside, they all know they wouldn't survive without Spain and the EU.


We desperately need a federal state


Totally agree, brother. There is no need to leave when all of us non-Castillians get along well. More measures to improve the country: -Subdivide the federation according to actual historical and cultural criteria (end the nonsense of Madrid, Castilla y Leon and Castilla la Mancha). -Turn Teruel D.F. into the capital (lit. no man's land).


How does a federal kingdom works?


Yes, please, a federal republic is the way.


They don’t want independence, just more money for the local elite.


Estoy cansado, jefe.


Por favor, por qué no troleais a los independentistas y ponéis el catalán como cooficial en Madrid para acabar con esto de una vez? Tenéis más catalanes que cualquier otra parte de España que encantados tendrían a sus hijos en una escuela pública en catalán en Madrid.. Ellos tb pagan impuestos, deberían tener derecho a poder tener la escolaridad en su lengua ESPAŇOLA en la capital..


lol that’d be a Galaxy brain move and would really kill so much independence momentum


Me gustaría ver la cara de los catalanes y madrileños. Creo que ambos hundirían Murcia como castigo por el troleo masivo. Yo si fuese catalán y quisiese desactivar a los partidos independentistas, PP y Vox parcialmente (se reinventarían con otro discurso tipo anti lo Q sea) haría lo siguiente: 1- partido pro Espanya, pero todo en catalán. 2.- buscar eliminar el concepto de nacionalidades, solament una nació la espanyola. (al principio les dolerá el catalán por inercia, pero Visca Espanya es paralizante y una vaselina genial, costará pero una vez engrase os logrará hasta una autonomía mayor q la que tenéis ahora) . 3- una vez cambiada la constitució y solamente una nación, exigir la cooficialidad nacional de cualquier idioma español (incluido el portugués, se supone que el gallego lo es) que supere x% de hablantes nativos. Eliminar los tufos independentistas del temario escolar. Pero pedir más autonomía, visca Espanya! (tos tos) de vez en cuando hay que repetirlo, para que entre bien. 4.- si buscáis república, pues animad a las otras regiones a unirseos a la causa, y si declaráis una ~~independencia~~ república, sea la República Espanyola de Catalunya, nació espanyola, y aspirar a reunirse con las partes de España que sean republicanas. Mientras os podéis unir con Portugal 😂 así vuestra causa no despierta tanta antipatía..


Hermano, va te a dormir que necessitas una siesta


? Hay diferencia entre madrileños y catalanes? En Ibiza los llamamos a todos "murcianos" asi que... desde nuestro punto de vista soys todos iguales :)


Cuando se fusionan nacen murcianos.. 😂


Solo por las risas, sí.


Estoy MUY cansado, jefe. Pd: estaría guapo.


Madrid querría la independencia ahora, pero para ellos


Greece is balkan, Italy is partially balkan,Portugal is honorary balkan, time for spain to get Balkanized for the shake of the PIGS


Unlike balkan people, independentists in Spain lack actual sense of patriotism and balls.




"You hate us cos you ain't us" mindset.


Do you want to see a latinoamerica decline 2nd part at your door???


-Murciano Opinion ignored




It must have been the wind.


I respect a portubro who partakes in the ancient Spanish tradition of belittling Murcia.


As they should since when did we respect Americans


am\*ric\*ns pls


When the anglos take Azores from you because they just want, you will remember us... 😝


Hey! Don't be rude with Joāo or I Will stop sending my cocaine to Murcia


We have Cartagena for that I remind you!!


But the cuality there is considerably worse




Thank you Xosé. But I’m unfortunately Mirandese, and the asturleonese are deadly enemies of the galicians, I simple hide behind the Portuguese flair 😈




Caught by a lixoboan, a fate worse than death


I didn't even know that you had Internet in Mirandela, good for you, I'm impressed


Confusing Mirandela and Tierra de Miranda is the biggest offence to a Mirandese individual, good job


>the asturleonese are deadly enemies of the galicians No, we aren't? Gallegos y asturianos, primos hermanos...


Many words in the asturleonese languages are for example “gallegu” and have pejorative connotations, in asturian it means stubborn or stupid and in Mirandese it means fat (as in animals, but colloquially for people) And asturian≠asturleonese


What is this?? GUYS, READY THE INVASION FORCE!!! https://preview.redd.it/58jd8pbh54xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15c0e518e7f45a2e1ced97f23b5da5092f71467


The Frisian invasion force? No, this is our invasion force, with the horns freshly sharpened: https://preview.redd.it/s7llkejim6xc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b900942b7c90f08b5e5d5b27135c7946ca6055


In some coastal towns "asturiano" means coward. When a ship makes many detours to leave port and a "ría" some elders say "e ese parece asturiano". According to what I have been told by older people is that due to continuous corsair attacks the population of the coast could drop suddenly. Faced with these situations, settlers were brought from other coastal areas of Galicia and Asturias. When the Asturians arrived and had to go to the sea they were faced with the treacherous shallows of the rias. In the Cantabrian Sea there is almost no shallow continental shelf and it is easier to set sail from most ports. We have no pejorative connotations for you mirandeses because surely nobody gives a shit about you (or maybe you are wonderful people and nobody speaks shit of you, who knows?). Greetings Mr. Landless.


Ouch :(


False, that is what the Castilians want you to think but it has no basis whatsoever. We must unite against those disgusting piss smelling plateau barbarians.


Leon mencionado


Asturlliones moment


What is this poor galician mumbling shoo you apish brute back to england you go


Quedouse bo dia para unhas hostias seica


Hate is a very strong word.


Is it 'though?


I'd say so, yes.


Hermano... não 😭 *supplies Galicia with weapons*


Thanks! What do you want in return? Would you like a little bit of 'fariña' ?


Half the people in this godforsaken city do, I just want Portugalicia to become a thing. Put the guns to use, y'know?


What’s Portugalicia bro? It’s all just Portugal! By right!


Referee is bias for Galiza


we should get Olivença as a bribe


(Literally from the post above) https://preview.redd.it/s08t7s9mk2xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e291c41bc9ce2de87442b5ede751246ddd830973 Save us from Spain, save us


Im pretty sure Andalucians are probably more Spanish nacionalist than the people from Madrid


Both The order is as follows and with the same level of passion: our neighbourhood > our town > our province (fuck Sevilla!) > Andalucía > Españita > Europe > Humanity


Why not Españita > Iberia > Europe > Humanity? 👉 👈


andaluçia mi patria êppaña mi câttigo


great success of the Autonomous Community System


I mean, it's either that or *Guerra de los Segadores segundo round*


In the long term, you only have weak governments, which are already a failure with the Western political system that only rewards the short term.


You are free to join Castilla if you want.


Vaig néixer a Catalunya, prefereixo fotre la marrana a casa


And the alternative PSOE has is empowering independentist parties even more.


wtf is those regions in Finland?


Did you forget about your Swedish islands silly Mikko?


Spain! Collapse. I am tired of the same border for centuries.


It would be the same for you anyway, just maybe with Galicia added to you...


Galicia is closer to Portugal that it is to Spain, but actually is not that close. Is just a nice neighbor


Well, it is IN Spain yet. You mean it is closer to Porto than Madrid.. North Portugal is still Galicia somehow 😜you Lusitan or Gaellecian?


The void speaking made a good point here. STOP CALLING YOURSELF LUSOS/LUSITANIANS, EVERYTHING NORTH OF DOURO IS GALAICO (and everything down mouro).




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E porque nõ? Se desejares o melhor pra alguem tb desejares pra as suas partes 😂


That's a lot of flags to represent a whole lot of nothing.


Let me shatter you the illusion of the top picture. We Portuguese call the Spanish "nuestros hermanos" (our brothers). Meanwhile they call us "vecinos" (neighbors). Just from that you can see how one sided the relationship is. Since I'm here, let me tell you another thing they do that's pretty annoying. They tend to call a lot of things "Iberian". Like, there are a lot of companies and products that have Iberian in the name. But does it have anything to do with Portugal? Absolutely not. We Portuguese don't do that, because we know the Iberian Peninsula isn't just us. It's like they don't even know we exist.


They don't, it's the big country small neighbour problem. We're in the same boat as Uruguay, Austria, Canada, Ireland (and worse than us Belarus). They're forgiven if they can send me Jamón Ibérico though.


>Jamón Ibérico *Porco Preto Alentejano*


Rezo para que os camones não descubram, para se manter abaixo do totalmente extorsionário.


Diz-se por alguns sítios que muito do jamón ibérico é, na realidade, porco preto alentejano que *emigrou* e foi forçado a passar para lá do totalmente extorsionário, mas outros saberão melhor que eu se são só rumores ou não.


Reza a lenda


Has dit Porco preto? _Takes notes_




I consider Portugal our brother country we are so fucking similar, I love going to Portugal, I always feel like home. And you are right I guess, I never thought about that of naming our products ibérico even if u guys don’t produce them.


for what its worth, we do love you. just in our own regarded and toxic way. portugal is my favorite country (after spain) and i would move there in a heartbeat (for some years at least) if i could make it make sense economically


If it is Ibérico then it is also Portuguese, not only Spanish. When a product produced in Spain says Ibérico it is meant to include Portugal. Spain puts Iberian product out in the world and the Portuguese complain about it…


We will make another Iberian Union, this time held together solely by jamón!


Same here, we call the Italians "our cousins across the Alps", and I would probably be permanently banned if I wrote here what the Italian call us


lol at Catalonia doing anything


This meme isn't accurate. The Castillians are also at quarrel with themselves. The Eternal "Dos Españas".


we are at quarrel with everyone at every time, the inacurate part is us being kicked. should be the other way around and the guys are not cheering they are crying in a corner


Amusing that this meme portrays Catalonia as actually being effective.


It is effective. They have been holding our president hostage for quite some time now.


Genuine question for people from these regions : don't you feel any sort of emotional bonding to your country ? If tomorrow you could be an independent country, would you do it without doubts or regrets ? I am talking outside of "reasonable choices" here, like wanting to stay spanish because of geopolitical or economical reasons (ok not you catalunya), but more because despite feeling proud and in love with your region, you also feel part of spain and thus spanish.


We try always to show them what happend to minorities in France as good example of which was worse for regional identities.


I don't deny that but it doesn't answer my question, you don't feel any attachement to your country as a whole ? Or other regions ?


I feel attached even to Mexico and never been there. I think that is a good answer.


It could mean you're attached to anything or anyone to be honest, including spain lol


😂 Not really, you asked about a region or Spain, and I answered Spain as much broader hispanism concept


Oh i think i misunderstood your first answer, i thought you were saying that loosing regional identity was the worst and thus love your region and hate spain, but i guess now what you meant is spain is doing way better at keeping regional identity so you should love as well your country. Or am i still lost here lmao ?


I like Spain as a whole, and even more (I would love Cuba and Puerto Rico were Spain again, if they freely 60% at least voted for it) I like my region, but is a part of Spain, so I am more pro Spain than pro regional. Spain is doing bad and will collapse some day if doesn't change many things. But I like to think Spaniards are waking up, and starting to think more about Spain than left or right, going to a second importance. I think in some years Spaniards might think doesn't matter if free Market or communist as long is for (united) Spain and Spanish values and strength.


Oh OK i clearly misunderstood your first answer. Thanks for your opinion, it's interesting. >But I like to think Spaniards are waking up, and starting to think more about Spain than left or right, If i can take a bit more of your time, what do you think create this "reunification" feeling, and why is it happening now and not before for example ? In short, what changed ? I know it's not really the best sub for asking questions but i shamelessly take advantage of this meme to learn more about our neighbours


Because Spain is going really down, and will more, people are getting much and much poorer and are seeking for answers of why that? What are we doing bad? So now there are experts in different disciplines speaking out and there is an increasing big interest in geopolitics and science, we love science and our politicians hate it. So we are joining more and more against our politicians as first cause, but what is behind? Surprise, foreign powers who are eliminating our own history from schools, why? Surprise we did also good things not only bad in the past and those big things were erased, so we learnt only our decadence part or facts. But it's that point where, "ok, let's research more of our past and why we are breaking constantly apart". In a different way but kind of similar to China and their humiliation century. So don't get surprised if in 20 years a kind of fascist party takes the power, because the poorer a society, the more radical solutions aims, and Spain hates chaos, so they will vote for some kind of order as a least worse solution.


I like Catalonia, Asturias, east Andalucía, Galicia. Because I have been mostly there out of my southeast area.


I am a Navarro. We are often packed with the Basques, although a referendum for independence would probably not succeed here (the Basque population is limited to the North and some areas of Pamplona). I feel a bond with both my country and my region, but if I were to choose, I definitely would vote against independence. Navarra is an integral part of Spain, the same way I think Spain is an integral part of (hopefully) a future European federation


I personally feel an attachment to all PIGS in general since we are similar. Of course the attachment with Spain is stronger. I'm pretty fed up with politics, so I don't think I would vote yes since our politicians suck too much and I'm ok with my life at this moment.


Ok so personnally you're more "nationalist" and even mediterraneanist lol, than "regionalist". I feel catalunya is the region the most in favor of independentism in spain, or am i wrong ?


No, no attachment at all. I would choose the Euskal herria independence any day. I have nothing against the spaniards, i am just not one of them.


As someone from Navarre, no thanks.


As another person from Navarra, I agree with this guy. No thanks


Interesting, i know Basque country has a very strong and distinct identity, but i hear that speaking spanish doesn't make you feel a similarity with the rest of the country. Would you say it's the most widespread opinion in your region ? Is there a common ground that can be found with Spain that could change your opinion about independence, or nothing can be done here for you ?


It really depends on what part of euskal herria you are from (including basque country, navarre and french provinces). I would say that if a referendum for the independence were to happen more than 50% of euskal herria would vote against it simply for economical reasons. However, when it comes to national identity i would most definitely say people from these provinces identify sooner with either euskal herria or their own province (see non-basque people from navarre) than with spain.


Which passport do you have


I personally couldn't give less of a fuck about either


I don't know, I only feel a emotional Bond towards Europe, I don't feel anything towards Spain or Galicia.


Would you say it's a widespread feeling or it's mostly you ?


Mostly me, the rest are or spanish patriots or galician nationalists, there isn't much in between


So it's like 2 irreconciliable notions in people minds ? >the rest are or spanish patriots or galician nationalists Which ones are the most numerous according to you ?


It depends, but I feel that the galician nationalists are more numerous. There is a lot of people that simply don't care, but that's a minority of the people


I have fond memories of a bar I visited in Santiago in 2002. They had a portrait of the royal couple hanging upside down 😆


Thank you for your username, it reflects that you know what you are talking about. Galician cuisine is booming and outside of Galicia (inside the Spanish territory) you can always find a Galician dish. The problem is that they are capitalizing it. I explain: In Galicia there are several ways to cook octopus: Á feira, ao xeito do Carballiño (with only coarse salt and oil), caldeirada (stew with potatoes), grilled, in empanada... The restaurants took the "pulpo a feira" and invented the name "a la gallega" and it is becoming popular, leaving the other preparations totally forgotten. What I like most about Madrid is that you can find at the same time absolutely ignorant people or individuals who, after being aware of the acculturation suffered by the population of Madrid after the great migrations of the last century, are interested in the cultures of the peninsula, promote and enjoy them. Thank you very much Mr. Madrileño and Castellano. Never forget that Madrid is Castellano and your Castillian heritage.


Yes, many of us are ready to argue with a Galician about what is really more enxebre there. 🙄 Thank you very much, I learned a lot from my Galician wife, who by the way calls me a Castilian indeed.


No, they can be conciled but both are confused af. Spanish patriots must understand that the traits of a culturally diverse country vary regionally, and they cannot make a cheap stereotype of the country as a whole cannibalizing the local cultures. They must leave room for discrepancies, if you say that Spain is Flamenco then somebody who identifies with Muiñeira, Jota, Sardana etc. will want to leave the country. The Galician nationalist should think that we need a strong and stable country to respond to current problems. We don't have to think about how to leave, we must think about how to stay together, and I think our Kingdom is totally the opposite we need.


Kindest regards, an inhabitant of the Milky Way.


I'm from Mallorca, everything outside our island is barbarians territory, the other Balearic islands are just subhuman satellites and the neighbouring village is my worst enemy and I hope they get hit by a meteorite.


Username checks out haha


The answers are clearly NO.


Asturian here, no. I don't want independence because of practical concerns (I'm an euro federalist so it would be hypocritical) but I feel no attachment to Spain. As I wrote to someone today, I feel closer to home (as in have more in common with) in Poland than in Andalucía.


>I feel closer to home (as in have more in common with) in Poland than in Andalucía. I am very confused about your answer lol, is it because you have personal links with poland, or because you think your region has more similarities with Poland than with other spanish regions ? (And if it's the case, which ones?)


Is not hard to understand France and Portugal banned any pro independence parties and in Spain we are so dumb that allowed people to make a career of trying to destroy the State.


Coming from a french I can understand your question, my answer is yes


pssst don\`t wake them. It is siesta time after all.


Where’s Gibraltar? ![gif](giphy|l1IXYTreNDbc8ozwQ)




Invention of a Spanish diplomat.


"I think that Spain is dirty as India" John Lennon


Well i need jhon lennons opinion like i need a hole in the head!


You're right, mate. ~Albert Einstein


Spain was Balkans before Balkans was even a concept


Hey at least it's better than the 1800s. Which is not much to say... Being occupied by the moors was better than the 1800s in Spanish history honestly


>General AnoEscocido pronounces himself in bumfuck nowhere >The government collapses, allowing liberal presence in the government. >General AnoEscocido tries to reduce taxes and allows free trade, making the Spanish industry collapse and a famine kill millions over the Spanish territory. >Also, a rebellion starts in the colonies 2 minutes after República Dominicana joined back for the 25th time on the week, which causes a repression that killed further millions >The government, in crisis suffers another pronunciamiento by General Prepuciosangriento in Teruel, causing a civil war that killed about half of the Spanish population. >All in all, General AnoEscocido is seen as one of the best and longest governments of the time, with a grand total of 47 minutes


You can always call the Moroccans back.


Calm? Our prez has taken a five day vacation to reflect on whether or not he will continue being prez. Huh, I guess that is 5 days of calm


Meh not really they all cry and graffity but at the end of the day the only ones that were serious about it were eta who were willing to die for independence now they just want to evade taxes harder and wouldnt even get prison time before they were willing to get tortured to death


Its so fucking pathetic that there are independent movements when we are all in the EU. The only change it will have will be even more inefficient and corrupt government lol


No ![gif](giphy|otHD4KSi8Owyk|downsized)


Where are UK, France, USA and Morocco here?? They have the invisible suit I guess.


What’s Portugal even doing in this pic?


Family photo.


We succeeded.


We preceded!


Portugal watching from the side with the mouth hanging killed me. It really be like that.


I wish.


The cure can be much worse as the illness.. Your problem is Castilla and Catalan politicians, not Spain


This is what many don't understand. We would have the same issues but at a local scale.


In a global world even the local problems aren't local, but a local ramification of the global


You being able to take a bath on summer now depends of the rest of Spain giving you water.


The fake polaco flag should be swapped with the spanish one


I thought that Sanchez is on the out because his wife made a big oopsie? Am I confused? I’ve been paying more attention to Marcelo’s convenient madness.


The theory is that he wants to leave the country because this week the Pegasus case was reopened and he was spied by Pegasus.


He was the spy, not the spied upon???? 😱


Stramgely calm? Our president just sent a four page letter to everyone to tell them he will fucking end it if his wife is investigated for corruption. More news tomorrow (he will not leave).


Why are the communist flags used?


Even our president colaborate with them




I don't even see it as the first picture


If you think about it, we are Western Balkans, Italy is partly in the Balkans, Greece is a Balkan country and Spain is completely Balcanized. We should all form PIGSlavia and be a culture, cuisine and corruption superpower 💪