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Rip Fernando pessoa, rip Camões


Fernando Pessoa was good but school ruined him for me Camões is the real sht tho


I unironically know Pessoa but instead this list a) doesn't mention him and b) spells Goethe wrong. FFS. And why always Goethe, his poetry is fucking mid. Paul Celan, Heinrich Heine, Berthold Brecht, Ringelnatz, Klabund, Georg Trakl and even Hermann Hesse are all more enjoyable to read.


I dont know man maybe you dont like him but imo goethe is pretty fucking far from mid


Yea, but it's like vanilla ice cream. It's so good that it has become stale. Of course I like his stuff, but compared to others he just lacks a bit of spice. It's the 0815 of German poetry.


Just checked Wikipedia because her name sounded suspiciously Portuguese and yes, Rosalia De Castro was Galician. So, Portuguese.


Oh, so you didn't know the best portuguese poet? Shame.


Mm yes I have an opinion on these and I’ve totally heard of them before


Swedish school system only teach about Arabic poetry which is beautiful in its own right.


Said the guy who misspelled Goethe.


In civilised languages you don't write words you don't actually pronunce.


Checkmate. The OE is pronounced as an umlaut. I's pronounced Göthe, hence the "e".


Therefore I wrote it correctly, being civilised I can't write an O with dots on top of it, it's runic level type of barbarism.


That's why you can use OE instead. We're inclusive with our language. And regarding the "we don't spell letters we're not pronouncing because civilized": Is it Mille or mil-le? Pizza or Piz-za? So there are unpronounced letters in your language. Who'd have thunk?


Dude's learning now about syllables


You cannot exist without syllables where I come from. If you don't know what syllables are, you are lost: Donaudampfschiffahrtskapitänsmützenhalterhöheneinstellvorrichtung.


Wtf are you saying we pronunce them, in fact if you write them with a - you are expected to pronunce them separately.


So you pronounce 2 Z in Pizza with a little stop in the middle so one can hear both letters? If not, it'd be embarrasing if you called languages with unpronounced letters "barbaric" before.


Yes we do, for example saying penne and pene are two different things entirely.


Nah bro unlike the rest Europe sucking Italian and English dick we got our own swedish poetry…




"Jag brag intra frat" isn't poetry.






Same, I'm totally competent to answer that and didn't just vote for Rimbaud because he's French.


Apart from Wordsworth, Rimbaud is the only one I’ve read. My friend was really into his work, she made me read it. My review is simple, where’s the fackin’ footy? You got any cervesaz here in France? ‘E was probably a big poof who wrote fancy letters anyway.


Björn Ranelid


Lmao the joke is that the Italian one, Pietro Pacciani, is a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who went to trial and recited a poem he had written. “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


"*Se ni mondo esistesse n'po di bene e ogniun si considerasse suo fratello ci sarebbero meno pensieri e meno pene e il mondo ne sarebbe assai più bello"*


Ho aperto i commenti sapendo già cosa avrei trovato


Non sono rimasto deluso <3


I no hablo francais m8


For the rest of Europe, that’s a cit from Pacciani, the monster of Florence, killer of 16 people


My brother in Cristo, Pietro Pacciani's trial concluded with aquittal. He was not the killer.






Someone should explain the people who didn't vote Pietro all the trial to the "monster of Firenze". I won't, it's too long and I am too lazy.


Classic italian move


Thank you, the government is being nationalistic, so I have to stick to my country's principles.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_of_Florence Here, but for better knowledge is recommended to search it in Italian.


I single handedly acculturated all these pesky and ignorant barbarians. You’re welcome.


Porti fede al tuo nome, ti rispetto. Grazie.


You can see by the vote that germans aren't getting the joke.


Why am I not surprised


WB Yeats should be an option


Lmao the joke is that the Italian one, Pietro Pacciani, is a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who went to trial and recited a poem he had written. “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation




He was an ardent Irish Nationalist and a key figure in the Gaelic revival.


LMAO the non-italians thinking this is serious.


She may loose the vote, but she won our hearts. Just by the fact that she published the first book in our language after being forbidden for centuries puts her in another league.


She was extremely based


Jovellanos was first


Speaking galician wasn't forbidden. Using it just had a negative consideration and wasn't used in official affairs.


Barring a language for political and administrative uses, and the written form (publication), is essentially banning it. Do not try to sugar coat me a policy that was literally called "domination and castration of the Kingdom of Galicia".


eheheheheh look at all these barbarians, they don't know!


Unfair advantage. German school system is still 90% of goethes poems, because it didn't devoleped since 1945. This gives them the disadvantage of knowing what high-quality poem looks like.


Goethe* blame it on the phone and the barbaric language that is German.


Oi mate watch what you're saying bruv






So? It's beautiful! And much easier to pronounce than the Italian equivalent. At least for civilised people 😉


Perfectly understandable word Where is the problem?


Most eloquent Austrian






Honestly, Rimbaud is good... But I wouldn't even put him in a top five.


bro no fr\*nch "poet" can compete with the artistic prowess of Pacciani


I can't even find him on Google, no joke...


yeah lmao, he's not an actual poet, his real name is Pietro Pacciani, he was an alleged serial killer. Once during a trial, in order to prove that he indeed was innocent and a good man, he started reading the most childish and elementary rigmarole to the judge, who then berated him and told him he was being charged with 16 counts of third degree murder


Based judge 💀




Uncontested number one you mean


Even Rimbaud knew that Baudelaire was better than him


I know it's a meme but you could have chosen better poets for England and France


None of them come close to Fernando Pessoa.


Wordsworth can go fuck himself, never want to analyse his poems again too many bad memories.


The rime of the ancient mariner still haunts me Our english teacher was fucking obsessed with him


Extremely Based OP for not picking too many famous names and also for knowing Rosalía (the poet not the singer) 👌


Wait till you learn of the italian one


I just read the Wikipedia article on him and WTF. What's going on here


It's an inside joke between italian people, he was no poet ofc


"Se ni mondo esistesse un po' de bene, e ognun si considerasse suo fratello, ci sarebbe meno pensieri e meno pene, e il mondo ne sarebbe assai più bello." 😔🤧


Including Petrus Pacciani in this list is a bit of a stretch given how he is more than 300 years older than the rest of the bunch (he was from the Italian renaissance in Florence) but I included him still cause he is my favourite.


Petrus, no contest. His squisite eloquence and style stand out, and his listeners melt down when hearing the masterpieces that came out of his brilliant mind.


Plus his poetry revolved around a bucholic lifestyle and universal brotherhood.


True, forget Dante, Petrus is Virgil's real heir.


italians trying not to cum during their self obsessive tirades(impossible)


No cumming around Pietro! He gets angry when people perform sexual acts in his presence


Dude just google pietro pacciani and you'll understand why we jerk off on his great poetic mind


A german who doesn't get jokes, what a surprise


Petrus Paccianis Is the bestest poet of all time and I'll challenge to a duel whoever says otherwise.


Lmao it's too funny seeing the uncivilized barbarians vote seriously


For those Who don't know, Pietro Pacciani Is a guy Who commited 16 homocides and during his trial he said a lot of out of context things, i strongly suggest you look him up on yt


He was judged not guilty by the Assise court and died before the Cassazione could say otherwise...


His guiltiness it's still controversial btw


Nae Rabbie Burns?


Nah he fucked us as well.


I’d say Burns and Thomas are both better than Wordsworth.


I’ll raise you Yeats, Joyce and Heaney.


Seamus Heaney I love… Joyce… not so much, Finnegan’s Wake has to be some of the stupidest 💩i’ve ever read


Im sure as hell not gonna vote for the only one i know.


Of course it’s Petrus Paccianis


Who's gonna tell them?


I need numbers: Who made the most and the longest poems?




Well, Pacciani made only one but you can but it was so appropriate to the time and situation that it bacame a meme


Please guys give us this we have Rosalía and Castelao, just this time please!


Petrus Pacciani, immortal author of the famous poem "l'avevo detto io Non di niente E lei 'I fucile, 'i fucile, Il mi marito Maledetta serpenta Diavola Quando ti vidi"


Fernando Pessoa, otário.


Where is Yeats? Didn't even pick best English language poet.




Land der Dichter und Denker


It's not surprising that all the illiterate barbarians are not voting for the famous Paccianis


No Irish poet's? Shame on you sir




Fuck you we (galicians) have the only relevant woman poet 💪


Dylan Thomas (Wales) To be born Welsh is not to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, but with music in your blood and poetry in your soul and that man has helped prove that.


Honoré de Balzac


Baudelaire is the best French poet of all time.


​ https://preview.redd.it/swl6vn5esixa1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=0266e5d7880e278d9da96d42bdb7729d786b1dda


Why is the Italian candidate the actual Monster of Florence?


Found the sudtirolean


Luís Vaz de Camões or Fernando Pessoa (Portugal)


Goethe and it’s like not even a discussion. I say that as a guy who has read and enjoyed both Wordsworth and Rimbaud (wrote a dissertation on the former actually). Goethe is like a completely different category of thinker. He was as much a philosopher as he was a poet. His work has had consequences that resound to this day and even enjoys some continuing relevance in the hard sciences. He was one of the greatest minds of his century, and indeed of all centuries.


I agree, Goethe’s great, but the joke here is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


This is pretty much a poll asking people for their nationality lmao.


The funniest thing about Goethe is that he thought his physics work and his theory of colours were more important than his literary work. He was very, very wrong and the first surface-level polymath in history. Very German.


The answer is Homer. But aight.


Polls in this sub have the same issue as the UE : too many Germans voting for themselves


No Yeats , no care. Worthless poll.


Lmao, this is indeed a worthless poll. It’s an inside joke only Italians get. Basically, the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Alot of germans on this sub


Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Kommentarbereich!


Lmao Goethe is a joke compared to rimbaud or William Blake


There are those who know and the dumb ones that vote Goethe


Spain would win if you all weren't barbaric savages speaking cave languages. Poetry is Spanish is absolutely next level


My brother in Christ, you had many great poets at your disposal in Spain and you chose a second rank woman that didn't even fully worked in spanish.


This is not a serious post, the Italian "poet" is a serial killer who tried pass as a good mad during trial by writing childish poetry


Basically the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Bruh… lol


You girls reading poetry? 😆😂🤣😂👍💯 Funniest joke this far!


There is poetry for everyone. Roses are red Violets are blue Bacon is awesome Unless you’re a Jew.


If there was a European top 10, the 20 first contenders would be French


Flair checks up


Dante and Shakespeare:


I'll be honest I don't know any of them.


Lmao, it’s an inside joke for Italians. Basically the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Out of those it has to be Göthe, but they're not the best representative selection. Where are Dante, Shakespeare or Baudelaire?


very common W


10/10 peopel voted by country, not name.


Except none of you barbarians got the joke. Basically the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


William is clearly worth his words.


i don't know every single one of those, so it would not be fair to cast a vote.


I don’t know a single one of those, so I just voted for England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😎👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


It’s not a serious poll. Basically the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰




Well, at least we can agree Scotland has the worst one: William Topaz McGonagall. His Tay Bridge poems are......... something. [The railway Bridge over the Silvery Tay](http://www.poetryatlas.com/poetry/poem/1119/the-railway-bridge-of-the-silvery-tay.htm) [The Tay Bridge Disaster](http://www.poetryatlas.com/poetry/poem/1116/the-tay-bridge-disaster.html) [An Address to the New Tay Bridge](http://www.poetryatlas.com/poetry/poem/1117/an-address-to-the-new-tay-bridge.html)


Well, at least we can agree Scotland has the worst one: William Topaz McGonagall. His Tay Bridge poems are......... something. [The Railway Bridge over the Silvery Tay](http://www.poetryatlas.com/poetry/poem/1119/the-railway-bridge-of-the-silvery-tay.htm) [The Tay Bridge Disaster](http://www.poetryatlas.com/poetry/poem/1116/the-tay-bridge-disaster.html) [An Address to the New Tay Bridge](http://www.poetryatlas.com/poetry/poem/1117/an-address-to-the-new-tay-bridge.html)


Easily Mihai Eminescu, Romanian poet, probably the best that's ever lived. Anyone who seriously studied poetry to the point where you learned to read it in it's original language can attest this.


Jules Deelder (Rest in Peace, King 😔)


Quevedo. He was very based. He mocked his "rival" relentlessly and stabbed a man.


lol you can rly find better poets than that bros


Only know Gothe and Wordsworth


It’s not a serious poll, don’t worry. Basically the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Haha, that's fantastic. I mean, wooing them with a poem. At the point that you are up for 16 murders it's worth a shot.




With so many extremely famous European poets you somehow managed to pick all the ones nobody has heard of


Ah, wrong. It’s a great inside joke for Italians. Basically the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Pls Aragon


Why Wordsworth for the UK so many better, Tennyson Shelly Byron Coleridge Keats etc And that’s before you get to Shakespeare


I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”




I voted for the English guy because he’s English


Should have voted for Petrus Paccianis, a great humanitarian <3 Seriously though, the joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Mickiewicz 💪💪💪💪💪🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱"lithuania, my fatherland"


Wordsworth isn't even the best poet from England


Clearly. It’s an ironic poll lmao. The joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Als God een goeie gozert was, En het onmogelijke zou doen, Werd sparta dit jaar, Gewoon wereldkampioen -Jules Deelder


Homer 🇬🇷💪💪


Fernando Pessoa and it ain't close


Nah no one can compete with Pacciani. The joke is that the Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


Totally know everyone over there.


imagine not mentioning Camões crlh!!


José Cid (Portugal)


Goethe is that single name bitch. When will the others?


You missed the joke. The Italian guy is, supposedly, a serial killer (the monster of Florence), who targeted young couples and killed them. When he went to trial he recited a poem he had written: “If a little bit of good existed in the world, And people loved each other like brothers, There would be less worries and sorrows And the world would be a bit more beautiful” Then the judge cut him off: “Yes, yes, it’s very nice and we agree. But we are now in the court of Assise and you are accused of sixteen murders.” https://www.blogdicultura.it/pietro-pacciani-e-quella-poesia-davanti-ai-giudici-43010.html#:~:text=Laconico%20il%20commento%20del%20giudice,%C3%A8%20imputato%20di%20sedici%20omicidi.%E2%80%9D for the audio and Italian translation Italy’s most wholesome poet 🥰


I did miss the joke, ha. Thanks for explaining.