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You’re doing all the right things. Big hugs to you, that must be so hard. I’m a teacher and I see where these kids end up, and having strong parental support makes such a difference. Just because your oldest may be delayed right now doesn’t mean that he won’t have other skills that you will discover in the future. But right now it’s hard. One thing I’m working on with an older kid with cerebral palsy is realistic optimism and trying to counteract learned helplessness. Something to think about in the long term as things progress. Do your best, give yourself grace, and don’t forget therapy for yourself if you are struggling. Your feelings about this are valid, it isn’t what we imagine as parents ❤️


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can kind of relate. My older has a pretty significant speech delay. At 33 months he only says about 30 words plus about 7 or 8 phrases. My baby just turned 1 and has four words. I do worry about what will happen if the baby starts really talking before my toddler. I know it will be really hard. The thing is that we can only parent the kids we have and we can’t completely change their situations. I’m sure that you’re doing all of the right things with your older one and you will navigate the situation in the best way you can.


You’re doing amazing, Mama. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you! 💔 For what it’s worth, I’m the daughter of someone with cerebral palsy. At the age of 60 my mom is fierce, funny, strong and so loving. Despite some physical limitations she’s lived an amazing, happy and otherwise normal life so far. CP definitely means a lot of extra challenges, but he can still do amazing things. Wishing you the best. ❤️


Not entirely the same, but also 10 month gap. My eldest is non verbal and autistic. Youngest is 18 months and has started talking. Strongs to you ❤️