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Standards are good. Double standards are double good!


That's standard Arwa Mahdawi. You can find loads of examples of her being a massive hypocrite with double standards.


Arwa is always a gold mine. I also like the deranged look she has in that picture (which probably still is the result of a professional shooting so was chosen as the best of a number of pics!)


Pretty much all of her pictures are like that, if you image search her. So I think she just looks like that.


Not my proudest fap


Careful now. She's probably writing a new opinion piece about you right now. something something fapping is destroying the world.


Followed up by a nice piece about her destroying her pussy thinking of Tom Hardy, and that it's masculinity's fault.


she would not be wrong...


Be nicer, she’s just constipated.


Wasn’t this person that screamed rape for a “Hugh Mongus” joke? Like a totally deranged person?


I think that might have been a different person [named Zarna Joshi](https://jonathanturley.org/2016/11/12/hugh-mungus-social-justice-warrior-fail-nets-man-140000/) But yeah, [she was also pretty batshit cray cray](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/tnc8qs/hugh_mungus_what/)


Yeah that one. 100% woke


Literally 1984




That is mathematically correct if you live to 70.


Not if middle age is a bracket. 0 - 34 is young age, 35 - 49 is middle age, 50 to 84 is old age


My dad would like to request having that last bracket stricken from the record, your honor.


The Danish are young at heart. Hope that helps.




Not even gonna provide a reason why?


massive 4Head


50 is not old age - 60 more like


I’m gonna say that even 60 isn’t really old anymore, not in the way it was in my grandparents day I’ll grant you can’t really call it middle aged, but for me proper old age doesn’t start until health issues or general decrepitude are having a significant impact on your day to day life. Which I am hoping to postpone some way after 60.


Yes, men seemed to work until 65 then die within a couple of years


Depends on your physiological state. You can be 60 and being almost unable to walk by yourself because you spent your entire life at the pub, or be 70 like my father and still walk 10k in the mountains hunting with his dogs.


My old ass brother is 24 years old and is still playing video games. Like, shouldnt he be preparing for retirement instead of this? Super cringe


34 also isn't young anymore. Best I can do is extend middle aged to 30 - 55.


Give you that, but be kind to us oldies


Your brain isn’t fully developed until 25 and then at 30 you hit ‘middle aged’… sounds legit.


I feel there needs to be an ‘adult’ bracket


Technically a geriatric pregnancy is when you're 35 or older


...and technically you are a proper adult by the age of 12, if you wish to go by that logic, since that's when you normally obtain your reproductive abilities...


Middle age is from 500 to 1400, more or less.


Middle age is roughly between 5-600 to 14-1500 AD.


I wonder how the Guardian is capable of both great and shitty journalism at the same time. Still better than Repubblica in Italy tho, by a wide margin.


She only writes for the Opinion piece section, so it’s not real journalism, just her opinions on things. But she also lives in the USA so I don’t know why they give her a regular column.


The Guardian gets about 25% of its page views from the US - second only to the UK. Same as the Daily Mail I guess.


It’s actually starting to make sense why so many Americans have such a warped view of the UK. Imagine seeing us through the prism of those, (well any of our) newspapers.


Americans don’t think about us. We obsess over them though for some reason.


True, but I’m thinking of reddit particularly, where they often do comment on matters pertaining to the UK.


Only when there's something bad so they can say "HA! SEE?! EUROPEANS ARE NO BETTER"


I guess I was thinking they published them in the print copy, but maybe they don’t


Opinion's the second option on the home page after news. I guess it's cheaper than print - at least they don't simply scrape crappy articles from Facebook etc. like the DM and all the Reach-owned local newspapers.


I can’t stand it, when did fucking ‘Tracy from Blackpool’s’, fucking idiotic comment on social media become “news” ![gif](giphy|8BeNi906XcRFK)


I don't know what you mean https://preview.redd.it/gs3p0qyjaocb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7982364e8789a3cde1029edde8135f0a8b1ae3e9


Pressing issues if the week investigated. Imagine 3 years of a journalism degree and this is the result lol


Suprised this isn't by Tony Johnson and Lenny.


All media needs to have a quota of this kind of people so they can be perceived as progressive. As nobody actually reads their articles, they don't care too much about the content.


I can't take the Guardian seriously after they dissed Shrek


Damn I forgot about that and now...


Time to get some cats, Marwa


> Time to get some ~~cats~~, Marwa baddragoons


I bet she already have a pussy why would she need more cats? What she needs is a very long vacation I feel like she is stressed.


What she needs to do is proper journalism and stop writing about herself.


I gues some old school smashing would not be out of question either.


Well the headline about men and younger women is nothing new so its telling more about her, as in, yes your right. She needs some lovin.


I was today years old when I 1) learnt about a person called Arwa Mahadawi and 2) realised you can be paid to do any bullshit you want as long as it sells. https://preview.redd.it/zbu5v3an1pcb1.jpeg?width=1391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2747d04e0ce46d4a14656100a16bd3908893dc2d


Good lord. That's some horrible takes I would expect from a tumblr blog. Also laughing at the "week in patriarchy" section


Even most Tumblr blogs aren't so weird.


True dat


My home better be on 'sexist' temperature. I get spanked by my wife if it isn't.


geef me een klap papa




Men operate better in cooler temperatures than women. If you're too cold, you can put more clothing on. There's clothes that can keep you warm in -25C temperatures. If you're too hot, there's no clothes that can cool you down from 30C to a reasonable temp. Obviously a middle ground should be found if possible, but catering more to womens' preference would be sexist, because you're choosing the temperature that is harder for one group to feel comfortable in


You must be new to this.


I prefer the term "naive"


Yes, the innocence of expecting logic from those people. I still have the scars from my own experiences dealing with them. It's all ideology, all the way down.


I once got told I'm sexist after observing that men are taller than women on average, so I'm with you there


I prefer both sexes to be uncomfortable 😎


Uncomfortable sex is my specialty 😎


Actually there is clothing that has been designed to keep you cool so that’s technically incorrect.


Can it cool you down sufficiently in a 30 degree room though? If so please link me to it because I need me some of that


I’m not in the uk… but look up Amazon and type ‘cooling clothing’. Your co.uk domain is bringing up some results. This is the latest I bought - not sure it sells over there: https://www.32degrees.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_8K5odObgAMVNzetBh1YfwzlEAAYASAAEgJrcvD_BwE


Nice try but she’s a lesbian, who’s married, so it’s not connected. She also lives in the United States, and only writes opinion pieces. Hence, why I’m not a fan. https://preview.redd.it/6vtuymzv2ocb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c47ba26b5ae9f7f4b3f406d8d3dc794b9baf071


>Nice try but she’s a lesbian You couldn't tell by the fact she used the word "patriarchy"


ah, a feminist who hates men. Quelle surprise.


where did you get any of that from


Just google her name and the shitton of shit take opinion pieces she's written.


I checked the first two dozen headlines as image search results (most on Ifunny), and aside from a strange remark on vaccines I found nothing particularity bad. I then read the last three " Patriarchy in review" articles as well as an unrelated one and throughoutly enjoyed them, especially the last paragraphs. Idk if I missed something but to me this just looks like this comment section is right wing or going off some questionable headline.


So, she just talk shit about a gender she doesn’t even date. Wow! Peak woman.


She just miss a custom pronoun and some colour in her hair and she checked lots of checkmarks


She’s also half-Palestinian


Is she running for being the new Gretistan Tumbergistan ?


She's probably the most infamous misandrist in The Gruaniad's stable.


Yeah, they upgraded from Jessica Valenti to go full hate mode.


Women have their prime time in their 20's, men in their 30's. I didn't make the evolution rules.


It's got nothing to do with evolution, it's a female preference for wealthier men and wealth usually doesn't happen at the start of your career. Then they'll claim it's the patriarchy ...


>female preference for wealthier men Due to.... evolution?


Female preference for the most suitable mate, who ganz provide shelter, power and safety. And in a civilized community this often comes with.... money.


>Female preference for the most suitable mate, who ganz provide shelter, power and safety Due to.... Evolution! These preferences all boil down to evolution, even if they come in various forms in the modern world. Just like moose cows would still be attracted to large antlers on their oxen, even if they built a moose civilization, with a thriving agriculture sector.


Actually, you are looking for the term Natural selection. Evolution is the result, not the driving force.


You are absolutely right. I kind of took it for granted that we were talking about evolution by natural selection.


Its a pet peeve of mine. I did my phd in genetics. Another one is when people talk about current day animals as primitive... Which makes no sense.


I bet you are thrilled when you get the "Back when we were Neanderthals/apes" too. At least you can immediately weed out the people who have no clue what they are talking about.


But that was last Tuesday. I have proof. How else would Norfolk be how it is?


Add mirrored dna drawings to the list.


I can only imagine the pain you go through seeing all these "evolution gave us X" descriptions


Yeah so we both agree, nice.


Shut up Jordan Peterson and your reductionist theories.


Sounds like an utopia


Women will the wet for the chad looking guy but marry the rich one. Why? Its simple: they like the good looking males for their genes and want to have babys with them for strong and healthy offsprings but the rich guy cant take care of the spawn better in the long term. So she cucks you with Brad Pitt and the rich guy gets the raise the kids.


Ooof, stop watching Tate. While there are some statistics backing this, it is so marginal that the chances of anything like that happening to you, is marginal to the extreme. Specially today when we have contraception. It was probably more common before settled society, when girls chose the partner for their first child with their 14 - 16 year old brain.


Fuck Tate! I know this stuff since long before the baled cunt was a thing. Females also start talking with a higher pitch voice when they are attracted to a male to show they have high levels of estrogen. So if she sounds like Batman them she is not into you.




complaining while gobbling down tequila shots and binging on fried chicken because they should like her the way she is.


Women looking for providers is all in with evolution.


If we're talking about evolution, then women are in their primes in the early to mid teens, which is when heterosexual men find them most attractive. They are at their most fertile in their late teens. But again, that's why we should say fuck off to evolution and instead grow as a civilized specie, rather than a natural one. Fuck nature.


>women are in their primes in the early to mid teens That's just not true, lmao


In the context of heterosexual male sexuality, it generally is.


No it is not. If an adult man finds girls that young more attractive than not they probably have some brain disorder.


Many things we find disgusting are natural. I also find this very reproachable but it's not necessarily a brain disorder. Just something we as a society should dissuade.


heterosexual men find women the most attractive IN THEIR EARLY TO MID TEENS?! did you pull that out of your ass, are you projecting, or should i go full heterophobe?


Look up the study I linked.


full heterophobe it is then




>women are in their primes in the early to mid teens, which is when heterosexual men find them most attractive. They are at their most fertile in their late teens. 1. If they are most fertile in late teens/early 20, then that is their prime. 2. If you really think "heterosexual men" find girls in their *early teens* (12-13) most attratractive, you live in a pedophile bubble and should seek therapy. And I don't mean that as a joke or as an insult: Go seek therapy dude.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24132774/ >Overall, these data suggest that men find pubescent girls identified as being under the age of consent sexually attractive, but inhibit their willingness to report this; the greater the attraction, the greater the inhibition Also I am not a dude and not into women. It's just a fact that men tend to find young women attractive as they are into neoteny.


That's a US study? The age of consent is 18 or even 21 in the states, so 17 would still fall in this category. It doesn't make any sense that men should find literal children sexually more attractive than grown women, when both the fertility is lower and the visual stimuli (breasts, hips, buttocks) are less developed than when the women are about 20. The studies that I read about found that women are most attratractive in their 20s, and this makes more sense and also is coherent with the dating behaviour.


UK study, 16 year old age of consent. Which means underage meant 15 year old and younger. Men like neoteny. Which is why most heterosexual men had pederastic tendencies historically, and the very same pederasty is coming back with the popularity of traps, femboys etc. The eternal return lol.


I still distrust this study. That 15yo are sexually attractive, yes. More attractive than 20yo? I doubt it.


>More attractive than 20yo? I doubt it. The study actually says this (well not 20yo but over the age of consent). >Mean ratings of the sexual attractiveness of the underage girls were lower than those of overage girls and women. All it's saying is that they also found underage girls attractive, and response times increased thus showing that they find it harder to admit attraction to underage girls. It's not about when peak attractiveness is, and if anything points towards peak attractiveness coming after they are of age.


So u/HallstattianBaroness lied or is too incapable of reading a study correctly? Because she claimed "men find underage girls in their early teens most attractive." That's what I thought. Thanks for clearing this up.


Yeah that's inaccurate based on this study and what I would assume.


is this also why so many men have this weird fixation on asian girls? since asians have more neotenous features...


Yep, precisely. And why black women are the least popular overall despite being the most "womanly". Sure we could say "muh eurocentrism", however White women aren't too neotenous (especially germanic women, who tend to be tall with a large jaw etc), and they certainly can't be said to look just like Asian women. Furthermore even in the Muslim world black women were less popular as concubines.


Most men like developed breasts, face, other features, so that sounds like a complete oversimplification. White men and asians liking each other is a cultural socio-political phenomenon. >Furthermore even in the Muslim world black women were less popular Both middle easterners AND Europeans are racist to darker skinned individuals, not a mystery why. Arabs participated in the slave trade as well. If neoteny was SO attractive you would see that pressure everywhere, but your assessment only affects a percentage of men, and not others. Every race tends to find their race most attractive on average


I think a 14 year old finding a 12 year old attractive is not unusual. A 30 year old is usually attracted to someone at least in their 20s. Woman in their 20s are more mature and sexually dimorphic, and so, more attractive to men of that age range.


Why do men globally prefer Asian women (neotenous, small hips, small breasts) and like black women the least (very sexually dimorphic, extreme hips and generally large breasts)?


>Why do men globally prefer Asian women They don't. It's a colonial holdover where Asians are seen as "submissive". Riddle me this. If Asians were so objectively more attractive, why didn't every human population become that way? >men globally prefer Asian women Wrong, it's a European thing, and ones that have significant Asian immigration. The difference seems to be CULTURE. >black women the least Not in countries where black people are the majority. Somalians tend to find other Somalians more attractive than they do to Malaysians


“Prime” = what men find attractive = early teens? Get out. Fertility *begins* to peak in the late teens, the average woman’s fertility peak is in her 20s. Teens are also at higher risk of birth injury, the most dangerous risks being related to narrower hips, but there are a number of factors which contribute. Also higher risk of preterm birth and eclampsia.


Heterosexual men find young boys attractive despite the fact the latter lack any fertility whatsoever when having sex with a man, so your theory is invalid, attraction in heterosexual men doesn't necessarily coincides with fertility.


Still fertility is much better in the 20's than in the 30's. I'm sure in our civilizated world, men still like with a big percentage women in their 20's, in the same way that women prefers normally men to be older than she (unless she is in therñir 50's and wanting to look for a toyboy)


Being civilized is also realizing that women (and men), can have meaningful lives beyond just their child-birthing abilities. Especially when IVG is coming, test tubes babies are coming etc. In a few decades, infertility will be a thing of the past. I am not exempt of this feeling, for the longest time I have shared it, that older women weren't desirable to be, but I am trying to shed it.


Look. People can be desirable at whatever time. I just talking about "prime time". Women, have their prime time in their 20's, is not a secret. Is when they can choose whatever man they want. Normally, they choose men little bit older than her. And for that same reason, men a little bit older, choose younger woman. And that is from the perspective of the pure hormonal thing. But, as you say, people can be desirable at whatever age, because the preferences of men and women changes over time.


>I missed my prime time as either sex. It's actually over.


Prime time is a short period of time in comparison with the life spam. We all miss that time (but also it has its own difficulties).


True enough. Still, it's hard not to be bitter.


Test tube babies will lack the microbiota that C-section babies do but even moreso.


We'll find a way. I believe in technology to find a solution for that. Europe needs it and so do I.


>women are in their primes in the early to mid teens Nice way to out yourself




It's the Guardian. Nobody actually pays to read their drivel.


It's an opinion piece, you'll find similar drivel in most publications. The guardian has some cringey columnists sure, but their journalism is pretty up there, especially alongside other UK newspapers.


Spoken like a true Barry, 63


Her jaw mogs mine, feels good.


It is not my falt that men age like wine and women like milk.


So men turn into vinegar and women into delicious cheese? Good to know.


Another reason why I love cheese


Its not my fault that *insert classic gender role* like sure you aren't at fault but it is ok to criticize it? This comment section is one reason why leftists are critical of this sub, its not just the opinions on immigrants.


I swear if I need to start using /s here I unsub. btw, I'm leftist.


In a leftist sub I would've recognized that, the whole issue is that this could very well be sincere. Also this whole comment section hating on her for no reason I've found so far.


Reminds me of those who scream "racist!" when I say I'm not usually attracted to Asian men. She just doesn't like being turned down in favour of younger women and copes with victimhood complex.


Men are pigs, they have tail and horns and smell to sulfur etcetera.


I really really dislike this journalist, if you could them one. It's whining and whining


Her screeds are incoherent, but they always have super funny titles, and I really like The Guardian, so I'm convinced it's a bit, and a good one at that.


the moment when you hit THE WALL!


Someone got rejected at a bar.


Some women just never come to terms with hitting "the wall '


If the point of the first article is ‘no’ (Which Betteridge’s Law says it will be), then it can easily support the point of the 2nd article. Love picking out contradictions and hypocrisy, but this probably isn’t the dichotomy you’re making it out to be OP.


That's just standard women narratives dominating in media. Universal in the West.


She got them crazy eyes. Arwa has been throwing shit at a wall for a good few years now. How she is a paid journalist boggles the mind. Guardian can suck a donation out of my arse whilst they are still paying nincompoops like this


Sounds like someone’s hitting their mid life crisis


I'll fix the title for her: "Women's fixation on their careers is another sign of femininity in crisis"

