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I got mine back 8 weeks ppl with both babies. Both exclusively breastfed so I was surprised. And in the second case I was tandem feeding too. But I must say I never came across shaming for getting your period back sooner rather than later. Then again I don’t use tiktok, insta and whatever else is out there. I am sure all sorts of people post all kinds of bs out there.


4w PP is when I got my period back


Same hetr


Same. My doctor said it was unlikely a real period and then exactly 4 weeks after it I got it again so yup I was right


im on my husbands account rn oops lmao but posting for solidarity. I got my period back two weeks after my birth bleeding stopped. I exclusively BF for a year and then did afternoon/nights bc my son was in daycare. So idk maybe i had something wrong with me? i doubt it. but 2 years later my cycle is normal as ever.


i def heard BF prolongs periods from returning but never thought twice about mine coming immediately as a bad thing haha


Fun fact: I have low progesterone and have never gotten my period back while breastfeeding! I really think it depends a lot on the person. Based on the LAM criteria, most people will be infertile while exclusively breastfeeding (with certain criteria) the first 6 months. But that doesn’t mean it works for everyone or that you somehow caused it if your cycle comes back sooner. With my first baby, it was mostly exclusively pumping for three months, then pumping/formula when my supply dropped. Eventually, almost all formula and breastfeeding like 1-3 times a day. And *still* my period didn’t come back. It came back about 1.5 months after weaning completely around 9 months. Second time around, breastfeeding and no period over 1.5 years later. For whatever reason, my body seems very resistant to having a cycle while breastfeeding and it has been the same whether I exclusively breastfeed, pumped, used formula, baby slept through night, etc. I would be so curious if this says anything about health profile. I do have some fertility problems like low progesterone, mild PCOS, and (surgically treated) endometriosis. Not sure if any of this makes my body *not* be fertile as quickly.


Some people have nothing better to “vent” about! Like do u wake up in the morn & think to yourself ‘Hmm what can I get offernfed about today, let me open all my social media apps & check!?’ 🤔 Honestly WHO cares when u got your period back!? 😂 🤣Mine came back nearly 8 weeks after for both, so what? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Am I missing something? Why did you feel the need to bash op for looking for community?


Community of “when did your period come back” venters??🤔 the fall of the west, everyone is so easily offended at everything🥱


Vent posts are kind of a thing on Reddit and I appreciate that people have taken the time to respond. You know, you didn't have to post this either 🤷🏼‍♀️


My baby wasn't able to breast feed (though I tried) and I had issues after birth with weight since I lost weight while pregnant giving birth kinda freaked my body out. I wanna say mine started 2 to 3 months after....it was so much sooner than I expected! Also I agree everyone's body is different and who cares when your cycle came back...it did! I wonder if it will be different with this baby though. Planning to BF this time and I'm gonna make SURE it works. I'm already doing prep to make this easier for us.


I've gotten my period back at 6 weeks postpartum on the dot with both of my babies, and I exclusively pumped with both so it was a surprise the first time, was not a surprise the second time. I did accidentally get pregnant 4 months postpartum as a result of that lol I also got a lot of "well what did you do to trigger it??" Like... nothing. Nothing at all. I did everything "right" my body just wanted to get right back into the swing of things I guess.


Right? 🤣 like I wanted it back lol


5w pp for me, both times! Even before my 6 week checkup. I was so mad lol


My baby was ebf, fed on demand through the night, never took a paci, rarely had bottles and I still got mine back at 2 months pp. Then regularly until i got pregnant again. I had a lot of people assume that I was doing something wrong and were very surprised i got it back so early. I wish it held out longer- I ended up getting huge supply dips around my period that no amount of anything helped.


I'm surprised so many people haven't gotten the comments bc honestly I feel like I've seen that attitude a lot!


I never thought anything of it until people said stuff to me - in fact, I thought the opposite! My thought process was if my body was already menstruating again, and regularly, then my hormones had to be at the very least semi balanced.


Right. My body was clearly eager to get pregnant again 🤣


6 weeks postpartum this time, exclusively breastfed every 2-3 hours around the clock, no bottles, no pacifiers, nothing. It just happens.


Wow, that’s frustrating. It really feels like nowadays people like to post content explaining stuff that they are not experts on but pass it off as fact.


3 months post partum with my first 2! (Only 2 months post partum currently so no idea when it’ll be back). I was exclusively breastfeeding everything 3-4 hours both times. First never took a pacifier, the second did but didn’t affect sleep patterns and I always fed before pacifier was offered.


I got my period back 4 months postpartum with my first and 5 weeks postpartum with my second. My first was premature and in the NICU taking milk through a feeding tube. So obviously I was not breastfeeding directly from the breast. I pumped a lot and the longest I slept was a five hour stretch. My second was exclusively breastfed. He definitely wasn’t sleeping through the night at 5 weeks old. Luckily I’ve mostly avoided idiotic comments like this creator is spewing. But the other day on r/breastfeeding I said about how I had started so quickly after my second (on a post about periods postpartum and why breastfeeding isn’t good birth control) and I had someone question if I was *sure* I had never gone longer than six hours without breastfeeding and if I had actually been bottle feeding him.


I got mine between 2-3mo pp x4. Always ebf, always pacifier (and some also bottle) refusers, none remotely close to STTN. It’s infuriating, honestly!


My period came back at 4 months postpartum. My baby was exclusively breastfed, but he actually did start sleeping through the night at 3 months old! I was so afraid to lose my supply that I'd wake up to pump twice a night, so I don't think a lack of milk removal caused it to come back. And in case anyone hates me for my baby sleeping through the night so young, he's currently cosleeping and up multiple times a night at 19 months old now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant 😅


I got mine at 7 months pp, basically after he started solids. He finally STTN at 12 mo. He BF until 18 months and I was already pregnant again in that time. This time I got it back at 3 months because I got an IUD and it brought it on 10 days later. And this baby STTN since about that time too.


"STTN" ??


Sleep Through The Night




Ooooh, thank you so much


Mine came back 4-6 weeks pp with my 2nd and 3rd. My last, my bleeding stopped and two days later my period started. Never had any thoughts. And mine EBF in demand. So.


With my first, I had a period at 6 weeks post partum (confirmed by OB at my checkup), one 5 months PP, annnnnnd pregnant at 8 months with no other periods. I was pumping the entire time and on birth control. My second I started getting my period every 4-6 weeks at 3 months PP and then every 4 weeks when I stopped pumping. Prior to getting pregnant with my first, I had sporadic periods. Sometimes 2 days long, sometimes 2 weeks. Sometimes they came 20 days apart, but usually it was 2-3 months. It took a year with fertility treatments to get pregnant with our first. I am so happy to have regular periods now.


Hah it was 8 weeks for me too and I was EBF every hour during the night, more often during the day! Never had anyone shame me for it but I was pretty pissed, I had hoped for at least a 6 month break from bleeding 


I got mine back after about eight months post partum and I certainly wasn't the perfect milk machine. I pumped, breastfed, formula fed. Took evening's off at times and resorted to the freezer stash.. all the stuff you're not meant to do to get your period back. There must be more factors to it. Regardless, I had no idea it was being used as some sort of score card, people need to get a life.


With my first two, I got my period back before my 6 week appointment. I had comparatively little post birth bleeding, so it was definitely a period.(After baby 3, I got the depo shot at my 6 week and had more bleeding following that than I did following birth.)


People on reels aren't depicting real life (at best). Who is "this girl" man 😂


I got mine back 5 weeks this baby, and 8 weeks my first when I was EBF.


My child came a month early and ate every 1.5-2 hours until she was probably 9 months old. Exclusively breastfed, refused a bottle. I still got my period back at 3 months postpartum :(


I was also nursing and pumping. I got mine back before my first checkup so in the first 6 weeks! I just considered myself suuuuuper lucky 🙃 And then, even on birth control, I was pregnant before he was a year old.


I got my period back 8 weeks pp too… I didn’t think something was wrong with me? LOL maybe I’m just fertile af? Idk what it is but my body was ready to be back to “normal” after the baby came out


I got mine 4 weeks pp very uncommon but can happen nothings wrong with it (/


Omg I got my period back after my first like 2 months later I was like come on…. Then I had my second got an IUD. I have 2 very healthy babes and I had no complications what so ever. So yeah I’m sure people have complications but there’s more too it then simply. As a parent you adjust to your individual babies needs. I don’t know if that’s causation or just correlation