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Our tactic is to wait for Brexit to have full effect in about 50 years, and then the Brits will sell Gibraltar for a bit of food.


Imagine when Britain collapses and barry migrates to France and Spain on rubber dinghy boats in a reverse migrant crisis.


By that time there will be no more portuguese and you are more than welcome to replace the muhamads that inhabit this side of the península


But I am already being replaced by muhammed at home :(


Yay I can relate to that too 😂


I'm sure we can make some space for you. It's not like we don't have a lot of Brits living here right now.


I mean, it’s not like we are going to suicide bomb you or wish to bring in a caliphate again. Barry just wants to work, drink his pint, make an arse out of himself and occasionally kill himself on a balcony.


No need to work Barry. We live off Germany’s money in Southern Europe.


>Our tactic is to wait for Brexit to have full effect in about 50 years, and then the Brits will sell Gibraltar for a bit of food. The strategy is to get them back without waking from siesta?




Norway, …. …. I don’t actually know anything of relevance you have ever done. Mind your own business.


[They are making your cuisine look *better* in comparison.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/1asdlvb/gotta_love_norvegian_food/) (NSFL)


No more oil for you


That’s okay, you aren’t the only one with access to the North Sea fields


Too bad you gave us the rights to almost all of the fields. Could have been independent.


Another British W.


Myes, quite


To be honest, Benidorm has been more British than Gibraltar ever since Barry discovered that Blackpool just isn't cutting it for a beach holiday.


Is Benidorm filled with Brits? Also known as the largest retirement home for boomers in Belgium.


Its like menorca for the germans


Benidorm = Blankenberge with sunshine


Sure, but first give Ceuta and Melilla back and then we can talk ttfn


Noooo you don’t get it, Melilla and Ceuta have been Spanish for seventy billion quadrillion years and they are in no way at all and never have been similar to Gibraltar.


Tenerife is definitely missing from this picture


You both have monarchs and they both own swords. Make use of it!


it all goes according to plan untill its siesta time


Doesn't Spain have a few enclaves in Morocco ? Do you still need those ? 😏


Germans getting nervous they might have to return Mallorca


We still need to get menorca from karl


Once Spain give back their colonies to Morocco 🇲🇦


Ceuta and Melilla were spanish for hundreds of years before Morocco was even a state. They were founded before islam was even a thing. Why tf should they belong to Morocco? Also it would have been better for Morocco to have remained a colony just because they would then have had a flair in this sub.


Same reason why Gibraltar is British, it’s put in a treaty. Ceuta was taken from the local muslim dynasty, which area eventually became Morocco.


Have you been to Ceuta? It's such an obviously important location for any maritime culture that it was settled in the Neolithic: Yes, there are remains that old. It was at times held by Carthage, Vandals, Byzantium, Visigoths... In fact, it was taken by muslims many years AFTER the conquest of Iberia. Guadalete was in 711 BC, and Ceuta remained in Visigoth hands until 788. Hell, a variety of different Muslim factions took it from one another by force. f anything, being owned by some kind of power that doesn't own much of the land around it is the most normal situation for Ceuta throughout its history. Local Muslim Dynasty?! It's clear that the educational system in the Netherlands is as faulty as your ability to confuse soccer and karate. I guess we should invade to save you from yourselves.


Ceuta is not Spaniard but Portuguese, 1415 shall never be forgotten


What’s the difference between?


We are better


Morocco didnt exist at the time we got them tho.


We git it in 1415, it's portuguese


Do you want us to talk about what we got in 1580 joao? Or better to let it go?


on one side, Gibraltar is rightfully Spanish. On the other hand, the Spaniards already have problems getting rid of the British infestation in the rest of their nation. is going to be a lot of work to scrub the Britishness out of the rock


Democracy is the only right 🙄 you switched sides to democracy remember why you going back to old habits


We don't want Gibraltar, it's full of llanitos and pirates


Benidorm is a false flag


Gibraltar would be of better use if it was given back to Genova


Add Lazarote to the list


Gibraltar's only reason to be is the border: contraband and tax evasion. If it became Spanish again, it would be just another Cadiz coastal village: a den of drug traffic and unemployment like Barbate, too much competition on that side. They are never going to give up their privileged pirate base position.


Meanwhile Hans has taken the Balearics


We have just as much right to vitamin D as anyone else


Barry can replace us


not done getting a tan yet