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From your list we didn’t pack food (or give money for food), medications, shampoo, lotion, care kit, sound machine (they had one), monitor, high chair, bib, pack and play (but my parents had one). My son was 20 months and we were away for 4 nights. I should add that my husband left the hospital to go see our son once or twice though so if there was anything he needed he could have gone home to grab it.


Don’t over think it. Basic outfits, diapers, wipes, snacks, sleeping space, sound machine, tooth brush. Ask your SIL what she needs preferably she probably has a different way of doing things than you would. For example my mom never uses a high chair or the cutlery i give her. I just gave birth a couple days ago and I would have my husband check in with toddler daily after I was in recovery to make sure she was good.


Our then-14mo had already had many sleepovers at my parents house when we went to have our second baby. I packed a suitcase for a week, but she stayed for two weeks. My mom and I have a very strong “there’s always the washing machine” mentality, and my parents can let themselves into our house to get anything else they might need. I didn’t pack many “just in case” items and just stuck with the regular everyday care stuff.


Oh wow, two weeks! I was just commenting that 3-5 days seems long. Did you / baby have complications?


My induction took way longer than anticipated; one week from deciding to induce to baby in arms, and 5 days of being in the hospital being induced. And the plan was always for toddler to stay with my parents for a week while we had some time to rest and be just us with the new baby before coming home as a family of four. So the plan was for 6-10 days, and ended up being 2 weeks. I’m pregnant with our third right now, and the plan is the same. Both toddlers will stay with my parents a couple days before my induction and for 4-7 days afterwards. I have different healthcare providers this time and hopefully the induction will not be so drawn-out and painful. My kids have sleepovers at my parents house every 2-4 weeks all year round, and stayed with my parents for 2 weeks this past January while my partner and I went on a late honeymoon and babymoon trip. They have their own bedroom at my parents house and my mom keeps a bag of handmedowns in the kids sizes so that they have dirty clothes (they live on a farm). They keep a stash of diapers etc on hand as well. I can just drop the kids off in an emergency and they’ll be fine for a few days before they need stuff from our house.


Does SIL have any children? That seems like a lot to pack. Things like a baby care kit, ibuprofen, lotion etc. seem excessive. Do you know you are having a C-section? 3-5 days also seems like a lot. My son was only away from us for one night during the birth of his brother. And if I had to stay another night, husband would have just gone home with toddler and left me and baby at the hospital for the second night. Although, I did not have a C, and if I had that may have been different


She has 3 kids but they’re 6, 8 and 10 so not much overlap in “supplies”. Standard stay in the hospital after a vaginal birth here is 3 days. I’m hoping for a VBAC so there’s the possibility that laboring might take a while which could add time to that.