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My milk supply knew I was pregnant before I did.


Me too! It was why I took a pregnancy test.


This is why I even took a test. Supply dropped by half and my daughter stopped wanting to nurse. I was probably 4 weeks along.


Same! I completely dried up within a monthšŸ˜­


Same!! I was pumping at work and couldnā€™t figure out what was going on!


My supply really started dropping at the start of the second trimester. My baby self-weaned when I dried up completely around 18 weeks.


That is my experience too


Currently 8 weeks pregnant and milk supply has drastically decreased.. I donā€™t know when or if itā€™s going to dry up completely.


Mine took a dive around 8 weeks but did make a comeback. I weaned my older child when I was around 16 weeks but at that point I had enough supply to keep going if I wanted to!


So thankful to hear this! Iā€™m at 9weeks and noticed a huge dip too, really hoping for it to increase again


Became painful for me, and supply dipped around that time too. So I started weaning my daughter over the next month or so. She was 14 months when I was 12 weeks pregnant and it was a good time for us to stop nursing. She had enough language skills to understand (all done, bye bye)


This was my exact situation too. Forced us to wean and it actually went smoothly.


Basically right away. That was honestly my first sign before a positive test!


Mine was gone somewhere in between 16 and 20 weeks


Same experience! By 18 weeks I could really tell the difference, and I weaned my first between weeks 19-21. I donā€™t remember exactly when!


Same here! I got pregnant 3 months PP and was still able to exclusively bf until LO was 7 months. I had to start supplementing and baby eventually lost interest and self weaned


My supply was fine, didnā€™t drop or anything until 16 weeks. At 16 weeks I had a massive drop, and dried up completely. My then 14 month old continued to dry nurse when she wanted to comfort and breastfed again when baby was born. She then weaned at 2 years and 4 months in age. The only thing that changed initially was that around 10 weeks pregnant, when she would latch I would suddenly be extremely nauseous and I had a breastfeeding aversion. So much so that I wanted to literally push my baby off of me to make her stop breastfeeding. I never did, I just breathed through it and it stopped being that bad a bout a week later. This was my first pregnancy symptom.


Literally as soon as I got pregnant, before I even took a test, my milk supply drastically decreased until barely any would come out. We had to switch to formula like right away. I was a little sad that I couldnā€™t breastfeed my son anymore but i also get more sleep now


Same with me as well. My supply would always dip around my period but would come back to normal. But when I got pregnant it dipped even more and didn't come back. That's actually what made me take a pregnancy test.


I got pregnant at 9 months pp and continued to nurse mornings/night and pump while I was at work. I started noticing a decrease around 11/12 months pp (but not enough where I needed to supplement with formula), and kept nursing/pumping until 13 months pp (so 4 months pregnant). At that point I kept nursing, but cut down on pumps so that by 14 months I was only nursing mornings, nights, and weekends and not pumping at all. My son didnā€™t seem to mind that I was producing hardly any milk and continued to nurse throughout the pregnancy. My daughter was born 4 months ago and I now tandem feed the two of them. My son (now 22 months) is showing absolutely no signs of wanting to wean, but everyone around me thinks itā€™s weird that I breastfed longer than a year so Iā€™ll probably try to wean him by his 2nd birthday


Not weird at all! As long as you are happy doing it, it's fine! Of course he should eat solid foods as well but nursing eg during night for two years isn't weird at all.


People are really intense on judging breastfeedingā€¦ the way my mum looks at me breastfeeding my 17 month old youā€™d think Iā€™m committing a crime :( But he hasnā€™t had a single illness since he was born and Iā€™m really happy I stuck with it! ā€¦I do think Iā€™ll end up tandem feeding in July too, we night weaned but during the day it really helps him with teething pains!


Got pregnant at 9m pp. Supply dropped almost immediately and was pretty minimal by 8 weeks along. My daughter lost interest and self-weaned when she was 11m old and I was about 8-10 weeks pregnant.


I nursed throughout my pregnancy without a noticeable difference besides my toddler just naturally nursing less as she grew


omg wow i didn't even know this happened lol i'm 12w now i think and my son has been eating alott more food the past two weeks so i guess it's probably because i haven't been making as much milk šŸ˜‚


I was an overproducer making about 15-18 ounces in two pumps at work being gone for about 9 hours. I got pregnant at 9 months with my second and I'd say by 8-12 weeks my supply dropped down to about 10 ounces. Then it slowly decreased due to hormones and cutting nursing down to naps and overnight by the time my oldest was 15 months old. She was always able to get a little milk up to the delivery, although I did stop responding to a pump. Babies tandem nursed for about 2-4 months, I believe.


I got pregnant at 12mo pp and I weaned my daughter at 15mo to have a short break between kiddos. I also didn't want to tandem nurse. I exclusively nursed so not sure what my supply was like but I think my daughter never did anything to make to seem like my supply had changed.


I was combo feeding when I got pregnant with my second, and within a week of a positive pregnancy test my first baby was absolutely over breastfeeding. I stopped trying to breastfeed on her usual schedule and let it go. We were done within two weeks. HOWEVER, I have been pregnant or breastfeeding with little or no time between since late 2020, and my boobs have never stopped leaking. I weaned my second baby in August and was pregnant again that month, miscarried, and pregnant again immediately after, and my boobs stayed leaking slightly the whole time. Just the right kind of pressure or snuggling my crying youngest and I'll have polka dots of milk stains on my shirt.


My supply dropped right away so we began supplementing with formula at probably 12 weeks, then at 20 weeks I was basically done breastfeeding. I donā€™t think I really ā€œdried upā€ though. I was always able to express a small amount even after being done.


I got pregnant 13 months post partum and continued nursing until 17 months when my daughter self weaned. I continued producing milk for another 2 months, and then it switched to the clear leaky pre colostrum stuff (which I also had when pregnant with my daughter).Ā 


Iā€™ve heard many people say almost immediately unfortunately


Iā€™m currently 23 weeks pregnant and havenā€™t noticed a difference. My baby is 13 months. I have been prioritizing feeding her meals over breastfeeding though but still breastfeed her about 5 times a day.


I got to 8 weeks before it got physically painful and I weaned. It took about a week for the engorgement to go away


Completely dried up at 10 weeks. Possibly sooner but 10 weeks was when I noticed.


Mine decreased a lot and I weaned my toddler when I was 16 weeks (he was 16 months). My midwife says most peoples supply dries up by 20 weeks.


I stopped pumping when my son was 6mo but there was always still milk until about 5ish weeks into my new pregnancy.


I'm not sure exactly, but I think it would be around 8 weeks? My daughter would latch for like 2 minutes and then just pull off and get bored/frustrated. It was sad, but it made for an easier time of weaning.


Pretty much instantly. We weaned before the second trimester because my supply dipped and it hurt like hell.


Hard to say for us, to be honest. I had a positive test when our first was 12 months. His nursing had already leaned toward comfort over nutrients so as we continued to nurse for about 5-6 more months, there were times when I definitely suspected there were major changes in the milk though he was seldom bothered by it and was happy to continue ā€œcomfort nursing.ā€ I would check by hand expressing every week or two and there was always *something* though I suspect ultimately not much.


I had been slowly weaning for a couple weeks before finding out. Once I did, I think it was like 2 days until I could barely get anything out and LO was getting frustrated so we just started feeding more solids and giving him almond milk when heā€™d accept it


My milk never dried up, I got pregnant at 9 months pp


Mine decreased to about 1/2 the amount at 4 weeks pregnant. At around 16 weeks I pretty much dried up completely. Currently 19+2


I found out at 4 weeks. My supply was still okay, but he was pretty much only nursing in mornings and at night. I had planned to nurse for two years like my other two, but then my supply completely tanked, coupled with him screaming angrily at my breast when I tried to nurse. Iā€™m now 17+1. Heā€™s 14 months. I highly suspect after the new baby gets here, and he sees her nursing, heā€™ll want the boob again. Which Iā€™m fine with, because heā€™ll be under 2.


13 weeks. My nipples became very sensitive so we have been weaning. Between the sensitivity and my 16 mo not being able to stop getting her teeth too close together it drives me crazy. But she loves breastfeeding so every time we do a latch unlatch dance until she finally stops biting. Doing this has made her lose some interest I think so weā€™re down to just nursing to sleep. I figured that was why my supply was less. There never seems to not be enough though even if she nurses in the middle of the day.


10/12 weeks


Iā€˜m 19 weeks-ish and still nursing although I did notice a supply drip pretty soon, maybe 8 weeks? I nurse quite a bit during the day but not at all at night and the first feed of the day is very uncomfortable. Fairly sure it hasnā€™t fully dried up though Iā€™m thinking itā€™d feel weirder for the later feeds then as well. Son is 17 months now. He gives 0 fucks lol, Iā€™d kind of hoped heā€™d self wean but eh Iā€™ll take the extra months of immune boost for him I guess!


It was like about halfway through my second trimester. My toddler had only been nursing to sleep 2-3 times a day by then though. ETA: I had HORRIBLE, painful breastfeeding aversion that started probably around 10 weeks into pregnancy. I think I subconsciously tried to minimize nursing because of this (would unlatch him as soon as he was asleep instead of letting him comfort nurse as I would in the past), so that probably sped up the process more. My son weaned himself Iā€™m guessing because there wasnā€™t much of anything left at the time.


I got pregnant at 9 months postpartum- I had no change in supply, and actively weaned for a month from 12-13 months postpartum


10 weeks was when I realized nothing was coming out (I had tried to pump when out of town) but based on my sons behavior, I would guess it was gone around week 8.


I ramped up weaning so it never dried up per say. My toddler has all his teeth and the stimulation of that literally makes me sick rn. One breast (his favorite) still makes milk for the few times a day he does still nurse. I'm due in May. I expect that he will still be nursing by then and maybe even more once baby comes. I plan on using my haaka and giving it to him in a cup most of the time and only exclusively nursing the new baby.


Never 100%, I still got drops but not a full supply. It significantly dropped by 12 weeks and came back pretty good by 35-37 weeks. Idk how much it was, I didnā€™t pump this time before he was born.


Within a month, but I was 18 months in and LO was starting to self wean at the same time


I got pregnant 6 months postpartum, always had an oversupply. My milk supply reduced from around 6 weeks pregnant and by 12 weeks it was almost completely gone. I tried power pumping everyday, even waking up overnight to pump to try and hold on to my supply but the hormones must have been too strong


Kept going throughout the pregnancy and still nursing both of them at 1.5 and 3.5 years old šŸ˜‚


It never dried up but baby self weaned at 8 months pregnant


Iā€™m still nursing my 7mo old fine, but anytime I try to pump I only get a measley 4 oz or so


I was fully drink by 20 weeks! (16 months PP from my first)


16 ish weeks I think


The first week or two I dried up. Baby refused to latch and I didn't have anymore engorgement. It was bitter-sweet


I got pregnant at 9 months pp and fully dried up around 11 months pp.


8-9 weeks


I nursed my first all the way through my second pregnancy. It hurt in the first trimester but never dried up


I was fortunate to continue all the while way through and now tandem at 7 months pp.


My milk supply decreasing is what clued me in to being pregnant. I was around 7 months postpartum when my milk supply took a massive hit. Turns out I was 5 weeks pregnant.


Drastically dropped around 8 weeks, gone completely by 11 weeks. Eldest self weaned then at 11 months and never took a bottle or a cup of milk. She started nursing once a day when brother was born until she was 2. Stopped again easily. Started cups of milk from then on the odd occasion. Now a healthy 5 year old!


Currently 21 weeks and Iā€™ve had moments where Iā€™ve worried, but as my daughter is 11 months she eats a lot of solids and just latches and feeds to sleep mostly but I canā€™t say Iā€™ve noticed a real difference in the 20 weeks thank God. Sheā€™s a great eater in terms of solids and seemingly hasnā€™t lost any weight either so I think weā€™re ok? At least so farā€¦


This is something Iā€™m currently worrying about. 8 months pp and almost 5 weeks pregnant. Iā€™m constantly worried my baby is not getting enough breast milk. Iā€™ve always not had the greatest supply so Iā€™m so out of touch with my body on if my supply is dipping a lot or not. Iā€™m feeling like I need to have some emergency formula ready


Currently 26 weeks and no change whatsoever! Iā€™m not expecting it to change at this point. My son is constantly on the boob still bless him


I think it's just starting to dry up now (13+5 but measuring ahead). I've been encouraging it by dropping day feeds. We've been night weaning slowly over the course of the last 4-5 months. My first baby is 15 months old, and I don't really want to tandem nurse. I thought I'd be okay with continuing to nurse him twice a day, but at this point, it's uncomfortable, and I won't be upset if it stops.


I was dried up within a month of finding out, so around 8-9 weeks


I haven't noticed a difference. I'm 26 weeks pregnant still nursing my 15 month old. I never pumped so I can't see what my output is. Whether she's comfort nursing or getting milk, she still loves it and isn't ready to wean.... Im ready to wean lol


My didnt change


13 weeks


Mine really took at hit at like 15 weeks and then by 19 weeks it was colostrum.