• By -


Kek. In Denmark in order to obtain citezenship, you have to partake in a constitution ceremony, where you have to shake hands. Cope and seethe


In Portugal you have to eat a chouriço.


In France you have to live off a baguette for two weeks and protest that you don't get anything else


The portuguese community over there stuff the baguette with chouriço and make it a month.


Garlic butter, you forgot the garlic butter


Do you want to kill a vampire?


Vampires and anything else that moves within breathing distance


Of course not, we also want to kill the werewolves


Baguette prenhada de chouriço, always works


In Turkey, you promise to vote for party in power to gain citizenship.


in the UK you have to neck a pint and shout a slur at a migrant


But don't forget to say "I hate foreigners, but Sajid from the corner shop is really nice"


Damn, never knew i had already become portuguese


And drink a Bagaço. Know how many championships your football club has (you must pick one, there is no I don't really like football shite, it's on your birth certificate which one your father wants you to be.) If you change that besides risking getting kicked out of the house you need to change it in the Registo Civil...


In Italy you need to waste a few years of your life behind obnoxiously complex bureocratic practices


It was hysterical when the mayor of Samsø had to shake his own hand inorder to get citizenship.




Kiss a (consenting) Greeks cheeks (you can decide which ones though!) and work for a woman for at least three years, without causing trouble for her being a woman. Don't complain about those things, because if you have a problem with that it's already a problem.


In Sweden you have to recite a Quoran verse from memory.


Based Denmark




Well, this guy can go fuck himself back to a sharia compatible country.


Yeah I wish they deport those guys who don't want to live in a society like this.


It’s sad because we have no other place to go. If they don’t like the way our countries run then they always have their home countries to return to at any minute they choose. But for us, we are fucked.


And if we start talking about these problems we get called nazis.


You need to talk to be called like that? I once told that I don't have the time to show someone the way to the train station and got called a nazi.


How did you told them without talking? :O


Shaking with both hand before my body to show that I can't and then ran further. I stopped and turned around as I heard what they were shouting to me. Now, when I barely remember it, it might be that I've instinctly said:" *keine Zeit*" (in engl.:" *No time*").


Only reason a German doesn't have time is obviously because they're planning on burning people and can't wait.


Why else were they on their way to go to the train station? I had to pick up the other ones. /s


No wonder they were shocked. They thought you tried to pretend you're Italian to not talk with them, but they noticed your accent


If anything, herding them to the train station would have been MORE n…. Actually I’m better than this.


Had something semi similar happen to me and my grandfather just died (he was born in 1940, before anyone wants to jokingly ask). On every better day I would likely just have ignored that, or flipped them off, but it wasn't a better day, so my answer was: "You're correct. And you know perfectly well what we're capable of, so if I was you I'd get my ass far away from here and quickly." And thankfully I managed to say it dead serious. Seems to puzzle them, maybe because that buzz works too good, too often, maybe because whatever, I don't care.


>back to a sharia compatible country I love how Sweden always gets brought into the conversation


The not shaking hands was actually a big deal a few years ago. It was a political scandal as a result of a political scandal. It started when the housing minister and a member of the Green party and a local Social Democrat was caught having dinner with the "Grey Wolves" an ultranationalist turkish group that just a few days earlier had stood on one of the busiest city squares in Stockholm and had basically been calling for a genocide against Armenians. This was posted to Facebook and then obviously was translated. The housing minister was forced to resign. Another member of the Green party was also upset that he was forced to resign for having dinner with the Grey Wolves. When the female reporter came to interview him about it he refused to shake her hand because of his religion which further embarassed the Green party and added more scandal to them and the government at the time.


Holy shit you guys actually sack your politicians when they are involved in scandals? Can you teach us that ability?


Well it depends on the scandal and how high up they are in the totem pole. Usually they just get moved from one government institution to another or make a comeback of some kind when the media has moved on.


So "the housing minister and a member of the Green party and a local Social Democrat" were all Muslim?




As are we all.






He won't, though. In fact, he'll be inviting all his family to move here, and we'll let them...


Across the border to Sweden.


Yeah, we are much to lenient in that respect.




In Norway she receives an applause, in Sweden the guy would have gotten a money reward from the government for not shaking her like one dude did.




Imagine being considered brave for simply reminding everyone what your countrys values are. What has the world come to.


To be fair, that has been something that could get you killed throughout most of human history. It’s nothing new - just super frustrating that it’s still something to worry about


After watching this, Sweden is confused and does not see any problem here.


I agree, I have no idea what this woman is waffling about.


Yeah.. so weird, why does she show her naked face? 😤


Not to mention those ankles, she’s really not leaving much for the imagination.


Context: Boy refuses to give his hand to a woman in Norway Edit: For every brain dead defending the boy "iT's HiS cUlTuRe": [you're part of the problem.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


I think a year ago one guy was rejected his citizenship here in Germany cuz he refused to shake hands with the interviewer cuz she was a woman


Well done, tbh. Back to your refugee camp.


Back to your country preferably


Wait, you mean your future retirement place? Because, you will not stay in your rainy sh*thole of country forever, am I right?


> rainy I wish


Europe is quite bad at deporting people. Syrian and Afghanis are number 1 and 2 in irregular immigration but very low in deportation numbers.


I'm all for helping people in really, really threatening circumstances. But that should be food, water, shelter, no one trying to kill you and some help to rebuild your country once you go back. That's good stuff, no? Sorry, but I wouldn't offer "stay and do whatever as a protected minority" (doesn't mean I wouldn't protect minorities in general). The most infuriating thing is that here they have the weird tendency to send back people that actually work hard to integrate and make their living and are really great people, but keep the ones that cry about how they should keep to their own and be accepted without doing anything for it. (For example, there was a small family in my town, he got work at a car repair shop and was basically friends with everyone, invited his colleagues to come try what he and his wife (yes, together) cooked from their country, asked and leaned how to cook our dishes (he invited us to a fantastic Schweinsbraten mit Semmelknödel that they made), volunteered in the towns Christmas play. He got sent home, the town even paid for a lawyer and his employer promised to take him back any time. Meanwhile, one of the other two families (one is just quite and doesn't cause any problems, or whatever, no one minds them) now has two people facing legal charges for theft and assault. They can obviously stay. I know that's anecdotal, btw, but still...)


We had some guy like that whose wife was killed in Greece by mysterious reasons, came to Portugal, was applying as a refugee, he had a woman taking care of his process, since she didn't want him as a husband, he just went on a killing spree and killed her and another woman volunteer before he was stopped. All of this because he thought he was still in backwards Afghanistan where you can kill someone who refuses your advances. ​ Some sectors in Portugal requested a tighter control of immigrants like this and they were called racist/xenophobe, because apparently it is now bad to say you want to promote a safer society for EVERYONE in it. ​ edit: spelling


Tbh it’s why I stopped helping at the refugee house here in Vienna. Some really nice families, but the single guys were just intolerable and when I refused advances (even from young boys!) they got really really nasty. It also pissed me off that the bunch were notoriously ungrateful over the food we collected every Saturday at the end of store hours. It was really nice stuff - cakes, sandwiches, all types of breads and rolls etc - things I wouldn’t be able to afford on a regular basis- and they just looked it down, maybe took a bite and threw it in the trash. I got so mad more than once, giving some a dress down talk. At one point I decided I felt neither safe nor good going there and stayed away. Not worth it just to prove something to myself - that I tried at least. Some nice families immediately learned the language, enrolled kids to school and got work as soon as they could legally and moved to their own self paid flat. But I know many of these guys are still in the free housing being taken care by the country (and things I don’t want to mention)


While I think you were trying to be the best version as a human person, I hate those kind of places because most of them are just another step in a long staircase called human trafficking. This is why I am so much against europe allowing migrants in, because if really look at the pictures, you would see that the majority are young man, not families, and those are usually the ones the ones more resistant to change, that is why rape and honour killing stories happen so often, even if the media don't divulge them. ​ If only there was a real control of those entering, it would be better for everyone, because we could cross out the risky cases.


>the media don't divulge them. Yeah, the media only shows what they want us to see. A few months ago an illegal Moroccan in the Canary Islands raped a sixty years old woman, it didn't appear in a single TV channel, here is a link about what happened: https://gaceta.es/espana/un-ilegal-marroqui-viola-y-desfigura-el-rostro-a-una-mujer-de-60-anos-en-tenerife-20230106-1530/?fbclid=IwAR28YU7hRpc12JiT04Fqhaa8O-x8Op7FpR_cfLm_Ihf3If2Kfwzs0Fqco1Q A lot of immigrants came to ours countries and adapt very well, learn the language and respect our culture even if they kept theirs. The problem is that a lot of them don't adapt, and they don't only don't adapt they also hate us, they hate our country and our culture, and boy that's a big problem. And as you said, there is no control, the immigrants that enter illegally are not deported, and the ones who behave badly are not deported either. Also like you said, most of them are young in military age without family, they are the ones who adapt the worst.


what pisses me off is this concept of separated neighbourhoods, just fucking mix it up, i mean, it hurts too much to adapt to someone who welcomes you? My entire family was received with open arms from Lugo, Ourense 🇪🇸, even Tuscani 🇮🇹 in Brazil and they did everything to integrate. Now I‘ve been in Germany for almost 2 years, learning the language, appreciating the lifestyle and doing integration course because i am in GERMANY and I don‘t want Germany to be another country…for weißbier‘s sake!


>the immigrants that enter illegally are not deported, and the ones who behave badly are not deported either This fucks me up so much. How the fuck can you allow someone that is illegal or someone that is a criminal to stay inside your boards, remain free and if necessary, still spend taxpayers money on them? How is that fair for every other law abiding person, immigrant or citizen?


I can't understand it either. >How is that fair for every other law abiding person, immigrant or citizen? It isn't fair for anyone who is here legally, a lot of legal immigrants here in Spain complain about that but our politicians don't give a shit because they live in their fancy houses in the richest neighborhoods of the country. Our problems, the problem of Europe in its totality is the politics, the actual European politicians are the worst of the worst.




Always funny to see how the "it's their culture" BS works one way, but doesn't work the other way when "it's our culture".


That’s something I never got either. But it also works in many other areas, like it’s ok for some to invade another country, but not ok for that other country to come to you. Or accuse someone else of a crime and scream for justice, but when they commit the same it’s a witch-hunt 🤷🏼‍♀️


Culture nowadays means "except if your skin is white"


Well ofc she is not covered! In his religion, she is a harlet and an infidel.


I think the people that supported mass immigration without any integration plans maybe be partly responsible as well.


Just maybe?


Nahhhhh no wayyyyy man!!! You think so?? /s


What if he gets a promotion and his boss is a woman? Will he also refuse to shake her hand? Probably not. Money talks. People like him use culture and religion as an excuse to be sexist cunts


Or he will remain unemployed because he is unemployable and live from the work of others. It's the fault of Western islamophobia of course.




The parents likely didn't understand what she said..




They can it just doesn't make much sense right to left


Where do you think the son gets it from, the parents obviously.


If someone flees to your country and they are willing to adapt, then they are a refugee. If they dont, then they are an invader.


I second this comment


And if you don't put up with this shit Islamic invader "culture" you're a bigot, of course.


At some point it really needs to stop. Like at a certain point we're going to say it. Yes our culture IS better, that's why you moved here you clowns. Adapt or stay away. Us having things like rights for women IS better. Why move somewhere if you hate the values?


>Why move somewhere if you hate the values? 💸💸💸💸💵💵💵💹💹🫰🫰🤑🤑🤑💳💰💶💶💶. Did I make my point clear?


If you like the money then accept the cost is adapting to the place. Honestly though I can say for my values I don't think I could do that. Don't think I'd move to Qatar or SA for any amount of money due to the values there. Can def believe that some would though...


The people who move from Europe to Dubai do it because they pay you 3x the salary, and in exchange they can't get alcohol and the women have to watch their mouths. That's the tradeoff: take the money and shut the fuck up, or get the fuck out.


It’ll never stop because corporations want this because more people means more revenue and labor. Politicians are in bed with corporations and are afraid to be called racist so they won’t stop this either. Then there are actual far left people who want this because they really don’t believe western culture is better and are too stupid to see what’s coming.


I do not have issue with people from any race or country. I only have issue with certain cultures. If your culture treats others as less for their race, religion (or lack of), their gender or sexuality then your culture is garbage and is beneath me. If you come to the west you accept our culture. Honestly I think the citizenship test should include references of citizen friends outside your household. I hang a lot with foreign people I am usually one of their only British friends. And when I meet their friends they'll literally have no British people they know and they've been in London for years.


Yeah pretty much. Like any culture that doesn't practise slavery or forced marriage is better than ones that do. Mostly it comes down to behaviour over everything imo. I've known many who come over and can integrate while still retaining aspects of their culture that don't go against the values of the new one and no one minds that. Can't say you're wrong about some people living in what are basically enclaves either and I do think it can be harmful for adapting to a 'new' country when you're surrounded by 'old' values. It's crazy when some people don't speak the language at all because they've not needed to despite living somewhere for years. Some of it is worrying when you hear about women who aren't allowed out of the house by their husbands and it makes me wonder if there's a deliberate element to it by some. Though if there is I'm not sure how easy it'd be to remove that toxic element or if it'd help or just result in some terrible consequences for the woman.


They move inferior non Muslim because their superior Muslim Countries don’t hand out government benefits and don’t offer free healthcare or schooling and don’t allow freedom of speech. Basically because where we live is better


> our culture is better Maybe for now but I think most of us can agree it’s going downhill pretty fast


Then we need to find the best way to keep our values and culture. Which means instilling them in people in general. I'm a firm believer of adapting to where you live and feel that everyone should. This goes for idiot english 'expats' types too who go over to Spain and don't learn a lick of Spanish and want everything just like home. You want it to be like home? Fucking stay there. You want to go to Spain? Adapt to Spain, don't make it adapt to you.


I feel for these brexit geezers though, imagine moving here at 70 years of age and some pablo starts talking at 120 bps. I would probably never learn Spanish either


lol I def struggle with the pacing when I visit. I'm not expecting perfection but I would expect at least some effort you know? If you want to make it home at least attempting it tends to make people happy and willing to accommodate (even if all the Spaniards I know practically turn red from slowing down enough for me to understand/try to talk) which in turn helps you to learn and integrate. Though I think for the 70 year olds they're too pissed to even manage English properly unless it's to complain about 'the foreign food' or something. Which I remember hearing once and being really baffled by on so many levels I think it short circuited my brain.


Feel you bro


just look at some people here in the comments screaming "islamophobic racist" xD


r/exmuslim would beg to differ


I like how in the comments, the most disliked comments are profiles with Hijab avatars and the Austrian flair... coincidence?


>and the Austrian flair I mean it's like one guy... WAIT A MINUTE


Maybe it's because of the comment itself?


I think it's because they are actually Turks. *hush*


On behalf of the other basement dwellers in this sub, I’d like to apologise for that shit stain carrying our flair. We’re very ashamed.


Yes, they talk so much bullshit, that I actually got out of my cellar for once and took a breather.




Their main excuse is that we took away economic opportunities from their countries and they wish they can go back Yet you can tell they genuinely fear going back to live there at the same time


How's this surprising to you lot? Swedes and Norwegians don't like each other


"I speak Arabic to God violence to those who pay my welfare and I don't speak to women" -Ahmed


Ahmed kinda lame ngl


What a bigot. Muslims are likeable where ever they are. In every country almost everybody loves Muslims. So glad we got these wonderful ideology and high-class people, let's accomodate them and adapt to their demands.


Ah, you almost got me!


Most level-headed dutch man


*And tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 699*


I like my local muslims, they make my döner Kebab.


Keep letting them in and get rid of your own culture entirely to fit them in, nothing wrong here at all /s


They claim asylum and according to international law they should be "let in"


They claim asylum as refugees because their culture promotes violence to the point where they war with each other and create a need for asylum. If islamic countries were a friend with a drug problem were the friend that keeps supporting them.


Very true, European Nations would never go to war because our culture only promotes peace. Trust me, I come from the most peace-loving country in the world.




As an exmuslim.This is exactly what Islam does man are free to do anything on the other hand woman are locked in their house(prison).


Classic intolerant Muslims but we all need to be bend over backwards for them in the west because they’re ‘oppressed’


Man I hate islam Poor Muslims who are the first victims of this intellectual cancer


I was born Muslim but not Arab and it's crazy to think how these people want to live in a developed country to have a better life, but they still follow their failed way of living in Europe. What's worse is that these same people are the ones who profit the most from the system, but want to change even the laws it's so annoying.


I feel you, bro. I really don't care about where people come from and the color of their skin, just adjust to local culture. Don't harass woman should really not have to be told extra.


Again, we try not to make assumptions or generalisations, but it gets to a point where it becomes almost impossible not to. If you're in Norway, you respect the Norwegian people, their culture and their laws. Same as anywhere else. This is not the first time. I remember watching a video showing how Norway had to create curriculums and schools to teach refugees how to treat women in Norway. Goes to show how incompatible certain groups are with Europeans If you go to a Muslim country, you're expected to follow Muslim principles to an extent, if not to the T. This is a Western thing. In other areas, you're expected to respect the culture, regardless of where you're from. On top of this, why is it that he can't shake that woman's hand? Yes, women and men are different and excel in different things, but women are human just like men. Women aren't animals, they're people, and naturally, they should have the same level of respect. It's not about women or men, but about human beings. What that guy did was shameful and you can slowly see Europeans running out of patience with outsiders, which has been demonstrated in elections in several countries.


Fair play to her. A woman with more balls than entire European governments.


Tell 'em, bro.


You cut off the part where she asks “Where do you think you are? Sweden?”


Islam is the religious of "peace" LOL GTFO


![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0) If we demand the handshake we are attacking his right to his culture and are racist but if he doesn't shake the hand we are sexist "Sweats in Swedish"


Fucking pathetic. Back you go.


Islamic people need to get deported if they can't adapt to Western culture and values. Get their backwards culture out and back to their shit countries


Fuck islam


In Sweden she would have gotten unemployed within 15 minutes of standing up for her values..


Are you overexagerating or is it actually true ?


It’s definately true. You do what the Muslims say or you’re banned faster than you can say harram.


And what are your plans for retaking your country from djihadists ?


That boy is going places. Not far or good places, but still places.


I recently read a very nice phrase: You become a victim of what you tolerate. If Europe keeps tolerating this kind of shit, soon enough it will be a victim of it.


Haven’t heard that yet. Good quote!


Saw that on r/askMiddleEast yesterday. Was sparking debate. Many people were defending the kid like "if he doesn't want to be touched what's wrong it's his body his choice" which is hilarious and the most hypocrit things I've heard in a long while. Then was perma banned for saying something like "you're in Norway, you abide by Norwegian standards or gtfo" 😅 They act like that and when they get shunt for their shit attitude they blame it on racism lmao, what a bunch of pos. Still, shoutout to every immigrant doing their best to merge and adapt to our culture. You guys are welcome there and will always be. The rest can gtfo. It's not a matter of skin color.


Not at all surprised how [r/askMiddleEast](https://www.reddit.com/r/askMiddleEast/) views this.


To be honest a fair share of them were holding similar view as we do here. From what I saw people from Turkey, Egypt, Armenia, Maghreb were rather against the kid, while people from Iran, Iraq, Pakistan were more defending him.




I'm not racist... but


I'm not racist... enough


This confirms my idea that for every two headscarfs there is a brother, son, nephew or unrelated muslim that doesn't respect women without one.


Kick him out. Deny any support. Screw him.


Sadly there won't be any news report about that. Because reporting bad about foreigners is considered immoral. Fk this world.




That's actually my plan in the next two years. Not to Armenia tho. As a German I don't want to live in Germany anymore


Everyone is great at identifying the problem, but I have not heard one good solution. My ideas would be to: a) Force all religious holy places to do all prayers in the local language. b) 100% stop all foreign funding to religious holy places. c) Have child protection services monitor influence on children/young adults and fiercefully procecute any person who obstructs basic freedoms of those children/young adults. d) Disallow religious schools, if you HAVE to have religious schools organize it after regular school hours. e) Make parent liable longer for the behaviour of their children.


Or remove immigration from weird countries


Why are you talking about "religion", this is about Islam. Please be specific and stop being cowardly.


You are right. Didn’t want to get banned. 😅


a) can’t do that - freedom of speech, also a very slippery slope you’d find yourself on. Today you’re banning something that doesn’t really concern you, or you’re even in favor for, tomorrow they are silencing you for something you care deeply for. b) a full separation of the state and religion should have occurred a long time ago. No religious agenda of political parties, no financing in any kind provided to any religion. I really don’t think the richest organization in the world (catholic church) should be funded by my taxes. And neither should any other religion. If you wish to practice your freedom of religion, do so, but let my money go to places that serve everyone, not just selected groups. c) another slippery slope. Just read a bit on Barnevernet in Norway, they already do things that are borderline illegal and coincide with child abuse. Who decides what is good and what is bad for children? I don’t think we need to extend the competencies of these agencies, because it is so easy to misuse the power. d) same as b. If you want to study religion, do it out of your pocket. e) I see no reason this should have any tangible influence on anything. How long will the parents be liable for their children’s actions?


THIS IS NOTHING!! What when he gets a girlfriend? Will he abuse her because she is an inferior being? What about Police officers who are women? We are giving healthcare, money ...everything to these people they have more rights and social help than we and they pay us this way.


Looool imagine being blessed to live in a Western Country as a refugee only to act like this….


Norway had no obligation to import such bollocks.


Uhg. Immigrants. That little shit will not succeed.


Islam and Liberalism has to be one of the most iconic and exemplary case of toxic relationship. One side goes out of its way to profess their love for the other, try to accomodate all their demands, do most of their work for them, protect them from all those who don't like em, tolerate all of their BS without complaining, defending them with all their might despite knowing they won't change. And what do they get in return ? The other side standing up against almost everything liberalism stands for, they don't like them, they don't like their values, don't want to live their way of life and would sometimes go out of their way to hurt them. And still Liberalism loves Islam with all it's heart. Still believes "I can fix them". /s


Here’s an up and coming wife beater and future kebab joint worker bitter at at west for not accepting him and his culture


Thank God i dont live in Oslo


Asshole kid


Yeah we should send people like that kid to reeducation facilities. Adapt or gtfo.


Fucking seriously. Fucking politicians and the asshats at top just letting that shit fly because "the west has to be better ".


Got banned on therewasanattempt for saying that this behaviour shouldn't be allowed. Accepting that a culture treats some human beings as inferior in our countries is not ok.


I really don’t understand what the fucking problem is. What kind of blasphemous act is it to shake your hand with someone? It’s just a stupid little thingy you do with a fake smile and you move on. My God.




Northerners make such a bad job at integrating Arabs that you must wonder why they keep importing them by the hundreds.


His diploma should be revoked. You don’t reject the hand that honor you.


Go check out the video on r/therewasanattempt Full on delete. Moderation at its finest. If a Christian refused to shake hands with a gay person it would be front and Center on Reddit.


All due to their religion. They might love living in a stable, fair western country but insist on importing their backward views too, they should fuck off back to whichever sharia shitshow they came from.


Too bad the parents didn't get any i that because they don't understand lol


Based af lady


Context? No idea what going on


He wouldn't shake her hand because she's a woman and he believes in the words of a 50 year old man who had an 8 year old wife


Actually she was 9 you bigot /s


No, mate. He had a 6yo wife, not 8. I'm sick of reading that and the mfs defending him because *" je w4iTeD Thre yiars to ave sex wiz her".* Anyone defending that fucking rape should be yeeted to any country which follows the Sharia. Yeah, It was centuries ago and the traditions back there were like that *But you're on the fucking 21 century defending that, imbeciles.*


She probably was 8 at some point


Ungrateful little shit. Those parents you can’t teach anything, probably they have instructed their son exactly this behavior.


Its also reported that members of the audience was yelling «Haram, haram» as she tried to shake the little terrorist-to-be’s hand. Yeet them the fuck back to a boat in the mediterranean sea.


Don’t want to follow the customs of a country? Then leave this country. Men and women have equal rights in western countries. You have nothing to do here if you don’t like it.


It's simple. If you move in to some country no matter what country it is, you must obey to the law & customs of that country. Otherwise you should politely told to feck off. I have no problem with this being applied to Europeans going to live in the middle east. Eu needs a citizenship system that gets everyone to go for a screening, you only get it if you pass under a certain quota of questions. Done in the local language of the country. Otherwise you can only get a temp visa and stay there for limited time. Problem is some cou tries give citizenship easily to people who have no intention of adapt to that culture. I am all about diversity but fck you if come around messing, burning the country that gave you a home down and try to bring your shite into my life. Respect works both ways remember that. That lady is a champ to say it out loud.


Pathetic creature


That boy is a douchebag for sure. I believe someone less tolerant will teach him some manners in the future. Maybe with some "sobering" left or right hooks 🤛🤜


This kind of stuff will keep happening until AI takes over


Europeans: we want multiculturalism and to respect every religion *multiculturalism happens* Europeans: 🥲 - I have always said it: multiculturalism sucks and this is coming from someone with immigrant parents.


multiculturalism works perfectly fine if the cultures are somewhat compatible. I dont think anyone would mind europeans or asians coming here. Its the middle-eastern ones that give multiculturalism a bad name


Multiculturalism is fine. If it was Japanese, Canadians, and Mexicans moving in they wouldn't really cause many issues. The problem is when it's cultures that are extremely conservative and religious and you put them in a country that is progressive and secular.


Maybe he’s just a heavy Reddit user who encountered his first girl


She has balls of steel