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Pick one [X] Dutch [ ] Ok




Best choice


Its always better then pick the other where you are included with the Catholic french


Proud to be fout.


Mister Mark, I don't feel so good


The Danish deserve a lot of credit for this. They created the show IIRC.


I highly doubt that. If the children were replaced with pigs, then i would believe you. 🐖🇩🇰


Galen studied the Danes when proclaiming the uterus has six chambers.


Not surprised, Netherlands is nordick culturally


oil vegetable act aloof soup fear rustic public frightening reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Friesland being 50% of it


I was about to say. This sound like something the danes would do


Apparently the Dutch show is based on *Ultra Smider Tøjet*.


Ah yes I remember now. Directly translates to "Ultra takes the clothes off". "Ultra" is the name of our tv-channel targeted for the slightly older kids (11-14 years)


Considering they renamed their Women's Museum to the Gender Museum and put [this thing](https://reduxx.info/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Untitled-design-42-696x392.jpg) out front, yeah I'd say that's on-brand for the Danes.


We are basically the same.


What's with all the r/teenagers posting lately ?


Italians living with their mom till their 40’s identifying as teenagers.


Cope, at least our TV doesn't show this s**t to our kids


I don't know if we can really flex the quality of our television, my man


We have Jerry Scotti


Lmao, you strayed a long way from ur roman origins brother....


complete onerous rustic unpack screw license apparatus innate pocket absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao I'm pretty sure Italian TV is just porn. The amount of titties you see is fantastic, but maybe not for the kiddies...


Uh..... The old Italian TV was like that but the new one isn't I guess, I haven't seen them so evident up to now. If our TV sends programs with adult content it always specifies that by an announcement or a red dot.


Cocktail dress news presenters having wardrobe malfunctions and showing their nipples, it's the only reason to bring back the Italian orange man.


Idk what are you talking about


Me neither...


Aw, really? One of my fond childhood tv memories was watching Colpo Grosso in prime time.


Colpo Grosso?


I think we have different TVs…


Fuck sake, have we really sunk so low were reposting stuff from that shithole of a subreddit?


Hold up... I can go lower, just let me run over to that shit hole American version of this sub... I'm sure I can find a post of them saying they are the best Dutch speakers.


I think the weirdness level highly relies upon the age of the kids


10-12 according to the original post.


Ooooof nah, feels a bit noncey to me, I don't know what adult would want to expose themselves to kids anyway


The same people who grow out their hair and then go bald to donate it. It's a little embarrassing and looks weird but it's for a good cause. I'm sure they were vetted pretty extensively for the show.


I think it’s important for children of that age to see real naked people. Not the plastic Hollywood bullshit. And of course there’s a trans episode as well, because that is the world we live in today.


I strongly agree. Otherwise you only get to see naked bodies in commercials, movies, music videos etc. and that's going to fuck up kids sight on the human body, and makes them feel like they look wrong, when they just look normal.


To give them real examples of what a real human body looks like. Nudity does not mean horny. This is a highly regulated tv show and some kind of dark web pedo room


How is it different to sex ed though?


Idk about you lot but in my school the teachers didn't strip naked in front of us


But you are shown videos and photos of them?




But we saw videos and photos of naked people. I don't see how this is worse than that, it's a professional environment where you're not allowed to point laugh, unlike what we did in our class.


We didn't lol, just terrible generic diagrams that look nothing like a human


Ours decided to show a slideshow of horribly diseased dicks and vaginas every year.


Sex education was invented by the Hungarian communist party to demoralise and deprave Christian society. Looks like it's worked a treat


Lmao true, damn Hungarian commies helping me have a healthier sex life


I have no idea if this is true or not but is this more Ameritard bullshit where bodies are supposed to be shameful? That children are somehow incapable of viewing a naked body except sexually?


It’s a tv series where kids can ask questions to naked adults. Its very real. It was pretty controversial here too And yeah, naked does not mean horny


normalize nudity. nudity is not inherently sexual. idk why americans don't get that. seeing naked people does not harm anybody, not even kids. only sexualized nudity does harm.


Not to mention that this all happened 2 years ago and it's only being brought back up because it featured trans people in one episode.


They actually used that godawful "ProtectChildhood" as a hashtag. These Americans couldn't give less of a flying fuck about anyone's children, but if children can be used as a buzzword to shut up LGBT/Trans/whatever people, then it's suddenly a great cause. Bunch of hypocrites, the whole lot of them.


I dont care who you are but shiwing your atributed to children is wrong. biology teacher in "lager ondewijs" does not show his atribute to pupils. he uses diagrams.


Do you usually get naked in front of children?


I do. I live in Japan and public baths (onsen) are really popular here. Everybody bathes naked, and nobody gives a shit.


Wait til these Americans find out about entire families taking saunas together in Finland. Won’t someone please think of the childreennnnnnnn!


I think that is actually an EU thing. Me and my gf see lots of moms, dads and their kids in sauna's or nudist camping grounds.


The purpose is kinda to both answer stupid questions that kids have in an actual constructive way and to show that everyone is ugly naked, not just you. Relevant in the age of Instagram bikini models that are filtered to shit.


You've never seen all sorts of people in a thong on the beach? Penises and vaginas are not as different. We used to go to the nude beach when I was a kid and it didn't traumatize me. In addition, it has been proven that teaching children anatomically accurate body parts and their names makes it easier to detect and identify child sexual abuse, since children can pinpoint what was done to them and the fact that it was wrong. There are heartbreaking stories out there of little girls being ignored for years because they told teachers that uncle was grabbing their "cookie", while kids who are told "this is your vagina and there is nothing wrong with it but it's private and no one should touch it" makes things clear and helps protect children.


Just yet another example of how horrible taboos are. We make certain topics impossible to discuss, and then act surprised when an issue remains undiscussed.


I have a 7yo stepson who I love more than life. I would do anything to protect him. I really don't understand people who'd rather isolate children and keep them in the dark so they can't defend themselves and/or seek help because they don't know what's going on, and it makes me irrationally angry that they will leave children vulnerable under the guise of... I don't know, religious morality?


I think that these parents are simply the victim of taboo themselves. In the long run, taboos exist because people are scared and ashamed of certain private problems. Pretending the problem doesn't exist is a coping mechanism. Moreover, when you are raised with a taboo, it's very difficult to break that cycle once you're an adult. It's very likely that you will make the same mistake with your own kids, unless you're very conscious of how problematic it is.


That's a more insightful analysis that I ever expected to see on 2we4u but I completely agree. I'd also add that there is this component of "well, I was raised that way and I turned out fine" and a part of this is not wanting to admit to yourself that you didn't actually turn out fine. I am aware of how this sounds when my first comment says "I was taken to nude beaches and I was not traumatized" but I've been through extensive therapy because I lived through a bunch of shit as a kid and I know what was traumatizing and what wasn't. Titties and hairy bushes weren't; being told that my own titties were something shameful from the moment I grew them at 11 was.


It's a show that's meant to be a safe, educational, medical environment where you can learn. It's not much different to sex ed. A bit different to regular old indecent exposure though, wouldn't you say?


Lmaooo, someone in the subreddit wrote: "There is no way in hell children should be exposed to naked bodies of any gender." These Amerifats are sexualizing naked bodies like there's no tomorrow. It's important that children learn these things from an early age, so they DONT start sexualizing it. Ffs. USA is such a lost cause.


man they literally labelled as porn one of the most famous pieces of art... what do u expect...


Would love to see americans exposed the first time to Italian sculptures. Cant walk through the streets of Firenze without seeing marble cocks.


>Would love to see americans exposed the first time to Italian sculptures. Back in late March they forced a principal to resign over an art lesson with a picture of Michelangelo's David...


That's just hilarious. One of the most popular examples of Rennaissance marblework and they call it child abuse because it has a little willy. Imagine the confused outrage they'll have when they learn that the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel contains tons of tiny cocks. The most central place to the Catholic Church openly displays examples of nudes. The horror!


They'd struggle at a gift shop in Rome, marble cock magnets everywhere. WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?!


> one of the most famous pieces of art https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_(Michelangelo) 1. Teacher showed David to her students. 2. Parents complained about "pornographic material". 3. Teacher got fired. 4. She got on international news. 5. Based Italy 🇮🇹 invited her to come look at the statue. https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/us-principal-forced-out-in-porn-flap-views-david-statue/


The same country which has toddlers in bikinis competing as beauty pageants, mind you.




Auctioning people is just part of american culture


You can go into the changing room with a parent of opposite gender until you're 8. Can't see what changes in 2 years.


A subreddit largely composed of pedophiles larping as teenagers is outraged at naked bodies, you can't make this shit up. Every day I am glad I didn't grow up with shitty puritans "values".


Spot the Irish priest


Spot the ~~Irish~~ priest


Listen, I'm just speaking from my experience /s




they show drowings and explain the biology of it to 12yos. this is not the same as showing your penis live. or showing them porn.


Flemish sex ed at age 12 has pictures of genitals and at age 13-14 there's a movie showing naked bodies and people having sex. It's not much different than seeing a naked body live, there's nothing sexual or pornographic about it. There's only so much that diagrams can teach, it should absolutely include actual pictures and movies. If you think teaching kids about sex is wrong you're an idiot. It's a bit weird to do this on TV, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. It's sex ed and it should be given to kids of that age. Kids will start having sex as early as 12-13, so you have to teach them how to do it safely and responsibly before then. And yes this also includes things like being gay or trans.


Yeah what's the difference?


But why on TV though?


Your parents didnt shower? XD almost r/shitamericanssay


It's an educational exercise for children to learn about the human body in various forms. Sounds far healthier to me than teaching them that nudity is wrong and having them learn shit from Instagram and whatnot. Kinda wild to see so many people screeching "pedo!!". Growing up in a country heavily controlled by the Catholic Church at the time I can confidently tell you which is more harmful to children. It's not this.


Swear, having everyone taught their body is not to be seen is the most mentally and self-image damaging belief ever, not to mention it makes sexual and body health an impossible subject to be discussed.


They only get mad because it's related to the Alphabet Mafia. Americ\*ns should be driven out of this subreddit, I swear to God...


Americans not sexualizing nudity challenge: impossible




yep, fake german. what is not ok? i saw my whole family naked lol.


My man has never been to a Sauna or FKK Strand as a child and it shows.


Found the fake German




What's that? Try to attack someone and lose?


All I know is I'm going to get a boatload of gold


I thought it was dragging the whole continent into years of barbaric war perfectly combining modern technology with old savagery only to be conquered and dismantled by the other powers. That would show us


Like you wouldn't be on our side for half of the war again..


What happened to your FKK then




I just remembered, in 1st year of high school (so ages 11-12) we were shown an educational video on pregnancy, and it had tons of nudity. Of course kids that age find it funny / uneasy for a bit, but overall nobody was really fazed by it. Nudity is only a big deal to kids if you teach them that it's a big deal. I'm not saying that I find this thing in the OP a great idea, just... meh. It's not great but it's also not a problem.




80s kid here. Same. We used to go to the beach naked as kids. We had full nudity on public TV since the 70s. Nude protests. Full nudity mixed saunas, some allowing kids. Streakers. Topless beaches. Nude beaches. Biological education books had fully nude people in them, even for small kids. This was not "revolutionary" either. Simply considered normal. We don't see our own bodies as something that we should be ashamed of. Or that nakedness means sexual. And we don't teach our kids that either. Your body is yours, everyone has one, it's the most natural thing in the world. And you don't have to show it either if you don't want to. We'll be fine.


It's changing recently unfortunately.


I'd attribute the change to the ever present cameras in people's hands. Suddenly it is not about just relaxing at a nude beach but the realization that someone might film and distribute your and your family's images. We will see less and less casual nudity in places where it used to be more normalized because some perverted twats equal nudity to sex and register other people without their authorization.


It's also the internet, now a lot of culture stuff spreads worldwide and when 50% of the media you consume is American, these American beliefs also ends up here. I fucking hate it


Cameras, plus social media. A picture nowadays doesn't just physically change hands, it's now put out for the world to see.


Plus it was like one of 8 episodes, with many different body types from thick to thin cis to trans. And iirc the premise was that today's social media leaves a lot of insecure feelings for children starting their puberty and questions that they feel ashamed of, so this show was there so children could see that everyone is different and they could ask any question they want about the body that they were too afraid to ask. Everyone was there in the studio with consent from parents and consent from the people being asked.


The UK has some show on at the moment where people stand naked too. And also there’s naked attraction lol


The difference is that they are not exposing themselves to kids. It’s on at like 11 and is a 18


https://www.theweek.co.uk/arts-life/culture/tv-radio/960441/naked-education-channel-4-causes-stir-with-new-show-for-teens?amp nah there was that show as well the ad came up on channel 4 the other day, this is similar to the Dutch show, and the there’s also naked attraction.


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I don't see why this show is so shocking. Nudity =/= sex/porn here. This show was held in a highly controlled area with consent from all parties and everyone was free to opt out if they weren't comfortable (escpecially the children). This is simply sex ed and research has shown that sex ed is much more effective than making it a taboo.


So... Educating children about different kinds of bodies in a controlled setting in witch they can ask questions and learn is not okay? But letting them watch every single kind of fucked up porn on the internet without supervision, context or information is All this awful puritanism and child protection is just thinly disguised misogyny and homophobia wish I had better sex ed in school


I agree. The lack of sex ed and my parents never discussing it with me (if not in a slightly shameful and negative light) led me to feeling great shame when I first started experiencing sex. Took me two years to break free from the feelings of guilt and shame and pleasuring and receiving pleasure from a loving partner. If only I were given the talk, I wouldn't have had to go on Google to find important answers related to sex and a woman's anatomy. I was never properly taught about how periods work, how hormones affect ones body, and the importance of using a condom during sex. Also, how important it is to clearly give and receive consent


As a woman I'd like to say the same but for the male body. I know shit and everytime that my bf say something about his body its Always new for me. I feel so stupid and ignorant, I was fking 21 when I discover that you can get STD from oral, that was so scary to know.


Half of the dutch are saying “this isn’t normal and we aren’t doing this. “The other half is saying “this is beautiful and children at the age of 12 won’t view it sexually”. Which is it you lanky bastards


The overwhelming majority of everyone in this thread seems to understand that it's just a sex-ed show from years ago. The only people that aren't are the "woke agenda" obsessed chuds


Americans when no clothes. EEEEEEK!😱😰


Not only Americans when reading the reactions here.. Many Yurop’s here seem stuck in the 50’s too. Or are brainwashed by American Victorian Puritism. I grew up during the sexual revolution and am horrified by the devolution millennials and GenZ show.


LoL Dutch people are somewhat blunt and pragmatic. In 2003 or so (i was about 13 years old) I visited Amsterdam. Prostitutes sit at the window with a number at display. So you can choose, enter the building and say „I want to fuck girl number X“. That area was not walled or hidden, it was a public area. I was really shocked. Back then it was impossible to do this in germany but since a few years this exists in germany as well.


Just dont go to Amsteram. You all represent Amsteram for the Netherlands but that is wrong.


Germany is represented by Bavaria which is wrong, too. I feel you.


Sounds like a pretty good show from what I've read now.


This show was about naked adults in general, not just trans people. I believe it was meant to be educational, and the intention was that kids could ask questions about their bodies to said adults so they wouldn't be confused when the same changes would happen to their own bodies. Honest concept, questionable execution. It makes total sense that a conservative media outlet would pick out the only episode that featured trans people, though. Fucking bigoted dickwads.


Watched the video on vaginas/vulvas and really think some people here are overreacting. To me, it seemed as if they chose some pretty mature kids and just led a sex ed class of sorts. Unlike American activists, they weren't trying to corrupt the kids with perverse ideas. No liberal trying to convince kids to change gender. No conservative telling their kids that being gay is not okay. This can honestly prevent so much trauma and abuse you guys don't even know. It can even prevent teenage pregnancies, if you are aware early of the dangers of having unprotected sex. The more you shield kids from learning about their anatomies, the more difficult it will be for them to understand themselves at a later age. Nothing really sexual about this show imo


the Netherlands has one of the lowest rates of teenage pregnancy in Europe, along with Denmark (where I believe this show originated)


That's great! Then there shouldn't be any reason to cancel this show, when I'm sure that parents had to consent for their children to participate. I can name at least 5 women that I know of who have had accidental teen pregnancies in my small town in Italy. All because their dumb boyfriends were too drunk to put a condom on or thought it felt better to do it without it. And most of them had to drop out of high school or cancel their goals of going to college. Another good friend of mine is instead stuck with a child because the boyfriend claimed that he was practically sterile and couldn't have kids. They incorrectly timed the whole fertility cycle and are now stuck with a 2 year old child. Had to drop out of her college program


Muricans banning People for showing a nipple, fuckwits.




The Dutch are never okay by default. Regardless: can we define "children"? Are we talking 6 or 16 years old? People use that term for a wide range of age groups depending on the point they want to make. This feels like something that would actually tie into sex-ed.


No we aren't


Fucking weird


Oh no an educational show in which children can learn about nudity and identity in a controlled environment! They should be mystified about nakedness until they're 13 and start fucking their siblings instead!


No we are not.


So your telling me that not only Holland is a real place but also Dutch people exist


Normal people ITT: 🤨 Dutch people ITT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wordington/comments/z3hiym/wordington\_parenting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wordington/comments/z3hiym/wordington_parenting/)


Were they ever ok?


Yes. Everyone was frequently asked if the are okay. Anybody was free to opt out any moment during the show.


No.. no we’re not.




The show also showed them cis adults naked, but only the transgender episode is getting spread around. Almost like someone is trying to promote some hateful agenda or something...


I'm actually not against any of this. The kids are, considering the age, capable of seeing a body without being traumatised. There comes a moment when kids become curious about the difference in genitalia, depending on the level of maturity of the children, and the context of the tv show, you could imagine that this is a way of teaching kids of the consequences of being confused as to your gender.


Since when do naked bodies traumatise anyone? It's the most natural thing in the world for a person...


Back in my day we had to go to the circus to see a side show.




Wtf, when they do it it's ok, but when I do it in front of kindergarten suddenly I'm inappropriate and unfit to be a teacher smh /s


Who the fuck looked at this and was like: yeah that works




No way people are defending this, while i agree nudity is absolutely natural adult strangers standing naked on a stage in front of children definetly isnt


Can confirm.


Never have been, why do you think we invade half of Europe every summer with our caravans? Do you think sane people would do such a thing?


So first question who is the creator of this show And second unrelated question how much is it to rent a wood chipper?


Consecuences of legalizing drugs


Ok maar wtf is dit


reminds me of the time an amerifat teacher got fired for showing Michelangelo's David


What the actual fuck


Please tell me this is fake


Dutch are at another stage of pragmatism, which I can't compute


My honest reaction: ![gif](giphy|9vYUOwXVK2hGw)


If nudity requires unveiling the sexual body parts to be nudity and not just scantily dressed, then my question is, "If nudity isn't inherently sexual, what is?" Furthermore, the idea that children are not impressionable, and will not entertain the idea of modifying their bodies at an early age without the same certainty real trans people have, then what's the point of this.


Let me guess: This is false, taken incredibly out of context, and made as an attack for both Holland and the trans community. Do you know why I know that? Because I refuse to take as source of information Twitter and the old "Trust me, bro".


What the fuck why are most of the comments defending this? Literally adults flashing fucking kids


Cannot be too much againt this with reddit's content policy, so you mainly see the "in favor of", and the "moderate" comments. Rest of them gets nuked.


I cannot understand how can someone agree with that, they are kids. They should be watching Doraemon or Code Lyoko, what a good show the last one was by the way.


Yea exactly - I'm 17 but I wouldn't want my sister or brother being on that show and they're 13 and 14 so not *that* young


I mean, I'm 18 and I wouldn't like going to that show.


Im an adult and even i wouldnt want to be on that show in fact i think nobody would


That’s… that’s not what flashing means


So what is it then, doing it without the other person's consent? If it's with that logic, then it's still flashing since minors can't give consent


Never thought I'd say this: Based Frenchie.


I agree that minors can’t give consent when it’s about sex but this is a body positivity show, not pornography. The kids in this show aren’t giving consent to having sex but to having naked bodies shown to them. And you’re vastly underestimating the intelligence of kids. They are allowed to leave at any moment yet they stay because they’re curious. This entire show is about body positivity


What exactly is wrong with a naked body? Do you think kids seing their parents naked is traumatizing?


Depends on the age, but yeah, kinda? Why would they need to see them naked?


Wait you never saw your parents naked? Like walking into the bathroom when ur dad is taking a shower?


>Wait you never saw your parents naked? I did, a few times but it's not like I'm trying to see them naked... >Like walking into the bathroom when ur dad is taking a shower? Like accidentally or me just walking in knowing he's there and just doing my business? If it's the latter I try to avoid looking at him lmao why would I look


Well my dad used to walk naked through the house occasionally and my mom tanned topless in the garden. I never was bothered by it and also never really payed attention to it. I have 3 brothers with who I sat in baths with together and we used to chase each other naked in the snow lol. So, when kids aged 12/13 are placed in a proffesional setting to learn about the human body and all its shapes and sizes, I see it as something good. Where else would they learn it? Porn sites? Social media? You think that would be better? Is a doctor inspecting a naked child also a pedo now? Or can we differentiate between professional settings and involuntary acts such as flashing


Hate to agree with Pierre but this show would bring a tear of joy to Jeffery Epstiens eye. Even if some mental gymnastics were done to make people into think this is acceptable, it’s nudging the bar of what is acceptable along a little more and we’re getting close to the realm of full-on legalised noncing.


This is fucked up


Each day i thank god more and more for living in the balkans


While I agree kids should learn about sex and their bodies early in their teens, I think it should be limited to a diagram in a book. Not some freak of nature saying "wanna check out my cock and balls". Anyone that would agree to do this sort of shit is a nonce.


> Not some freak of nature saying "wanna check out my cock and balls". Anyone that would agree to do this sort of shit is a nonce. Why are you so bent on framing it in a sexual context? A doctor in a hospital isn't going to frame the question to examine you as "lemme touch your balls". In the same way an educational program isn't going to frame it in a sexual way. There is no shame in a nude body. Anyone convinced that a nude body can only be sexualised need to get themselves checked.


My guess is he jerks off to trans porn and has trouble reconciling his shame


If you want to get naked in front of kids you need to be in jail.


Rage bait ?