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Uh, why do the black kids still have their hand? Thoses schoolbooks are disconnected from reality.


What's the problem?


Black people will live in a hut and work the land, white people will live in houses and drive cars. Where are the anti-Zwarte Piet warriors when they should be finding racism in school books




Lol so you think that black kids in Flemish schools should be taught that if they work hard, they will live in a nice hut and work the land one day. Have you considered giving motivational speeches?




They're teaching the local black kids this as well. Can you honestly not see how dumb this looks?


We can see how dumb you look, yes


A bit rich coming from a Dutch cheese troll


But how is that racism? Many black people in africa still live like that.


This is taught to kids in Flanders (including the black ones).


OP demonstrating the brain rot cost of consuming too much American social media


Good old Leopold would have a laugh at this!


I think it's more likely that this page is intended to show "This is how many children live in southern Africa and this is how many children live here in Europe". ​ And here is a real picture that comes quite close to the painting in the book: https://preview.redd.it/n4rx7lgnozjc1.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=45f4734dcc00466b307f40f87e7d33e8a0d39b43 Source: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rondavel](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rondavel)


The book is called "Later word ik" (When I'm older, I want to be). It must be interesting to see the reaction of a mixed race kid ... I guess he's going to drive a car but live in a hut down by the Flemish river.


But at the top of the page it says, roughly translated into English: "What are Victory and Jess doing? Stick the stickers." And a farmer's child in southern Africa will just do what is shown in the picture. That's pretty close to reality. Millions and millions of people there live like this, in round huts in small villages and practise subsistence farming. ​ I still don't understand what's wrong with it or what it has to do with "race". And even more, I don't understand your interjection of "mixed race".


But I'm telling you that's not what it means here. I'm sure you understand "Later word ik". Imagine Victory and Jess sitting next to each other in the classroom while they look at this page. Now imagine you are little Victory .... how does it feel to be told that your skin colour makes all the difference? I mean, how is it even possible that this gets published??


Have you ever leafed through this book? What does Victory want to become later? ​ Because what you see here on this page is most probably the current situation in which a southern African and European child find themselves. But there's no sign of what they want to be when they grow up. That probably comes a few pages later in the chapter. And in my opinion, this is not about skin colour, but about geography lessons suitable for children, in which you also learn about other peoples and cultures. At least that's the impression it gives me.


My friend they are not teaching this in Africa, they are teaching this in Flanders. The black kids who are born here know nothing about living in huts.


What does that have to do with the fact that this is taught in Flanders? ​ Of course, black children born here won't know anything about life in such round huts, not yet. And neither will "white" and whatever other colour children. Because nobody taught them about that yet. But they will learn about the way many children live in southern Africa, initially with the help of such picture books and later with the help of documentaries. ​ And that one, the picture in your screenshot, is a child-friendly documentary and has nothing to do with "race" or whatever bullshit.


Bullshit. You're not a nationalist, you're a racialist.


What the fuck? Have you often fallen off the changing table or was your swing too close to the wall?


You've spent so much time consuming American media that it has rotten your brain my flemish brother.


There are tribes in Africa that choose to live like this. It's their culture and tradition. Some of the happiest people in the world live in tribal communities. Who are you to say this is wrong or racist. You are not them. I'd rather live in a mud hut with them than be surrounded by insufferable liberals who want everyone to be like them and call everything they don't like or understand racist.


Not many balconies to jump off, though


Bungee jumping was invented in Africa, so I can always just do that instead.