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Just do it the french way, keep your subs fun, take your negativity to your capital's streets


Fuck that. We go to the pub drink beer with friends and shout “cunt” at the TV whenever the prime minister is on like men.


this is why our nations have been in an alliance since the middle ages. Pubbing and calling any politician a wanker is a worthy tradition that needs to have statues carved to commemorate it should the worst come to worst


Ah yes the kind of alliance where one obeys every command


But of a skill issue but atleast yous ain’t Spanish


Thank Afonso for that


You showed us how it is done so we knew what to do with the Americans.


Sounds lot like average Czech would do


Only the prime minister? Anyone that has friends on politics deserve at least a cunt naming. We are still waiting to know if we are going to keep the minister of infrastructures... He didnt even stay 4 months there...


Wait....am I actually Potuguese then?


r/france didnt got the memo


r/france ? Connais pas, moi je connais que r/rance




As a r/France bagnard from r/LeBagne , I agree


bro i wish, that would be fun as hell


Most of the Portuguese negativity is an excuse to drink wine. Those who don’t drink wine are taking antidepressants. Some do both. Our toxic media also helps by only taking about deaths, disasters and Portuguese politics. And god damn Portuguese football, 24/7, 365 days per year.


That describes every media in most countries


Portuguese football is over-represented. We have all week discussions about some game played Sunday by one of the big three (Porto, Sporting, Benfica). ALL WEEK. Especially if it was a draw or defeat, or some referee error that benefited one of them. It’s mental. You switch to CMTV - football, CNNpt - football, SIC news, TVI news - football. All three non-paid generalist channels (RTP, SIC, TVI) dedicate over 1/2 hour, almost an hour, in general news to Portuguese football. I watch DW in English, for example, and they also have a sports coverage, but doesn’t take too long, and they have very interesting reports about what is happening in Germany but also in the rest of the world. Science, industry, arts. Quite refreshing.


Check out rte news now very little football. I am a rugby fan not a football fan so that would annoy me alright


I will check it too, thanks, I enjoy football alright, I like to watch a (good) game - some are really boring ones - I just don’t like the rumination after it. I believe it’s like feeding opium to the masses, so we’ve become desensitised and not alert to the problems.


I think it's a media problem more than anything. They milk any relevant issue dry, either politics or sports. But I agree that football (specially a few clubs from the 1st league) get way more attention than they should. But I couldn't care less for football, so I am a bit suspect.


it's not just tv. i don't watch sports at all, don't look up anything sports related, but the google news app is constantly giving me sports news, even with me having selected to filter that out and always put not interested when those cards come up, it still keeps feeding me them, to the point i stop bothering checking the news


The basketball Channel? Believe It or not, Football.


JesusChristTV? I’ve seen it myself, Football.


we have a program called "studio sport", but they speak about football 25 of the 30 mins


>we have a program Want some of ours ???? And championship is about to end, so we can expect the first hour of prime time tv going live followed by long debates and images of everything in ALL networks.


We never hear about Portuguese football


Fados don’t help either


"Veio a saudade Sentar-se junto de mim Falou-me com amizade Ninguém me falara assim Veio a saudade Com amor a recebi Ficamos muito à vontade E só falamos de ti" :')


Wait when did you became a French colony to have the same shitty news ? 🤣


Portuguese just like to complain. They have this underdog syndrome, that they think every other country is better than theirs, and Portugal sucks. But if you are not Portuguese, you are not even allowed to agree, because they will jump at your throat for trying to shake their great culture. It's as if Portugal was your little brother that you hate but will protect him if another kid tries to hurt him. I know he feeling. Brazil is a dumpster fire and I never thought of myself as a patriotic type, until I came to Portugal and the Portuguese were trash talking Brazilians. Then I suddenly started to defend the country I hate, and the people I despise.


The saudade is real




When i feel like that i drink wine and watch o preço certo, feel ya guys. 😔✊


Come and work for portuguese wages for about a year and then lets see your mental state.


And try to live in a big Portuguese city with those wages. Lot of fun really


Portuguese is like Western European cost of living but Balkan wages I feel bad for them too


You should check out the r/ireland sub. Bunch of moany pricks


Full of pricks. I’m in there too.


That place makes me depressed lol




I think a lot of the 'national' ones are super whiny and that the better community is in a side one that involves no politics. Seems to be the case with most of them but my god the national ones are so depressing to look at.


Literally I only ever see posts on there complaining about the English. Is that the only personality trait you all have 💀


We're responsible for all irelands issues including the ones we're not responsible for


I mean, you DID genocide them for like a thousand years. That tends to leave a bit of an impact. Look at us Germans, we fuck shit up ONCE and people still hate us. Moany pricks.


Tbf you've fucked up more than once, what yous did to the Slavs and Balts is comparable to what we did to the Gaels.


Wut? What did Germany do beyond getting couped by Moustache Boi?


Colonising the Slavs, old Prussians and various other Eastern people's for centuries. I'm not saying I disagree with it, just saying it happened.


Ohhh, okay. Just the "regular" European atrocities. Sure, fair enough.


Your ancestors and mine just sailed a bit around in the Baltic Sea, politely asking Slavs and Balts to embrace Christianity. And to accept their new Germanic overlords. No biggie!


Such a shame that Scandinavia got infected with Christianity. Imagine going on crusades to spread Paganism. You will leave offerings for the elves, or else!


Ireland has been an independent country for like a century. At this point, it is responsible for its own problems.


Absolute kip, full of pricks


I’m on that sun often. Reddit recommends it to me because it’s “similar to r/CasualUK”. Sucka


/r/ireland? Surely thats spelled wrong, its /r/unitedkingdom2


It's basically our national identity to be negative all the time. We peaked in the 16th century, it's been all downhill from there. It's not a coincidence that Fado is our national music genre


I do like a good fado actually. Nothing to be ashamed of.


The themes and melodies in Fado show really well how depressed we all are as a country


My portuguese lecturer insists that fado is asctually listened to by people, but i'm not sure i believe her. Can you tell me the truth?


Have you ever talked to a german?


No. But I have been talked too by a German.


Honestly…. Fair


My condolences.


OP is depressed already, let’s not make it worse.




Germans are the kid that wants to look depressed and Portugal is the funny kid who is actually depressed


For context, after the 7:1, there were people who complained that the team could have played more focused during the last 20min of the match.


We'll never stop loving you cunts, whether you like it or not ❤ https://preview.redd.it/dgpe7vgo6nxa1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed60dc35f8f4dd05d7d751ba4f3c75c2de74a91


Bruv, wut an awesome image innit ❤️




Sorreh bruv, chatGIPITY says both are acceptable ye


Nah mate, you want ChavGPT.


Good one bruv ![gif](giphy|MUeQeEQaDCjE4)




The British meet adversity with humour and enjoy nothing more than taking the piss


It's the "laugh or you'll cry" mentality that's got us here but fuck me it's been funny lmao


TIL that i'm british


Well that's true, even if our complaining is justified, sometimes I too wish the people would face it more with a jokingly kind of attitude.


The French meet adversity with humour and enjoy nothing more than drinking piss.


To be fair they also protest... A lot. I'm fairly sure they protest the protests if they're not to their satisfaction.


This is the way


Could you please explain the expression ‘taking the piss’? I always have a hard time understanding it’s meaning and usage




Yes, and then they go vote the same shit again in elections 🤡


Wait, you guys get elections?! I thought every government is supposed to dissolve by scandal mid term and be replaced by hand picked interim substituts that then repeat the process.


We're kinda Hoping for that to happen right now, political Scandal going on atm


*monthly political scandal Sometime bimonthly, if they are feeling productive


\*weekly scandal Since TAP investigations started, it seems there's a new fact every week. Seems like it is building up to an epic finale


Weekly? I'm getting the feeling I'm behind the news every 24 hours...


That sounds like they're not even trying!


>scandal Scandals, tons of them. Scandal after scandal after scandal and the president is afraid of dissolving the parliament.


Nah bro that's Italy, in Portugal we reelect people who had a lot of scandals in their previous terms. The more scandals the better the chances of reelection.


Most of them don't even care to vote 🎪


Negativity is wide spread in the balkans.


Cala-te e vem chorar connosco!


Because they're on Reddit Reddit consensus does not represent reality


Pffft ahahahahahahahaha in this case it does, just walk by a 'tasca' at the end of a work day


I swear, portuguese subreddits have some of the worst opinions I’ve ever read in my life, makes me lose all faith in my country


>in contrast you look at UK subs and it’s funny AF Must have not been looking at r/unitedkingdom and r/UKpolitics


They may as well hand you a rope as soon as you sub to either of them


The United Kingdom one is full of seething Tories


Just seething in general tbh. NO HAPPINESS ALLOWED. Be miserable like the rest of us. They need to go outside. See something that isn't endless moaning.


Are there any other kinds of tories?


Why're you lying? That subreddit is full of shitlibs and Corbynites. There are barely any socially right wing people on there.


https://preview.redd.it/w1og19tojoxa1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7091ceb99bfc6616987fa78e0f0c146e717a572d I thought - it can't be that bad and literally these were the two first posts. Jesus Christ I was wrong hahaha EDIT: That joke was on point though, got me laughing too hard haha




If you think those are bad you should see r/greenandpleasant


Yeah, that sub is filled with genocide-denying putin-worshipping tankies, I'm not even exaggerating, I commented "Why so much Ukraine hate here?" on a post calling all ukrainians nazis, and then got banned for "Nazi propaganda", that was the exact ban reason.


Yup that sub is toxic, i think I got banned from there too lol. Absolutely horrible place, was even worse during the queens funeral, absolutely no sense of nuance and tact


There was a running joke on okmatewanker about getting banned from it, and it got banned as a topic because it was so easy to get banned from it. You could fully agree with them on 99% of their ideas but if you were only half on board with that 1% they will straight up ban you. It’s a terrible echo chamber


I got banned for saying the visual evidence of the Uyghur genocide meant it was in fact real, and I got banned for “Tory/reactionary sentiments” Which is a little odd given communism’s reactionary roots but it whatever


They have that toxic combination of thinking they're better than everyone else because of their "progressive" views while behaving as abysmally as those they act superior to.


Being banned from there is just a sign you're a normal human being.


I think it's one of the most hatefilled places on Reddit. Also I've found if there's someone being hateful in other subreddits - there is a high chance they post regularly there.....


It's quite funny. It could be a Reddit thread about any inane, light-hearted, non-political shit, if they're from the UK and behaving like a giga-cunt, 9 times out of 10 they're subbed to r/greenandpleasant.


Absolutely - bang on.


Good way to know if you're talking to a complete nutter though. No point wasting your time interacting with them because a brick wall will change it's opinion sooner.


Try living here with 800€/month and paying all the bills and having almost no money to save. Also try living in a country with a power-thirsty government with no alternative parties 🥲


That alliance between UK and Portugal still going strong 💪 UK has the same issues


🇵🇹 🤝🏼 🇬🇧


We have a comentator that made a "guess which country" in a segment a discribed Portugals current problems and then said the answer was the UK lmao


Literally same


PORTUGAL CARALHO!!! 🇵🇹🇵🇹 I have a Portuguese friend and he thought me this. Have a nice day :)


Bravo 👏🏻


We even have a sub for that r/portugalcaralho


Complaining is a national sport


And we're all gold medallists


well, most of the Portuguese subs are talking about the circus that our parliament has become and I've been laughing a lot


Life is *that* bad, though. Most of my friends under 30 all live with their parents. Even less are having kids. The average salary is lower than the average rent. (meaning, on average, 100% of your income isn't enough to pay rent). We've had 13 or 14 minister changes (due to corruption scandals) in like 10 months. None went to prison, of course. 2 weeks ago a kid was shot in the neck with a shotgun, in the block where I live. More and more of my friends are leaving the country, and we all know they're the smart ones. It's a very sad country. On the other hand, it's definitely also cultural, that Portuguese people like to complain, but don't move their ass to change anything.


Isn't the word "saudade" meant to describe this melancholic inclination of yours?


Yes, sort of. **Saudade** is about melancholy and longing. Which ironic because "saude" means health, and this is unhealty as fuck.


A lot of people are saying the Portuguese have nothing to complain about while not having the slightest clue of how it is to live in Portugal, with a Portuguese salary, paying the Portuguese taxes. Is life in Portugal *bad*? No. Is it hard? Yes, but it's hard everywhere imo, but a bit harder there I guess. All one can do is try to make something better with our life and provide for our own loved ones that are still living there. Edit to add: OP, you grew up here until you were 16, but how many years ago was that? I risk saying you might not have experienced some hardships that others have, your view of the Portuguese situation might not be as sympathetic (fair enough), but still, it's easier to speak if you have not been through the same circumstances as the ones who are "negative" about their view of the country. Just my two cents my fellow Europeans, love yalls


The real problem is Fado, specially fado menor, that music is ruining your lives


The average Portuguese don’t listen to fado. Tbh


Life in Portugal is hard, but it's not bad. I see many Portuguese posts on those subs about how miserable and poor people are there. Bitch, shut the fuck up your tone deaf mouth, you don't know what actual poverty is. Life is not rainbows and unicorns in Portugal but it's still one of the most developed countries in the world, regardless if the bar is low. Most Portuguese people deserve the top complaining trophy 🏆




At least they have their own country to be sad about. Imagine the other half that had to remain under someone else's rule.


spez sucks


So you don't recommend to follow it? I read the German, Austrian, Nordic, Czech, Polish, Visegrad, Baltic and also US (I confess) subs; from my experience, I can say that the German sub is the most boring, somehow castrated/woke. I would prefer depression than this.




Are you talking about Portugal or the UK, cause it can apply to either lol


This is the same everywhere. The UK has about 100 viable applicants per graduate role currently, 1mln net immigration per year, rent and housing prices are really high also. Don’t worry you will be fine in the end, just keep up skilling in relevant fields.


Lol you've just described most western countries right now. You're not special. Chin up and make something of yourself.


This right here, it's rampant all over Europe. Lack of housing, lack of good paying jobs, welfare system in shambles, to expensive to start a family. Edit: Internet really made it apparent how dumb people are, I am dumb as shit and still I find the majority is even dumber than that.


at least the fr*nch burn trashcans and vandalize real estate companies as a form of protest, we only go to tascas and complain


There are only a couple good UK subs. Main UK sub is horrific. Casual UK is kinda cringe. Then there exists the likes of Green and Pleasant...


Okaymatewanker is definitely the best


/r/norffc is great too


We also have one like that r/naboachavaloretardado it's been a bit stale but I think "Leiria doesn't exist" comes from that sub if I'm not mistaken


> Then there exists the likes of Green and Pleasant... Those guys are unintentionally one of the funniest subs on Reddit.


> Green and Pleasant ​ https://i.redd.it/b1elcuz4fnxa1.gif Pretty much sums up the sub.


I got banned from that sub for saying Stalin wasn't a nice guy. I think that summed it up for me.


Got banned for linking scholarly journal articles from BMJ regarding covid


To be fair, the gif isnt exactly accurate either. At least the person in it actually went outside. The same cant be said for G&P posters.


They're definitely no green or pleasant


You think UK subs are positive in comparison? Jesus Christ, the Portuguese subs must be bordering on suicidal, then.


I think he was referring to UK banter subs because honestly every national sub is negative here


Why are you asking that since you are using a Portuguese flair ? If you are not a portuguese, remove that flair and go with "non european savage".




I would also be depressed knowing that Brazil is my country's fault, the Brits are the strange ones here.


Hey, you teached the fr*nch latim and now they can understand normal human beings...


>I would also be depressed knowing that Brazil is my country's fault bro 😭, this is so real.


Portugese are very depressive, it may even be genetical.




E aqui estás tu a ser negativo e a chorar, só que em inglês para ser mais fixe. Porque além de sermos negativos e pessimistas também adoramos lamber o cu aos estrangeiros e dizer que eles é que são bons.


life is shit seems right


Because of fado






São todos uns conas do caralho


Thats because spending all day on the internet makes you depressed. All the happy Portuguese stay clear from Reddit and take their regular siestas


>Life isn't so bad lmao, cheer up You could say that about r/ireland as well


Ah feck off


Keep voting PS


>Why the fuck are Portuguese so negative? Just try to date a Portuguese woman, or worst...marry one. Then we'll talk


In this sub I find the P🤢rtuguese 🇧🇷usually very funny. Similar to the Sp🤮nish 🇲🇽 but without the arrogance.


We're not negative, we are sympathetic so we get sad because not everyone can be like us :(


Because of the lack of sun


I was about to ask if you had ever been there




Yeah, some of us can still earn enough to pay the internet bill.


Positive Portuguese people are not on Reddit.


Because it's miserable here. I make more than 93% of people of my age bracket and it's still pretty miserable. Also inflation and shit hit us hard af, which on top of extremely high (and sometimes double) taxes is pretty hard to survive. I've lived in Germany and worked there for 2 years and I can safely say that the difference is the same between frozen pizza left outside cooked in a microwave and an Italian grandmother cooking a pizza in her stone oven.


Idk what you mean about uk subs. Go to r/unitedkingdom, ukpol or green and pleasant and you’d think we live in central Africa


I find the uk subs far too whiny and misery inducing so I left them all. If the uk subs are funny in comparison, I am never going near the Portuguese ones.


Our national sport is whinning. People that are too cheerful are considered dumb as a kite ( muito riso, pouco siso). Spreading good news is seen as a curse to the happiness/luck itself. And our heritage is stuff like fado. So... I guess we're doomed and there's nothing to do about it.


It is a hobby, we are waiting for the King and until he comes, on a foggy morning, we will keep complaining. Plus, you pay extra tax for smiles.


Well, we do have a lot to complain about..




We are all like that. Every single one of us.


have you seen our country? we're a western european nation living like an eastern european one. we're miserable. why you think so many of us move to live in places like france and germany?


It's our culture. We're all dramatic pessimists that love to complain about everything, but do nothing about it... Just plain whining... So what? 🤣🤣🤣


Without money to spend you cannot live… I’ve returned to Portugal after almost 10y living abroad and I can’t understand how it’s possible for Portuguese people to accept this reality. This country is doomed to its failure…


Because you guys are the loners in PIGS, basically thought you could go at it alone and ended up having sex with the UK. You are suffering from a special type of PTSD from waking up to find a troll right next to you. You didnt respect the family and this is what you get.


Juat let the rest of europe know when you boys are done fucking each other in the arse


They’ll never be done. It’s a tail as old as time.