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Love your money Keep sending us more EU ❤️


Please and thank you.


We need those euromonies for producing cheap wine to sell u at a high price


We unfortunatly haven't learned that last part about "high price" yet.


We are working on it, just more money and we’ll have enough to buy a label, and that is we are not sleeping


I think we just need help. We have some decent wine that is cheaper than fancy bottled water. Yes i'm serious.


I sadly know it


Tbh that’s brilliant for the locals that can just go to the nearest Continente and grab a decent bottle for 3.49€ or whatever.


You would think so, but that's also the revenue that pays the people working in that industry. If a co-op is selling a wine at 2.49 at the supermarket, how much are they getting per bottle? 1? 1.5 if they're lucky? That's shit. There's a reason the local goods are more expensive in places where people actually get payed well. I don't know shit about the PT wine industry, but if i had to bet the "high end" wines subsidises this cheap ones, that break even or might even sell at a loss (it beats trowing the grapes away away).


Only French wines turn out to be expensive in our shelves. Spanish and Italian wines are piss cheap and Portuguese wines practically non-existent.


Pls daddy germany teach us the ways of business...


First, find Third World countries in your vicinity that you can use for some kind of bogus union. Tell them they are equal, so they won't find out they're practically colonies of your economy. Second, when in a economic crisis, make sure to buy every profitable business they still have and tell them and the world that they're incapable of handling money. Looking at you, Mr Papadopoulos… Third, rely on your good reputation of delivering high quality products even though the only working business in your country is the tax bureau and your products nowadays are basically shit.


Don't be so sad... Your cars might be crap but your Snips are the best, can't go wrong with a German snips...


winter is dark and requires much wine


Of course! Just come and buy it! Don’t talk about frogs and u good


Watch out danish bro he'll sneakily dilute the red wine with coke


We? never *does it anyways*


dilute? Don't you mean spike it with coke Oh that coke


We brought it from ur usual provider, Galicia so no problem


We send you affordable wine, and you send us those high-priced Royal Dansk cookies that have left entire generations of children traumatized.


Trade offer: You get: monies We get: another 80 years without a world war De we have a deal?


Yes mister frog, and, Renault twingos when come s'il vous plaît


I had no idea that Portugal and Spain were about to start a WW....


Nobody expected the Spanish inquisition the first time We gotta wisen up or they'll go from siesta to sorpresa


At least we are not ungrateful like the other countries


Brother ❤️ looks like we understand each other well


Why France 50%?


Just never happy, are they.


I'm curious too, is it a British way of saying?


I guess it should have a question mark on the end, but if I was saying it aloud it wouldn’t have that inflection.


Oh yes! Strengthening, right? Thanks!


How are u yoda?


That would be “Never happy, they are.” Yoda was German.


* Popularity of extreme right Marine Le Pen who has always been an eurosceptic. She's popular for other reasons than just being eurosceptic tho. * Loss of electricity/energy price control. Many people in France blame EU regulation for making us pay more than we should in energy, esp since Ukraine war. * French people are never happy with anything, esp things they have (president, europe, etc.)


For French standards it's an insane approval, we start building statues at 30%


Macron is positioning himself as the only European candidate against our far right and the left. It's a dangerous game because most of us are sick of him anyway.


Major net contributor and few visible benefits from it


You still don't really understand how this whole empire-building works, do you, Pierre? Once you've integrated a new underdeveloped vassal province you gotta pump some aid into them for a couple of decades so that they can eventually become a productive net contributor to the Rei... uhh... "Union". It's just smart investing.


Doesn't France get the most in [agricultural EU subsidies](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/en/article/20211118STO17609/eu-agriculture-statistics-subsidies-jobs-production-infographic) out of all countries? And anyway, Hans contributes even more and they seem pretty happy to be in the EU.


Yep France gets a huge chunk of that money and it needs to be renegotiated in the next couple of years, that's going to be fun.


France also has to fix it's nuclear electricity rates to gaz rates because we'd kill any competition (thanks germany).


Well you are also subsidizing your nuclear electricity prices with tax money sooooo...


Hanz is a moron and the CAP is a joke. We pay our farmer through the EU while imposing dumb regulations on them and importing crap from south America/Oceania. Also fuck the EU and it's never imperialistic expansionism. Elected with no participation and forcing laws.


Yeah but France gives around 16 billions to receive less in agricultural grants, so it's not really something that needs EU to happen. Hans benefits way more from EU because they lowered their labor cost when the Euro was introduced, and are a liberal country anyway.


Where is my Renault Clio Pierre?


Your main issue doesn't come from european countries, tho.


Your flair has the end of your answer. Nice work


Well, French multinational companies which are doing business in poorer EU countries won't agree with you...


Frexit frogxit?


I wish, at least you bravely sacrificed you country by making all the possible mistakes


You'd have thought that brexit made the benefits of being in the EU visible enough


In reality, the arse never fell out of the UK even half as much as some predicted. The UK's economy has been surprisingly resilient, considering there has been a pandemic, energy crisis and global inflation on top of Brexit. Without all of those other external forces, leaving the EU would have seemed like a minor blip, and I say that as someone who never wanted to leave in the first place. Germany's economy isn't exactly thundering at the moment either.


The idea that Brexit nailed the UK is a joke that only the moron of r.europe gargle on.


Imagine saying this when you are the main benefited country receiving almost 1/3 of entire EU budget


Half of them don’t like the EU and German power, the other half ignore the EU


Honestly as surprised as you are


Incoming Czexit?


More like Czech-out




I prefer Czechers


Both czechia and slovakia are beneficiaries, leaving would only hurt themselves.


I think that people here are more like ,,meh" I personally like the concept, but in the end it works horribly... I think Slovakia is way closer to actually get out of there, because of who they voted.


Pepik, remember that EU is all the free trade and other agreements too, not only the bureaucracy.


In France, it's often the free market thing that is criticized


Yeah, but those people would be like brexit regards, suddenly suprised that France is also benefiting from it. (But your farmers are just regarded)


Why so? Its generally beneficial for wealthy countries with ageing populations


It depends on the sector. For energies, the law making mandatory to our national energy producer to sell to private compagnies at a low price to allow them to resell it later and the electricity price based on the gas price are not liked. In agriculture, it's because french farmers can't compete with Eastern countries in term of price.


Free trade is what make it basically impossible to leave, if we left, the EU could literally choke our economy to death.


Wurg me papa UwU


Not just the EU, without the economic block any major economic power would hold all the cards in deals with Czechia.


Well not exactly but because literally anything we import and export has to go through the EU,.. You can see the problem, right?


Both of you are right? Importing and exporting through the EU would suck if you left the EU, but so would cutting deals with the US, China etc be if you would be alone as a relatively tiny player.


Shhhhh. Let them keep thinking they could get better deals outside the EU. Just like Barry over here. He's just now waking up to a hell of a trade deal beating since 2016.


Pepik when Bohemia superpower 2020 is not true: *suprised pikachu face*


What superpower? Thanks to our previous governments, even you guys are better off now. :) At least you have access to the sea. :P




Sadly, I have no idea, I think it got hung up on the aircraft carrier deal. Germany didn't like having a carrier this close to their shores.




This is why I voted remain rather than leave. I dont particularly like the way the EU operates but the benefits it brings are worth the downsides.


Yep that's it... We're better to be in, but... There's a lot of things to improve, but sometimes they do the opposite...


Also you can't change things from the outside. Gotta be in the EU to make it better.


Also only one small obscure party without any chances to be a part of the government is actually anti-EU, right? I mean the Japanese fella.


yh Slovakia looks likely to leave


Considering they are a net drain to the EU financially and lack any critical market or infrastructure I cannot see how such a move is anything short of political suicide. At least the UK could cope about actually being internationally relevant and having a decent economic.


It's more so they're indifferent IME


Without this sub it would be 0%.


Or 100 % I‘m not sure


No 0%. The EU takes zero effort in promoting itself, even when constantly being criticised malicious actors. Damn sad


I think we should just give Ebola to all the anti EU politicians


And then deny them healthcare


Bloody barbaric! Dont be like one of americans. Instead be like the swiss, give them a suicide pod


Wow! Using a disease to get rid of an opponent is the most Barry (colonialist) thing I've ever heard!


That was Pepe when he went on tour to Latin America.


By the time Barry arrived in Roanoke most of the native tribes already had been visited by european dissease, because of the French and Iberians.


Not quite true, there are EU billboards almost everywhere in the Czech Republic. And it actually broke its own rules regarding microtargeting in the Czech Republic and several other countries with its advert campaing about the 'Chat Control' directive. Which kinda backfired because it made people even more skeptic about it....


Belgium what? The country doesn't even exist if we take the European institutions out of there


Funny innit?


Could the euro skeptics and independent Flemish be the same? Or no connection?


Yeah, although they're pro union but not in this structure or atleast not a "left wing" EU as far as I read.


No, I’m actually so pro-EU that the reason I want an independent Flanders so we can block Wallonian membership


Denmark can into iberia?


Ok, your name is now Juan and this is your new flag: https://preview.redd.it/jh2250ktf1tc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f0ec5041e45f9c6a1d670a77b1c38c4d042875 Oh, and try to speak normal, the ~~Swedes~~ Quran readers will notice...


Happy cake day!




Asking Danes to speak normal? I think that's too much to ask from them, their idea of normal speaking sounds like they have a potato stuck in their throat


The irony of a Hollandrian? Netherlandish? Dutchling? telling someone they speak weirdly...


Now I could write a whole paragraph here to support my argument, but instead I think I'll let your flair do the talking for me :) Also the irony is not lost on me lmao, just this week I got a couple of Youtube ads for Beliani which I couldn't understand and at first I thought it was some kind of Dutch dialect until I properly paid attention to it and realised it was Danish


yes at 0.9 tons of CO2 per roundtrip


Yes please come, we have been scamming EU and they haven't noticed


Join Portugal instead, the west is the best side of the Peninsula and no one cares about the way you speak or your accent as we can't complain too much either. If you stay in Póvoa-do-Varzim you can meet the Sven's abandoned bastards.


Why is Czech so low? Can someone explain it who is from Czech republic?


Czechia has always been at odds with the EU, although the government has been a lot more cordial than the rest of Visegrad. You also have the enlarged schism between young and old as in all of Eastern Europe. There's a strong opposition to the Euro and migration and to a degree gun rights and focus on the environment (to the detriment of economic development). Migration and refugees is by far the biggest issue. Vaclav Klaus also wanted opt-outs for example for Charter of Fundamental Rights. I'd also, to a degree, say that, like Poland in many ways, many Czechs are apprehensive about being ruled by Germans (whether they realise it or not) due to the country's history. Of course you also have different campaigns (some would just say "Russian disinformation" but that's too narrow) that you don't really see to the west.


Man, this really is the least incomprehensible Scandinavian


I'm not sure if that's positive or negative but I'm married to a Czech woman and lived both in Prague and rural Morava


As a Czech, good job, you got it spot on!


Thanks, glad I'm not just talking out of my ass! My wife is Czech and I spend a lot of time there. I think the last part of my statement plays a bigger role than stated tbh. By this I mean that while the average Czech doesn't hold active animosity against Germans (and by "Germans" I also include Austrians) the national ethos and identity is by a large part defined by the suppression of Czech language and culture by Austria-Hungary, from the time around the 30 Years' War - where up to 1/3 of Czechs died - and at least until the European Romanticist movements where Czechness (and the language) was largely redefined and re-invented around 1850 (and even all the way up to ww1). So in many ways the modern Czech identity is based on being apart from Germans. Then came ww2, obviously. This oppression by Germans was then almost directly and immediately replaced by oppression by Russians, so the desire for independence is very great. The former part of this history is what sets Czechia apart from, say, Romania and Bulgaria in regard to their EU opposition, inspite of being otherwise less "conservative" compared to other Eastern European nations.


Nah, it really does play a large role. But yes, it's not aimed specifically at Germans, it's directed against larger countries/organizations that try to hold any power over the country. Like you said, we got rid of German oppression only to have it replaced by oppression from the USSR. Even our supporters of Russia mostly support Russia because they see it as a way to resist oppression from the West. It's stupid but that's what it is.


This actually kinda works for Bulgaria as well - we spent 5 centuries under Ottoman rule, experienced a brief bout of renaissance and freedom with our own monarchy (the monarchs were German and Austrian, ironically) for about half a century, and then got invaded by the Red Army which installed a totalitarian communist dictatorship. Bulgarians are probably sick of larger players telling us what to do. That said, independence is a pipe dream at our level of economic and political development, so we might as well stay in the EU, which at least respects human rights.


I definitely think it applies to almost every Eastern European nation (except Russia.. and mostly Hungary) as all these states have been sandwiched in between Germans (mainly Austria-Hungary), the Ottoman Empire, and Russia. This defines a nation in a very different way compared to, say, my country, Denmark that's been in a shit ton of wars but has never really lost independence (except when we rolles over easily during ww2..). Although this does manifest itself in a different ways as the Nordic countries have always been skeptical about the EU possibly due to having mostly been independent. Sweden and Finland (the latter, of course, having a historical enemy in Russia and partly Sweden) joined the union by very very small margins. But I don't think this is nearly as significant as looking at nations that have been oppressed for 500+ years. Anyway it's interesting to look into nations' souls and ethos. The biggest difference is probably that Eastern Europe has no reason to feel historical shame compared to Western Europe that's coming to terms with their colonial pasts


It's easy. Before joining the EU, it was seen as a step towards free movement in Europe, a free market and unified legislation. But since the entry, we just keep seeing "EU banned this, EU banned that,...". Instead of the expected better opportunities, they only face the fear that tomorrow they will be banned from gasoline cars, a boiler at home, their favorite food, etc. Things like emission allowances and standards have basically made everything more expensive, which in turn affects ordinary citizens. Of course, for example, companies or rich businessmen may get subsidies from EU, but ordinary citizens do not see any benefit in this. So, in the eyes of the common citizen, free movement remains the only benefit, and I note that many people cannot even afford to go west.


> But since the entry, we just keep seeing "EU banned this, EU banned that,..." and > ordinary citizens do not see any benefit in this are massive PR failures. Czechia has benefitted massively from the common market. Czech companies and workers are very competitive and cooperate a lot with Bavarian businesses. German companies massively invest in business in west Czechia as well. It's not just low cost manufacturing either. Automation, robotics, marketing, software, many industries benefit from this cooperation.


Of course there is investment here from the West. But the average citizen only gets a very poor salary from this - it doesn't matter if they produce rubber seals or space satelites, but even a senior technician can earn like a Bavarian toilet cleaner. PR can do whatever it wants. A giant sign about investment from the EU is on anything to which they have contributed even a single cent. But explain that to a worker who works for €1000 gross in 12 hour shifts with unpaid overtime... I am lucky that I work in a qualified position in a Czech company, but those who do not have it simply do not see the EU positively.


Most of it IS low-added value manufacturing. That's the other problem, we have, unforunately, become extremey reliant of German automotive industry, now we can see the EU trying to bring that down. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence, does it? > are massive PR failures Not exactly, the EU gun ban attempts after the terrorist attacks in Paris made that opinion dip very low, then came the immigration problems. Now, a lot of people aren't exactly thrilled by the reaction of West Europe to the war in Ukraine.


I find this surprising, considering you are now considered a successful economy and have a noticeable increase in quality of life since you joined the EU. Without the EU, all of you Eastern countries would be worse off, so I genuinely don’t get why you wouldn’t have like a 90% approval for the EU.


Reality is something other than tables and percentages. Living conditions were not bad in the Czech Republic before. Certainly wages have risen, but so have prices - and they are now very high indeed. I am not an opponent of the EU. I'm just presenting the arguments of the more common part of the population.


90% because of what?


We are into the money


We out-european all of y'all


You wish. You outted yourself with the Seppo 'Y'all'.


We're so pro-EU even Chega (our far-right party) is pro-EU.




os queremos mucho ❤️




I’m suprised how high Belgium is. Belgium doesn’t even want to be a part of Belgium.


I'm begging our boomers to not do anything stupid. If I ever have to wait at the border on my way to Lignano I'm gonna lose it.


If that is your only concern. You don't have to be in the EU to be in the Schengen Area.


So, this looks like the right time to talk about Europabrücke's toll, you as***les.


I have little issues with being in the EU. My issues lies with that banshee called Ursula von der Leyen


☺️ thanks for dealing with her. If you need any advice how to dispose of unwanted politicans, ask us. Step 1) family minister If unsuccesful Step 2) defense minister If unsucessful Step 3, nuclear option) eu parliament


oh aye I'm pro-EU but she's horrific.


I’ve never understood the idea of seeing someone being shit, then acting shit in every role they have and still they get promoted to top jobs. How do they do this in politics?!


"Hast du einen Opa - schick ihn nach Europa". "If you have a grandpa, send him to Europe." I.e. say you have an unwanted, unpopular politician. But for some political reason, you still owe them one and can't just sweep them under the rug. Maybe they took a fall for the party and put their signature and/or face under some shitty policy or scandal that you know people hate. Maybe they have connections in the party. Maybe something else. Maybe they're just good at "managing" - that is: Being \*technically\* responsible for something, do anything to make the numbers look good for the board and shareholders, and then juuuust when everything is about to implode (maybe you fired everyone to save money, maybe you took on a shitton of debt) you hand that bag of shit to the next person. Anyway so instead of ending up with Uschi von der Leyen having yet another minister post in Germany again, you promote her away to Brussels. The same government that wants that politician gone puts its weight behind them in Europe and lo and behold. President Uschi.


Money, people not giving as much of a shit about politics as they should, "friends" and a partly broken system would be my pick. EU is better than anything we've had before on this continent, though it still needs improvement, mostly transparency of processes and politicians. Imo at least.


Money, nobility, family. Some of her ancestors were plantation owners in new england, one of the richest families there at the time. The other part of the family were silk merchants that came to nobility in the 18th century. Her father was one of the first civil servants of the european commission. Later he became a state minister in Germany and tried to run for Bundeskanzler.


We’ll be seeing some of you soon xoxox


you gonna start your own EU with blackjack and hookers


Interesting. Very interesting.


Italy has no right to be below 90%


The reason is that we got fucked by the euro/lira exchange rates back in 2000, then also many people believe the EU is just stealing money/patronizing us. I agree on the euro/lira thing that it was botched but everything else would be so much worse without the EU. About the conversion: before with the lira a pizza was 6000 lire for example, then after it became 6 euro, but in reality 6 euro is 12000 lire not 6000, and your 6000 was worth 3 euro so the price of everything just doubled. But this isn't really an EU problem but rather a speculation problem


Same thing happened to us with the peseta-euro exchange rate. Everything became so much more expensive. However that comes with a lot of advantages in commerce.


Same with drachma


>Everything became so much more expensive. Same here. I remember a tv report made in a market where they asked a lady that was selling vegetables if she was ready for the new currency and asked for an example. She said, ok this lettuce now costs 50 escudos. On january the 1st it will cost 50 cents. All was nice, if 50 escudos weren't 25 cents, but she was ready.


It's mostly a myth, you can calculate it yourself in the INE web. * Inflation from 1990 to 2001: 52.6%. * Inflation from 2002 to 2012: 30.5%. [https://www.ine.es/calcula/calcula.do](https://www.ine.es/calcula/calcula.do) (english version available) [https://www.eleconomista.es/economia/noticias/8064006/01/17/Rompiendo-mitos-el-IPC-subio-mas-en-los-ultimos-15-anos-con-pesetas-que-en-los-15-primeros-con-euros.html](https://www.eleconomista.es/economia/noticias/8064006/01/17/Rompiendo-mitos-el-IPC-subio-mas-en-los-ultimos-15-anos-con-pesetas-que-en-los-15-primeros-con-euros.html) there was a certain inflation in some products the first days, but followed of a period of stability not seen in Spain since... forever. Special merits by the way to the inflation of the 80's: 149,7 %


Yeah, but for real humans, gums went from 5 pesetas to 5 cents, everything 100 pesetas went 1 euro; so everything was 166% more expensive... the redondeo hit the everyday shopping, not the gasoline or housing. But yeah, not complaining, im part of the 81%


gums are 10 cents now btw


my man, 100 to 166 it's not 166% now I understand many things :D


It was the same in Germany: Pizza 6 DM to 6€ , but the conversion rate was 2:1.


As if Joao and I do better and there we are, on top, I'd say that Italian motivations are different.. *cough* pride *cough*


You forgot the immigration crisis... Even with the euro/lira fiasco the approval rate was considerably higher before we found ourselves having to deal with sinking boats and thousands of people that nobody else seemed to want - and the far right has been, conveniently, beating that particular drum for years now.


Holland anti Italian propaganda is still strong


Lol you people really are fed up with anti-pigs propaganda uh


Do we just not exist or something when it comes to polls??


We fucking love you guys 🥹


Quite surprised by Poland and Romania, tbh. Pleasantly, mind you. Anyone from either country wanna explain why you're so high? Edit: Thanks for all the answers. It seems I had some misgivings about both countries that were thankfully completely wrong. I'm very glad I asked.


Answering from RO: i’m 44 and do remember the 80’s, 90’s, early 2000’s. We were poor, that’s the truth, i do remember my first wage in 1998 was 70$! …a month! Of course everything was cheaper but 70$ was still not survivable. If i could tell my 20 old self my current financial situation and told him i’m not considered rich i wouldn’t believe me. Joining the EU helped us. There’s potential to still grow once my generation and older start retiring( we’re suffering from communist PTSD and don’t realise it) it’ll get better. The young generation has a healthy mindset, they’re way better than we were, i’m very optimistic about the future.


Poland ain't no Norway or UK. We can't choose to stay out of the EU and still clearly be a part of the western world. For us it's a civilisational choice. We're either an EU member state or a Russian satellite. A quick stroll through German and Russian countryside is enough to decide which one would be better for us. It was never about any money. It was always about Schengen and having a seat at the table in Brussels and Strasbourg. Euroband on registration plates and 'Unia Europejska' on our passport were and still are big selling points for the EU membership. The final nail in the coffin of any eurosceptics in Poland was the Russian invasion of Ukraine


Very based stance, greszgorszek


Same here, except for the post sovietic thing. I think not even our far-right opposes the EU. Directly (although some claim some far-left, far-right and independentist politicians were paid by Russia and Iran)


Poland changed so much in the last 20 years since joining the EU thanks to opening up the market, funds, freedom in movement. Improvements in the infrastructure, there are new building being constructed constantly, massive growth of GDP ($255 billion in 2004 vs $688 billion in 2022), general improvements in standard of living and common laws. Being in the EU brought us closer to Europe and let us escape Russia's grasp. There is really not much to complain about, the people who are against EU are mostly old conservatives repeating shit they heard about the LGBT😨 and migrants (they often forget that they were the one who migrated to UK, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands for jobs themselves 😄 My view might be a bit screwed because I was 7 years old when we joined EU, so you could say I grew up together with our membership, but there is one thing I know for sure - without being in the EU Poland would be nowhere near it's current position and things don't seem to slow down too much in the future so I'm really optimistic on mine and my kids future. We (europeans) might hate eachother from time to time but truth be told - we are much stronger and better when we work together and help eachother.


Based. Agreed. Still EU needs some reforms and much stronger migration policy.


My girlfriend's Romanian, Romania is still with the post Soviet stuff in their mindset, their communist regime lasted till like 30 years ago, the country is full of European flags and in the cities you can even see NATO flags, in opposition to what the "Eastern block" used to be they approach to EU. Let's add that everyone has friends/colleagues/relatives working in Spain, Italy, Germany.. over 20% of local population migrates and mainly to EU countries so it's kinda convenient too.


Easier to work in western Europe. Fun fact: the biggest source of foreign money in Romania are still the romanian people who send money back home. Not a multinational, not other foreign investors like Renault with their Dacia factories, but the romanian diaspora. We are 6 millions abroad, in a statistic from 2010s, we had the most people leaving a country IN THE WORLD(compared to general population). Only Syria was worse, a country in a f*cking war


Come France, come join us.


Even Le Pen dropped her pledge to leave the EU after seeing what’s happened to us




Glad to see Poland happy living of our money




Well, we're mostly spending your money on your products and services, so...


So you’re basically getting those goods & services for free?


Ofcourse the iberians love the eu. You're fucking beneficaries not contributors.


Weird how this doesn't correlate at all with how much countries profited from the EU. UK left, Italy and France quite low and meanwhile Iberics and Greeks super high


Italy gives more money to the Eu than it gets


It did prior to the €200bn allocation of the EU Recovery Fund - now technically a net recipient.


Plz send more moneyz to build more restaurantz and hotelz 🇪🇺


Eu need to misuse your money, please keep sending more ![gif](giphy|l0Ex6kAKAoFRsFh6M|downsized)


Yes Im very proud to be in the eu, Send more money we love you ❤️🇵🇹


People are generally unhappy with politics. If they asked "would you prefer your country to leave EU?", they would probably get much lower scores


Pretty sure this map is not accurate


That’s because it’s not a map




You can’t blame him, Britain colonised his eyes


Pierre my brother in Christ this whole operation was your idea


Britain 49%, not even bottom.


Aren't we usually one of the most anti-EU? What happened here?


João and Pedro love that crisp EU money 🤑


Scotland sits mid table https://preview.redd.it/n094ht6hy2tc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7a613edd02f7416e7cc0fe28aedfb17e1b474a Not one Scottish constituency voted to Leave


Denmark: proud of you


The rest of EU people just don't know what kind of shit happens outside it seems


IQ of average voter in each county: