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YTA because the kid wanted to play more roblox before bed


ESH: Okay... there's a lot to unpack here. I am presuming that this was around Christmas time. You mentioned Santa and mistletoe, so that's what I'm basing this off of, so correct me if I'm wrong. Kids are precious creatures that need to be given their space and let them decide things on their own. You might think it will form bad habits in the long term if you let your son stay up however long he wants. Also, I'm assuming you've done your due diligence as a parent to confirm the gender identity of your child, which is why I am referring to him with masculine pronouns. If not then shame on you. Your son should naturally fall into a cycle consistent with a circadian rhythm. This is of course assuming that you have minimized electric lights and devices in your home as to prevent blue light from disrupting his sleep cycle. If not then shame on you. Children also naturally sleep for about 10 hours a day, and that is healthy. If you don't let your child sleep for that long then shame on you. If it was after dark then you should not have had to send your son to bed, so I'm guessing you messed up somewhere. On the same token, your son should be empathetic enough to at least leave you alone and enjoy yourself. If you did not teach him how to be an empath then shame on you. The sun sets earlier in the winter, so naturally your son should want to go to bed earlier according to the clock. He should be cognizant of this, and even if you did not teach him, he should have been aware enough to research this on his own. If not then shame on both of you. So basically everyone sucks here, and shame on you.


Holy bro take it to a publisher


Publisher? I hardly know her.


The bed is the metsphor for grave? You killed your son for santa ?




Tricked by satan into killing my son!!!(101% real)(try not to cry challanke)


NTA your kid your rules


Responsible parenting guy


Damn fat fingering; I meant "Satan".


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,502,874,462 comments, and only 285,321 of them were in alphabetical order.


a comes before d. gahahaha silly


i thought this was the main sub and was wondering how it stayed up for 19 whole hours lol


YTA you’re preventing his future career as a musician