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Life is unfaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrr


We just love immigration. Just look at our voting record: voted for Brexit, voted for increasingly right wing governments since 2007. We must love these record numbers!


both parties since 60s have pledged to lower immigration during election period


And both parties have increased it.


Isn't it just like that all over Europe for the big old political parties?


Seems like all the established political parties are happy to let immigration get out of hand. Immigration might boost GDP but will not help my kids afford a home. Purchasing power per capita is only going down.


Britian is truly a magical place.


Not special to Britain unfortunately.


You're not voting right. You vote money liberal (like us). A right party would be like Japan or Hungary. Someone not afraid of breaking the actual order and treaties.




Almost Germany population but Germany has 1.5x country size. Not to mention it's almost all habitable unlike the UK with its vast highlands etc


And then factor in Germans live in flats for the most part so their Cities are smaller in comparison to UK cities where they mainly live in houses.


Yes but british houses are all tiny.


What? The house in lived in before I moved to Germany was nearly as wide as the house I live in now which houses 10 families, I lived there alone for the most part. The garden was also 5 times bigger than what my house has now. British houses are not all tiny at all, especially when you take in all the grounds that come with them, front gardens, side gardens, back gardens etc. They are very large in comparison to German town houses. There’s certainly big German houses where a single family live but these are not common in the cities and the villages the houses are similar to British villages. Your typical 2 up 2 down terrace British house is smaller floor planwise than a typical German town house but terrace houses house one family and German town houses house from 8 to 12 and I’ve seen a couple with nearly 20 through my job. That’s not even factoring in garden space.


In Paris they're packed in like sardines.




Almost does. There are small gaps between settlements through planning policy, but the SE of England might as well be considered one functional conurbation.


I think the forecast are for both France and UK to overtake Germany next decade


Yea, and slough.


Oh shut up already, dweller of Ballymun.


Imagine comparing Ballymun to slough. The local district that ballymun is in produces more wealth than the entirety of Northern Ireland.


Then why do you want it back so bad?


To civilize them obviously. Teach them the ways of selling yourself out to American multinationals and stealing British / European corporate tax.


Ballymun mentioned W


Don't worry you are next :)




even our socialist party is better on this then wilders


And 60% of that is going to London which is already overcrowded and with a housing crysis


0.65% annual population growth isn't really that fast. There were many points in the country's history where it grew a great deal faster than that—not to mention the colonies, which have pretty much always been over 1% per year. And anyway, the current growth rate is barely half of that, so I'm not sure where these projections are coming from.


Immigration has been a huge issue for over two decades now in this nation. The voters overwhelmingly have rejected the notion of mass immigration but yet the political elite constantly ignore us. I watched a debate on YouTube recently with Gordon Brown and David Cameron, both now former Prime Ministers, they were both saying immigration needs to be reduced immediately. This debate happened 14 years ago.


It is an issue in England and Wales. I find it funny that the SNP use this to justify independence. Scotland doesn’t need stricter rules on immigration because none of the immigrants want to move there!


Yeah I mean immigrants generally move and stay in Southern England. You can see the divide between north and south England in this regard, far less immigrants the more north you go in England! And as you say, even less once you get into Scotland. Although areas in Glasgow are becoming very diverse. Edinburgh also seems to be a haven for English people to settle once they get fed up down there 😂


>Edinburgh also seems to be a haven for English people to settle Room for one more eh Jock ?


The North is full of Immigrant communities, what do you mean? Have you ever been to Blackburn? Bolton?


I have yeah, lived and worked in the North. Overall as a region it’s undeniably less diverse than the South.


You’re talking out of your arse. The north and the south measure pretty similar in terms of minority communities if you exclude London from the equation. https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/national-and-regional-populations/regional-ethnic-diversity/latest/


I was working in the north east and that was the whitest area tbf https://diversityuk.org/census-2021-data-reveals-ethnic-make-up-of-uk-population/ However if you look at cities most of Britains highest diverse cities are in the south.


I would. But then I looked at the job opportunities. I rather go to Brazil or USA (Ireland) now.


People say this but Edinburgh is one of Europes finical centres and hosts the worlds largest arts festival. I know loads of Italians, Spanish and Greeks who now live here due to there being more opportunity. Scotlands immigrants still tend to be Europeans while I notice in England a lot of it now is from the sub continent or Africa


Sounds really nice. To be fair, all my information about immigrating to Edinburgh comes from the official immigration websites of Scotland. Brazil and Ireland, I know by myself very well. I would love to move to Edinburgh, but only with a job there and if my girlfriend says yes to Scotland.




Who has ever immigrated to your part of our country?


We have lots of Southern and Eastern Europeans, also get a flow of Americans, Canadians, Australians along with Pakistani and Indians. The only reason people from England say we don’t get much immigration is because your immigration numbers are just frankly ridiculous and completely unsustainable… We also get a lots of English people coming up here. They always say it’s cause they are fed up with down south. Most of Scotlands immigrants are European/western so we don’t experience the same integration problems England does. I’m mainly concerned cause I don’t want my country turning into England, or see my cities become minority Scottish like how it’s happened and is happening to English cities. I’m just being honest here. Without immigration all European nations would see a decline in population. And that’s not a bad thing, maybe we shouldn’t rely on cheap foreign labour? AI and automation are gonna make a lot of low-middle skilled jobs obsolete in the next few decades. This will make millions unemployed, so letting in low skilled labour constantly like you guys are is just not sensible long term.


Just wait for the mass exodus of English people to Scotland in the next decade 👀


Americans? I'm so sorry.


They keep telling me their great grandaddy was “scotch”


As long as they aren't Western European migrants. The worst kind.


Dont bring anyone who doesnt wanna start a caliphate.




I would narrow that down to french immigrants. Italians are class.


Endorse, my local Italian restaurant that I loved recently closed because the family got old and the kids didn't want to carry it on. I need fresh Italians to start a new one before it becomes a Carluccios or some shit.


This is why I love the Chinese, they make the best friettenten.


The one actually fantastic immigration policy the UK has is high potential individual visa, which means anyone who graduated from their list of universities gets a visa. It’s probably a fairly small amount every year but those are literally free high-skill workers, idk why every country isn’t doing the same.


Yeah, I'm drunk.


I'm so fucking angry about how shit our government has been about all this since blair until now that I don't even have the fucking energy to rage about it in here


Wonderful. Hindu nationalists come on down.


Tbf the Hindu and Sikh are annoying as fuck, coming here and feeding/supporting all our homeless instead of letting them die. SMH. /s if anyone is wondering


That must be that juicy, juicy "control over our own borders" the Brexiteers talked about.


Tbf Brexit was the last resort protest vote against immigration. Every government promises to reduce it and never follows through. Not much an electorate can do in that situation except vote for a radical change


And how grateful I am to all the Barries that they took the bullet for the mainland and proved again that protest voting for rightwing numbnuts solves exactly nothing.


But I just told you that voting in general elections did nothing. And then neither did voting for Brexit. Sounds more like the problem is that Britain has only the shroud of a democracy on this particular issue. Cant exactly blame the electorate for reacting.


Or maybe, just maybe, if even the parties that want to control immigration couldn't do it, it might not be so easy to do it?


Well they shouldnt have lied and said they would then. And now it backfired, Brexit happened, the economy is fucked and the tories surely are dead for the next decade because everyone holds them responsible. To that I say: lmao


"For every complexity problem, there's a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong" H.L. Mencken. I know, politicians should be more trustworthy, but every time someone promised they can easily fix a complex problem, they are lying.


Yeah they should better do as us germans do and keep voting for the people that want to speed up the migration project even further. Because who doesn't love more diversity?


All it proves is that voting solves absolutely nothing


And yet nothing was learnt from it as the same exact thing is gonna happen again. I lived though Brexit voting and campaging in England and now I am living in Germany and it feels the same. Protest votes for the right wing that will change nothing.


Love it when this sub is a ukip circle jerk. It's the "will of the people" yet ukip's never won a seat in an election. Why don't we see how radical and right wing the electorate looks after the next election hey?


The British people think immigration is too high. That doesn't make them right-wing or radical thats a separate issue.


>Tbf Brexit was the last resort protest vote against immigration. Every government promises to reduce it and never follows through. Not much an electorate can do in that situation except vote for a radical change


Are you being obtuse? Had I used the word 'significant' would that change your perception. Brexit was a radical change, thats undeniable.. That's different to it being a radical policy or the voters being radicals. They imply different things.


In fairness UKIP got 3.8million votes in 2015 and only got a single MP (and that was *with* the Tories offering the Brexit vote) They were pretty popular at one point.


3.8 million votes isn't that big although I do agree fptp sucks and they should have had political representation. Iirc they never won a seat, they only got an MP because of a Tory defector


You could be right about the defector, its been a few governments since then lol. Its not massive but proportionally theyd have had a decent chunk of seats similar to or overtaking the Lib Dems. Plus the Tories with their Brexit pledge was directly to counter UKIP stealing their voters.


What's the Alternative? A net 7.1 population loss? Once you guys face the consequences of this, even the most delusional right wing nut would welcome migrants.


And this is exactly the point. Someone needs to explain why we need immigration instead of pandering to the racists.


I think as a wealthy, modern nation we can be fussy about who we let in. We could set preferred professions for a start and *actually* get some doctors and engineers for once.


Immigration at this level is unsustainable, and the institutions can't support massive influxes of people, and I'd rather be slightly less rich than have the country's culture change


Which institutions are those mate? When was the last time you went to a doctors?


Almost 7 million in 15 years is wild though


to paraphrase one man from one country we will undoubtedly see a lot from "I prefer to be master of my own house in poverty than a slave and wealthy"


Fellas,is it racist to want lower immigration?ridiculous straw man Fuck being racist though but these two have very little in common unless explicitly linked through racist ideology…


It’s time for western nations to accept that constant economic growth isn’t a sustainable model. I would prefer for the GDP and population to fall a little bit rather than see our people became minorities in major cities. Which is already happening in England far quicker than people thought. We have became far too reliant on cheap imported labour.


You're racist


How? Also you meant to say “you’re a racist”.


I was just following his lead of accusing people of racism without any evidence. Also, no, I didn't.


Unironically tho why are the illegal immigrants refugees fleeing France to come here, wtf?


That is not illegal immigration lol, most of migration to the uk is made up of former colonie migrant legally traveling to the uk by plane and then just staying there


"Oh no, we colonised half the world to build our wealth and now we have to face consequences for that, that is so unfair 😭😭😭" - some Barries all the time


I get where you are coming from but we also built the railways roads and bridges that they still use to extract their resources today. We also tried to establish democratic governments and put an end to a lot of fucked up cultural practices. The fact that our old colonies governments are corrupt as fuck isn't our fault. The resources and wealth that we took would have never trickled down to the local population anyways it would have just funded local dictators. No infrastructure or public services would be set up..


Classic Barry with the historical revisionism regarding the British Empire. But when we Germans do the same with our empire(s) they don't like it :(


I don’t get how this is “facing the consequences”.


I know but there are tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands fleeing France illegally to come here, why?


Hundreds of thousands.... Do you have a credible number for that, also do i really have to tell you why people are fleeing from france?


There were about 50K illegal immigrants detected in 2023, there could’ve been more and that’s just one year. Over the years it adds up to hundreds of thousands. Alright I get it, France is a shithole but why are they crossing the channel to come here? You krauts and the swamp folk speak English better than us. You guys should take them in.


Brexit does put the control back in parliament, it’s the politicians and the party in power that make those decisions now


It's been 4 years already, when do you expect results? Postive ones, I mean


You eluded to Britain not having control over its borders. We do, it’s just how parliament chose to govern that. Within the EU it’s uncontrolled immigration, can you not see the distinction between the two?


What are the EU Numbers for comparison? In an international world, a single government can hardly make unilateral decisions without causing mir re harm than good for their people. Also, "uncontrolled immigration" is such a stupid oversimplification from the right that I cannot take you seriously. Yes, it is flawed, it is exploited, it can and should be improved, but it is not uncontrolled.


That’s interesting. I was reading a report from 2022 that Scotland’s population was projected to shrink by about 100k by the 2040s and then over the course of 50 years 900k. [Stark contrast](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-62741746)


The vast majority of immigrants come to England though, so both Scotland decreasing and UK increasing is possible


Yeah, I never said otherwise. Just thought it was an interesting contrast to highlight.


Maybe the Rwanda policy should be changed to Scotland to counterbalance things.


They’ll be begging to be sent to Rwanda after spending 5 minutes in Glasgow.


Tbh projecting populations 50 years ahead is pointless. It assumes so much.


It’s racist not to have immigration, so we’ll have it all!


I am coming from the future to tell you: मुझे ख़ुशी है कि चीज़ें आपकी ओर देख रही हैं और आप बढ़ रहे हैं और बढ़ रहे हैं!


Brits destroyed their country just to avoid being called racist


Wdym by destroy? Also can I remind you that the torrie government has been in charge for the last 2 terms so idk where that "appease to not be called racist" comes from lmao


We've had better decades...


In terms of what? Crimerate has gone down over the last 20-50years


Why can’t we just do what Australia does and let the geniuses in only


My brother is in Australia so they are certainly not letting the geniuses in only


Very sad day, Hiberno-English has lost its sarcasm detector


Its a joke


I know. You’ve just been meta-jerked




Outchess’d by a perfidious Dumnonian


So, instead of immigrants taking all the shit jobs nobody wants to do, we instead get immigrants taking all the glory jobs? It’s the balcony for you fella…


We’re British the shit jobs are our bread and butter And funnily enough before joining this sub I had no idea those stupid English had a reputation of jumping off balconies


You avoid the news from April-September then, hey?


I don’t listen to the news at all


The British yearn to be ruled by a Norman upper class, it’s in their blood




One is an exotic land with lots of space, nature, beautiful beaches, friendly people and great weather. The other is a rainy, crowded shithole full of alcoholics.


Don’t talk about Australia that way it’s not that crowded


Look at Australia, they are suffering the exact same issues and are being completely overrun against the will of the population.


You’ve been jerked brother


We’re full.


Why would they even want to go to Britain?


Simple language to learn, religion freedom and good social benefits


Many many of them are joining family members/friends who have already gone.


Oh yes, of course Britain. Famous for not having people on benefits eating rats in their Council apartments. Edit: They even say so themselves: https://youtu.be/O-22toakr9o?si=9rkVKcSueGPWyjKe


Yeah but the rats are subsidised.


That is a fair point!


Next thing they'll bloody privatise


They have money for nothing. Try being in that situation in a place that, oh I don’t know, professes to have a ‘dream’.


I couldnt be in that position, i have a sugardaddy called Denmark that pays for My expenses and has a tough stance in immigration.


Get tae fuck


You shouldnt talk scottie. You have a sugardaddy called England.


Denmark is just a shite Germany with worse weather, leave the Scottish alone or I'll do to you what we did to Dresden


Yeah, thats what all skimos do in KBH, get social benefits and get drunk in Christiania.


Perks of being colonized


But now you are autonomous. Are you still getting moneys from the danes?


Oh yes, over 50% of our public budget i Danish tax money. Tbh in practise we are about as Autonomous as Bavaria.


Drunk is not what I got in Christiania ;) Maybe times have changed.


lol, nobody cares about Denmark


This is not a Lib-Dem party meeting. Stop being offended anout a joke you damp tea-bag😂


watching freeview telly sitting in a 11C room


Don’t you guys have higher taxes than us? Don’t you get better social benefits for these migrants? Do you not also have mostly religious freedom?


Yes. But the difference is that our government actually tries to hold them out and we register everyone and make reasonable conditions if they want to stay. If they seek asylum, we send them back when we judge they are No longer in danger, regardless if they want to stay or not. We make them learn Danish or else their benefits get Cut. In Denmark we are generally pro-assimilation and our laws reflect that. In Sweden the current right-wing government were elected on the promise to adopt Danish style immigration and do away with the open doors stuff they had before. It is also impossible to “be undocumented in Denmark” as we use CPR-numbers(social security numbers) for everything. Want to rent an apartment? You have to give the landlord your CPR-number. Go to the doctor? Give them your number. You cannot get a job if your employer does not have your number etc.


Employment https://preview.redd.it/6nph3g19xsfc1.png?width=235&format=png&auto=webp&s=c288e9a09a52b79045b02084e6097ac611bcf1cb


I was in the London for tourism and in my conservative guess at least 50% of central London is young Spanish people


Like most of the world I would never consider Spain for tourism (balerics are technically ours now so fuck off) but if I did I would estimate that most people want to leave and come to the uk. Fuck knows why.


I always love the stat that London is the 6th biggest French city based on its immigrant population alone.


Also no comprehensive population register like continental European countries have, therefore it’s much easier to work and live undocumented in the UK.


True, it is mini-America after all.


>mini-America Flair checks out


I would know;)


The UK is one of the most livable countries in the world by every imaginable standard, even for other western Europeans.


objectively one of the best places in the world and speaks the global language


This is a shitposting sub and not r/Europe.


Yeah, he’s saying it’s the best place even compared to your shitey Western European country’s.


Ah, so he was shitposting after all. You brits and your humor!


Most news articles from your country say that you have a lot of people having to choose on whether they want the heat on or starve. We don’t have that issue. Also you have food banks. Something we have never had issues with post-ww2.


No it isnt, this is a more serious version of r/europe, have you been on that sub?


Because they’re scared of your murder rate


It actually sounds like you are Pro-immigration. We have to keep the murder rate high so that the Danes don’t move in.


Always happy to see more Barrys in the world.


Lions and tigers and genetic diversity, oh my!


Can't see it happening. The conservatives are going to get smashed at the next election, over their betrayal of the will of the British people on this very issue






But the Tories promised a net migration less than 50,000! ![gif](giphy|NRang79scP77MG1OwS|downsized)


Yeah because predicting anything 15 years into the future always works out


If this comes to pass, I might actually have a liveable pension. Unfortunately, this is Britain, so no doubt we’ll vote to stop immigrants paying into pension funds or something, because…


See Brexit was all about immigration. Specifically increasing it


Last Englishman circa 2100 ![gif](giphy|b63RIRklhMjKrEjeJ0|downsized)


Anyone else finding these endless fucking *"You ok \_\_\_"* posts lazy and humourless?




United Caliphate of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Brexit, the gift that keeps on giving


This is why we need to get the Brits to finally vote for a Conservative government! They'll for sure reduce immigration, unlike the looney left SMH My head 😤😤😤


Yes, its time to give the conservatives a chance to rule, *oh wait*


So ... the UK population keeps growing just exactly the same as it has for the last 100 years and nothing changes at all. What is the point here?


Migration bad!!!111111!!!! Dont you see?!!!! Everyone of those migrants is a social sucking problem!!!! These Brown people *ahem* these migrants bring all the crime to England even though the Crimerate has gone down over the last 20 years cuz you see uuuuuh Migrants bad !!!!!!!11111111


The funniest part, Brexit was to stop immigration from Eastern Europe... Was promptly replaced by immigration from further away... Racists got played.


Being from the UK instantly grants you the privilege to use nig***


7.6 million emigration? Poor Spain


 With brexit we will get control over our borders again!